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Rep is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint and created with Ignite CLI. Functioning as a rollup chain, it operates seamlessly on Celestia.


Rep allows users to create their own identities, update them and '+rep' or 'like' other users, thereby enhancing their reputation. The reputation of a user is determined by the number of 'likes' they receive. A comprehensive list of all identities within the chain can also be viewed.


  • Users have the capability to create their own identity on the Rep chain.
  • The identity can be customized with a name and description. Moreover, the creator retains the power to update the identity information at any point.
  • Once an identity has been established, users can enhance other user's reputation or '+rep' by 'like' other users.
  • The reputation of a user can be gauged by the count of 'likes' they have garnered.
  • A comprehensive list of all identities within the chain is also accessible for viewing.


  • You have installed Go version 1.19 or higher
  • You have installed Ignite CLI v0.25.1.

You can install it by running the following commands:

git clone
cd cli && git checkout v0.25.1
make install
  • You have installed jq.

You can install it by running the following commands:

apt update
apt install jq -y

Start on local devnet

Run local devnet using docker

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -p 26650:26657 -p 26659:26659

This will start a local devnet, the rpc port is 26650, gateway api port is 26659. Wait few seconds till it get 3 blocks+

Start rep chain


Start on blockspacerace testnet

If you are running testnet on local machine


If you are running testnet on remote machine

bash <your light node gateway url>

e.g. http://x.x.x.x:26659 Note: Ensure that the account of your light node has enough balance to pay PFB transactions.


Create an identity

repd tx rep create-user  rep-key hello  --from rep-key --keyring-backend test --chain-id rep-1 -y

This creates an identity with uid as 0. To query this identity, run:

repd query rep show-user 0

  description: hello
  name: rep-key
  point: "0"
  uid: "0"
  wallet: rep1t0zgm4weu59uxmp22f0qedfft5l0djgt73lak9

Note: One address can only create one identity, Attempting to create another identity using the same address will fail.

Update an identity

 repd tx rep  update-user  rep-key "updated my user" 0  --from rep-key --keyring-backend test --chain-id rep-1 -y

To query the updated identity, run:

repd query rep show-user 0

  description: updated my user
  name: rep-key
  point: "0"
  uid: "0"
  wallet: rep1t0zgm4weu59uxmp22f0qedfft5l0djgt73lak9

Note: Only the owner of the identity can update it. Attempting to update an identity using a different address will fail.

Try to update the identity using a different address:

repd tx rep  update-user  rep-key "updated my user" 0  --from rep-key-2 --keyring-backend test --chain-id rep-1 -y

code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: 85C1F4957E79EA5386F16156E1D858555F6EAC51DEDA063CF862114032C0F022

repd query tx 85C1F4957E79EA5386F16156E1D858555F6EAC51DEDA063CF862114032C0F022

code: 4
codespace: sdk
data: ""
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: ZmVl
    value: null
  - index: true
    key: ZmVlX3BheWVy
    value: cmVwMWZrcThqeWtlOWF4eGMydTA0NWsycDM1cmVyY2dudWo4MmVscm55
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
    value: cmVwMWZrcThqeWtlOWF4eGMydTA0NWsycDM1cmVyY2dudWo4MmVscm55LzA=
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
    value: bklqazZyK0hyYXpiZDhJK254c0liSmFMWnJmZDFJaDBxY3BQYUkzRUhmRTNBQlhUWTZyOU9BQTBVM0cyT0sxdFpFNHc5TVB2RnF3alpuL1dIVWIrMUE9PQ==
  type: tx
gas_used: "54628"
gas_wanted: "200000"
height: "16"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: incorrect owner: unauthorized'
timestamp: "2023-05-15T21:13:04Z"

Like other user

To like another user, first create a new identity:

repd tx rep create-user  user2 hi  --from rep-key-2 --keyring-backend test --chain-id rep-1 -y

rep-key-2 has created an identity, uid is 1.

We can use rep-key's identity to like rep-key-2's identity

repd tx rep like  1 --from rep-key --keyring-backend test --chain-id rep-1 -y

To query the identity of rep-key-2

repd query rep show-user 1

  description: hi
  name: user2
  point: "1"
  uid: "1"
  wallet: rep1fkq8jyke9axxc2u045k2p35rercgnuj82elrny

We can see the point of user2 is 1, it means user2 has got 1 like.

Note: One address can only like one identity once, if you try to like the same identity again, it will fail.

Try to use rep-key to like rep-key-2's identity again

repd tx rep like  1 --from rep-key --keyring-backend test --chain-id rep-1 -y

code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: AE8A9DCB6CD3CB6ED3D586376E9F060C89CBACCC81D5BBEB367AE024ECCC016A

repd query tx AE8A9DCB6CD3CB6ED3D586376E9F060C89CBACCC81D5BBEB367AE024ECCC016A

code: 18
codespace: sdk
data: ""
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: ZmVl
    value: null
  - index: true
    key: ZmVlX3BheWVy
    value: cmVwMXQwemdtNHdldTU5dXhtcDIyZjBxZWRmZnQ1bDBkamd0NzNsYWs5
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
    value: cmVwMXQwemdtNHdldTU5dXhtcDIyZjBxZWRmZnQ1bDBkamd0NzNsYWs5LzQ=
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
    value: S296M2pBZHdHSXVWWVJaTFI5OXltZHFLeWpnNUhOM2F5bjFVS3RXNllhUVZzOHhvMWF2SEtzTmZjdzd1S1dxZldBWWVpbEd4VkUzT2c3S1lQZ3lxL1E9PQ==
  type: tx
gas_used: "45504"
gas_wanted: "200000"
height: "46"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: cannot like multiple times:
  invalid request'
timestamp: "2023-05-15T21:28:04Z"

Note: You cannot like your own identity.

Try to use rep-key-2 to like its own identity

repd tx rep like  1 --from rep-key-2 --keyring-backend test --chain-id rep-1 -y

code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: C0F74FDA5335671F346C7E55E43B1F2F5CB347AB51DD90DF7355DB624D65A3CC

repd query tx C0F74FDA5335671F346C7E55E43B1F2F5CB347AB51DD90DF7355DB624D65A3CC

code: 4
codespace: sdk
data: ""
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: ZmVl
    value: null
  - index: true
    key: ZmVlX3BheWVy
    value: cmVwMWZrcThqeWtlOWF4eGMydTA0NWsycDM1cmVyY2dudWo4MmVscm55
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
    value: cmVwMWZrcThqeWtlOWF4eGMydTA0NWsycDM1cmVyY2dudWo4MmVscm55LzI=
  type: tx
- attributes:
  - index: true
    key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
    value: SmduclVBTFdyNVk0TmxGbGkxdWMralpHdlBzc2R3UHhxU2VOSFlLdG1Sd3ZteVJyam1ETzU3cTBsNUN0TnVqTitDODl2V0VwYnRrbTF4YXdXRVc2VFE9PQ==
  type: tx
gas_used: "44297"
gas_wanted: "200000"
height: "51"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: cannot like yourself: unauthorized'
timestamp: "2023-05-15T21:30:34Z"

Show all identities

repd query rep list-user

  next_key: null
  total: "2"
- description: updated my user
  name: rep-key
  point: "0"
  uid: "0"
  wallet: rep1t0zgm4weu59uxmp22f0qedfft5l0djgt73lak9
- description: hi
  name: user2
  point: "1"
  uid: "1"
  wallet: rep1fkq8jyke9axxc2u045k2p35rercgnuj82elrny

We can see there are two identities in the system. The first one is rep-key, the second one is user2(created by rep-key-2). user2 has got 1 like.


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