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Coverity Scan

Coverity Scan #69

Workflow file for this run

# Creates and uploads a Coverity build on a schedule
# Requires that two secrets be created:
# COVERITY_SCAN_EMAIL, with the email address that should be notified with scan results
# COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, with the token from the Coverity project page (e.g., )
# Also, ensure that the 'github.repository' comparison and 'COVERITY_PROJECT_NAME' values below are accurate
name: Coverity Scan
# Run once daily, bulk_extractor is at ~175k LOC
# Scan frequency limits from :
# Up to 28 builds per week, with a maximum of 4 builds per day, for projects with fewer than 100K lines of code
# Up to 21 builds per week, with a maximum of 3 builds per day, for projects with 100K to 500K lines of code
# Up to 14 builds per week, with a maximum of 2 build per day, for projects with 500K to 1 million lines of code
# Up to 7 builds per week, with a maximum of 1 build per day, for projects with more than 1 million lines of code
- cron: '0 0 1 * *'
# Support manual execution
# So it doesn't try to run on forks
if: github.repository == 'simsong/bulk_extractor'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
COVERITY_PROJECT_NAME: simsong/bulk_extractor
- uses: actions/checkout@main
- name: Download and extract the Coverity Build Tool
run: |
wget -q --post-data "token=${{ secrets.COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN }}&project=${{ env.COVERITY_PROJECT_NAME }}" -O cov-analysis-linux64.tar.gz
mkdir cov-analysis-linux64
tar xzf cov-analysis-linux64.tar.gz --strip 1 -C cov-analysis-linux64
- name: Install dependencies
run: sudo ./etc/CONFIGURE_UBUNTU22LTS.bash < /dev/null
- name: Bootstrap
run: ./
- name: Configure
run: ./configure
- name: Build with cov-build
run: cov-analysis-linux64/bin/cov-build --dir cov-int make
- name: Get count of commits in the last 24 hours
run: echo "NEW_COMMIT_COUNT=$(git log --oneline --since '24 hours ago' | wc -l)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Upload the result
if: ${{ env.NEW_COMMIT_COUNT > 0 }}
run: |
tar czvf cov-int.tgz cov-int
curl \
--form project=${{ env.COVERITY_PROJECT_NAME }} \
--form email=${{ secrets.COVERITY_SCAN_EMAIL }} \
--form token=${{ secrets.COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN }} \
--form file=@cov-int.tgz \