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Spring Cloud Tutorials

Tutorials for learning Spring Cloud. Each example shows the basic usage of one component of Spring Cloud. See also shuaicj/spring-cloud-example for a complete demo.


$ mvn clean package


  • tt01-config-native - Configuration with native mode of Spring Cloud Config

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt01*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt01*/*client/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello should print port: 8080, message: Hello, I'm tt01.
  • tt02-config-git - Configuration with git mode of Spring Cloud Config

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt02*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt02*/*client/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello should print port: 8080, message: Hello, I'm tt02.
  • tt03-config-zookeeper - Configuration with Spring Cloud Zookeeper

    • Install and start Zookeeper. If using Homebrew on Mac:
      • $ brew install zookeeper
      • $ zkServer start

      Now a local zookeeper is running at localhost:2181.

    • Create configurations in zookeeper:
      • $ zkCli
      • zk$ create /config ''
      • zk$ create /config/tt03-hello ''
      • zk$ create /config/tt03-hello/server ''
      • zk$ create /config/tt03-hello/server/port 8080
      • zk$ create /config/tt03-hello/hello ''
      • zk$ create /config/tt03-hello/hello/message "Hello, I'm tt03."
    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt03*/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello should print port: 8080, message: Hello, I'm tt03.
  • tt04-config-consul - Configuration with Spring Cloud Consul

    • Install and start Consul. If using Homebrew on Mac:
      • $ brew install consul
      • $ consul agent -dev -advertise

      Now a consul agent is running at localhost:8500.

    • Create configurations in consul:
      • $ consul kv put config/tt04-hello/server/port 8080
      • $ consul kv put config/tt04-hello/hello/message "Hello, I'm tt04."
    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt04*/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello should print port: 8080, message: Hello, I'm tt04.
  • tt11-eureka-standalone - Standalone mode of Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*client/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello should print out instance info.
      • Open http://localhost:8761 in browser to check eureka portal.
      • Open http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps in browser to check registered services.

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt12-eureka-ha - HA mode of Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt12*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt12*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt12*/*client/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello should print out instance info.
      • Open http://localhost:8761 or http://localhost:8762 in browser to check eureka portal.
      • Open http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps in browser to check registered services.

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt13-eureka-config - Register config server to Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt13*/*eureka-server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt13*/*config-server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt13*/*config-client/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello should print port: 8080, message: Hello, I'm tt13.

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt21-hystrix - Simple usage of Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt21*/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello?name=abc should print Hello ABC!.
      • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello?name=a should print Hello A [FALLBACK]!.
  • tt22-hystrix-timeout - Timeout of Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt22*/*api/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt22*/*consumer/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Repeat the following curl and CONSUMER [FALLBACK] should be printed out randomly.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8081/consume
  • tt23-hystrix-dashboard - Dashboard of Spring Cloud Netflix Hystrix

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt23*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt23*/*client/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Open http://localhost:8081/hystrix in browser and you will see the dashboard. Input http://localhost:8080/ and click Monitor Stream button.
      • Do the following two curl randomly and watch the changes on dashboard.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello?name=abc
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello?name=a
  • tt31-ribbon-resttemplate - RestTemplate and Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt31*/*api/target/*.jar --server.port=8081
      • $ java -jar tt31*/*api/target/*.jar --server.port=8082
      • $ java -jar tt31*/*consumer/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Repeat the following curl and server-1, server-2 should say hello by turns.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/consume
  • tt32-ribbon-eureka - Spring Cloud Netflix Ribbon with Eureka

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt32*/*api/target/*.jar --server.port=8081
      • $ java -jar tt32*/*api/target/*.jar --server.port=8082
      • $ java -jar tt32*/*consumer/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Repeat the following curl and server-1, server-2 should say hello by turns.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/consume

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt41-feign - Simple usage of Spring Cloud Netflix Feign

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt41*/*api/target/*.jar --server.port=8081
      • $ java -jar tt41*/*api/target/*.jar --server.port=8082
      • $ java -jar tt41*/*consumer/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Repeat the following curl and server-1, server-2 should say hello by turns.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/consume
  • tt42-feign-hystrix-eureka - Spring Cloud Netflix Feign with Hystrix, Eureka

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt42*/*api/target/*.jar --server.port=8081
      • $ java -jar tt42*/*api/target/*.jar --server.port=8082
      • $ java -jar tt42*/*consumer/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Repeat the following curl and hystrix fallback should be triggered randomly.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/consume

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt51-turbine - Simple usage of Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt51*/*api-1/target/*.jar --server.port=8081
      • $ java -jar tt51*/*api-1/target/*.jar --server.port=8082
      • $ java -jar tt51*/*api-2/target/*.jar --server.port=8083
      • $ java -jar tt51*/*api-2/target/*.jar --server.port=8084
      • $ java -jar tt51*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt23*/*server/target/*.jar --server.port=9090
    • Verify
      • Open http://localhost:9090/hystrix in browser and you will see the dashboard. Input http://localhost:8080/ and click Monitor Stream button.
      • Do the following two curl randomly and watch the changes on dashboard.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8081/consume
        • $ curl http://localhost:8082/consume
        • $ curl http://localhost:8083/consume
        • $ curl http://localhost:8084/consume

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt52-turbine-rabbitmq - Spring Cloud Netflix Turbine with RabbitMQ

    • Install and start RabbitMQ. If using Homebrew on Mac:
      • $ brew install rabbitmq
      • $ rabbitmq-server

      Now you can check if rabbitmq is running in browser http://localhost:15672.

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt52*/*api-1/target/*.jar --server.port=8081
      • $ java -jar tt52*/*api-1/target/*.jar --server.port=8082
      • $ java -jar tt52*/*api-2/target/*.jar --server.port=8083
      • $ java -jar tt52*/*api-2/target/*.jar --server.port=8084
      • $ java -jar tt52*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt23*/*server/target/*.jar --server.port=9090
    • Verify
      • Same as tt51-turbine

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt61-zuul - Simple usage of Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*api-1/target/*.jar --server.port=8081
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*api-1/target/*.jar --server.port=8082
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*api-2/target/*.jar --server.port=8083
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*api-2/target/*.jar --server.port=8084
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*server/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Repeat the following curl and each service instance should say hello by turns.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/tt61-api-1/hello
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/tt61-api-2/hello

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt62-zuul-route - Customize routes of Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*api-1/target/*.jar --server.port=8081
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*api-1/target/*.jar --server.port=8082
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*api-2/target/*.jar --server.port=8083
      • $ java -jar tt61*/*api-2/target/*.jar --server.port=8084
      • $ java -jar tt62*/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Repeat the following curl and each service instance should say hello by turns.
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/api1/hello
        • $ curl http://localhost:8080/api2/hello

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt71-sleuth - Simple usage of Spring Cloud Sleuth

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt71*/*api-1/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt71*/*api-2/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt71*/*api-3/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • $ curl http://localhost:8081/hello?name=user
      • and you shoud see some log text like
        which means
        See doc for more details.

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt72-sleuth-feign - Spring Cloud Sleuth with Feign

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt72*/*api-1/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt72*/*api-2/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt72*/*api-3/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Same as tt71-sleuth

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt73-sleuth-zipkin - Spring Cloud Sleuth with Zipkin

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt73*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt73*/*api-1/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt73*/*api-2/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt73*/*api-3/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Repeat $ curl http://localhost:8081/hello?name=user for several times.
      • Open http://localhost:9411 in browser and you should see tt73-api-1 or the other two.
        • Click Find Traces to check the service duration details.
        • Click Dependencies you should see
          tt73-api-1  =>  tt73-api-2  => tt73-api-3

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.

  • tt74-sleuth-zipkin-rabbitmq - Spring Cloud Sleuth with Zipkin, RabbitMQ

    • Install and start RabbitMQ. If using Homebrew on Mac:
      • $ brew install rabbitmq
      • $ rabbitmq-server

      Now you can check if rabbitmq is running in browser http://localhost:15672.

    • Run
      • $ java -jar tt11*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt74*/*server/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt74*/*api-1/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt74*/*api-2/target/*.jar
      • $ java -jar tt74*/*api-3/target/*.jar
    • Verify
      • Same as tt73-sleuth-zipkin

    It takes one or two minutes for Eureka to take effect. You should wait this time to do the verify.