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FIWARE FIOps project to delete the resources of the expired Trial Users


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FIWARE Trial Users Management

This project is a scripts sets developed to free the allocated resources by the expired Trial Users in any FIWARE Lab node and finally change the user type from Trial User to Basic User.

This project is part of FIWARE.


The purpose of these scripts are the recovering of the trial users that are expired, free the associated resources and change the user type from trial to basic.

Most of the user resources are not really associated with users but with tenants; an exception is user key pairs. Therefore, the resources of the tenant associated with the trial account must be freed. Note that if a user has worked also in other projects (tenants), these other resources must not be deleted.

The resources that these scripts can free, fall in following categories:

  • nova resources: servers, user key pairs, security groups (only the default security group cannot be deleted)
  • glance resources: images (snapshots are also images)
  • cinder resources: volumes, snapshot-volumes, backup-volumes
  • neutron resources: networks, subnets, ports, routers, floating ips, security groups.
  • blueprint resources: bluepint, templates
  • swift resources: containers, objects

Optionally, images created by the user but in use by other tenants, may be preserved.

The deletion of the resources follow and order, for example snapshot volumes must be removed before volumes, or blueprint instances before templates. The code try to minimize pauses executing first all the deletion from the same priority for each user.

The deletion scripts has the particularity that are not invoked by the admin but by impersonating the users themselves. This is the only way to delete the key pairs and for other resources has the advantage that it is impossible to delete the resources of other users because the lack of permissions.

The scripts can be invoked in two ways:

  • automatically, as a cron daily script
  • manually

This is the recommended use of the script. Every day, the script notifies the users close to expire (only once), and change the account type and delete the resources of the users already expired.

The notification, a remainder of the expiration day, is sent to users that will expire before a configurable number of days (by default it is a week). The script saves the list of users already notified to avoid sending the same email again in the following days.

Before deleting the resources, the user account type is changed from trial to basic.

Optionally, the cron script also stops all the VMs and unshares the images of the users instead of deleting the resources. The idea is to let several days of reaction before actually freeing the resources. The cron script checks that users to delete after the grace period are still of type "basic".

This alternative is provided because it may be useful in some situations. Specifically, it is recommended to regularize a system with several users expired some weeks ago. Here the notification system integrated in the cron script will not work, because the users are already expired, not next to expire.

Using the manual method implies running several scripts in a determined order. It is the choice of the administrator who invokes the scripts when users are notified, their VM stopped, the user type changed and the resources freed. It is also their responsibility to recheck which users status has been changed during the process (i.e. converted to community or amplified the trial period) and therefore must not be deleted.

There are not properly components in this project. The code is a series of scripts with some code organized inside python classes:

the phase*.py scripts
The scripts that are invoked by the users to free the resources
the * modules
Provide the methods to list/delete resources from different services (nova, glance, neutron, cinder...)
This class provides access to all the OpenStack clients. It may be reused in other projects.
Provide methods to impersonate a user using trusted ids.
Obtains the list of expired trial accounts
A tool to change the password of any OpenStack user
Some useful methods to get information from OpenStack servers


  • This scripts has been tested on a Debian 7 system, but any other recent Linux distribution with the software described should work

The following software must be installed (e.g. using apt-get on Debian and Ubuntu, or with yum in CentOS):

  • Python 2.7
  • pip
  • virtualenv

The recommend installation method is using a virtualenv. Actually, the installation process is only about the python dependencies, because the scripts do not need installation.

  1. Create a virtualenv 'deleteENV' invoking virtualenv deleteENV
  2. Activate the virtualenv with source deleteENV/bin/activate
  3. Install the requirements running pip install -r requirements.txt --allow-all-external

Now the system is ready to use. For future sessions, only the step2 is required.

The scripts can be invoked manually when full control is needed, but the easy way is creating a daily cron script.

Supposing that the project scripts are located in /root/fiware-skulds, the following file can be created as /etc/cron.daily/fiware-skuld


export OS_USERNAME=<admin_user>
export OS_TENANT_NAME=<admin_tenant>
export OS_PASSWORD=<passwrod_admin>
export OS_AUTH_URL=<keytone_url>

export TRUSTEE_USER=<trustee_user>
export TRUSTEE_PASSWORD=<trustee_password>

It is recommended to make this file only readable by the root user, because it contains passwords:

chmod 700 /etc/cron.daily/fiware-skuld

The only configuration file is settings/ The following options may be set:

  • TRUSTEE = The account to use to impersonate the users. It MUST NOT have admin privileges. The value is a username (e.g. If TRUSTEE_USER environment variable exits, it replaces this parameter.
  • TRUSTEE_PASSWORD = The password of the account use to impersonate the users. This parameter may be omitted: if TRUSTEE_PASSWORD environment variable exits, it replaces this parameter.
  • LOGGING_PATH. Default value, /var/log/fiware-skuld, requires permission to write on /var/log
  • KEYSTONE_ENDPOINT. The Keystone endpoint.
  • HORIZON_ENDPOINT. The Horizon endpoint.
  • DONT_DELETE_DOMAINS = A set with e-mail domains. The resources of the users with ids in these domains must not be freed, even if the accounts are trial and expired.
  • TRIAL_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DAYS = The number of day after the trial account is expired. Default is 14 days. It is very important that this parameter has the right value, otherwise accounts could be deleted prematurely.
  • COMMUNITY_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DAYS = The number of day after the community account is expired. Default is 100 days. It is very important that this parameter has the right value, otherwise accounts could be deleted prematurely.
  • NOTIFY_BEFORE_TRIAL_EXPIRED = The number of day to notify the trial users that he/she is going to be expired. Default is 7 days.
  • NOTIFY_BEFORE_COMMUNITY_EXPIRED = The number of day to notify the community users that he/she is going to be expired. Default is 30 days.

The TRUSTEE parameter has a fake value that must be changed unless you use the method to impersonate users that implies changing the passwords. See below for details.

The admin credential is not stored in any configuration file. Instead, the usual OpenStack environment variables (OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_REGION_NAME) must be set. In the same way, the scripts that expect the password of the TRUSTEE, can use the environment variables TRUSTEE_USER and TRUSTEE_PASSWORD, but it is also possible to use the settings file.


The recommended way of running the scripts is using the cron script. But if user need full control, here is a description of the process.

The procedure works by invoking the scripts corresponding to different phases:

-phase0: This script generate the list of expired
trial and community users and the users to notify because their resources are expired in the next days (e.g. 7 days or less). The files trial_users_to_delete.txt and trial_users_to_notify.txt for trial users and community_users_to_delete.txt and community_users_to_notify.txt are the script outputs. This script requires the admin credential. This script is used in the following way: phase0_generateuserlist {role}, where role is trial or community.
-phase0: This script generate
the list of community users together with the regions where they have access in the file community_users_regions.txt, also it provides the regions for the expired community users in the file expired_community_users_regions.txt`.
-phase0b: The script sends an email to each expired
user whose resources is going to be deleted (i.e. to each user listed in the file trial_users_to_notify.txt or community_users_to_notify.txt). The purpose of this scripts is to give some time to users to react before their resources are deleted. This script requires the admin credential. This script requires the admin credential.

This script is used in the following way: phase0b_notify_users {role}, where role is trial or community.

-phase0c: Change the type of user from trial or
community to basic. This script requires the admin credential. It reads the file trial_users_to_delete.txt or ``community_users_to_delete.txt`. Users of type basic cannot access the cloud portal anymore (however, the resources created are still available). Please, note that this script must no be executed for each region, but only once. This script requires the admin credential.

This script is used in the following way: phase0c_change_category {role}, where role is trial or community.

-phase1, alternative 1: This script has as input
the file users_list.txt. It sets a new random password for each user and generates the file users_credentials.txt with the user, password and tenant for each user. This script also requires the admin credential. The handicap of this alternative is that if users are not deleted at the end, then they need to recover the password, unless a backup of the password database is restored manually (unfortunately this operation is not possible via API).
-phase1, alternative 2: This script has as
input the file users_to_delete.txt. It generates a trust_id for each user and generates the file users_trusted_ids.txt. The idea is to use this token to impersonate the user without touching their password. The disadvantage is that it requires a change in the keystone server, to allow admin user to generate the trust_ids, because usually only the own user to impersonate is allowed to create these tokens. The generated trust ids by default are only valid during ten hours; after that time this script must be executed again to generate new tokens.
-phase2: This optional script does not delete anything, yet. It
stops the servers of the users and makes private their shared images. The idea is to grant a grace period to users to detect that their resources are not available before they are beyond redemption. This script does not require the admin account, because it applies the user' credential from users_credentials.txt or the trust ids from users_trusted_ids.txt. If users trusted_ids, TRUSTEE_PASSWORD environment variable must be defined.
-phase2b: This is an optional script, to
detect images owned by the user, in use by other tenants. Theoretically deleting a image used by a server doesn't break the server, but if you prefer to avoid deleting that images, invoke this script before phase3. The script may be invoked after, to delete the images with has no VM anymore. This script requires the admin credential. It generates the file imagesinuse.pickle.
-phase2c: This script can be needed if
a user subnet was added to the router of other tenant by an administrator (e.g. to connect to a external network). In this case, a port is created that only can be deleted removing the interface by an administrator. Therefore, this script is invoked by an administrator and deletes ports than the phase3 script will not be able to delete because the phase3 script do not use admin credentials.
-phase3: This is the point of no return. Resources are
removed and cannot be recovered. This script does not require the admin credential, because it applies either the user's credential from users_credentials.txt or the trusted ids from users_trusted_ids.txt. If using trust ids, the script must be invoked again before this script, because the phase2 script delete the trust id after using it. In addition, TRUSTEE_PASSWORD environment variable must be defined.

It is very important to note that phase2 and phase3 use the output of previous phases scripts without checking again if the user is still a basic user. Therefore if the scripts are not executed in the same day, it is convenience to recheck if some users has been upgraded.

For example, in the meantime between user notification and running phase0c, phase0 should be invoked again and use only the intersection between the old file and the new file: the users included only in the new file are not notified yet and the users only in the old file are probably promoted to community users or his trial period has been extended.

The following python fragment can be used to check that users to delete are still basic. It is useful when there is a time between running phase2 and phase3:

from osclients import osclients
from conf import settings

typeuser = settings.BASIC_ROLE_ID
ids = set(line.strip() for line in open('users_to_delete.txt').readlines())
k = osclients.get_keystoneclientv3()
users_basic = set(
    asig.user['id'] for asig in k.role_assignments.list(domain='default')
    if asig.role['id'] == typeuser and asig.user['id'] in ids)
print 'Users that are not basic: ',  ids - users_basic

Please, be aware that scripts phase2, phase2b and phase3 must be invoked for each region and OS_REGION_NAME must be filled accordingly.

Scripts phase0, phase1, phase2b and require setting OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, OS_TENANT_NAME with the admin credential

Scripts phase2 and phase3 do not require OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD, etc. If using trust_ids TRUSTEE_PASSWORD must be defined either in the environment or in the settings file. The trustee is the account used to impersonate the users.

The generates a pickle file (named freeresources-<datatime>.pickle). This is a dictionary of users, each entry is a tuple with another two dictionaries: the first references the resources before deletion and the second the resources after deletion. The tuple has a boolean as a third value: it is True when all the users resources are deleted. A tool is provided to extract a report from free_resources-.pickle: *


A script is provided to analyse the cloud resources on each region and who owns them. Its main purpose is to detect anomalies, cloud resources that are not owned by the users who can create resources: community users, trial users and admins.

The script at first prints a summary with the number of users of each type: community, trial and admin users can have resources. Basic users can log in the portal but can not create cloud resources. The 'other type users' are other users created with OpenStack tools that are not members of FIWARE. The 'users without type' are users without a role in the system. The report about users with a project-id that does not exist, refers to a cloud-project-id that should have all users but admins.

The script also print a summary of a set of resources in the specified regions. The following resources are supported:

  • vms: Virtual machines.
  • floatingips: Floating IPs.
  • networks: Networks.
  • subnets: Subnetworks (i.e. IP nets).
  • routers: routers to connect subnets.
  • security_groups: security groups to allow/deny network traffic.
  • ports: ports are created for each interface of a VM, routers, etc.
  • images: glance images. Snapshots are also images.
  • volumes: cinder volumes.
  • volume_backups: backups of cinder volumes.
  • volume_snapshot: snapshot of a volume.

For example, to print information about vms and images on Spain2 and Mexico, run:

./scripts/ vms images --regions Spain2 Mexico --cache_dir ~/.cachedir

The --cache-dir option is to provide the directory where the information is cached. By default this path is ~/openstackmap. To get updated data, this directory should be deleted or empty.

The report print the number of resources of that type:

  • total. The total sum of the following four groups.
  • resources owned by users community/trial/admin. This is the right situation.
  • resources owned by other registered users (basic, other type, without a role).
  • resources whose project-id is not the cloud-project-id of any user, but is an existing project-id. A specific case are the resource whose project-id is the default-project-id of the user intead of their cloud-project-id.
  • all the other resources, that is, resources with a project-id that is not the cloud-project-id nor default-project-id of any user and in addition is not a registered project-id. This situation happens when a project has been deleted.


To run the unit tests, you need to create a virtualenv using the requirements both contained in requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt. You only need to execute the nosetests program in the root directory of the fiware-skuld code. Keep in mind that it requires python2.7 to execute the unit tests.

virtualenv -p <root to python v2.7> venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=./ --exe

Skuld unit tests can be executed by docker. To do that, firstly it is required the creation of the docker image, with the following command:

docker build -t fiware-skuld-build -f docker/Dockerfile_build docker

Once the fiware-skuld-build image is created, we can run it by:

docker run --name fiware-skuld-build fiware-skuld-build

Finally, it is possible to obtain tests results and coverage information by:

docker cp fiware-skuld-build:/opt/fiware-skuld/test_results .
docker cp fiware-skuld-build:/opt/fiware-skuld/coverage .

The acceptance tests are inside the folder tests/acceptance_tests

  • Create a virtual environment somewhere, e.g. in ENV (virtualenv ENV)
  • Activate the virtual environment (source ENV/bin/activate)
  • Change to the test/acceptance folder of the project
  • Install the requirements for the acceptance tests in the virtual environment (pip install -r requirements.txt --allow-all-external).
  • Configure file in tests/acceptance_tests/commons/ adding the keystone url, and a valid, user, password and tenant ID.
  • It is possible to deploy a valid Openstack testbed by using the fiware-testbed-deploy component:
  1. Change to the tests/acceptance folder of the project if not already on it
  2. Assign the PYTHONPATH environment variable executing "export PYTHONPATH=../.."
  3. Run behave features/ --tags ~@skip --junit --junit-directory testreport.

The script tests/acceptance/commons/ may be used to create resources in a real infrastructure. OS_USERNAME, OS_TENANT_NAME/OS_TENANT_ID/OS_TRUST_ID, OS_PASSWORD and OS_AUTH_URL must be set accordingly. Then run:


The script utils/ is useful to list the resources created and to compare the resources before and after running the scripts. Another advantage is that the script support OS_TRUST_ID, while other tools as nova does not.


Skuld acceptance tests can be executed by Docker. To do that, firstly it is required the creation of the docker image. To do that:

docker build -t fiware-skuld -f docker/Dockerfile docker

Once the fiware-skuld image is created, we can run it by using docker-compose (exporting the right environment variables).

export OS_AUTH_URL = {the auth uri of the testbed agains the tests are going to be execute}
export OS_USERNAME = {the user name}
export OS_TENANT_NAME = {the tenant name}
export OS_PASSWORD = {the password}
export OS_REGION_NAME = {the region}
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME = {the project domain name}
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME = {the user domain name}
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

When docker has finished, you can obtain the tests results by .. code:

docker cp docker_fiwareskuld_1:/opt/fiware-skuld/tests/acceptance/testreport .

All the scripts and docker files for the deployment of Openstack testsbed have been moved to to fiware-testbed-deploy component:


You can find here details about Deletion of users that does not accept new Terms and Conditions


Ask your thorough programming questions using stackoverflow and your general questions on FIWARE Q&A. In both cases please use the tag fiware-skuld.


(c) 2015 Telefónica I+D, Apache License 2.0