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How to report an issue

Bruno Dilly edited this page Jul 5, 2016 · 15 revisions

How to start

One of the ways to contribute to Soletta™ Framework is reporting issues.

This process is really straight-forward, but providing the right information from the beginning is important to avoid many rounds of interaction between the reporter and the assignee. So before opening the issue, take a quick look about what can you provide to get us to a faster solution.

We provide a list of information that should be provided for each type of issue you may find (build issues, runtime errors or segmentation faults).

To open an issue:

New ticket

Also it's nice to see if there isn't a ticket reporting it already. If it's the case, you may just add information to it.

Issues list can be found at:

List of issues

If you're running flows from test-fbp or samples, please make sure you're using flows that matches Soletta framework's target version. We've seen many times people trying to run new samples on old Soletta version and reporting some node types can't be found (because they were added only on new versions).

Information needed for any kind of issue

If you are using one of our images, please inform the image name. If you built Soletta yourself, please inform the top commit hash and attach (as pastebin links or GitHub Gist), the following files:

  • .config (it's created by kbuild and should be on root of build directory)
  • config.log

We need to know what is the platform, OS, architecture of both host (machine you used to build Soletta) and target.

Information needed for cases of build issues or modules not found

If Soletta is:

  • failing to build
  • or if it's failing to find one of its modules or node types - messages like:
    • WRN:sol-flow ./src/lib/flow/sol-flow-resolver-conffile.c:213 _resolver_conffile_get_module() Type='oic/server-light' not found.

You should share (as a link to pastebin):

  • make verbose log:
    • $ make V=1
  • strace log
    • $ strace -ff make &> strace.log

Information of issues on runtime

  • Build Soletta for debug:

    • $ make menuconfig
    • Select "Basic" option on Menu
    • Select compiler options
    • Select "debug" mode
  • Share a Soletta log. You can generate it set log levels to the max:

    • $ export SOL_LOG_LEVEL=5
  • You may also generate a strace log:

    • $ strace -ff sol-fbp-runner test.fbp &> strace.log
  • If not using sol-fbp-runner, but a directly compiled code, you can get strace log with:

    • $ strace -ff ./my-program &> strace.log

In both cases, strace log will be stored in file strace.log.

Information needed for cases of segmentation fault

In these cases, please share (if possible in your target):

  • valgrind log:
    • $ valgrind sol-fbp-runner test.fbp
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