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Use Cases

Michael Fuchs edited this page May 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

Use Cases:

Basic features

  • A user can create a task. A task consists of:
    • a name
    • an optional description
    • an optional due date
    • an optional estimated time
    • an optional reminder
  • A user is also able to update the task.
  • A user can delete the task.
  • A user is able to mark the task as done.
  • A user can look at the task.
  • A user is able to track the time spent on a task.

Advanced features

  • A user can define goals for a certain time frame in order to feel a sense of achievement.
  • A user is also able to add priorities to existing tasks.
  • Categories can be set to tasks.
  • A user is able to copy a task.
  • User can set tasks on repeat.
  • A user can extend a task with subtasks.
  • A user is able to add an attachment to a task.
  • A user can check which was their most productive day.
  • A user is able to set an alarm.
  • A user is able to add a scheduler to a task. This means that a big project, like a thesis, can be distributed into small pieces of work to figure out how much time should be spent on it each day.
  • A user can integrate the task into the given calendar.

Sharing features

  • A user can share task with another user.
  • A user can observe another users task.
  • The app could be recommended to a friends.

Backup features

  • Task can be archived.
  • Task are able to be backed up and therefore they can be uploaded to your cloud storage.

Additional features, like own account

  • A user can register for an account.
  • A user is able to login.
  • A user can reset the password.
  • A user is able to update the e-mail address.
  • A user can change the password.
  • A user is able to update the profile.
  • A user can logout.

Additional features, like Security

  • All data are being stored securely on the hard disk.
  • There are data transportation encryption used.
  • A asymmetric crypto-system is used, when the user want to share the data with another one.

Additional features, like licences, data privacy and bug reports

  • A user can contact the development team for feature requests or bug reports.
  • A user can access the Private Policy, licences and the Impressum of the app.