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Curve Query

The easy way to download curves from an oscilloscope.

Python: 3.7+ Code style: black CodeFactor Total alerts


The curvequery package is a collection of tools to simplify downloading waveform data from an oscilloscope. It is a layer of functionality built on top of the PyVISA package and the Visadore plugin manager.

Maintainer: Chad Stryker


Creating a connection to the mixed signal oscilloscope is easy. Invoke the Visadore plugin manager to create the oscilloscope interface object.

>>> from visadore import get
>>> oscope = get("TCPIP::")

High Level API

The Oscilloscope object provides a high-level API that simplifies getting data from the oscilloscope.

>>> print(oscope.idn)
Identity(company='TEKTRONIX', model='MSO58', serial='Q200011', config='CF:91.1CT FV:')

>>> wave_collection = oscope.curve()    # download waveform data from the instrument
Downloading:  20%|██        | 65.0M/320M [00:05<00:19, 12.9MB/s]

>>> oscope.default_setup()              # restore the instrument's default settings

The waveform collection object returned by the curve() method contains the data downloaded from the instrument.

>>> wave_collection.sources
['CH1', 'CH2', 'CH8_D0', 'CH8_D1', 'CH8_D2', 'CH8_D3', 'CH8_D4', 'CH8_D5', 'CH8_D6', 'CH8_D7', 'MATH1']

>>> wave_collection['CH1'].data
[-0.030000000000000027, -0.030000000000000027, ... ]

In addition, the horizontal scale (x axis) and vertical scale (y axis) is also provided.

>>> wave_collection['CH1'].y_scale
YScale(top=3.51, bottom=-1.49)

>>> wave_collection['CH1'].x_scale
XScale(slope=1.6e-10, offset=-1.999845e-06, unit='s')

Low Level API

The oscilloscope object also allows for low-level interaction with the oscilloscope.

>>> oscope.write("*RST")
>>> print(oscope.query("*IDN?"))
"TEKTRONIX,MSO58,Q200011,CF:91.1CT FV:"

A pyvisa Resource Manager object can be explicitly referenced when creating an oscilloscope object.

>>> import pyvisa
>>> rm = pyvisa.ResoureManager()
>>> oscope = mso("TCPIP::", resource_manager=rm)

Future Feature Enhancements

Other potential high level features are possible...

>>> id = oscope.add("meas", source="ch1", measurement="risetime")  # potential future feature
>>> measurements = oscope.meas()                                   # potential future feature

Progress Bar

When using the curve feature, the progress bar is enabled by default, and it displays the number of bytes associated with the curve query.

Downloading:  20%|██        | 65.0M/320M [00:05<00:19, 12.9MB/s]


The following Python elements are required.

  • Python:
    • 3.7+
  • 3rd Party Modules:
    • pyvisa == 1.11.3 Python VISA interface library
    • visadore Visadore plugin manager
    • tqdm >= 4.62.2 Progress bar

To improve the progress bar support, the curve query package monkey patches pyvisa at runtime; therefore, a specific version of pyvisa (shown above) must be used. The installer will ensure that the required version of pyvisa is used.


The curve query package can be installed from source.

Installation from Source

To install curve query, first clone the source repository from GitHub. Using pip, install the package module directly from a clone of the git repository in either the Windows and Linux environments.

../curvequery> python -m pip install .

Alternatively, create a wheel file using pip, and use the wheel file to install curve query on a different Windows or Linux computer.

../curvequery> python -m pip wheel .

Using either of these methods, all 3rd-party package modules will automatically be downloaded from PyPI and installed.


The source code for curve query is available on GitHub.