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Example: Docker Carina

Lorenzo Mangani edited this page Aug 11, 2016 · 8 revisions


HOMER 5 on Docker

HOMER 5 is available as an official (although still experimental) Docker image delivering a self-contained and extensible capture server container with no dependencies, useful for development and experimenting and easy to upgrade and manage.

Docker on Carina

Carina by Rackspace provides a “zero infrastructure” hosted container environment, where users no longer worry about building, managing, and updating their container environment.


This experimental guide is is not way connected to or endorsed by Rackspace and only leverages their free service tier. Carina is currently a BETA product and not yet suitable for production usage.

Setup Steps

This simple guide will get an HOMER 5 Capture server installed using Docker/Carina

Capture Server

  • Sign-Up for Rackspace Carina:

  • Setup your system to use Docker and Carina using the provided guide

  • Create your first cluster w/ auto-scaling from the Carina Control Panel

  • Download & Use Carina env

    • On the Carina Control Panel, click the Get Access button associated with your cluster and click Download File.
    • Save the zip file to a location on your computer. For example, the Downloads folder.
    • Unzip the file and cd to the new directory. For example, Downloads/mycluster
    • Configure the docker client, ie: source docker.env
  • Create your Homer5 container

	# docker run -tid --name homer5 -p 80:80 -p 9060:9060/udp -p 9060:9060/tcp qxip/homer-docker
	# docker ps

	docker ps
	CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                               NAMES
	9d29a7d1e1e0        qxip/homer-docker   "/"           13 hours ago        Up 13 hours         AA.BB.CC.DD:80->80/tcp, AA.BB.CC.DD:9060->9060/tcp, AA.BB.CC.DD:9060->9060/udp   0c0f7939-5ab9-401e-af63-ce8728221d0b-n1/homer5
  • Connect to Homer 5 UI
    • Point your browser at http://AA.BB.CC.DD:80
    • Login as admin/test123

Capture Agents

In order to make HOMER useful, you need data - Get your capture engines started:

Validate Setup

If all steps were successful, you should have a fully functional HOMER 5 instance running on Carina - remember their services are still in BETA so read the fineprint carefully before opening issues about HOMER ;)

Upgrades & Non-Volatile Data

To run Homer 5 docker without dropping all settings and data on each upgrade, map the mysql location to a volume when launching the docker instance:

	# docker run -tid --name homer5 -v /tmp/homermysql/:/var/lib/mysql -p 80:80 -p 9060:9060/udp -p 9060:9060/tcp qxip/homer-docker 
  • Create your Homer5 container

    • Pull the latest image
	# docker pull qxip/homer-docker
* Stop and Remove the running container
	# docker stop homer5
	# docker rm homer5
* Launch a new container using the latest image
	# docker run -tid --name homer5 -v /tmp/homermysql/:/var/lib/mysql -p 80:80 -p 9060:9060/udp -p 9060:9060/tcp qxip/homer-docker 


In case of issues with the HOMER 5 settings please consult the HOMER 5 wiki

In case of issues managing the Carina docker containers please consult the official troubleshooting guide from Carina

In case of issues with docker client/server version when using carina, try the following on the client side:

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