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Initial mission was to implement all of the maze generation algorithms described at Think Labyrinth! using Love2D for visualization and ListBox for displaying generators list. Having done that, I'm concentraiting on cleaning up the code and adding tests as well as more impressive visualization before moving on to more advanced algorithms.


  • Implement all of the perfect maze generation algorithms (found at Think Labyrinth!)
  • Work on the module structure
    • Separate generators definitions across separate files
    • Clean and optimize generators code
  • Work on Wiki
    • Quickstart guide
    • Maze structure description
    • Algorithms descriptions
  • Improve maze visualization
    • Integrate LoveFrames ListBox and make a basic interface
    • Extend interface with algorithm descriptions
    • Add algorithm benchmarking
  • Generation testing
    • Implement a method for testing a maze for perfection
    • Add a way to output maze geration results in text form and with a fixed RNG seed for tests
    • Optional: research RNG algorithms used to allow testing of libs in other languages against LuaMaze
  • Implement all of the maze solving algorithms (found at Think Labyrinth!)
  • Optional: allow user to watch the maze created step by step by each algorithm


  • Generating (perfect mazes)
    • Recursive backtracker
    • Prim's algorithm
    • Kruskal's algorithm
    • Aldous-Broder algorithm
    • Wilson's algorithm
    • Hunt and kill algorithm
    • Growing tree algorithm
    • Eller's algorithm
    • Recursive division
    • Binary tree Mazes
    • Sidewinder Mazes


There are a few ways to use this lib in your own project. Copy source/maze into your project's path to use this library.


You can use source/cli.lua as a CLI example. It's meant to be run in luajit or similar lua-runtime:

luajit source/cli.lua <width> <height> <algo>

Here is an example:

luajit source/cli.lua 20 10 recursive_backtracker

#     #   # #           #   #   #       #
# ### # # # # ####### # # # # # # ##### #
# #   # # #   #     # #   # # #   #   # #
### # # # ### ### ### ##### # ##### ### #
#   # # #   #     #   #   #   #     #   #
# ##### ### ####### ### # ##### ### # ###
#   #   # #       # #   #   #   #   #   #
### # ### ####### # ### ### # ### ##### #
#   #         #   #   #   #   #       # #
# ########### # ### # ### ##### ##### # #
#           # # #   #   #   #   #   # # #
# ####### ### # ####### # # # ### # ### #
#   #     #   # #     # # # #   # #     #
### # ### # ### # ### # ### # ### #######
#   # #   #   # #   #   #   # #   #     #
# ### ####### ### # ##### ##### ### ### #
# #   #     #   # #   #   #   #     #   #
# # ### # ##### ##### # ### # ####### ###
# #     #             #     #           #

Additionally, there is a nice braille-demo that shows another way to render the raw luamaze. Here is a 20x20 eller maze:


You can run this with:

lua source/braille.lua <width> <height> <algo>

or, if you have utf8 installed (like via luarocks install utf8):

luajit source/braille.lua <width> <height> <algo>


There are 2 output helpers for love. One is source/maze/love/rect.lua for using rectangle shape-primitive, and the other is source/maze/love/tile.lua for using images. If you need a maze that is bigger than the screen, I highly recommend hump's camera. Basically just draw the entire maze, then lookAt where your player is currently.

source/ is an example love2d project that uses rects & listbox lib for it's UI. See source/main.lua to see how it works.

To test it, run love source.

You can also rename source/main_tile.lua to main.lua and see the same example using tile-images instead of rectangles. Setup your tile-image at any size, with 5 square sub-images: N, S, W, E, floor which will be composited together.

Here is an example tile image:

Sources of knowledge and inspiration

  • Think Labyrinth! - place containing invaluable knowledge for everyone interested in labyrinths and their random generation.
  • Jamis Buck blog - this was my place to go when algorithm descriptions I found at Think Labyrinth! wasn't clear enough for me to implement.
  • CS50x on - I've decided to make this module as a final project ot this course. It's also great :)


A tiny Lua module aimed at perfect maze random generation.







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