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PubNub Objective-C based APIs for iOS and OS X


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This is Objective-C client (current version for the real-time messaging network which can be used for iOS 6.1+ and Mac OS 10.6+ projects.

Table of Contents

# How to use in project Depending on preferred way to control dependencies client code can be added from [GitHub](#use_in_project_from_github) repository or using [CocoaPods](#use_in_project_using_cocoapods). ## From GitHub repository First of all you need to get latest version from [GitHub]( as [archive]( or clone repository locally: ```bash git clone ``` Depending on preferred dependencies organization approach PubNub client can be added to your project in few ways. ### Source code PubNub client can be built along with your project from source code. This approach doesn't require PubNub clone persistent presence on your file system after source code has been copied into your project. 1. Navigate to source code which has been cloned/downloaded from [GitHub]( repository 2. Navigate to this sub folder ![](doc/images/pubnub-client-folder.png) 3. Open your project and drag&drop marked folder (from step **#2**) into your project ![](doc/images/pubnub-client-folde-drag-n-drop.png) 4. Select "**Copy items if needed**" check-box in presented dialog window (this will copy code from PubNub's repository copy and you can remove this folder if you don't need it anymore). 5. Link your project against this frameworks and libraries: * SystemConfiguration.Framework * CFNetwork.Framework * CoreWLAN.framework (**only for Mac OS X project**) * libz.dylib

6. Import main PubNub client header file into classes where you want to use it or inside of project's .pch file (thought it is not required to add it here to be accessible from any part of the project):

#import "PNImports.h"

NOTE: Starting from Xcode 6.0 project template doesn't create .pch file anymore and you will have to import PNImports.h only in classes where you want to use it.
NOTE: If project use Swift as base language then you need to do additional steps described here.

### Standalone framework PubNub client project configured to be built as static library or framework using corresponding targets. This approach doesn't require PubNub clone persistent presence on your file system after framework has been built and stored in your project. To build standalone framework you need to: 1. Open project stored [here](PubNub) 2. Select corresponding schemes for target platform: * "**Universal-iOS-Framework**" scheme which will allow to build **fat** binary for iOS (will include symbols for both device and simulator). ![](doc/images/pubnub-client-universal-framework.png) * "**PubNub**" scheme which will build static library for Mac OS (and for iOS but only for active architecture) along with framework bundle. ![](doc/images/pubnub-client-static-library-with-framework.png)

3. Run "Build" process and wait till it will be completed.
4. In project tree expand "Products" group and right-click on libPubNub.a file entry → Show in Finder
5. Select both PubNub.bundle (symbols for logger output) and PubNub.framework and drag&drop them into your project

6. Select "Copy items if needed" check-box in presented dialog window (this will copy code from PubNub's repository copy and you can remove this folder if you don't need it anymore).
7. Link your project against this frameworks and libraries:

  • SystemConfiguration.Framework
  • CFNetwork.Framework
  • CoreWLAN.framework (only for Mac OS X project)
  • libz.dylib

8. Select project from project navigator and navigate to "Build Settings"
9. Search for "Other Linker Flags" field and set -all_load key there (this will prevent from unrecognized selector sent to instance run-time errors)
10. Import main PubNub client header file into classes where you want to use it or inside of project's .pch file (thought it is not required to add it here to be accessible from any part of the project):

#import <PubNub/PNImports.h>

FYI: iOS framework binary consist from two different slices (one for device and second one for simulator) which will increase your application's binary size (if you concerned about your application size).
NOTE: Starting from Xcode 6.0 project template doesn't create .pch file anymore and you will have to import <PubNub/PNImports.h> only in classes where you want to use it.
NOTE: If project use Swift as base language then you need to do additional steps described here.

### Dependant project Using dependencies, you may ask your project to pre-build another project from which it depends (this will provide required binary data for your project) and complete linkage to generated output along with final compilation. With this approach you will have to keep local copy of PubNub client repository, because your project need reference on project file and all project resources. You can copy [this](PubNub) folder into your project and remove rest of unused PubNub's repository files. To configure your project you need to do next: 1. Open [this](PubNub) folder in finder 2. Drag&drop `PubNub.xcodeproj` into your project ![](doc/images/pubnub-client-project-drag-n-drop.png) 3. Select project from project navigator and navigate to "**Build Phases**" 4. Expand "**Target Dependencies**" and hit `+` button 5. Select "**PubNub**" static library from drop-down list and click "Add" button ![](doc/images/dependency-select-static-library.png) 6. Expand "**PubNub.xcodeproj**" project Products group in project navigator 7. Expand "**Copy Bundle Resources**" list 9. Drag&drop `PubNub.bundle` from "**PubNub.xcodeproj**" project Products group into "**Copy Bundle Resources**" list ![](doc/images/dependency-symbols-drag-n-drop.png) 10. Switch to "**Build Settings**" 11. Search for "**Other Linker Flags**" field and set `-all_load` key there (this will prevent from `unrecognized selector sent to instance` run-time errors) 12. Link your project against this frameworks and libraries: * SystemConfiguration.Framework * CFNetwork.Framework * CoreWLAN.framework (**only for Mac OS X project**) * libz.dylib * libPubNub.a (it will be available under **Workspace** section)

NOTE: Starting from Xcode 6.0 project template doesn't create .pch file anymore and you will have to import <PubNub/PNImports.h> only in classes where you want to use it.
NOTE: If project use Swift as base language then you need to do additional steps described here.

## Using CocoaPods CocoaPods allow to simplify dependency management process by using **Podfile** with your configuration about preferred version of required libraries. To use PubNub client via CocoaPods you need to: 1. Create new project if don't have existing: Xcode → File → New → Project 2. With _Terminal_ navigate to your project's root directory: ```bash cd /Path/to/my/Xcode/Project/ ``` 3. Create Podfile (skip this step if already exists): ```bash touch Podfile ``` 4. Using your favorite text editor add next line into **Podfile**: ```bash pod 'PubNub', '' ``` 5. Install dependencies using _Terminal_: ```bash pod install ``` 6. After installation completion you will have to use `.xcworkspace` file for further development (CocoaPods integrate into your project using workspace configuration). 7. Import main PubNub client header file into classes where you want to use it or inside of project's `.pch` file (thought it is not required to add it here to be accessible from any part of the project): ```objc #import "PNImports.h" ``` [These steps are documented in our Emmy-winning CocoaPod's Setup Video, check it out here!]( **NOTE:** Starting from Xcode 6.0 project template doesn't create `.pch` file anymore and you will have to import `PNImports.h` only in classes where you want to use it. **NOTE:** If project use Swift as base language then you need to do additional steps described [here](#use_in_swift_based_project). ## Using PubNub client in Swift based project You can used Objective-C classes within Swift based project using special header where will be imported all Objective-C header files which will be used. To use Objective-C classes in Swift project you need to do next steps: 1. Create new file: File → New → File... → Source → Header File (name it for example `BridgingHeader.h`) 2. Add PubNub Objective-C SDK import in it:
  • In case if client has been added with CocoaPods (for Swift project) or from GitHub repository as source code:
#import "PNImports.h"
  • In case if client has been added as .framework or as dependent project:
#import <PubNub/PNImports.h>

3. Select project file in project navigator and navigate to "Build Settings"
4. Search for "Objective-C Bridging Header" field
5. Specify there path to bridging header created in step #1 relatively to project file on file system (on same level with .xcodeproj file is folder with name of the project from which path should start).

## Quick start If you just can't wait to start using PubNub for iOS (we totally know the feeling), after performing the steps from [Adding PubNub to your Project](#use_in_project). Choose class where you would like to initiate PubNub client and handle events via delegate callbacks (not required for implementation and completion blocks can be used for operation state change observation). With quick start we will use our application delegate class (_AppDelegate.h[m]_). 1. Use **private** `AppDelegate` category to place there property which will store reference on our PubNub client instance ```objc @property (nonatomic, strong) PubNub *pubNub; ``` 2. Our `AppDelegate` class will be delegate for our client, so we need to updated private class declaration ```objc @interface AppDelegate ()


<a/>3. Our client will be initialized in `-application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:` method  
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application 
  didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Using default configuration (values taken from PNDefaultConfiguration.h file) and issue 
    // connect request.
    self.pubNub = [PubNub connectingClientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]
                                                delegate:self andSuccessBlock:^(NSString *origin) {
            NSLog(@"Connected to: %@", origin);
             errorBlock:^(PNError *error) {
                 if (error == nil) {
                     // PubNub client may pass 'nil' here to inform that client can't connect at
                     // this moment because network check not completed (reachability sometime
                     // can be slow).
                     // So here we have a chance to update interface and provide user information
                     // that we will connect a bit later.
                 else {
                     // Check error.code to find out real reason of error. Always use constants
                     // stored in PNErrorCodes.h for comparison.
    // Now self.pubNub stores reference on client instance which is attempting to connect at this 
    // moment.

    // Asking to subscribe on channel with enabled presence observation
    [self.pubNub subscribeOn:@[[PNChannel channelWithName:@"a" shouldObservePresence:YES]]];

    // Sending "hi" message to all subscribers on "a" channel
    [self.pubNub sendMessage:@"hello from PubNub iOS!" toChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"a"]];

    return YES;

4. Handling subscribe completion events

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSubscribeOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully subscribed on channels: %@", channelObjects);

// Called in case if client configured to restore connection and subscription after network 
//failure. Mean that client is about to restore subscription on previously subscribed channels.
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willRestoreSubscriptionOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client resuming subscription on: %@", channelObjects);

// Called at the end of subscription restore process to notify delegate that subscription has been
// restored on previously active channels.
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRestoreSubscriptionOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully restored subscription on channels: %@", channelObjects);

// Sometimes subscription may fail and we need to handle this situation and check error.code for
// concrete failure reason.
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client subscriptionDidFailWithError:(NSError *)error {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to subscribe because of error: %@", error);

// Will be called each time when new message arrive to one of channels on which client has been
// subscribed earlier.
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveMessage:(PNMessage *)message {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client received message: %@", message);

// If subscribed on channel with enabled presence observation this delegate will be called each
// time when presence list will be modified or one of subscribers will change his state on channel.
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceivePresenceEvent:(PNPresenceEvent *)event {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client received presence event: %@", event);

5. Handling message sending events

// Called on delegate when scheduled message sending has been reached in queue and about to send to
// PubNub service.
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willSendMessage:(PNMessage *)message {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client is about to send message: %@", message);

// Called each time when message sending has been confirmed by service response (this message may
// appear on other subscribers side earlier then sending confirmation may arrive because PubNub too
// fast)
- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSendMessage:(PNMessage *)message {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client sent message: %@", message);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailMessageSend:(PNMessage *)message
           withError:(PNError *)error {

    NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to send message '%@' because of error: %@", message, error);

This results in a simple application that displays a PubNub 'Ping' message, published every second from PubNub PHP Bot.
That was just a quick and dirty demo to cut your teeth on... There are other PubNub client demo applications available! These demonstrate in more detail how you can use the delegate and completion block features of the PubNub client.

iOS examples:

## Configuration You can test-drive the PubNub client out-of-the-box without additional configuration changes. As you get a feel for it, you can fine tune it's behavior by tweaking the available settings. The client is configured via an instance of the [__PNConfiguration__](PubNub/PubNub/PubNub/Data/PNConfiguration.h) class. All default configuration data is stored in [__PNDefaultConfiguration.h__](PubNub/PubNub/PubNub/Misc/PNDefaultConfiguration.h) under appropriate keys. Data from [__PNDefaultConfiguration.h__](PubNub/PubNub/PubNub/Misc/PNDefaultConfiguration.h) override any settings not explicitly set during initialization. When PubNub client added to the project as framework or as dependency project, you should use `PNDefaultConfiguration` class methods to complete configuration.

You can use few class methods to initialize and update instance properties:

  1. Retrieve reference on default client configuration (all values taken from PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
+ (PNConfiguration *)defaultConfiguration;  

2. Retrieve the reference on the configuration instance via these methods:

+ (PNConfiguration *)configurationWithPublishKey:(NSString *)publishKey subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey  
                                       secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey;
+ (PNConfiguration *)configurationWithPublishKey:(NSString *)publishKey subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey  
                                       secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey authorizationKey:(NSString *)authorizationKey;  

+ (PNConfiguration *)configurationForOrigin:(NSString *)originHostName publishKey:(NSString *)publishKey
                               subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey;
+ (PNConfiguration *)configurationForOrigin:(NSString *)originHostName publishKey:(NSString *)publishKey
                               subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey
                           authorizationKey:(NSString *)authorizationKey;

+ (PNConfiguration *)configurationForOrigin:(NSString *)originHostName publishKey:(NSString *)publishKey  
                               subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey  
                                  cipherKey:(NSString *)cipherKey;  // To initialize with encryption, use cipherKey
+ (PNConfiguration *)configurationForOrigin:(NSString *)originHostName publishKey:(NSString *)publishKey  
                               subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey  
                                  cipherKey:(NSString *)cipherKey  // To initialize with encryption, use cipherKey
                           authorizationKey:(NSString *)authorizationKey;

3. Update the configuration instance using this next set of parameters:

  • Timeout after which the library will report any non-subscription-related request (here now, leave, message history, message post, time token) or execution failure.

Default: 15 seconds (kPNNonSubscriptionRequestTimeout key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)

  • Timeout after which the library will report subscription-related request (subscribe on channel(s)) execution failure.
    The default configuration value is stored inside PNDefaultConfiguration.h under kPNSubscriptionRequestTimeout key.

Default: 310 seconds (kPNSubscriptionRequestTimeout key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
Please consult with PubNub support before setting this value lower than the default to avoid incurring additional charges.

  • Client will pass this value during subscription to inform it after which period of inactivity (when client will stop send ping to the server) it should mark client and timed out.

Default: 0 seconds (kPNPresenceHeartbeatTimeout key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h) which will force server to use it's own timeout value.

  • Used by client as heartbeat requests rate (interval for scheduling next request). This value should be less then 300 seconds and less then presenceExpirationTimeout value, or it will be automatically adjusted.

Default: 0 seconds (kPNPresenceHeartbeatInterval key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h) but it will be adjusted as soon as presenceExpirationTimeout will be changed.

  • After experiencing network connectivity loss, if network access is restored, should the client reconnect to PubNub, or stay disconnected?
(getter = shouldAutoReconnectClient) autoReconnectClient  

Default: YES (kPNShouldAutoReconnectClient key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
This can also be controlled via returning @(YES) or @(NO) via the shouldReconnectPubNubClient: delegate.

  • Used by client when you change list of channels on which client subscribed at this moment (subscribe, unsubscribe). If property is set to YES then client will catchup on messages which may arrive to the "old" channels while change took place. If set to NO, client will ignore all messages which may arrive during change process.
(getter = shouldKeepTimeTokenOnChannelsListChange) keepTimeTokenOnChannelsListChange  

Default: YES (kPNShouldKeepTimeTokenOnChannelsListChange key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
This can also be controlled via returning @(YES) or @(NO) via the shouldKeepTimeTokenOnChannelsListChange delegate.

  • If autoReconnectClient == YES, after experiencing network connectivity loss and subsequent reconnect, should the client resume (aka "catchup") to where it left off before the disconnect?
(getter = shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore) resubscribeOnConnectionRestore

Default: YES (kPNShouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
This can also be controlled via returning @(YES) or @(NO) via the shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore delegate.

  • Upon connection restore, should the PubNub client "catch-up" to where it left off upon reconnecting?
(getter = shouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken) restoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken

Default: YES (_kPNShouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)
This can also be controlled via returning @(YES) or @(NO) via the shouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken delegate.

  • Should the PubNub client establish the connection to PubNub using SSL?
(getter = shouldUseSecureConnection) useSecureConnection  

Default: YES (kPNSecureConnectionRequired_ key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)

  • When SSL is enabled, should PubNub client ignore all SSL certificate-handshake issues and still continue in SSL mode if it experiences issues handshaking across local proxies, firewalls, etc?
(getter = shouldReduceSecurityLevelOnError) reduceSecurityLevelOnError

Default: YES (kPNShouldReduceSecurityLevelOnError key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)

  • When SSL is enabled, should the client fallback to a non-SSL connection if it experiences issues handshaking across local proxies, firewalls, etc?
(getter = canIgnoreSecureConnectionRequirement) ignoreSecureConnectionRequirement

Default: YES (kPNCanIgnoreSecureConnectionRequirement key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)

  • To reduce incoming traffic client can be configured to accept compressed responses from server and this property specify on whether it should do so or not?
(getter = shouldAcceptCompressedResponse) acceptCompressedResponse

Default: YES (kPNShouldAcceptCompressedResponse key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)

  • When this value is set client will enable encryption on published and received messages.

Default: nil (kPNCipherKey key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)

  • If client should work with PAM it should be configured with appropriate authorization key which will be used by PAM for access management.

Default: nil (kPNAuthorizationKey key in PNDefaultConfiguration.h)

NOTE: If you are using the +defaultConfiguration method to create your configuration instance, then you will need to update: kPNPublishKey, kPNSubscriptionKey and kPNOriginHost keys in PNDefaultConfiguration.h.

### Client configuration PubNub client configuration is then set via: ```objc [pubNub setConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]]; ``` After this call, your PubNub client will be configured with the default values taken from [__PNDefaultConfiguration.h__](PubNub/PubNub/PubNub/Misc/PNDefaultConfiguration.h) and is now ready to connect to the PubNub real-time network! Other methods which allow you to adjust the client configuration are: ```objc + (PubNub *)clientWithConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration; + (PubNub *)clientWithConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration andDelegate:(id)delegate;
  • (PubNub *)connectingClientWithConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration;
  • (PubNub *)connectingClientWithConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration andSuccessBlock:(PNClientConnectionSuccessBlock)success errorBlock:(PNClientConnectionFailureBlock)failure;
  • (PubNub *)connectingClientWithConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration andDelegate:(id)delegate;
  • (PubNub *)connectingClientWithConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration delegate:(id)delegate andSuccessBlock:(PNClientConnectionSuccessBlock)success errorBlock:(PNClientConnectionFailureBlock)failure;
  • (void)setConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration;
  • (void)setupWithConfiguration:(PNConfiguration *)configuration andDelegate:(id)delegate;
  • (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate;
  • (void)setClientIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier; // Change UUID
  • (void)setClientIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier // Change UUID with catchup options shouldCatchup:(BOOL)shouldCatchup;
First two groups of methods allow to create PubNub client instance using different set of configuration options. Second group of methods allow to retrieve reference on configured PubNub instance with initiated connection process.  

`-setConfiguration:` and `-setupWithConfiguration:andDelegate:` methods from list above (which update client configuration) may require client reconnection (if client already connected). As soon as all connections will be closed client will reconnect with updated configuration. It is strongly advised change configuration in really rare cases and most of the time provide configuration during PubNub client configuration. Configuration update on connected client will cause additional overhead to reinitialize client with new configuration and connect back to server (time overhead).  

Changing the UUID mid-connection requires a "__soft state reset__".  A "__soft state reset__" is when the client sends an explicit `leave` request on any subscribed channels, and then resubscribes with its new UUID.  

**NOTE:** If you wish to change the client identifier, then catchup in time where you left-off before you changed client identifier, use:
[pubNub setClientIdentifier:@"moonlight" shouldCatchup:YES];

To access the client configuration and identifier, the following methods are provided:

- (PNConfiguration *)configuration;
- (NSString *)clientIdentifier;  

First method from list above allow to retrieve reference on configuration which is currently used by client. It will return copy of PNConfiguration instance and any changes in it won't take any effect till it explicitly will be set to the client (-setConfiguration: or -setupWithConfiguration:andDelegate:)

### Encryption configuration This client supports the PubNub AES Encryption standard, which enables this client to speak with all other PubNub iPadDemoApp+ clients securely via AES. When encryption is enabled, non-encrypted messages, or messages encrypted with the wrong key will be passed through as the string "**DECRYPTION_ERROR**". To initialize with encryption enabled: ```objc + (PNConfiguration *)configurationForOrigin:(NSString *)originHostName publishKey:(NSString *)publishKey subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey cipherKey:(NSString *)cipherKey; // To initialize with encryption, use cipherKey + (PNConfiguration *)configurationForOrigin:(NSString *)originHostName publishKey:(NSString *)publishKey subscribeKey:(NSString *)subscribeKey secretKey:(NSString *)secretKey cipherKey:(NSString *)cipherKey // To initialize with encryption, use cipherKey authorizationKey:(NSString *)authorizationKey; ``` To dynamically change the encryption key during runtime, you can run ```objc myConfiguration.cipherKey = @"myCipherKey”; [self.pubNub setConfiguration:myConfiguration]; ``` To enable backwards compatibility with PubNub iOS 3.3, add this line to your `.pch`: ```objc #define CRYPTO_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY_MODE 1 ``` The above directive will allow this current PubNub iOS client to speak **ONLY** with earlier PubNub iOS 3.3 clients. It is advised for security and network/battery/power considerations to upgrade all clients to iPadDemoApp+ encryption as soon as possible, and to only use this backward compatibility mode if absolutely necessary. ### APNS setup If you've enabled your keys for APNS, you can use native PubNub publish operations to send messages to iPhones and iPads via iOS push notifications!

We've just added a video walk-through, along with a sample application (based on the video) that shows from start to end how to setup APNS with PubNub. It includes all Apple-specific setup (which appears to be the most misunderstood) as well as the PubNub-specific setup, along with the end product app available in HOWTO/APNSVideo.

  1. Review the APNS Methods API
  2. Creating the App ID and PEM Cert File An easy way to generate the cert/keypair can be found here
    Verify your cert was created correctly by running this command (replace with your key/cert name):
openssl s_client -connect -cert server_certificates_bundle_sandbox.pem -key server_certificates_bundle_sandbox.pem

Then, watch the following in order: 2. Create the Provisioning Profile
3. Create and Configure PubNub Account for APNS
4. Create empty PubNub App Template
5. Configure for PNDelegate Protocol and create didReceiveMessage delegate method
6. Set keys, channel, connect, and subscribe and Test Run
7. Enable and Test for correct APNS configuration (Apple Config)
8. Provision PubNub APNS

Two files referenced from the video, and are also available.
Final product is available here: HOWTO/APNSVideo

## PubNub client methods PubNub client provide one point access to all available API using `PubNub` client instance. All API separated by context in separate groups. ### Encrypt / Decrypt Methods If you wish to manually utilize the encryption logic for your own purposes (decrypt messages sent via PubNub from APNS for example), the following public methods can be used: ```objc /** Cryptographic function which allow to decrypt AES hash stored inside 'base64' string and return object. */ - (id)AESDecrypt:(id)object; - (id)AESDecrypt:(id)object error:(PNError **)decryptionError;

/** Cryptographic function which allow to encrypt object into 'base64' string using AES and return hash string. */

  • (NSString *)AESEncrypt:(id)object;
  • (NSString *)AESEncrypt:(id)object error:(PNError **)encryptionError;
<a name="client-connection-state-check" />
### Determining Connection State
You can easily determine the current PubNub connection state via:  
[pubNub.observationCenter addClientConnectionStateObserver:self
                                         withCallbackBlock:^(NSString *origin, BOOL connected, 
                                                             PNError *error) {
  if (connectionError) {

    // Handle connection error which occurred during connection or while client was connected. 
    // Error also can be sent by PubNub client if you tried to connect while already connected or 
    // just launched connection.
    // Always check error.code to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file and 
    // use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get
    // human readable description for error).
  else if (!isConnected) {

    if (error == nil) {

      // Looks like there is no Internet connection at the moment when this method has been called
      // or PubNub client doesn't have enough time to validate its availability.
      // In this case connection will be established automatically as soon as Internet connection
      // will be detected.
    else {
      // Client has been disconnected by request.
  else {

    // We are connected and ready to go.
if ([pubNub isConnected]) {

  // We are connected and ready to go.

Note, that just because your network is up, does not mean your connection to PubNub is up, so be sure to use this logic for authoritative PubNub connection state status.

#### Connecting and Disconnecting from the PubNub Network You can use the callback-less connection methods `-connect` to establish a connection to the remote PubNub service, or the method with state callback blocks `-connectWithSuccessBlock:errorBlock:`. For example, you can use the provided method in the form that best suits your needs: ```objc // Configure client (we will use client generated identifier) PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]]; [pubNub connect]; ``` or ```objc // Configure client [pubNub setConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]]; [pubNub setClientIdentifier:@"test_user"];

[pubNub connectWithSuccessBlock:^(NSString *origin) {

   // Do something after client connected  

} errorBlock:^(PNError *error) {

  if (error == nil) {

    // Looks like there is no Internet connection at the moment when this method has been 
    // called or PubNub client doesn't have enough time to validate its availability.
    // In this case connection will be established automatically as soon as Internet connection
    // will be detected.
  else {

    // Happened something really bad and PubNub client can't establish connection, so we should
    // update our interface to let user know and do something to recover from this situation.
    // Error also can be sent by PubNub client if you tried to connect while already connected
    /// or just launched connection.
    // Always check error.code to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header
    // file and use 
    // -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion
    // to get human readable description for error).


Also can be used simplified version of PubNub instance creation which will trigger connection during initialization:  
// Configure client (we will use client generated identifier)  
self.pubNub = [PubNub connectingClientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]


self.pubNub = [PubNub connectingClientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]
                                               delegate:self andSuccessBlock:^(NSString *origin) {
           [self.pubNub setClientIdentifier:@"test_user"];  
            NSLog(@"Connected to: %@", origin);
             errorBlock:^(PNError *error) {
                 if (error == nil) {
                     // PubNub client may pass 'nil' here to inform that client can't connect at
                     // this moment because network check not completed (reachability sometime
                     // can be slow).
                     // So here we have chance to update interface and provide user information
                     // that we will connect a bit later.
                 else {
                     // Check error.code to find out real reason of error. Always use constants
                     // stored in PNErrorCodes.h for comparison.

Disconnecting is as simple as calling [pubNub disconnect]. The client will close the connection and clean up memory.

### Subscribing and Unsubscribing from Channels and Channel Groups The client provides a set of methods which allow you to subscribe to channel(s): ```objc - (void)subscribeOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects; - (void) subscribeOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects withCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelSubscriptionHandlerBlock)handlerBlock; - (void)subscribeOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects withClientState:(NSDictionary *)clientState; - (void) subscribeOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects withClientState:(NSDictionary *)clientState andCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelSubscriptionHandlerBlock)handlerBlock; ``` `channelObjects` can be any of this objects: [**PNChannel**](#pnchannel-object) or [**PNChannelGroup**](#pnchannelgroup-object).

DEPRECATED Starting from 3.7.0 this set of methods has been deprecated:

+ (void)subscribeOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;  
+ (void) subscribeOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
+ (void)subscribeOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withClientState:(NSDictionary *)clientState;
+ (void) subscribeOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withClientState:(NSDictionary *)clientState

+ (void)subscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;  
+ (void)subscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels  
+ (void)subscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels withClientState:(NSDictionary *)clientState;
+ (void)subscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels withClientState:(NSDictionary *)clientState

Each subscription method has designated methods, to add a presence state information and/or add a handling block.

NOTE: Values remain bound to the client while it subscribed at specific channel. As soon as you will unsubscribe or subscribe to another set of channels or client will timeout, server will destroy stored client's state.

PubNub client also provide methods to exam channels on which it is subscribed at this moment:

- (NSArray *)subscribedChannels;
- (BOOL)isSubscribedOn:(id <PNChannelProtocol>)object;

DEPRECATED Starting from 3.7.0 this set of methods has been deprecated:

+ (NSArray *)subscribedObjectsList;
+ (BOOL)isSubscribedOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;

Here are some subscribe examples:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]
[pubNub connect];

// Subscribe to channels: "iosdev" and because shouldObservePresence is true,
// also automatically subscribes to "iosdev-pnpres" (the Presence channel for "iosdev"). 
// "iosdev-pnpres" will be used by client to observe for presence events on "iosdev" channel.
[pubNub subscribeOn:@[[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev" shouldObservePresence:YES]]];  

// Subscribe on set of channels with subscription state handling block
[pubNub subscribeOn:@[[PNChannel channelsWithName:@"iosdev" shouldObservePresence:YES]]
withCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNSubscriptionProcessState state, NSArray *channels, 
                              PNError *subscriptionError) {  
    switch(state) {  
      case PNSubscriptionProcessNotSubscribedState:  

            // There should be a reason because of which subscription failed and it can be found in
            // 'error' instance.
            // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header 
            // file and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and 
            // -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get human readable description for error). 
            // 'error.associatedObject' contains array of PNChannel instances on which PubNub client
            // was unable to subscribe.
      case PNSubscriptionProcessSubscribedState:  
          // PubNub client completed subscription on specified set of channels.

Here is an example of how client state information can be provided when it subscribe to the channel:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]
[pubNub connect];

// Subscribe on set of channels with subscription state handling block
[pubNub subscribeOn:@[[PNChannel channelsWithName:@"iosdev" shouldObservePresence:YES]]
    withClientState:@{@"iosdev": {@"firstName":@"John", @"lastName":@"Appleseed", @"age":@(240)}}
andCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNSubscriptionProcessState state, NSArray *channels,
                             PNError *subscriptionError) {  
    switch(state) {  
      case PNSubscriptionProcessNotSubscribedState:  

            // There should be a reason because of which subscription failed and it can be found in 
            // 'error' instance.
            // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header
            // file and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and 
            // -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get human readable description for error).
            // 'error.associatedObject' contains array of PNChannel instances on which PubNub
            // client was unable to subscribe.
      case PNSubscriptionProcessSubscribedState:  
          // PubNub client completed subscription on specified set of channels.

This is how you can subscribe to channel group with initial state:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]
[pubNub connect];
PNChannelGroup *group = [PNChannelGroup channelGroupWithName:@"development"  

// This is the way how we add channels to the group
[pubNub addChannels:[PNChannel channelsWithNames:@[@"Objective-C", @"Java"]]

[pubNub subscribeOn:@[group]
    withClientState:@{ {@"firstName":@"John", @"lastName":@"Appleseed", @"age":@(240)}}
andCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNSubscriptionProcessState state, NSArray *channels,
                             PNError *subscriptionError) {  
    switch(state) {  
      case PNSubscriptionProcessNotSubscribedState:  

            // There should be a reason because of which subscription failed and it can be found in
            // 'error' instance.
            // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header
            // file and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and 
            // -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get human readable description for error).
            // 'error.associatedObject' contains array of PNChannel instances on which PubNub
            // client was unable to subscribe.
      case PNSubscriptionProcessSubscribedState:  
          // PubNub client completed subscription on specified set of channels.

The client of course also provides a set of methods which allow you to unsubscribe from channels:

- (void)unsubscribeFrom:(NSArray *)channelObjects; 
- (void)    unsubscribeFrom:(NSArray *)channelObjects

channelObjects can be any of this objects: PNChannel or PNChannelGroup.

DEPRECATED Starting from 3.7.0 this set of methods has been deprecated:

+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;  
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannel:(PNChannel *)channel  
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannels:(NSArray *)channels;  
+ (void)unsubscribeFromChannels:(NSArray *)channels  

As for the unsubscription methods, there are a set of methods which perform unsubscribe requests.

Lets see how we can use some of this methods to unsubscribe from channel(s):

// Unsubscribe from set of channels and notify everyone that we are left
[pubNub unsubscribeFrom:[PNChannel channelsWithNames:@[@"iosdev/networking", @"andoirddev", 
                                                       @"wpdev", @"ubuntudev"]] 
withCompletionHandlingBlock:^(NSArray *channels, PNError *unsubscribeError) {  
  if (error == nil) {

    // PubNub client successfully unsubscribed from specified channels.
  else {

    // PubNub did fail to unsubscribed from specified channels and reason can be found in error
    // instance.
    // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file
    // and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion
    // to get human readable description for error). 'error.associatedObject' contains array of
    // PNChannel instances from which PubNub client was unable to unsubscribe.
### Presence If you've enabled the Presence feature for your account, then the client can be used to also receive real-time updates about a particual UUID's presence events, such as join, leave, and timeout.

To use the Presence feature in your app, the follow methods are provided:

- (BOOL)isPresenceObservationEnabledFor:(id <PNChannelProtocol>)object;
- (void)enablePresenceObservationFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects;
- (void)enablePresenceObservationFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects
- (void)disablePresenceObservationFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects;
- (void)disablePresenceObservationFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects

channelObjects and object can be any of this objects: PNChannel or PNChannelGroup.

DEPRECATED Starting from 3.7.0 this set of methods has been deprecated:

+ (BOOL)isPresenceObservationEnabledForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)enablePresenceObservationForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)enablePresenceObservationForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
+ (void)enablePresenceObservationForChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
+ (void)enablePresenceObservationForChannels:(NSArray *)channels 
+ (void)disablePresenceObservationForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;  
+ (void)disablePresenceObservationForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
+ (void)disablePresenceObservationForChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
+ (void)disablePresenceObservationForChannels:(NSArray *)channels 
### Who is "Here Now" ? As Presence provides a way to receive occupancy information in real-time, the ***Here Now*** feature allows you enumerate current channel occupancy information on-demand.

There is a set of methods which provide you access to the presence data:

- (void)requestParticipantsList;
- (void)requestParticipantsListWithCompletionBlock:(PNClientParticipantsHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)requestParticipantsListWithClientIdentifiers:(BOOL)isClientIdentifiersRequired;
- (void)requestParticipantsListWithClientIdentifiers:(BOOL)isClientIdentifiersRequired
- (void)requestParticipantsListWithClientIdentifiers:(BOOL)isClientIdentifiersRequired
- (void)requestParticipantsListWithClientIdentifiers:(BOOL)isClientIdentifiersRequired

- (void)requestParticipantsListFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects; 
- (void)requestParticipantsListFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects
- (void)requestParticipantsListFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects 
- (void)requestParticipantsListFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects 
- (void)requestParticipantsListFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects
- (void)requestParticipantsListFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects 

- (void)requestParticipantChannelsList:(NSString *)clientIdentifier;
- (void)requestParticipantChannelsList:(NSString *)clientIdentifier

channelObjects can be any of this objects: PNChannel or PNChannelGroup.

DEPRECATED Starting from 3.7.0 this set of methods has been deprecated:

+ (void)requestParticipantsListForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;  
+ (void)requestParticipantsListForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel  
+ (void)requestParticipantsListForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
+               clientIdentifiersRequired:(BOOL)isClientIdentifiersRequired;
+ (void)requestParticipantsListForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
+ (void)requestParticipantsListForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
+ (void)requestParticipantsListForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 


[pubNub requestParticipantsListFor:@[[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"]]
               withCompletionBlock:^(PNHereNow *presenceInformation, NSArray *channels, 
                                     PNError *error) {

    if (error == nil) {
      // PubNub client successfully retrieved participants list for specified channel. 
    else {  

      // PubNub did fail to retrieve participants list for specified channel and reason can be 
      // found in error instance.
      // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file
      // and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion
      // to get human readable description for error). 'error.associatedObject' contains array of
      // PNChannel instance for which PubNub client was unable to pull out list of participants.

requestParticipantsList methods "family" can be used to pull out information about how is where globally for your subscribe key.
Each of presence methods allow to specify whether client identifiers required or not (if not, then PNHereNow instance will have information only about number of participants via -participantsCountForChannel: method). Also methods allow to specify whether client's state should be fetched as well or not.
Presence information now represented with PNHereNow instance. channels argument stores list of channels for which presence information available.

Where Now?

This feature allow to pull out full list of subscribers along with information on which channels they subscribed at this moment.

PubNub client provide two methods which allow you receive this information:

- (void)requestParticipantChannelsList:(NSString *)clientIdentifier;
- (void)requestParticipantChannelsList:(NSString *)clientIdentifier

Usage is very simple:

[pubNub requestParticipantChannelsList:@"admin" 
                   withCompletionBlock:^(NSString *identifier, NSArray *channels, PNError *error){
    if (error == nil) {
      // PubNub client successfully retrieved channels list for concrete client identifier.
    else {  

      // PubNub did fail to retrieve channels list for concrete client identifier and reason can 
      // be found in error instance.
      // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file 
      // and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion
      // to get human readable description for error). 'error.associatedObject' contains client
      // identifier for which PubNub client was unable to pullout channels list.

All client information now represented with PNClient.
NOTE: Too frequent usage of this API may force server to disable it for you on some period of time. Don't misuse this API.

### Presence State Data - Setting and Changing it PubNub client provide endpoints for client's state manipulation. They allow you to get or set / update existing values. ```objc - (void)requestClientState:(NSString *)clientIdentifier forObject:(id )object; - (void) requestClientState:(NSString *)clientIdentifier forObject:(id )object withCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientStateRetrieveHandlingBlock)handlerBlock; - (void)updateClientState:(NSString *)clientIdentifier state:(NSDictionary *)clientState forObject:(id )object; - (void) updateClientState:(NSString *)clientIdentifier state:(NSDictionary *)clientState forObject:(id )object withCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientStateUpdateHandlingBlock)handlerBlock; ``` `object` can be any of this objects: [**PNChannel**](#pnchannel-object) or [**PNChannelGroup**](#pnchannelgroup-object).

DEPRECATED Starting from 3.7.0 this set of methods has been deprecated:

+ (void)requestClientState:(NSString *)clientIdentifier forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void) requestClientState:(NSString *)clientIdentifier forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
+ (void)updateClientState:(NSString *)clientIdentifier state:(NSDictionary *)clientState
               forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)updateClientMetadata:(NSString *)clientIdentifier metadata:(NSDictionary *)clientMetadata 
+ (void)   updateClientState:(NSString *)clientIdentifier state:(NSDictionary *)clientState
                  forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel

This JOIN event will include the state information:

{"action":"join", "timestamp":1391818344, "data":{"appEvent":"demo app started"}, "uuid":"SimpleSubscribe", "occupancy":3}
PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];

// Set UUID
[pubNub setClientIdentifier:@"SimpleSubscribe"];

[pubNub connect];

// Set Channel
PNChannel *myChannel = [PNChannel channelWithName:@"zz" shouldObservePresence:YES];

// Subscribe with State at Join Time
[pubNub subscribeOn:@[myChannel] 
    withClientState:@{ @{@"appEvent": @"demo app started"}}];

Same example for channel group:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[pubNub setClientIdentifier:@"SimpleSubscribe"];
[pubNub connect];
PNChannelGroup *group = [PNChannelGroup channelGroupWithName:@"wwdc"  

// Subscribe with State at Join Time
[pubNub subscribeOn:@[group] withClientState:@{ @{@"event": @"started"}];

Example: Modify State post-subscribe time

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration] andDelegate:self];
[pubNub setClientIdentifier:@"demouser"];
[pubNub connect];
[pubNub subscribeOn:@[[PNChannel channelsWithName:@"iosdev"]]
  withCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNSubscriptionProcessState state, NSArray *channels,
                                PNError *subscriptionError) {
      switch (state) {
          case PNSubscriptionProcessNotSubscribedState:

              // There should be a reason because of which subscription failed and it can be found
              // in 'error' instance.
              // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes 
              // header file and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and 
              // -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get human readable description for error). 
              // 'error.associatedObject' contains array of PNChannel instances on which PubNub
              // client was unable to subscribe.
          case PNSubscriptionProcessSubscribedState:

              [pubNub updateClientState:[pubNub clientIdentifier]
                                  state:@{@"firstName": @"John", @"lastName": @"Appleseed", 
                                          @"age": @(240)}
                              forObject:[array lastObject]
            withCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNClient *updatedClient, PNError *updateError) {

                  if (error == nil) {

                    // PubNub client successfully updated state.
                  else {

                    // PubNub client did fail to update state.
                    // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes
                    // header file and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and 
                    // -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get  human readable description for error).
                    // 'error.associatedObject' contains PNClient instance for which PubNub client
                    // was unable to update state.

If you need to remove some value from state dictionary, you can pass [NSNull null] for key, which you want to reset.
Values in state dictionary should be one of: NSNumber (int, float) or NSString.

NOTE: Values remain bound to the client while it subscribed at specific channel. As soon as you will unsubscribe or subscribe to another set of channels enabling presence event generation or client will timeout, server will destroy stored client's state.

### Timetoken You can fetch the current PubNub time token by using the following methods: ```objc - (void)requestServerTimeToken; - (void)requestServerTimeTokenWithCompletionBlock:(PNClientTimeTokenReceivingCompleteBlock)success; ```

Usage is very simple:

[pubNub requestServerTimeTokenWithCompletionBlock:^(NSNumber *timeToken, PNError *error) {  
    if (error == nil) {
      // PubNub client successfully retrieved time token.
    else {  

      // PubNub did fail to retrieve time token and reason can be found in error instance.
      // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file and use 
      // -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get human readable 
      // description for error).
### Publishing Messages Messages can be an instance of one of the following classed: __NSString__, __NSNumber__, __NSArray__, __NSDictionary__, or __NSNull__. If you use some other JSON serialization kit or do it by yourself, ensure that JSON comply with all requirements. If JSON string is malformed you will receive corresponding error from remote server. You can use the following methods to send messages: ```objc - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory; - (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;
  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory;

  • (PNMessage *)sendMessage:(id)message applePushNotification:(NSDictionary *)apnsPayload googleCloudNotification:(NSDictionary *)gcmPayload toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message;

  • (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory;

  • (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage;

  • (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

  • (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory;

  • (void)sendMessage:(PNMessage *)message compressed:(BOOL)shouldCompressMessage storeInHistory:(BOOL)shouldStoreInHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)success;

Methods from first section return reference on [**PNMessage**](#pnmessage-object) instance. If there is a need to re-publish this message for any reason, (for example, the publish request timed-out due to lack of Internet connection), it can be passed back to the last two methods to easily re-publish.  
PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[pubNub connect];

PNMessage *helloMessage = [pubNub sendMessage:@"Hello PubNub" 
                                    toChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"]  
                          withCompletionBlock:^(PNMessageState messageSendingState, id data) {  
  switch (messageSendingState) {  
    case PNMessageSending:

      // PubNub client is sending message at this moment. 'data' stores reference on PNMessage
      // instance which is processing at this moment.
    case PNMessageSent:  

      // PubNub client successfully sent message to specified channel. 'data' stores reference
      // on PNMessage instance which has been sent.
    case PNMessageSendingError:  

      // PubNub client failed to send message and reason is in 'data' object.

      // PubNub did fail to send message to specified channel and reason can be found in error
      // instance.
      // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file
      // and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion
      // to get human readable description for error). 'error.associatedObject' PNMessage instance
      // which PubNub client was unable to send.
      // Retry message sending (but in real world should check error and handle it)  
      [pubNub sendMessage:helloMessage];  

Here is example how to send NSDictionary:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[pubNub connect];
[pubNub sendMessage:@{@"message":@"Hello from dictionary object"} 
          toChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"];  

Here is example how to send different messages to: channel, Apple Push Notification and Google cloud notification:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[pubNub connect];
[pubNub sendMessage:@{@"data_for_all":@{@"info":@"This is data all non-APNS and non-GCM devices "
                       "would receive. They would also receive the pn_apns and pn_gcm data."}}
 applePushNotification:@{@"aps":@{@"alert":@"Your order is ready for pickup!",@"badge":@(1), 
 googleCloudNotification:@{@"data":@"this is my data only for gcm devices"} 
               toChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"push-test"]];

There is also set of methods which allow to calculate size of message before it will be sent to PubNub service:

- (void)sizeOfMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
  withCompletionBlock:(void (^)(NSUInteger size))calculationCompletionBlock;
- (void)sizeOfMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)compressedMessage
  withCompletionBlock:(void (^)(NSUInteger size))calculationCompletionBlock;
- (void)sizeOfMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
  withCompletionBlock:(void (^)(NSUInteger size))calculationCompletionBlock;
- (void)sizeOfMessage:(id)message toChannel:(PNChannel *)channel compressed:(BOOL)compressedMessage
  withCompletionBlock:(void (^)(NSUInteger size))calculationCompletionBlock;

Here is example about how to get size of the message:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[pubNub sizeOfMessage:@{@"array": @[@"of", @"strings"], @"and": @16}
            toChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"channel-for-size"]
  withCompletionBlock:^(NSUInteger size) {
    NSLog(@"Message size: %@", @(size));

NOTE: This methods work properly only after PubNub client configuration completion (when all keys and identifiers will be set).

### History If you have enabled the history feature for your account, the following methods can be used to fetch message history: ```objc - (void)requestFullHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel; - (void)requestFullHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
  • (void)requestFullHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken;

  • (void)requestFullHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit reverseHistory:(BOOL)shouldReverseMessageHistory;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit reverseHistory:(BOOL)shouldReverseMessageHistory withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit reverseHistory:(BOOL)shouldReverseMessageHistory includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit reverseHistory:(BOOL)shouldReverseMessageHistory includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit reverseHistory:(BOOL)shouldReverseMessageHistory;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit reverseHistory:(BOOL)shouldReverseMessageHistory

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit reverseHistory:(BOOL)shouldReverseMessageHistory includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken;

  • (void)requestHistoryForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel from:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate limit:(NSUInteger)limit reverseHistory:(BOOL)shouldReverseMessageHistory includingTimeToken:(BOOL)shouldIncludeTimeToken withCompletionBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;

The first four methods will receive the full message history for a specified channel. ***Be careful, this could be a lot of messages, and consequently, a very long process!***  
If you set **from** or **to** as `nil`, that argument will be ignored. For example:
[pubNub requestHistoryForChannel:myChannel from:nil to:myEndDate limit:100 reverseHistory:YES];

the start value will be omitted from the server request. Likewise with:

[pubNub requestHistoryForChannel:myChannel from:myStartDate to:nil limit:100 reverseHistory:YES];

the end value will be omitted from the server request. Setting both start and end to nil:

[pubNub requestHistoryForChannel:myChannel from:nil to:nil limit:100 reverseHistory:YES];

Will omit both from the server request, thus simply returning the last [limit] results from history.
In the following example, we pull history for the iosdev channel within the specified time frame, limiting the maximum number of messages returned to 34:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[pubNub connect];
PNDate *startDate = [PNDate dateWithDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(-3600.0f)]];  
PNDate *endDate = [PNDate dateWithDate:[NSDate date]];  
int limit = 34;  
[pubNub requestHistoryForChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"] from:startDate to:endDate 
                           limit:limit reverseHistory:NO 
             withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *messages, PNChannel *channel, PNDate *startDate, 
                                   PNDate *endDate, PNError *error) {  
  if (error == nil) {

    // PubNub client successfully retrieved history for channel. 
  else {

      // PubNub did fail to retrieve history for specified channel and reason can be found in 
      // error instance.
      // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file
      // and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion
      // to get human readable description for error). 'error.associatedObject' contains PNChannel
      // instance for which PubNub client was unable to receive history.

In the following example, we pull all messages from iosdev channel history:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration]];
[pubNub connect];
[pubNub requestFullHistoryForChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"] includingTimeToken:YES
                 withCompletionBlock:^(NSArray *messages, PNChannel *channel, PNDate *startDate, 
                                       PNDate *endDate, PNError *error) {

  if (error == nil) {

    // PubNub client successfully retrieved history for channel. 
  else {

      // PubNub did fail to retrieve history for specified channel and reason can be found in 
      // error instance.
      // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file
      // and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion
      // to get human readable description for error). 'error.associatedObject' contains PNChannel
      // instance for which PubNub client was unable to receive history.
### Stream controller Using this API you will be able to organize set of channels into groups and subscribe on all registered channels at once using channel group identifier. Channel groups can be stored under namespaces. There is API to manage channel group and namespaces: ```objc - (void)requestDefaultChannelGroups; - (void)requestDefaultChannelGroupsWithCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelGroupsRequestHandlingBlock)handlerBlock; - (void)requestChannelGroupsForNamespace:(NSString *)nspace; - (void)requestChannelGroupsForNamespace:(NSString *)nspace withCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelGroupsRequestHandlingBlock)handlerBlock; - (void)removeChannelGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group; - (void)removeChannelGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group withCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelGroupRemoveHandlingBlock)handlerBlock;
  • (void)requestChannelGroupNamespaces;
  • (void)requestChannelGroupNamespacesWithCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelGroupNamespacesRequestHandlingBlock)handlerBlock;
  • (void)removeChannelGroupNamespace:(NSString *)nspace;
  • (void)removeChannelGroupNamespace:(NSString *)nspace withCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelGroupNamespaceRemoveHandlingBlock)handlerBlock
Methods above allow to fetch list of groups and namespaces as well as remove them. When namespace is removed, it will unregister all channels in channel groups and remove them along with channel groups from deleted namespace. When channel group removed, all registered channels will be removed from it.  

Fetch list of namespaces for whole application subscribe key:  
PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration] 
[pubNub connect];
[pubNub requestChannelGroupsWithCompletionHandlingBlock:^(NSString *nspace, NSArray *groups, 
                                                          PNError *error) {
   if (!error) {
       // PubNub client received list of channel groups inside specified namespace or application
       // wide.
   else {
       // PubNub client did fail to retrieve list of channel groups inside specified namespace or
       // application wide.
       // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header file
       // and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion
       // to get human readable description for error). 'error.associatedObject' contains name of
       // namespace for which channel groups has been requested (will be nil in case if request
       // has been application wide).

Also there is API to manage channel group content (list of registered channels):

- (void)requestChannelsForGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group;
- (void)requestChannelsForGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group
- (void)addChannels:(NSArray *)channels toGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group;
- (void)          addChannels:(NSArray *)channels toGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group
- (void)removeChannels:(NSArray *)channels fromGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group;
- (void)       removeChannels:(NSArray *)channels fromGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group

First two methods allow to fetch list of channels which is registered under channel group:

PNChannelGroup *group = [PNChannelGroup channelGroupWithName:@"users" inNamespace:@"admin"];
PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration] 
[pubNub connect];
[pubNub requestChannelsForGroup:[PNChannelGroup channelGroupWithName:@"users"]];
[pubNub requestChannelsForGroup:group
    withCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNChannelGroup *group, PNError *error) {
     if (!error) {
         // PubNub client received list of channels for specified channel group.
     else {
         // PubNub client did fail to retrieve list of channels for channel group.
         // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header
         // file and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and 
         // -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get human readable description for error).
         // 'error.associatedObject' contains PNChannelGroup instance for which channels has been requested.

Here is how we can add channels to the group:

PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:[PNConfiguration defaultConfiguration] 
[pubNub connect];
[pubNub addChannels:[PNChannel channelsWithNames:@[@"Bob", @"Jay"]] 
                                         toGroup:[PNChannelGroup channelGroupWithName:@"users"] 
         withCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNChannelGroup *group, NSArray *channels, PNError *error) {
             if (!error) {
                 // PubNub client added channels to the group.
             else {
                 // PubNub client did fail to add channels to the group.
                 // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes
                 // header file and use -localizedDescription /
                 // -localizedFailureReason and -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get human readable
                 // description for error). 'error.associatedObject' contains PNChannelGroupChange
                 // instance which describe change details.

Groups and namespaces exists only when there is channels in it. As soon as channels will be added to the group, channel group will be created. If channel group created inside of non-existing namespace, it will be created as well.

### APNS Methods **Be sure you enabled APNS in your admin under the option "Mobile Push". If you don't, it won't work!** PubNub provides the ability to send APNS push notifications from any client (iOS, Android, Java, Ruby, etc) using the native PubNub publish() mechanism. APNS push notifications can only be received on supported iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, etc). Normally, when you publish a message, it stays on the PubNub network, and is only accessible by native PubNub subscribers. If you want that same message to be received on an iOS device via APNS, you must first associate the PubNub channel with the destination device's device ID (also known as a push token).

To perform this association, use one of the following:

- (void)enablePushNotificationsOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken;
- (void)enablePushNotificationsOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken
- (void)enablePushNotificationsOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels withDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken;
- (void)enablePushNotificationsOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels withDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken

To disable this association, use one of the following:

- (void)disablePushNotificationsOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken;
- (void)disablePushNotificationsOnChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken
- (void)disablePushNotificationsOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels withDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken;
- (void)disablePushNotificationsOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels withDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken

You can remove them all, instead of individually using:

- (void)removeAllPushNotificationsForDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken

And to get an active list (audit) of whats currently associated:

- (void)requestPushNotificationEnabledChannelsForDevicePushToken:(NSData *)pushToken

Check out a working example in the APNS Demo HOWTO app.

If you ever wanted to directly call the underlying APNS methods directly through REST, here are the endpoints:

Add channel(s) for a device<sub_key>/devices/<device_push_token>?add=channel,channel,...
Remove channel(s) from a device<sub_key>/devices/<device_push_token>?remove=channel,channel,...
Remove device (and all channel subscriptions)<sub_key>/devices/<device_push_token>/remove
Get channels for a device<sub_key>/devices/<device_push_token>

Publish to APNS

Be sure you enabled APNS in your admin under the option "Mobile Push". If you don't, it won't work!
To test, publish a string (not an object!) on the associated channel via the web console. You should receive this string as an APNS push message on your APNS-enabled application.
If it works, you can publish an object, but it must follow a pre-defined Apple format. More info on that here -- search for 'Examples of JSON Payloads' at

If you wish to publish an object (versus a string) to an APNS-enabled channel using another PubNub client, below we show some examples of how to do this in various languages:

Java, BlackBerry, Android, J2ME, Codename One
Pubnub pubnub = new Pubnub("demo","demo");
JSONObject jso = null;

try {
    jso = new JSONObject("{'aps' : {'alert' : 'You got your emails.'," + "'badge' : 9,'sound' : 'bingbong.aiff'}," +
                         "'acme 1': 42}");
    pubnub.publish("my_channel", jso, new Callback(){

        public void successCallback(String arg0, Object arg1) {
} catch (JSONException e) {

    :channel  => 'my_channel',
    :message => {

      "aps" : {
        "alert": "You got your emails.",
        "badge": 9,
        "sound": "bingbong.aiff"
      "acme 1": 42
message= {
      "aps" : {
        "alert": "You got your emails.",
        "badge": 9,
        "sound": "bingbong.aiff"
      "acme 1": 42

pubnub.publish(channel='my_channel', message=message)
### PAM Methods **Be sure you enabled PAM in your admin under the option "Access Manager". If you don't, it won't work!** **NOTE:** As soon as you enable PAM feature, you will have to grant permissions first, or all applications will be unable to operate because of all of them won't have any rights. PubNub provides ability to control who has access and what he can do there. There is three configurable access levels: application wide, channel and user (levels at the beginning of the list has larger wight in overall access rights computation). If read / write access rights has been granted on application level, they can't be revoked for particular user. If channel has been configured for read-only, user can be configured to be ale to post messages into it.

PubNub client provide large set of methods which allow to specify any aspect of access rights in the way which will keep your code clean and small (a lot of designated methods).

- (void)changeApplicationAccessRightsTo:(PNAccessRights)accessRights 
- (void)changeApplicationAccessRightsTo:(PNAccessRights)accessRights 
- (void)changeAccessRightsFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects to:(PNAccessRights)accessRights
- (void)changeAccessRightsFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects to:(PNAccessRights)accessRights
- (void)changeAccessRightsForClients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys 
                              object:(id <PNChannelProtocol>)object to:(PNAccessRights)accessRights
- (void)changeAccessRightsForClients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys
                              object:(id <PNChannelProtocol>)object to:(PNAccessRights)accessRights

- (void)auditAccessRightsForApplication;
- (void)auditAccessRightsForApplicationWithCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelAccessRightsAuditBlock)handlerBlock;
- (void)auditAccessRightsFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects;
- (void) auditAccessRightsFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects
- (void)auditAccessRightsFor:(id <PNChannelProtocol>)object 
                     clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys;
- (void)auditAccessRightsFor:(id <PNChannelProtocol>)object 
                     clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys

channelObjects and object can be any of this objects: PNChannel, PNChannelGroup or PNChannelGroupNamespace.

DEPRECATED Starting from 3.7.0 this set of methods has been deprecated:

+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForApplicationAtPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForApplicationAtPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForApplicationAtPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForApplicationAtPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForApplicationAtPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForApplicationAtPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForApplication;
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForApplicationWithCompletionHandlingBlock:(PNClientChannelAccessRightsChangeBlock)handlerBlock;

+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                                client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey;
+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                                client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey
+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForChannels:(NSArray *)channels forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForChannels:(NSArray *)channels forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                               clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys;
+ (void)grantReadAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                               clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys

+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                                 client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey;
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                                 client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForChannels:(NSArray *)channels forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForChannels:(NSArray *)channels forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                                clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys;
+ (void)grantWriteAccessRightForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                                clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys

+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                                client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey;
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                                client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForChannels:(NSArray *)channels forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration;
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForChannels:(NSArray *)channels forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                               clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys;
+ (void)grantAllAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel forPeriod:(NSInteger)accessPeriodDuration
                               clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys

+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey;
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForChannels:(NSArray *)channels
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys;
+ (void)revokeAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys

+ (void)auditAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
+ (void)auditAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
+ (void)auditAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey;
+ (void)auditAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel client:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey
+ (void)auditAccessRightsForChannels:(NSArray *)channels;
+ (void)auditAccessRightsForChannels:(NSArray *)channels 
+ (void)auditAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys;
+ (void)auditAccessRightsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel clients:(NSArray *)clientsAuthorizationKeys

Here is a small demo of how this methods can be used:

PNConfiguration *configuration = [PNConfiguration configurationForOrigin:@""
                                      publishKey:@"demo" subscribeKey:@"demo" 
PubNub *pubNub = [PubNub clientWithConfiguration:configuration andDelegate:self];
[pubNub connect];
[pubNub changeAccessRightsForClients:@[@"spectator", @"visitor"] 
                              object:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"]
                                  to:PNReadAccessRight onPeriod:10
         withCompletionHandlingBlock:^(PNAccessRightsCollection *collection, PNError *error) {

      if (error == nil) {

          // PubNub client successfully changed access rights for 'user' access level.
      else {

          // PubNub client did fail to revoke access rights from 'user' access level.
          // Always check 'error.code' to find out what caused error (check PNErrorCodes header
          // file and use -localizedDescription / -localizedFailureReason and 
          // -localizedRecoverySuggestion to get human  readable description for error). 
          // 'error.associatedObject' contains PNAccessRightOptions instance which describes access
          // level for which change has been requested.
[pubNub changeAccessRightsFor:@[[PNChannel channelWithName:@"iosdev"]] to:PNWriteAccessRight 

Code above configure access rights in a way, which won't allow message posting for clients with spectator and visitor authorization keys into iosdev channel for 10 minutes. But despite the fact that iosdev channel access rights allow only subscription for spectator and visitor, PubNub client allowed to post messages to any channels because of upper-layer configuration (channel access level allow message posting to any channels for 10 minutes).

## Data representation objects Mostly all data which returned to the used wrapped into specific objects to ease access to some complex structures. ### PNChannel object Base object which is used along with subscribe API. Wrapper used to store additional information along with channel name. This object used along with: [subscribe](#client-subscribe-unsubscribe), [presence](#client-presence), [here now](#client-here-now), [state](#client-presence-state), [publish](#message-post), [history](#message-history), [stream controller](#stream-controller), [APNS](#apns-methods) and [PAM](#pam-methods) APIs.

This object conforms to PNChannelProtocol and expose next information to the user:

  • name - unique string which represent single channel entity
  • updateTimeToken - PNDate object (represent server time token) which is updated every time when new event arrive on channel
  • channelGroup - PNChannelGroup object which is set when event arrive to the channel which is part of channel group on which client subscribed at this moment
  • presenceUpdateDate - PNDate object (represent server time token) which is updated every time when new presence event arrive on channel (if enabled presence observation)
  • participantsCount - number of subscribers on this concrete channel. This value updates every time when presence event arrive or explicitly requested presence information for this channel
  • participants - list of PNClient objects each of which represent single subscriber with his state (if has been passed in event or explicitly requested)

Also it provide few constructor methods:

+ (NSArray *)channelsWithNames:(NSArray *)channelsName;

+ (id)channelWithName:(NSString *)channelName;
+ (id)channelWithName:(NSString *)channelName shouldObservePresence:(BOOL)observePresence;

First method from list above allow to create set of channels from list of names in single call. Last method allow to specify whether created channel should try to enable presence observation after subscription or not.
As for the channel name, you can use any characters you want except ,, / and :, as they are reserved.

For example, to receive a reference on a list of channel instances:

NSArray *channels = [PNChannel channelsWithNames:@[@"iosdev",@"andoirddev",@"wpdev",@"ubuntudev"]];
### PNChannelGroup object Client's representation of collection of [**PNChannel**](#pnchannel-object) instances grouped on server under unique name in global or unique namespace. This object used along with: [subscribe](#client-subscribe-unsubscribe), [presence](#client-presence), [here now](#client-here-now), [state](#client-presence-state), [stream controller](#stream-controller) and [PAM](#pam-methods) APIs. Group will be created on server when there will be added first channels.

This object is subclass of PNChannel but have different set of information which is useful in context of stream controller:

  • groupName - unique group name which is persistently registered on server and store list of channels.
  • nspace - unique namespace under which channel group is stored on server. This value can be nil and it mean that group is stored in global namespace.
  • channels - list of PNChannel objects which is stored on server for this channel group. This property is filled only if concrete request for channels fetch has been made.

Also it provide few constructor methods:

+ (PNChannelGroup *)channelGroupWithName:(NSString *)name;
+ (PNChannelGroup *)channelGroupWithName:(NSString *)name shouldObservePresence:(BOOL)observePresence;

+ (PNChannelGroup *)channelGroupWithName:(NSString *)name inNamespace:(NSString *)nspace;
+ (PNChannelGroup *)channelGroupWithName:(NSString *)name inNamespace:(NSString *)nspace

First group of methods can accept simple channel group name ("group") or composed with namespace ("namespace:group"), but if you don't want to pre-compose string there is second group of methods which accept group and namespace names separately. Both groups of methods has designated method which allow to specify whether created group should try to enable presence observation after subscription or not.
As for the group and namespace names, you can use any characters you want except ,, / and :, as they are reserved. : can be used with two methods from first group as delimiter between namespace and channel group names.

For example, to receive a reference on development channel group inside of news-feed namespace:

PNChannelGroup *group = [PNChannelGroup channelGroupWithName:@"news-feed:development"];
### PNChannelGroupNamespace object Client's representation of collection of [**PNChannelGroup**](#pnchannelgroup-object) instances grouped on server under unique namespace name. This object used along with [PAM](#pam-methods) API. Namespace will be created on server when there will be added first channel group with channels.

This object is subclass of PNChannelGroup but have different set of information which is useful in context of stream controller:

  • nspace - unique namespace under which channel group is stored on server. This value can be nil and it mean that group is stored in global namespace.

Also it provide few constructor methods:

+ (PNChannelGroupNamespace *)allNamespaces;
+ (PNChannelGroupNamespace *)namespaceWithName:(NSString *)name;

First method is useful if you need to address all namespaces which is registered for your application keys (publish/subscribe key pair).

### PNMessage object This is object which wrap received message or message which should be sent along with information about where and how it should be sent. `PNMessage` conforms to _NSCoding_ protocol which mean that you can save messages on file system if you want using corresponding methods. This object used along with [subscribe](#client-subscribe-unsubscribe) and [publish](#message-post) APIs.

This object provide next information:

  • channel - PNChannel object to/from which this message has been sent / received
  • channelGroup - PNChannelGroup object inside of which target channel is registered. This value is set only if message has been received from channel inside of channel group on which client subscribed at this moment.
  • message - reference on message which should be sent or received from channel (it is native Objective-C object)
  • receiveDate - PNDate object which represent date when this message has been received on server side. This value is set only through history API when stored messages received with request of store date.
  • date - PNDate object which represent date when server accepted this message. This value is set through publish when server report about successful delivery (means that message reached PubNub service).

This object provide methods which allow to load and store instance from / to file system:

+ (PNMessage *)messageFromFileAtPath:(NSString *)messageFilePath;
- (BOOL)writeToFileAtPath:(NSString *)messageStoreFilePath;
### PNClient object Local representation of current client or any other subscriber on the channel. This object used along with: [here now](#client-here-now), [where now](#client-where-now) and [state](#client-presence-state) APIs.

This object provide next information:

  • channels - list of PNChannel objects for which this client has state information. This value is set through where now by user request for state of concrete subscriber on channels
  • channel - PNChannel object which represent channel on which this subscriber is noticed. This value is set through here now and where now APIs as well as through presence events on channel
  • group - PNChannelGroup object inside of which stored target channel on which client subscribed. This is set through here now API and can be nil if request has been done on regular channel (not for channel group)
  • identifier - unique subscriber identifier which is given during client configuration

This object provide method which allow to fetch client state information for particular channel:

- (NSDictionary *)stateForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
### PNHereNow object Abstraction for presence information which has been received by user request through [here now](#client-here-now) API.

This object provide few methods to receive detailed presence information:

- (NSArray *)channels;

- (NSArray *)participantsForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;
- (NSUInteger)participantsCountForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;

First method may contain different set of channels (for example less then has been requested) because there is no presence information for some subset of channels which has been passed by user.
Last two methods allow to receiver list of PNClient objects and their count for particular channel.

### PNWhereNow object Object which is used to represent presence information of single subscriber by his unique identifier across all active [**PNChannel**](#pnchannel-object) objects. This object used along with [where now](#client-where-now) API.

This object provide next information:

  • identifier - reference on unique subscriber identifier for which presence information has been received
  • channels - list of PNChannel objects where requested subscriber has been found
### PNPresenceEvent object Object which allow to describe what exact action just happened on channel or group for which presence observation has been enabled during subscription or on run-time.

This object provide next information:

  • type - one of PNPresenceEventType fields declared in PNStructures.h. Using this value we can find out whether there is: state change, subscribers count change, join, leave or timeout event
  • date - PNDate instance which allow to find date when this presence event occur
  • client - PNClient object which hold information about subscriber/client for which this event has been generated
  • occupancy - in case of subscribers count change event it will store current number of subscribers on channel
  • channel - reference on PNChannel which describe target channel on which this presence event has been generated
  • channelGroup - in case if event has been generated on PNChannel inside of channel group on which client subscribed at this moment this value will contain reference on PNChannelGroup
### PNChannelGroupChange object Object which is used to represent manipulation which has been done with channel group using [stream controller](#stream-controller) API. This object is passed in error callbacks when there is some issues during request to [stream controller](#stream-controller) API.

This object provide next information:

  • group - PNChannelGroup object for which change has been issued
  • addingChannels - BOOL flag which specify whether change has been done for channels addition or removal to/from channel group
  • channels - list of PNChannel objects which has been used for channel group channels list modification
### PNAccessRightOptions object Object which is used to represent access rights manipulation options on channel, channel group and namespace objects through [PAM](#pam-methods) API. This object is passed in error callbacks when there is some issues during request to [PAM](#pam-methods) API. This object provide next information: - `level` - target object level for which this access rights should be applied: application, channel, channel group, namespace or user - `rights` - bit field which allow to compose set of access rights: read, write, manage or none - `applicationKey` - reference on application (by subscribe key) - `channels` - list of [**PNChannel**](#pnchannel-object) objects in case if access rights manipulation is done for channel level - `clientsAuthorizationKeys` - list of unique subscriber identifiers for which on user level access rights should be changed - `accessPeriodDuration` - time for which new access rights should be applied for target level

This object provide helper methods to check what kind of access rights is granted or revoked:

- (BOOL)isEnablingReadAccessRight;
- (BOOL)isEnablingWriteAccessRight;
- (BOOL)isEnablingAllAccessRights;
- (BOOL)isRevokingAccessRights;
### PNAccessRightsCollection object Object which is used to represent set of [**PNAccessRightsInformation**](#pnaccessrightsinformation-object) objects which represent access right for different levels (depending on PAM audit request options). This object used along with [PAM](#pam-methods) API.

This object provide next information:

  • level - original access object level for which audit has been done: application, channel group, channel and user

This object provide methods to receive concrete information for different access rights level and objects (object can be channel. channel group or subscriber identifier):

- (PNAccessRightsInformation *)accessRightsInformationForApplication;
- (NSArray *)accessRightsInformationForAllChannels;
- (NSArray *)accessRightsInformationForAllChannelGroups;
- (NSArray *)accessRightsInformationForAllChannelGroupNamespaces;
- (PNAccessRightsInformation *)accessRightsInformationFor:(id<PNChannelProtocol>)object;

- (NSArray *)accessRightsForClientsOn:(id<PNChannelProtocol>)object;
- (NSArray *)accessRightsInformationForAllClientAuthorizationKeys;
- (NSArray *)accessRightsInformationForClientAuthorizationKey:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey;
- (PNAccessRightsInformation *)accessRightsInformationClientAuthorizationKey:(NSString *)clientAuthorizationKey
                                                                   onChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;

First group of methods allow to fetch access rights information for non-user objects as well as group of objects of concrete type. Last group of methods allow to retrieve access rights information for set of users on specified object or for single user with fully specified target object.

### PNAccessRightsInformation object Object which is used to represent access rights for concrete object (application, channel group, channel or user). This object used along with [PAM](#pam-methods) API.

This object provide next information:

  • level - target object level for which this access rights received: application, channel, channel group, namespace or user
  • rights - bit field which store object's access rights: read, write, manage or none
  • subscriptionKey - reference on application (by subscribe key)
  • object - one of PNChannel or PNChannelGroup instances for which access rights is described (for application level this value is nil)
  • authorizationKey - unique subscriber identifiers for which on user level access rights has been received. This value is set only if information for user access level
  • accessPeriodDuration - time for which new access rights has been granted for target level

This object provide helper methods to check what kind of access rights is granted or revoked:

- (BOOL)hasReadRight;
- (BOOL)hasWriteRight;
- (BOOL)hasAllRights;
- (BOOL)hasManagementRight;
- (BOOL)isAllRightsRevoked;
### PNDate object Object used to represent dates which is received from PubNub client to the user or when user want to specify time frame for [history](#message-history) API.

This object provide next information:

  • timeToken - this is time token which is used by PubNub. This value represent unixtimestamp with nanoseconds w/o decimal part
  • date - NSDate which is build from time token value and make it possible to use with standard Objective-C API which work with dates

This object provide few constructors:

+ (instancetype)dateWithDate:(NSDate *)date;
+ (instancetype)dateWithToken:(NSNumber *)number;
## Error handling

In the event of an error, the client will generate an instance of PNError, which will include the error code (defined in PNErrorCodes.h), as well as additional information which is available via the localizedDescription,localizedFailureReason, and localizedRecoverySuggestion methods.
In some cases, the error object will contain the "context instance object" via the associatedObject attribute. This is the object (such as a PNMessage) which is directly related to the error at hand.

## Event handling The client provides different methods of handling different events: 1. Delegate callback methods 2. Block callbacks 3. Observation center 4. Notifications ### Delegate callback methods In the PubNub iOS client, delegate callback methods provide one way to handle different events. At any given time, there can be only one PubNub client delegate. The delegate class must conform to the PNDelegate protocol in order to receive callbacks. Lets go through each delegate with a small example.

This delegate method is called when an error occurs in the PubNub client. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client error:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"An error occurred: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willConnectToOrigin:(NSString *)origin;

This delegate method is called when the client is about to connect to the PubNub origin. “origin” will contain the PubNub origin url.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willConnectToOrigin:(NSString *)origin { 

  NSLog(@"PubNub client is about to connect to PubNub origin at: %@", origin);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didConnectToOrigin:(NSString *)origin;

This delegate method is called when the client is successfully connected to the PubNub origin. “origin” will contain the PubNub origin url.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didConnectToOrigin:(NSString *)origin { 

  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully connected to PubNub origin at: %@", origin);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisconnectFromOrigin:(NSString *)origin;

This delegate method is called when the client is successfully disconnected from the PubNub origin. “origin” will contain the PubNub origin url.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisconnectFromOrigin:(NSString *)origin {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client disconnected from PubNub origin at: %@", origin);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisconnectFromOrigin:(NSString *)origin withError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when the client is disconnected from the PubNub origin due to an error. “error” will contain the details of the error. “origin” will contain the PubNub origin url.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisconnectFromOrigin:(NSString *)origin withError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client closed connection because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willDisconnectWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called if an error occurred when disconnecting from the PubNub origin. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willDisconnectWithError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client will close connection because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client connectionDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called if an error occurred when connecting to the PubNub origin. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client connectionDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client was unable to connect because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willSuspendWithBlock:(void(^)(void(^)(void(^)(void))))preSuspensionBlock;

This delegate method can be called (if specified in delegate) when the client is about to suspend its operation because application is entering background execution context. You can use this delegate in case if you need to perform some actions using PubNub client before it will be suspended.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willSuspendWithBlock:(void(^)(void(^)(void(^)(void))))preSuspensionBlock {

    if ([client isConnected]) {

            [client sendMessage:@"Hello my friend" toChannel:[PNChannel channelWithName:@"boom"]
            withCompletionBlock:^(PNMessageState state, id data) {

                if (state != PNMessageSending) {

                    NSString *message = @"Message has been sent";
                    if (state == PNMessageSendingError) {

                        // Handle message sending error

                    // Always call this block as soon as required amount of tasks completed.

NOTE: You should call completionBlock() as soon as all actions will be completed. It will be better than suspension by the iOS system. Use only block-based PubNub API in this delegate callback to make sure that they will be able gito complete and return result to you before complete suspension and completionBlock() block call.

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSubscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called when the client is successfully subscribed call to the channels. “channels” will contain the array of channels to which the client is subscribed.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSubscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully subscribed to channels:%@", channels);

DEPRECATED Since 3.7.0

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSubscribeOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects;

This delegate method is called when the client is successfully subscribed call to the channels. “channelObjects” will contain the array of PNChannel and PNChannelGroup instances to which the client is subscribed.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSubscribeOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully subscribed to channels:%@", channelObjects);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willRestoreSubscriptionOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called when the subscription on the channels is about to be restored after a network disconnect. “channels” will contain the array of channels to which the subscription is about to be restored.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willRestoreSubscriptionOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client resuming subscription on: %@", channels);

DEPRECATED Since 3.7.0

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willRestoreSubscriptionOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects;

This delegate method is called when the subscription on the channels is about to be restored after a network disconnect. “channelObjects” will contain the array of PNChannel and PNChannelGroup instances to which the subscription is about to be restored.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willRestoreSubscriptionOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client resuming subscription on: %@", channelObjects);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRestoreSubscriptionOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called when the subscription on the channels is successfully restored after a network disconnect. “channels” will contain the array of channels to which the subscription has been restored.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRestoreSubscriptionOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully restored subscription on channels: %@", channels);

DEPRECATED Since 3.7.0

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRestoreSubscriptionOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects;

This delegate method is called when the subscription on the channels is successfully restored after a network disconnect. “channelObjects” will contain the array of PNChannel and PNChannelGroup instances to which the subscription has been restored.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRestoreSubscriptionOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully restored subscription on channels: %@", channelObjects);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client subscriptionDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called if an error occurred when subscribing to a channel. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client subscriptionDidFailWithError:(NSError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to subscribe because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didUnsubscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called if the channels are successfully unsubscribed. “channels” will contain the array of channels which have been unsubscribed.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didUnsubscribeOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels {    

  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully unsubscribed from channels: %@", channels);

DEPRECATED Since 3.7.0

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didUnsubscribeFrom:(NSArray *)channelObjects;

This delegate method is called if the channels are successfully unsubscribed. “channelObjects” will contain the array of PNChannel and PNChannelGroup instances which have been unsubscribed.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didUnsubscribeFrom:(NSArray *)channelObjects {    

  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully unsubscribed from channels: %@", channelObjects);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client unsubscriptionDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called if an error occurs when a channel is unsubscribed. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client unsubscriptionDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to unsubscribe because of 	error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didEnablePresenceObservationOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called if the presence notifications are successfully enabled. “channels” will contain the array of channels which have presence notifications enabled.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didEnablePresenceObservationOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully enabled presence observation on channels: %@", channels);

DEPRECATED Since 3.7.0

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didEnablePresenceObservationOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects;

This delegate method is called if the presence notifications are successfully enabled. “channelObjects” will contain the array of PNChannel and PNChannelGroup instances which have presence notifications enabled.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didEnablePresenceObservationOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully enabled presence observation on channels: %@", channelObjects);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client presenceObservationEnablingDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called if an error occurs on enabling presence notifications. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client presenceObservationEnablingDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to enable presence observation because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisablePresenceObservationOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called if the presence notifications are successfully disabled. “channels” will contain the array of channels which have presence notifications disabled.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisablePresenceObservationOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully disabled presence observation on channels: %@", channels);

DEPRECATED Since 3.7.0

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisablePresenceObservationOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects;

This delegate method is called if the presence notifications are successfully disabled. “channelObjects” will contain the array of PNChannel and PNChannelGroup instances which have presence notifications disabled.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisablePresenceObservationOn:(NSArray *)channelObjects {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully disabled presence observation on channels: %@", channelObjects);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client presenceObservationDisablingDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called if an error occurs on disabling presence notifications. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client presenceObservationDisablingDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to disable presence observation because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didEnablePushNotificationsOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called if push notifications for all channels are successfully enabled. “channels” will contain the array of channels which have push notifications enabled.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didEnablePushNotificationsOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client enabled push notifications on channels: %@", channels);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client pushNotificationEnableDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when an error occurs on enabling push notifications for all channels. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client pushNotificationEnableDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed push notification enable because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisablePushNotificationsOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called when push notifications for all channels are successfully disabled. “channels” will contain the array of channels which have push notifications disabled.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didDisablePushNotificationsOnChannels:(NSArray *)channels {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client disabled push notifications on channels: %@", channels);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client pushNotificationDisableDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when an error occurs on disabling push notifications for all channels. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client pushNotificationDisableDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to disable push notifications because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClientDidRemovePushNotifications:(PubNub *)client;

This delegate method is called when push notifications for all channels are successfully removed.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClientDidRemovePushNotifications:(PubNub *)client {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client removed push notifications from all channels");

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client pushNotificationsRemoveFromChannelsDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when an error occurs on removing push notifications for all channels. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client pushNotificationsRemoveFromChannelsDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed remove push notifications from channels because of error: %@",

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceivePushNotificationEnabledChannels:(NSArray *)channels;

This delegate method is called when the client successfully receives to receive push notifications for a channel. “channels” will contain the array of channels which received push notifications.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceivePushNotificationEnabledChannels:(NSArray *)channels {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client received push notifications for these enabled channels: %@", channels);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client pushNotificationEnabledChannelsReceiveDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when the client fails to receive push notifications for a channel. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client pushNotificationEnabledChannelsReceiveDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to receive list of channels because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didChangeAccessRights:(PNAccessRightsCollection *)accessRightsCollection;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client did complete access rights change operation. PNAccessRightsCollection contains set of PNAccessRightsInformation instance which is used to describe access rights which has been applied by the server at the end (parameters may differ from the one which is required by user).
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didChangeAccessRights:(PNAccessRightsCollection *)accessRightsCollection {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client changed access rights configuration: %@", accessRightsCollection);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client accessRightsChangeDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client did fail access rights change operation. “error” will contain the details of the error and error.associatedObject contains reference on PNAccessRightOptions instance which contains information about access rights which user tried to apply to some object.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client accessRightsChangeDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to change access rights configuration because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didAuditAccessRights:(PNAccessRightsCollection *)accessRightsCollection;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client did complete access rights audition operation. PNAccessRightsCollection contains set of PNAccessRightsInformation instance which is used to describe access rights which has been give during previous PAM API grant / revoke usage.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didAuditAccessRights:(PNAccessRightsCollection *)accessRightsCollection {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client completed access rights audition: %@", accessRightsCollection);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client accessRightsAuditDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client did fail access rights audition operation. “error” will contain the details of the error and error.associatedObject contains reference on PNAccessRightOptions instance which contains information about object for which user tried to pull our access rights information.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client accessRightsAuditDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to audit access rights because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveClientState:(PNClient *)remoteClient;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client successfully retrieved client state information. PNClient represent all information via properties.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveClientState:(PNClient *)remoteClient {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully received state for client %@ on channel %@: %@ ",

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client clientStateRetrieveDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client was unable to receive client state. "error" will contain details of this error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client clientStateRetrieveDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to receive state for client %@ on channel %@ because of "
        "error: %@", ((PNClient *)error.associatedObject).identifier, ((PNClient *)error.associatedObject).channel, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didUpdateClientState:(PNClient *)remoteClient;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client successfully updated client's state. "remoteClient" will hold updated information.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didUpdateClientState:(PNClient *)remoteClient {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully updated state for client %@ at channel %@: %@ ",

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client clientStateUpdateDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client was unable to update client's state. "error" will contains details of this error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client clientStateUpdateDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to update state for client %@ at channel %@ because of "
        "error: %@", ((PNClient *)error.associatedObject).identifier, ((PNClient *)error.associatedObject).channel, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveChannelGroups:(NSArray *)groups forNamespace:(NSString *)nspace;

This delegate method is called when client successfully received list of channel groups which has been created earlier.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveChannelGroups:(NSArray *)groups forNamespace:(NSString *)nspace {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully received list of channel groups for namespace: %@\n%@", nspace, groups);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelGroupsRequestDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when client did fail to retrieve list of channel groups.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelGroupsRequestDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to receive list of channel groups for namespace: %@ because of error: %@", error.associatedObject, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveChannelsForGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group;

This delegate method is called when client successfully received list of channels for concrete group.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveChannelsForGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully received list of channels for group: %@\n%@", group, group.channels);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelsForGroupRequestDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when client did fail to retrieve list of channels for channel group.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelsForGroupRequestDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to receive list of channels for group: %@ because of error: %@", error.associatedObject, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didAddChannels:(NSArray *)channels toGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group;

This delegate method is called when client successfully added list of channels to the group.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didAddChannels:(NSArray *)channels toGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully added list of channels: %@ to group: %@", [channels valueForKey:@"name"], group);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelsAdditionToGroupDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when client did fail to add list of channels to the group.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelsAdditionToGroupDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  PNChannelGroupChange *change = (PNChannelGroupChange *)error.associatedObject;
  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to add list of channels: %@ to group: %@ because of error: %@", [change.channels valueForKey:@"name"],, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRemoveChannels:(NSArray *)channels fromGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group;

This delegate method is called when client successfully removed list of channels from the group.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRemoveChannels:(NSArray *)channels fromGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully removed list of channels: %@ from group: %@", [channels valueForKey:@"name"], group);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelsRemovalFromGroupDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when client did fail to remove list of channels from the group. Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelsRemovalFromGroupDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  PNChannelGroupChange *change = (PNChannelGroupChange *)error.associatedObject;
  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to remove list of channels: %@ from group: %@ because of error: %@", [change.channels valueForKey:@"name"],, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveChannelGroupNamespaces:(NSArray *)namespaces;

This delegate method is called when client successfully retrieved list of group namespaces.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveChannelGroupNamespaces:(NSArray *)namespaces {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully received application-wide namespaces list: %@", namespaces);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelGroupNamespacesRequestDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when client did fail to fetch list of group namespaces.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelGroupNamespacesRequestDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to receive application-wide namespaces because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRemoveNamespace:(NSString *)nspace;

This delegate method is called when client successfully removed specified namespace along with channel groups registered in it.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRemoveNamespace:(NSString *)nspace {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully removed namespace: %@", nspace);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client namespaceRemovalDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when client did fail to remove specified namespace along with all channel groups registered in it.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client namespaceRemovalDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to remove namespace: %@ because of error: %@", error.associatedObject, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRemoveChannelGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group;

This delegate method is called when client successfully removed specified channel group along with all channels registered in it.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didRemoveChannelGroup:(PNChannelGroup *)group {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client successfully removed channel group: %@", group);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelGroupRemovalDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when client did fail to remove specified channel group along with all channels registered in it.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client channelGroupRemovalDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client did fail to remove channel group: %@ because of error: %@", error.associatedObject, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveTimeToken:(NSNumber *)timeToken;

This delegate method is called when the client successfully retrieves the timetoken from the server. “timeToken” will contain the retrieved timetoken.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveTimeToken:(NSNumber *)timeToken {
  NSLog(@"PubNub client received time token: %@", timeToken);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client timeTokenReceiveDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when the client fails to retrieve the timetoken from the server. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client timeTokenReceiveDidFailWithError:(PNError *)error 

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to receive time token because of error: %@", error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willSendMessage:(PNMessage *)message;

This delegate method is called when the client is about to send a message on a channel. “message” will contain the details of the message including the channel info.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client willSendMessage:(PNMessage *)message {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client is about to send message: %@", message);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailMessageSend:(PNMessage *)message withError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when the client fails to send a message on a channel. “message” will contain the details of the message including the channel info. “error” will contain the details of the error.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailMessageSend:(PNMessage *)message withError:(PNError *)error {    

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to send message '%@' because of error: %@", message, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSendMessage:(PNMessage *)message;

This delegate method is called when the client successfully sends a message on a channel. “message” will contain the details of the message including the channel info.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didSendMessage:(PNMessage *)message{ 

  NSLog(@"PubNub client sent message: %@", message);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveMessage:(PNMessage *)message;

This delegate method is called when the client successfully receives a message on a subscribed channel. “message” will contain the details of the message including the channel info.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveMessage:(PNMessage *)message {    
    NSLog(@"PubNub client received message: %@", message);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceivePresenceEvent:(PNPresenceEvent *)event;

This delegate method is called when the client successfully receives a presence event on a channel whose presence notifications are subscribed. “event” will contain the presence event.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceivePresenceEvent:(PNPresenceEvent *)event {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client received presence event: %@", event);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveMessageHistory:(NSArray *)messages forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel startingFrom:(PNDate *)startDate to:(PNDate *)endDate;

This delegate method is called when the client successfully retrieves the history of messages on the channel. “channel” will contain the value of the PubNub channel. “messages” will contain the retrieved messages as an NSArray. “startDate” and “endDate” are the datetime range of the retrieved messages.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveMessageHistory:(NSArray *)messages forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
        startingFrom:(NSDate *)startDate to:(NSDate *)endDate {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client received history for %@ starting from %@ to %@: %@", channel, 
                                   startDate, endDate, messages);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailHistoryDownloadForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when the client fails to get history of messages on the channel. “channel” will contain the value of the PubNub channel and “error” will contain the error info.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailHistoryDownloadForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to download history for %@ because of error: %@", channel, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveParticipantsLits:(NSArray *)participantsList forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel;

This delegate method is called when the client successfully retrieves the info of other connected users on the channel. "participantsList" will contain list of PNClient instances. “channel” will contain the value of the PubNub channel.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveParticipantsLits:(NSArray *)participantsList 
         forChannel:(PNChannel *)channel {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client received participants list for channel %@: %@", participantsList, channel);

DEPRECATED Since 3.7.0

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveParticipants:(PNHereNow *)presenceInformation forObjects:(NSArray *)channelObjects;

This delegate method is called when the client successfully retrieves the info of other connected users on the channel. “channelObjects” will contain list of PNChannel and PNChannelGroup instances.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveParticipants:(PNHereNow *)presenceInformation
                                                  forObjects:(NSArray *)channelObjects {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client received participants list for channels and groups %@: %@", channelObjects, presenceInformation);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailParticipantsListDownloadForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel withError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when the client fails to get the info of other connected users on the channel. “channel” will contain the value of the PubNub channel and “error” will contain the error info.
Example usage follows:

- (void) pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailParticipantsListDownloadForChannel:(PNChannel *)channel 
            withError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to download participants list for channel %@ because of error: %@",
                                   channel, error);

DEPRECATED Since 3.7.0

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailParticipantsListDownloadFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects withError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when the client fails to get the info of other connected users on the channel. ““channelObjects” will contain list of PNChannel and PNChannelGroup instances and “error” will contain the error info.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailParticipantsListDownloadFor:(NSArray *)channelObjects
           withError:(PNError *)error {
    NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to download participants list for channels %@ because of error: %@", channelObjects, error);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveParticipantChannelsList:(NSArray *)participantChannelsList forIdentifier:(NSString *)clientIdentifier;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client successfully retrieved list of channels on which target client subscribed at this moment.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didReceiveParticipantChannelsList:(NSArray *)participantChannelsList
       forIdentifier:(NSString *)clientIdentifier {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client received participant channels list for identifier %@: %@",
        participantChannelsList, clientIdentifier);

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailParticipantChannelsListDownloadForIdentifier:(NSString *)clientIdentifier withError:(PNError *)error;

This delegate method is called when PubNub client can't pull out list of channels on which target client subscribed at this moment. "error" will contain error information.
Example usage follows:

- (void)pubnubClient:(PubNub *)client didFailParticipantChannelsListDownloadForIdentifier:(NSString *)clientIdentifier
           withError:(PNError *)error {

  NSLog(@"PubNub client failed to download participant channels list for identifier %@ "
        "because of error: %@", clientIdentifier, error);

- (BOOL)shouldRunClientInBackground;

This method returns the setting to determine if the client is configured to run in the background mode when the app goes into the background. If this method not implemented by delegate, then the app property list is read to determine if the app is configured to run in the background mode.
Example usage follows:

- (BOOL)shouldRunClientInBackground {
  return NO;

- (NSNumber *)shouldReconnectPubNubClient:(PubNub *)client;

This method allow to override value passed in configuration during client initialization. This method called when service reachabilty reported that service are available and previous session is failed because of network error or even not launched. We can change client configuration, but it will trigger client hard reset (if connected).
Example usage follows:

- (NSNumber *)shouldReconnectPubNubClient:(PubNub *)client {
  return @(NO);

- (NSNumber *)shouldKeepTimeTokenOnChannelsListChange;

This method allow to override value passed in configuration during client initialization. This method called when client is about to change list of channels (subscribe, unsubscribe). In case if this method return @(NO) then all messages which has been sent to the "old" channels while client changed list, will be discarded.
Example usage follows:

- (NSNumber *)shouldKeepTimeTokenOnChannelsListChange {
  return @(NO);

- (NSNumber *)shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore;

This method allow to override value passed in configuration during client initialization. This method called when service reachabilty reported that service are available and previous session is failed because of network error or even not launched. It allow to specify whether client should restore subscription or previously subscribed channels or not.
Example usage follows:

- (NSNumber *)shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore {
  NSNumber *shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore = @(YES);
  NSLog(@"PubNub client should restore subscription? %@",
                                  [shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore boolValue]?@"YES":@"NO");

  return shouldResubscribeOnConnectionRestore;

- (NSNumber *)shouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken;

This method allow to override value passed in configuration during client initialization. This method is called by library right after connection has been restored and client was configured to restore subscription on channels..
Example usage follows:

- (NSNumber *)shouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken {

  NSNumber *shouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken = @(NO);

  NSString *lastTimeToken = @"0";
  if ([[self.pubNub subscribedChannels] count] > 0) {

    lastTimeToken = [[[self.pubNub subscribedChannels] lastObject] updateTimeToken];
  NSLog(@"PubNub client should restore subscription from last time token? %@ (last time token: %@)",
                                  [shouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken boolValue]?@"YES":@"NO", lastTimeToken);

  return shouldRestoreSubscriptionFromLastTimeToken;
### Block callbacks

Many of the client methods support callback blocks as a way to handle events in lieu of a delegate. For each method, only the last block callback will be triggered -- that is, in the case you send many identical requests via a handling block, only last one will register.

### Observation center

PNObservationCenter is used in the same way as NSNotificationCenter, but instead of observing with selectors it allows you to specify a callback block for particular events.

These blocks are described in PNStructures.h.

This is the set of methods which can be used to handle events:

- (void)addClientConnectionStateObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientConnectionStateObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addClientStateRequestObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientStateRetrieveHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeClientStateRequestObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addClientStateUpdateObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientStateUpdateHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeClientStateUpdateObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addChannelGroupsRequestObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeChannelGroupsRequestObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addChannelGroupNamespacesRequestObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeChannelGroupNamespacesRequestObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addChannelGroupNamespaceRemovalObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeChannelGroupNamespaceRemovalObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addChannelGroupRemovalObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeChannelGroupRemovalObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addChannelsForGroupRequestObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeChannelsForGroupRequestObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addChannelsAdditionToGroupObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeChannelsAdditionToGroupObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addChannelsRemovalFromGroupObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeChannelsRemovalFromGroupObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addClientChannelSubscriptionStateObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientChannelSubscriptionStateObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addClientChannelUnsubscriptionObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientChannelUnsubscriptionObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addClientPresenceEnablingObserver:(id)observer withCallbackBlock:(PNClientPresenceEnableHandlingBlock)handlerBlock;
- (void)removeClientPresenceEnablingObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addClientPresenceDisablingObserver:(id)observer withCallbackBlock:(PNClientPresenceDisableHandlingBlock)handlerBlock;
- (void)removeClientPresenceDisablingObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addClientPushNotificationsEnableObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientPushNotificationsEnableObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addClientPushNotificationsDisableObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientPushNotificationsDisableObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addClientPushNotificationsEnabledChannelsObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientPushNotificationsEnabledChannelsObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addClientPushNotificationsRemoveObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientPushNotificationsRemoveObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addTimeTokenReceivingObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeTimeTokenReceivingObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addMessageProcessingObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientMessageProcessingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeMessageProcessingObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addMessageReceiveObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientMessageHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeMessageReceiveObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addPresenceEventObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientPresenceEventHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removePresenceEventObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addMessageHistoryProcessingObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientHistoryLoadHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeMessageHistoryProcessingObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addAccessRightsChangeObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientChannelAccessRightsChangeBlock)handlerBlock;
- (void)removeAccessRightsObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addAccessRightsAuditObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientChannelAccessRightsAuditBlock)handlerBlock;
- (void)removeAccessRightsAuditObserver:(id)observer;

- (void)addChannelParticipantsListProcessingObserver:(id)observer withBlock:(PNClientParticipantsHandlingBlock)handleBlock;
- (void)removeChannelParticipantsListProcessingObserver:(id)observer;
- (void)addClientParticipantChannelsListDownloadObserver:(id)observer
- (void)removeClientParticipantChannelsListDownloadObserver:(id)observer;
### Notifications

The client also triggers notifications with custom user information, so from any place in your application you can listen for notifications and perform appropriate actions.
A full list of notifications are stored in PNNotifications.h along with their description, their parameters, and how to handle them.

## Logging

You can use logging system provided by PubNub for you using PNLogger singleton instance. You can use logger for your own need and also logger output is used by PubNub support team to help you resolve any possible issues which may occur.
PNMacro.h contains defines for initial PNLogger configuration:


By default for client which has been used via CocoaPods logging will be completely disabled and you will have to use +loggerEnabled: and +dumpToFile: if you want to change this behavior.

You can alter any of available levels during run-time using provided methods of PNLogger singleton:

+ (void)enableFor:(PNLogLevel)level;
+ (void)disableFor:(PNLogLevel)level;

PNLogger is bit mask which is described in logger's header file:

// This level can be used for any information output. PubNub client itself use this level a lot for own needs.
PNLogGeneralLevel = 1 << 0,

// This method allow to log out when certain delegate method is about to be called.
PNLogDelegateLevel = 1 << 1,

// Level which allow to observe for events related to network reachability.
PNLogReachabilityLevel = 1 << 2,

// Response deserializer level which allow to analyze possible issues with received data.
PNLogDeserializerInfoLevel = 1 << 3,
PNLogDeserializerErrorLevel = 1 << 4,

// Underlaying layer which is responsible for connection with PubNub servers.
PNLogConnectionLayerErrorLevel = 1 << 5,
PNLogConnectionLayerInfoLevel = 1 << 6,

// Additional level for connection which allow to print out raw HTTP packet content.
PNLogConnectionLayerHTTPLoggingLevel = 1 << 7,

// Underlaying layer which is responsible requests-response processing.
PNLogCommunicationChannelLayerErrorLevel = 1 << 8,
PNLogCommunicationChannelLayerWarnLevel = 1 << 9,
PNLogCommunicationChannelLayerInfoLevel = 1 << 10

To log out message with general level you can use corresponding method:

+ (void)logGeneralMessageFrom:(id)sender message:(NSString *(^)(void))messageBlock;

Here is how we can log out simple hello world message:

[PNLogger logGeneralMessageFrom:self message:^{ return @"Hello world!!!"}];

If you want to enable or disable all logging levels, you can use +loggerEnabled: and pass whether logger should print out messages or not.

All messages which appear in Xcode / device console can be stored into dump file. You can specify whether dump file should be created or not using +dumpToFile: method of PNLogger singleton.

+dumpFilePath will tell you where dump file is stored on device / simulator. By default dump is stored in file named pubnub-console-dump.txt inside application's Document folder.
Also there is limit on single dump file set to 10Mb (maximum there is two files which provide log rotation). Default dump file size can be changes using +setMaximumDumpFileSize: method and specify size in bytes.

Sometimes there is situations when dump of HTTP packets maybe required to resolve possible issues and logger allow to enable their gathering. By default library won't store packets to preserve space consumed by application. You can enable or disable HTTP packets logging using +dumpHTTPResponseToFile: method.

Keep in mind, this file size is only checked/rotated at application start. If it rises above the max size during application run-time, it will not rotate until after the application has been restarted.

You can use a utility such as iExplorer to easily pull the pubnub-console-dump.txt file off your device for later review.

## Important Changes from Earlier Versions


message property now store reference on same object which has been sent. In previous versions this field stored reference on JSON which has been sent to PubNub service.

## Tests with OCUnit and OCMock

Unit-tests integrated in XCode allow the developer to easily start them anytime during development.

  1. Choose pubnubTests from Product -> Scheme
  2. Run -> Test or Product -> Test or CMD+U


Unit-tests for each class are grouped by class. To configure the test scheme further:

  1. Product -> Scheme -> pubnubTests -> Edit
  2. Select the test item from the left menu
  3. Select tests to run as wanted from right menu

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PubNub Objective-C based APIs for iOS and OS X







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