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Become a sponsor to Sandro Gehri

Hi! πŸ˜ƒ

My name is Sandro Gehri, and I am working already for more than 15 years with PHP, and I am currently employed at Trenda as a tech lead and fullstack developer.
I'm a Laravel enthusiast, a huge fan of the surrounding community, and a core-team member of the PestPHP testing framework.

Besides contributing to various larger open-source projects, I am the maintainer of the following projects:

If you or your company is using one of my projects commercially, a sponsorship is highly appreciated. This will give me the opportunity to invest more time into OSS development. πŸš€

Especially the development of the OpenAI client for PHP is time-consuming as the OpenAI API changes frequently, and changes are not announced before they are actually released. Supporting me will allow me to:

  • Adapt to API changes more quickly.
  • Give quicker and more detailed answers on issues and discussions.
  • Add more in-depth examples to the documentation.
  • Add comprehensive support for more API providers like Microsoft Azure.

Any support is highly appreciated and means a lot to me ❀️.

If you can not afford to sponsor me, that's fine. Some nice words on GitHub, social media or as a DM are great too 🫢



Current sponsors 3

Past sponsors 12
Private Sponsor

Featured work

  1. openai-php/client

    ⚑️ OpenAI PHP is a supercharged community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API.

  2. openai-php/laravel

    ⚑️ OpenAI PHP for Laravel is a supercharged PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API

  3. gehrisandro/tailwind-merge-laravel

    Automatically resolves Tailwind CSS class conflicts in Laravel

    PHP 280
  4. gehrisandro/tailwind-merge-php

    Automatically resolves Tailwind CSS class conflicts in PHP

    PHP 111

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