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A Tandy Color Computer 1, 2, and 3 assembler written in Python


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CoCo Assembler and File Utility

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Table of Contents

  1. What is it?
  2. Requirements
  3. License
  4. Installing
  5. The Assembler
    1. Assembler Usage
      1. Input File Format
      2. Print Symbol Table
      3. Print Assembled Statements
      4. Save to Binary File
      5. Save to Cassette File
      6. Save to Disk File
    2. Mnemonic Table
      1. Mnemonics
      2. Pseudo Operations
    3. Addressing Modes
      1. Inherent
      2. Immediate
      3. Extended
      4. Extended Indirect
      5. Direct
      6. Indexed
      7. Indexed Indirect
      8. Program Counter Relative
  6. File Utility
    1. Listing Files
    2. Extracting to Binary File
    3. Extracting to Cassette File
  7. Common Examples
    1. Appending to a Cassette
    2. Listing Files in an Image
    3. Extracting Binary Files from Cassette Images
    4. Extracting Binary Files from Disk Images

What is it?

This project is an assembler for the Tandy Color Computer 1, 2 and 3 written in Python 3.6+. More broadly speaking, it is an assembler that targets the Motorola 6809 processor, meaning it targets any computer that used the 6809 as it's main CPU (e.g. the Dragon 32 and 64, Vectrex, Thomson TO7, etc). It is intended to be statement compatible with any code written for the EDTASM+ assembler. The assembler is capable of taking EDTASM+ assembly language code and translating it into 6809 machine code. Current support is for 6809 CPU instructions, but future enhancements will add 6309 instructions.

This project also includes a general purpose file utility, used mainly for manipulating CAS, DSK, and WAV files. The file utility specifically targets the disk file formats and cassette formats used by the Color Computer line of personal computers.


This project makes use of an MIT style license. Generally speaking, the license is extremely permissive, allowing you to copy, modify, distribute, sell, or distribute it for personal or commercial purposes. Please see the file called LICENSE for more information.


The assembler can be run on any OS platform, including but not limited to:

  • Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11, etc)
  • Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Raspbian, etc)
  • Mac (Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura, etc)

The only requirement is Python 3.6 or greater will need to be installed and available on the search path, along with the Package Installer for Python (pip). To download Python, visit the Downloads section on the Python website. See the Python installation documentation for more information on ensuring the Python interpreter is installed on the search path, and that pip is installed along with it.


There is no specific installer that needs to be run in order to install the assembler. Simply copy the source files to a directory of your choice. A zipfile containing the latest release of the source files can be downloaded from the Releases section of the code repository. Unzip the contents to a directory of your choice.

Next, you will need to install the required packages for the file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

The Assembler

The assembler is contained in a file called and can be invoked with:


In general, the assembler recognizes EDTASM+ mnemonics, along with a few other somewhat standardized mnemonics to make program compilation easier. By default, the assembler assumes it is assembling statements in 6809 machine code. Future releases will include a 6309 extension.

Assembler Usage

To run the assembler:

python3 input_file

This will assemble the instructions found in file input_file and will generate the associated Color Computer machine instructions in binary format. You will need to save the assembled contents to a file to be useful. There are several switches that are available:

  • --print - prints out the assembled statements
  • --symbols - prints out the symbol table
  • --to_bin - save assembled contents to a binary file
  • --to_cas - save assembled contents to a cassette file
  • --to_dsk - save assembled contents to a virtual disk file
  • --name - saves the program with the specified name on a cassette or virtual disk file

Input File Format

The input file needs to follow the format below:



  • LABEL is a 10 character label for the statement
  • MNEMONIC is a 6809 operation mnemonic from the Mnemonic Table below
  • OPERANDS are registers, values, expressions, or labels
  • COMMENT is a 40 character comment describing the statement (must have a ; preceding it)

An example file:

; Print HELLO WORLD on the screen
            NAM     HELLO           ; Name of the program
CHROUT      EQU     $A30A           ; Location of CHROUT routine
POLCAT      EQU     $A000           ; Location of POLCAT routine
            ORG     $0E00           ; Originate at $0E00
START       JSR     $A928           ; Clear the screen
            LDX     #MESSAGE        ; Load X index with start of message
PRINT       LDA     ,X+             ; Load next character of message
            CMPA    #0              ; Check for null terminator
            BEQ     FINISH          ; Done printing, wait for keypress
            JSR     CHROUT          ; Print out the character
            BRA     PRINT           ; Print next char
            FDB     $0              ; Null terminator
FINISH      JSR     [POLCAT]        ; Read keyboard
            BEQ     FINISH          ; No key pressed, wait for keypress
            JMP     $A027           ; Restart BASIC
            END     START

Print Symbol Table

To print the symbol table that is generated during assembly, use the --symbols switch:

python3 test.asm --symbols

Which will have the following output:

-- Symbol Table --

The first column of output is the hex value of the symbol. This may be the address in memory where the symbol exits if it labels a mnemonic, or it may be the value that the symbol is defined as being if it references an EQU statement. The second columns is the symbol name itself.

Print Assembled Statements

To print out the assembled version of the program, use the --print switch:

python3 test.asm --print

Which will have the following output:

-- Assembled Statements --
$0000                         NAM HELLO         ; Name of the program
$0000                CHROUT   EQU $A30A         ; Location of CHROUT routine
$0000                POLCAT   EQU $A000         ; Location of POLCAT routine
$0E00                         ORG $0E00         ; Originate at $0E00
$0E00 BDA928          START   JSR $A928         ; Clear the screen
$0E03 8E0E11                  LDX #MESSAGE      ; Load X index with start of message
$0E06 A680            PRINT   LDA ,X+           ; Load next character of message
$0E08 8100                   CMPA #0            ; Check for null terminator
$0E0A 2712                    BEQ FINISH        ; Done printing, wait for keypress
$0E0C BDA30A                  JSR CHROUT        ; Print out the character
$0E0F 20F5                    BRA PRINT         ; Print next char
$0E11 48454C4C4F    MESSAGE   FCC "HELLO WORLD" ;
$0E1C 0000                    FDB $0            ; Null terminator
$0E1E AD9FA000       FINISH   JSR [POLCAT]      ; Read keyboard
$0E22 27FA                    BEQ FINISH        ; No key pressed, wait for keypress
$0E24 7EA027                  JMP $A027         ; Restart BASIC
$0E27                         END START         ;

A single line of output is composed of 6 columns:

Line:   $0E00 BDA928          START   JSR $A928         ; Clear the screen
        ----- ------          -----   --- -----         ------------------
Column:   1     2               3      4    5                   6

The columns are as follows:

  1. The offset in hex where the statement occurs ($0E00).
  2. The machine code generated and truncated to 10 hex characters (BDA928).
  3. The user-supplied label for the statement (START).
  4. The instruction mnemonic (JSR).
  5. Operands that the instruction processes ($A928).
  6. The comment string (Clear the screen).

Save to Binary File

To save the assembled contents to a binary file, use the --to_bin switch:

python3 test.asm --to_bin test.bin

The assembled program will be saved to the file test.bin. Note that this file may not be useful on its own, as it does not have any meta information about where the file should be loaded in memory (pseudo operations ORG and NAM will not have any effect on the assembled file).

NOTE: If the file test.bin exists, it will be erased and overwritten.

Save to Cassette File

To save the assembled contents to a cassette file, use the --to_cas switch:

python3 test.asm --to_cas test.cas

This will assemble the program and save it to a cassette file called test.cas. The source code must include the NAM mnemonic to name the program (e.g. NAM myprog), or the --name switch must be used on the command line (e.g. --name myprog). The program name on the cassette file will be MYPROG.

NOTE: if the file test.cas exists, assembly will stop and the file will not be overwritten. If you wish to add the program to test.cas, you must specify the --append flag during assembly:

python3 test.asm --to_cas test.cas --append

To load from the cassette file, you must use BASIC's CLOADM command as follows:


Save to Disk File

To save the assembled contents to a disk file, use the --to_dsk switch:

python3 test.asm --to_dsk test.dsk

This will assemble the program and save it to a disk file called test.dsk. The source code must include the NAM mnemonic to name the program on disk (e.g. NAM myprog), or the --name switch must be used on the command line (e.g. --name myprog). The program name on the disk file will be MYPROG.BIN.

NOTE: if the file test.dsk exists, assembly will stop and the file will not be updated. If you wish to add the program to test.dsk, you must specify the --append flag during assembly:

python3 test.asm --to_dsk test.dsk --append

To load from the disk file, you must use Disk Basic's LOADM command as follows:


Mnemonic Table

Below are the mnemonics that are accepted by the assembler (these mnemonics are compatible with EDTASM+ assembler mnemonics). For the mnemonics below, special symbols are:

  • A - 8-bit accumulator register.
  • B - 8-bit accumulator register.
  • CC - 8-bit condition code register.
  • D - 16-bit accumulator register comprised of A and B, with A being high byte, and B being low byte.
  • M - a memory location with a value between 0 and 65535.
  • S - 16-bit system stack register.
  • U - 16-bit user stack register.
  • X - 16-bit index register.
  • Y - 16-bit index register.

Note that the operations described below may use different addressing modes for operands (e.g. LDA may use immediate, direct, indexed or extended addressing to load values). See the section below on addressing modes, and consult the MC6809 datasheet for more information on what addressing modes are applicable, as well as the number of cycles used to execute each operation.


Mnemonic Description Example
ABX Adds contents of B to value in register X and stores in X. ABX
ADCA Adds contents of A, memory value M, and carry bit and stores in A. ADCA $FFEE
ADCB Adds contents of B, memory value M, and carry bit and stores in B. ADCB $FFEF
ADDA Adds contents of A with memory value M and stores in A. ADDA #$03
ADDB Adds contents of B with memory value M and stores in B. ADDB #$90
ADDD Adds contents of D (A:B) with memory value M:M+1 and stores in D. ADDD #$2000
ANDA Performs a logical AND on A with memory value M and stores in A. ANDA #$05
ANDB Performs a logical AND on B with memory value M and stores in B. ANDB $FFEE
ANDCC Performs a logical AND on CC with immediate value M and stores in CC. ANDCC #$01
ASLA Shifts bits in A left (0 placed in bit 0, bit 7 goes to carry in CC). ASLA
ASLB Shifts bits in B left (0 placed in bit 0, bit 7 goes to carry in CC). ASLB
ASL Shifts bits in M left (0 placed in bit 0, bit 7 goes to carry in CC). ASL $0E00
ASRA Shifts bits in A right (bit 0 goes to carry in CC, bit 7 remains same). ASRA
ASRB Shifts bits in B right (bit 0 goes to carry in CC, bit 7 remains same). ASRB
ASR Shifts bits in M right (bit 0 goes to carry in CC, bit 7 remains same). ASR $0E00
BCC Branches if carry bit in CC is 0. BCC CLS
BCS Branches if carry bit in CC is 1. BCS CLS
BEQ Branches if zero bit in CC is 1. BEQ CLS
BGE Branches if negative and overflow bits in CC are equal. BGE CLS
BGT Branches if negative and overflow bits are equal, and zero bit is zero in CC. BGT CLS
BHI Branches if carry and zero bit in CC are 0. BHI CLS
BITA Logically ANDs A with memory contents M and sets bits in CC. BITA #$1E
BITB Logically ANDs B with memory contents M and sets bits in CC. BITB #$1E
BLE Branches if negative and overflow bits are not equal, or zero bit is 1 in CC. BLE CLS
BLS Branches if zero bit is 1, or carry bit is 1 in CC. BLS CLS
BLT Branches if negative bit is not equal overflow bit in CC. BLT CLS
BMI Branches if negative bit is 1 in CC. BMI CLS
BNE Branches if zero bit is 0 in CC. BNE CLS
BGE Branches if negative bit is 0 in CC. BGE CLS
BRA Branch always. BRA CLS
BRN Branch never - essentially 2-byte NOP. BRN CLS
BSR Saves the value of PC on the S stack and branches to subroutine. BSR PRINT
BVC Branches if overflow bit is 0 in CC. BVC CLS
BVS Branches if overflow bit is 1 in CC. BVS CLS
CLRA Zeroes out the A register, and clears CC. CLRA
CLRB Zeroes out the B register, and clears CC. CLRB
CLR Zeroes out the memory contents M and clears CC. CLR $01E0
CMPA Subtract value from A register, and sets bits in CC. CMPA #$1E
CMPB Subtract value from B register, and sets bits in CC. CMPB #$1E
CMPD Subtract value from D register, and sets bits in CC. CMPD #$1E1F
CMPS Subtract value from S register, and sets bits in CC. CMPS #$1E1F
CMPU Subtract value from U register, and sets bits in CC. CMPU #$1E1F
CMPX Subtract value from X register, and sets bits in CC. CMPX #$1E1F
CMPY Subtract value from Y register, and sets bits in CC. CMPY #$1E1F
COMA Perform logical complement of value in A and store in A. COMA
COMB Perform logical complement of value in B and store in B. COMA
COM Perform logical complement of value in memory location M and store in M. COM $FFEE
CWAI Clear CC register, push state onto stack, and wait for interrupt. CWAI
DAA Perform decimal addition adjust in A. Converts to Binary Coded Decimal. DAA
DECA Decrement the value in A by 1. DECA
DECB Decrement the value in B by 1. DECB
DEC Decrement the value in memory location M by 1. DEC $FFEE
EORA Perform exclusive OR with value in A, and store in A. EORA #$1F
EORB Perform exclusive OR with value in B, and store in B. EORB #$1F
EXG Swap values in registers. EXG A,B
INCA Increment value in A by 1. INCA
INCB Increment value in B by 1. INCB
INC Increment the value in memory location M by 1. INC $FFEE
JMP Unconditional jump to location. JMP $C000
JSR Jump to subroutine at the specified location. JSR PRINT
LBCC Same as BCC, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBCC CLS
LBCS Same as BCS, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBCS CLS
LBEQ Same as BEQ, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBEQ CLS
LBGE Same as BGE, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBGE CLS
LBGT Same as BGT, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBGT CLS
LBHI Same as BHI, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBHI CLS
LBHS Same as BHS, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBHS CLS
LBLE Same as BLE, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBLE CLS
LBLO Same as BLO, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBLO CLS
LBLS Same as BLS, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBLS CLS
LBLT Same as BLT, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBLT CLS
LBMI Same as BMI, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBMI CLS
LBNE Same as BNE, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBNE CLS
LBPL Same as BPL, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBPL CLS
LBRA Same as BRA, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBRA CLS
LBRN Same as BRN, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBRN CLS
LBSR Same as BSR, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBSR CLS
LBVC Same as BVC, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBVC CLS
LBVS Same as BVS, except can branch more than -126 and +129 bytes. LBVS CLS
LDA Loads A with the specified value. LDA #$FE
LDB Loads B with the specified value. LDB #$FE
LDD Loads D with the specified value. LDD #$FEFE
LDS Loads S with the specified value. LDS #$FEFE
LDU Loads U with the specified value. LDU #$FEEE
LDX Loads X with the specified value. LDX #$FEEE
LDY Loads Y with the specified value. LDY #$FEEE
LEAS Loads S with the address computed from an indexed addressing mode operand. LEAS A,X
LEAU Loads U with the address computed from an indexed addressing mode operand. LEAU A,X
LEAX Loads X with the address computed from an indexed addressing mode operand. LEAX A,X
LEAY Loads Y with the address computed from an indexed addressing mode operand. LEAY A,X
LSLA Logically shift bits left in A, bit 7 stored in carry of CC, bit 0 gets 0. LSLA
LSLB Logically shift bits left in B, bit 7 stored in carry of CC, bit 0 gets 0. LSLB
LSL Logically shift bits left in M, bit 7 stored in carry of CC, bit 0 gets 0. LSL $FFEE
LSRA Logically shift bits right in A, bit 0 stored in carry of CC, bit 7 gets 0. LSRA
LSRB Logically shift bits right in B, bit 0 stored in carry of CC, bit 7 gets 0. LSRB
LSR Logically shift bits right in M, bit 0 stored in carry of CC, bit 7 gets 0. LSR $FFEE
MUL Unsigned multiple of A and B, and stored in D. MUL
NEGA Perform twos complement of A and store in A. NEGA
NEGB Perform twos complement of B and store in B. NEGB
NEG Perform twos complement of M and store in M. NEG $FFEE
NOP Do nothing but advance program counter to next memory location. NOP
ORA Perform logical OR of A and value, and store in A. ORA #$A1
ORB Perform logical OR of B and value, and store in B. ORB #$CD
ORCC Perform logical OR of CC and value, and store in CC. ORCC #$C0
PSHS Pushes specified registers onto the S stack. PSHS A,B,X
PSHU Pushes specified registers onto the U stack. PSHU A,B,X
PULS Pulls values from the S stack back into their registers. PULS A,B,X
PULU Pulls values from the U stack back into their registers. PULU A,B,X
ROLA Rotates bits left in A, bit 7 stored in carry, and carry stored in bit 0. ROLA
ROLB Rotates bits left in B, bit 7 stored in carry, and carry stored in bit 0. ROLB
ROL Rotates bits left in M, bit 7 stored in carry, and carry stored in bit 0. ROL $FFEE
RORA Rotates bits right in A, carry stored in bit 7, and bit 0 stored in carry. RORA
RORB Rotates bits right in B, carry stored in bit 7, and bit 0 stored in carry. RORB
ROR Rotates bits right in M, carry stored in bit 7, and bit 0 stored in carry. ROL $FFEE
RTI Return from interrupt, pops CC, then A, B, DP, X, Y, U if E set. RTI
RTS Return from subroutine, pops PC from S stack. RTS
SBCA Subtract byte and carry from A and store in A. SBCA #$C0
SBCB Subtract byte and carry from B and store in B. SBCB #$C0
SEX Sign extend bit 7 from B into all of A and into negative of CC. SEX
STA Stores value in A at the specified memory location M. STA $FFEE
STB Stores value in B at the specified memory location M. STB $1EEE
STD Stores value in D at the specified memory location M. STD $1EEE
STS Stores value in S at the specified memory location M. STS $1EEE
STU Stores value in U at the specified memory location M. STU $1EEE
STX Stores value in X at the specified memory location M. STX $1EEE
STY Stores value in Y at the specified memory location M. STY $1EEE
SUBA Subtracts the 8-bit value from A and stores in A. SUBA #$1E
SUBB Subtracts the 8-bit value from B and stores in B. SUBB #$1E
SUBD Subtracts the 16-bit value from D and stores in D. SUBB #$1E
SWI Push all registers on the stack and branch to subroutine at $FFFA. SWI
SWI2 Push all registers on the stack and branch to subroutine at $FFF4. SWI2
SWI3 Push all registers on the stack and branch to subroutine at $FFF2. SWI3
SYNC Halt and wait for interrupt. SYNC
TFR Transfer source register value to destination register. TFR A,B
TSTA Test value in A, and set negative in CC and zero in CC as required. TSTA
TSTB Test value in B, and set negative in CC and zero in CC as required. TSTB
TST Test value in M, and set negative in CC and zero in CC as required. TST $FFFE

Pseudo Operations

Mnemonic Description Example
FCB Defines a byte constant value. Separate multiple bytes with ,. FCB $1C,$AA
FCC Defines a string constant value enclosed in a matching pair of delimiters. FCC "hello"
FDB Defines a word constant value. Separate multiple word with ,. FDB $2000,$CAFE
END Defines the end of the program. END
EQU Defines a symbol with a set value. SCRMEM EQU $1000
INCLUDE Includes another assembly source file at this location. INCLUDE globals.asm
NAM Sets the name for the program when assembled to disk or cassette. NAM myprog
ORG Defines where in memory the program should originate at. ORG $0E00
RMB Defines a block of n bytes initialized to a zero value. RMB $8
SETDP Sets the direct page value for the assembler (see notes below). SETDP $0E00


  • SETDP - this mnemonic is used for memory and instruction optimization by the assembler. For example, if SETDP $0E00 is set, any machine instructions that use $0EXX as a memory location will be assembled using direct page addressing. Instructions such as JMP $0E8F will become JMP <$8F. The programmer is responsible for loading the direct page register manually - this mnemonic does not output opcodes that change the direct page register.

Addressing Modes

The assembler understands several type of addressing modes for each operation. Please note that you will need to consult the MC6809 Data Sheet for information regarding what operations support which addressing modes. The different modes are explained below. Again, the discussion below is a simplified explanation of the material that exists in the MC6809 Data Sheet.


The operation takes no additional information to execute. For example, the decimal additional adjust operation requires no additional inputs and is specified with:



The operation requires a value that is specified directly following the mnemonic. All immediate values must be prefixed with an # symbol. For example, to load the value of $FE into register A:



The operation requires a 16-bit address that is used for execution of the instruction. The address may be specified as a hard-coded value, or as a symbol. For example:


Extended Indirect

The operation requires a 16-bit address where the memory contents specify another 16-bit address. Extended indirect addressing mode is denoted by using square brackets to enclose the operand. For example:

JMP [$010E]


Works similarly to extended addressing, however, instead of using a 16-bit value to specify the address, uses the contents of the direct page DP register and an 8-bit value to form the full 16-bit address. This addressing mode saves space. Direct addressing also has a lower clock-cycle count for execution. For example, assuming that the DP register is set to $FF, then the following statement:


Is equivalent to the extended addressing mode variant of:


Additionally, the direct addressing mode can be explicitly invoked on the operand by prefixing the operand with an < symbol. For example:


In general, the assembler will attempt to optimize addressing modes by converting any extended addressing operands to direct operands wherever possible. By default, the assembler assumes that the DP register will be $00. The SETDP pseudo operation is used to inform the assembler that the direct page content has changed. For all lines following the SETDP invocation, the new high 8-bit value will be used for optimization. For example:


The assembler will convert the operand specified in the JMP instruction to a direct operand, since the upper 8-bits of the instruction are $FF and the direct page reigster is set to $FF. Thus, the resultant output will be equivalent to:


Note that the SETDP pseudo operation does not actually modify the contents of DP - it is up to the programmer to manipulate the direct page register prior to using SETDP.


Works with one of the pointer registers X, Y, U, or S. The calculation of the address required by the operand is relative to the offset as pointed to by the pointer register used. In the simplest case, the offset is zero offset, which is just relative to the pointer register itself. For example:


The above statement would load the value from memory pointed to by the X pointer register. If for example, X held $FFEE, then the load operation would load B with the contents in $FFEE. When numeric values are used, then the offset is calculated by taking the pointer register and summing the value with the register value. For example:

LDB -2,X

In this example, if X held $FF02, the the load operation would load B with the contents in $FF00. Note that symbols can also appear:


Pointer registers can also be auto incremented or decremented in indexed mode. The register values are either pre-decremented, or post-incremented. Values can be incremented or decremented by 1 or 2 steps. For example:

LDB ,X++
LDB ,--X

The first statement above will load B with the value pointed to by X, and then increment the value of the X register. The second statement will do the same, but increment the value of X twice. The third statement will decrement X prior to the load, and the fourth statement will decrement the X register value twice before the load.

Indexed Indirect

Similar to extended indirect addressing, indexed statements may also be indirect as well. For example:

LDB [,X]

Program Counter Relative

In order to support position independent code, a final form of addressing is supported relative to the program counter. In this case, instead of the offset being relative to a pointer register, the offset is specified relative to the program counter. For example:


This will load the value of A with the contents of the memory position $10 bytes above where the PC is currently pointing. Again, since this is considered to be a form of indexed expression, indirect addressing based on program counter is also possible:

LDA [$10,PCR]

File Utility

The file utility included with the assembler package provides a method for manipulating and extracting information from image files (e.g. CAS or DSK files).

Listing Files

To list the files contained within a cassette or disk image, use the --list switch:

python --list test.cas

The utility will print a list of all the files contained within the image, along with associated meta-data:

-- File #1 --
Filename:   HELLO
File Type:  Object
Data Type:  Binary
Gap Status: No Gaps
Load Addr:  $0E00
Exec Addr:  $0E00
Data Len:   39 bytes

-- File #2 --
Filename:   WORLD
File Type:  Object
Data Type:  Binary
Gap Status: No Gaps
Load Addr:  $0F00
Exec Addr:  $0F00
Data Len:   73 bytes

-- File #3 --
Filename:   ANOTHER
File Type:  Object
Data Type:  Binary
Gap Status: No Gaps
Load Addr:  $0C00
Exec Addr:  $0C00
Data Len:   24 bytes

Extracting to Binary File

To extract the files from a disk or cassette image, and save each one as a binary, use the --to_bin switch:

python --to_bin test.cas

To command will list the files being extracted and their status:

-- File #1 [HELLO] --
Saved as HELLO.bin
-- File #2 [WORLD] --
Saved as WORLD.bin
-- File #3 [ANOTHER] --
Saved as ANOTHER.bin

Note that no meta-data is saved with the extraction (meaning that load addresses, and execute addresses are not saved in the resulting .bin files). If you only wish to extract a specific subset of files, you can provide a space-separated, case-insensitive list of filenames to extract with the --files switch:

python --to_bin test.cas --files hello another

Which will result in:

-- File #1 [HELLO] --
Saved as HELLO.bin
-- File #3 [ANOTHER] --
Saved as ANOTHER.bin

Extracting to Cassette File

To extract the files from a disk image, and save each one as a cassette file, use the --to_cas switch:

python --to_cas test.dsk

To command will list the files being extracted and their status:

-- File #1 [HELLO] --
Saved as HELLO.cas
-- File #2 [WORLD] --
Saved as WORLD.cas
-- File #3 [ANOTHER] --
Saved as ANOTHER.cas

If you only wish to extract a specific subset of files, you can provide a space-separated, case-insensitive list of filenames to extract with the --files switch:

python --to_cas test.dsk --files hello another

Which will result in:

-- File #1 [HELLO] --
Saved as HELLO.cas
-- File #3 [ANOTHER] --
Saved as ANOTHER.cas

Common Examples

Below are a collection of common examples with their command-line usage.

Appending to a Cassette

To assemble a program called myprog.asm and add it to an existing cassette file:

python myprog.asm --cas_file my_cassette.cas --append

Listing Files in an Image

To list the files contained within an container file (such as CAS or DSK file):

python --list my_cassette.cas

This will print out a list of all the file contents on the cassette image my_cassette.cas. Note that BIN or binary only file contents only have a single program with no meta-information stored in them. As such, no information will be available for binary file types.

Extracting Binary Files from Cassette Images

To extract all the binary files from a cassette image:

python --to_bin my_cassette.cas

Will extract all of the files in the image file my_cassette.bin to separate files ending in a .bin extension. No meta-information about the files will be saved in .bin format.

Extracting Binary Files from Disk Images

To extract all the binary files from a disk image:

python --to_bin my_disk.dsk

Will extract all of the files in the image file my_disk.dsk to separate files ending in a .bin extension. No meta-information about the files will be saved in .bin format.


A Tandy Color Computer 1, 2, and 3 assembler written in Python




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