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Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 edited this page Nov 7, 2021 · 1 revision


This article goes over general info about dating files (metadata, specifically MP3 files)

For MP3 metadata, I enter the date of the start/end (if in the same year) of the recording, and not the release day.

VLC Limitations

VLC has a limitation for years, where they can only support 4 digit years, and nothing but Arabic numerals (0-9) thus, I have encountered problems with 2 songs. This might be done for good reason, as this technology usually applies to CDs, and if I were to put y10000 on a CD, it might make the CD unreadable, or give a critical error. The same thing can be done for the operating system, as it may not handle it and error out/crash. I don't see why there can't be an exception and an improvement here, plus, CDs are becoming less and less common, notably they have been replaced with cheaper solid state storage, cheaper flash storage, cheaper hard disk storage, DVDs and Blu-Rays. My last 3 laptops don't even have a CD/DVD drive.


For songs that date before 1 A.D. I cannot add the correct date (because I can't add B.C.) so I default them to 0000 2 songs are affected by this so far (as of 2021 November 6th) including:

  • Osiris (actual date: unknown)

  • Hurrian Hymn no.6 (actual date: circa 1400 BC)

  • No other songs dated before 1 AD

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