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546 lines (375 loc) · 18.1 KB

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546 lines (375 loc) · 18.1 KB

HAML-Lint Changelog


  • Speed up load time by preferring require_relative in internal gem file loading


  • Fix block_keyword method returning keywords used as arguments of method call


  • Add GitHubReporter


  • Rubocop: Properly pass the whitespace around tag attributes to RuboCop. This allows some improved corrections and fixes bugs.


  • Lazily open files to avoid file descriptor exhaustion


  • Drop support for Ruby 2.7, which reached EoL in March 2023
  • Add support for --stdin/-s flags for piping from standard input


  • Drop Haml 4 compatibility
  • Add support for conditional comments in RuboCop linter


  • Add Haml 6.3 compatibility
  • Add --stderr flag
  • Fix node_for_line helper to return last possible node when nothing matches


  • Allow Haml > 6.1


  • Update minimum Ruby version to 2.7+
  • Disable RuboCop's Style/RedundantStringEscape cop


  • Fix some cases where part of multiline scripts could end up less indented than the starting line of that script.


  • Fix handling of interpolation of plain when the plain is spread over multiple lines using pipes


  • Fix handling of multiline within interpolation to not crash for auto-correct


  • Add TrailingEmptyLines linter
  • Omit warning output for Ruby parser patch version discrepancies


  • Fix Marshal.dump error when using --parallel option and RepeatedId Linter
  • Improved support for multiline code with RuboCop linting/auto-correction
  • Fix handling of ==, !, &, !=, &=, !==, &==


  • Bugfixes related to experimental auto-correct with RuboCop
  • Fix Marshal.dump errors when using --parallel option


  • Add ERB pre-processing for configuration files
  • Add experimental auto-correct using RuboCop feature
  • Replaced exising RuboCop Linter by a new one which should be more accurate, but may cause difference
  • Minimum RuboCop version is now 1.0
  • Add NoPlaceholders linter


  • Add support for referencing configuration files relative to the home directory


  • Add inherit_gem option to support loading configuration from gems


  • Add support for HAML 6.1


  • Add support for setting RuboCop configuration in haml-lint.yml
  • Fix issue where forwardable gem requirement not loaded


  • Add support for HAML 6 beta
  • Fix Ruby extractor to keep newlines in certain cases


  • Fix InstanceVariables check in multiline blocks


  • Fix SpaceInsideHashAttribute to allow attributes across multiple lines on HAML 5.2.


  • Revert change to SpaceInsideHashAttribute since it was not compatible across all HAML versions


  • Fix config merging behavior so new empty array (the default) does not overwrite old array
  • Fix SpaceInsideHashAttribute to allow attributes across multiple lines
  • Add OffenseCountReporter (use by specifying --reporter offense-count)


  • Add Layout/ArgumentAlignment to list of RuboCop cops ignored by default


  • #329 Improve performance by reusing RuboCop::CLI instance


  • #322 Add support for --parallel flag to run linters in parallel
  • #326 Relax haml gem version constraint to allow 5.2.x


  • #318 Fail HAML-Lint run when RuboCop exits unsuccessfully
  • #320 Add support for Ruby 2.7


  • Update ignored cops to support cop renames introduced by RuboCop 0.79.0


  • Update ignored cops to support cop renames introduced by RuboCop 0.77.0


  • #313 Remove explicit dependency on Rake, making it optional as it's only need for the Rake integration


  • #312 - Fix handling of haml-lint:disable directives in some cases


  • #305 - Support HAML 5.1
  • #309 - Ignore Layout/CaseIndentation RuboCop cop by default


  • Allow HAML Lint spec helpers to be loaded with require in other projects


  • Drop support for HAML 4.1 beta
  • Fix broken Rake task regression introduced in 0.28.0


  • Fix --auto-gen-config to allow running with an existing configuration file
  • Fix config option for the Rake task to not be ignored
  • Fix the span of multiline nodes to be more precise
  • Ignore Layout/AlignHash cops by default
  • Drop support for Ruby 2.3 or older
  • Allow ViewLength linter to be disabled inline
  • Allow comment banners in LeadingCommentSpace linter


  • Fix ClassAttributeWithStaticValue to gracefully handle certain malformed attributes
  • Add ability to include custom linters
  • Drop support for Ruby 2.1
  • Fix passing absolute filenames ignoring relative path excludes config


  • Respect severity levels of RuboCop cops in reported lints
  • Fix --fail-level and --fail-fast to work when specified together
  • Fix erroneous Layout/CommentIndentation cop warnings for HAML multiline comments
  • Update default RuboCop exclusions to handle new Layout/ElseAlignment, Layout/EndOfLine, Metrics/BlockNesting, and Naming/FileName cops which were moved to new namespaces. Style/FinalNewline was removed.
  • Require RuboCop 0.50.0 or newer
  • Drop support for Ruby 2.0 since RuboCop dropped support (Ruby 2.1+ is still supported)


  • Add support for RuboCop 0.49.0+
  • Require RuboCop 0.49.0+ due to breaking upstream change
  • Condense generated .haml-lint_todo.yml file by using enabled: false for linters with lints in more than 15 files
  • Fix UnnecessaryInterpolation linter for two-character variables
  • Add ViewLength linter for checking whether a view has too many lines in it.


  • Fix error on nodes with attributes assigned dynamically (#232)


  • Add max_consecutive option to ConsecutiveComments linter
  • Fix TrailingWhitespace linter to report correct line for multiline nodes
  • Add InlineStyles linter to check for use of the style attribute
  • Add support for Haml 5.0.0+


  • Add new Indentation linter
  • Add --auto-gen-config to generate a "todo-list" of offenses to fix
  • Add inherits_from to configuration to allow reusability
  • Prevent crashing when unexpected syntax is discovered


  • Handle different line endings in files

  • Report real line number with lint for LineLength

  • Ensure RepeatedId linter resets between files


  • Ensure RepeatedId linter resets between files


  • Fix issue with running haml-lint on empty files
  • Keep empty lines within Ruby filters


  • Include json amongst list produced by --show-reporters


  • Allow linters to be toggled with inline comments
  • Add new progress reporter
  • Allow linter to --fail-fast on first file that has a lint above the given --fail-level
  • Add new InstanceVariable linter to find usage of @instance_variables
  • Add new hash reporter to make integrations with other tools simpler
  • Add new AlignmentTabs to catch usage of tabs for alignment
  • Show summary at the end when the --summary flag is used
  • Report syntax errors as a Syntax linter
  • Add new IdNames linter, checking format of #id-strings
  • Add support for Haml 5


  • Stop using temp files for RuboCop (#172)



  • Relax rake gem constraint to allow 12.x


  • Fix SpaceBeforeScript to not error on tags with inline scripts spanning multiple lines with indented vertical pipes
  • Disable Style/EndOfLine RuboCop cop by default


  • Fix ClassesBeforeIds output format to handle id EnforcedStyle option better
  • Add report_lint RSpec matcher to test lint message


  • Disable Metrics/BlockLength cop in RuboCop linter


  • Fix Checkstyle output format to handle lints with no associated linter
  • Ignore comments in SpaceBeforeScript linter


  • Fix handling of multiline HAML comments to not pass invalid Ruby code to RuboCop


  • Fix RuboCop linter's ignored_cops setting to not crash when empty string
  • Include linter name in JSON reporter output
  • Allow IDs before classes to be preferred in ClassesBeforeIds linter
  • Respect HAML comments as Ruby code comments so RuboCop cops can be disabled/enabled inline via comments


  • Fix Checkstyle output format to properly quote characters in messages


  • Add Checkstyle output format
  • Add EmptyObjectReference linter to report tags with empty object references


  • Fix UnnecessaryStringOutput to not erroneously warn on lines with equal signs in the middle of the line
  • Fix skip_frontmatter option to preserve line numbers


  • Fix RuboCop linter to ignore ElseAlignment and FrozenStringLiteralComment cops by default


  • Fix MultilineScript to not erroneously report begin/rescue blocks
  • Fix ClassAttributeWithStaticValue to not erroneously report class attributes with method call or instance variable values
  • Update minimum RuboCop version to 0.36.0 to fix compatibility issues with Astrolabe gem, switching to RuboCop's own implementation instead
  • Fix RuboCop linter to not erroneously report Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches warnings


  • Assume UTF-8 as the default encoding for all linted files


  • Fix RuboCop linter to properly parse files containing anonymous blocks with trailing comments
  • Fix exclude option to work with paths prefixed with ./
  • Fix RuboCop linter to not report erroneous Style/Next warnings for if statements in do blocks


  • Improve bug reporting instructions in error message
  • Add Indentation linter to enforce that spaces or tabs are used for indentation (enabled by default and defaults to spaces)
  • Add FinalNewline linter to enforce the presence of a final newline in files
  • Fix UnnecessaryStringOutput to gracefully handle script output with comments
  • Add verbose version flag -V/--verbose-version to display haml and ruby version information in addition to output of -v/--version flag


  • Fix bug in UnnecessaryStringOutput where false positives would still be reported for literal strings with interpolation


  • Change required Ruby version from 1.9.3+ to 2.0.0+ since 1.9.3 has been EOLed
  • Fix false positives in UnnecessaryStringOutput for strings starting with reserved HAML characters (where enclosing in a string is required)
  • Add severity linter option allowing the severity of a lint to be explicitly specified
  • Fix RuboCop to report correct lines for cops reported on interpolated Ruby code in filters



  • Fix non-visible line number on light-colored terminal backgrounds
  • Allow files without .haml extension to be linted when explicitly specified
  • Ignore Style/TrailingBlankLines warnings from RuboCop by default
  • Fix RuboCop linter to not report Style/AlignHash warnings for HAML code with 1.8-style hash rockets spanning multiple lines
  • Fix RuboCop linter to not report Style/EmptyElse warnings for HAML code containing if/else blocks containing only HAML filters
  • Add MultilineScript linter to report scripts with trailing operators that should be merged with the following line
  • Add AltText linter to report missing alt attributes on img tags
  • Fix UnnecessaryStringOutput to not report warnings for strings with methods called on them


  • Fix SpaceInsideHashAttributes not reporting lints for implicit div tags
  • Fix RuboCop from incorrectly reporting Style/AsciiComments cops for plain text nodes with Unicode characters
  • Gracefully handle missing configuration files that are explicitly given
  • Improve HamlLint::RakeTask to support passing a list of files as task arguments. (breaks existing functionality; see README for details)
  • Add --[no-]color flags allowing colored output to be explicitly set


  • Fix bug where hash attributes consisting only of strings/symbols written in hashrocket style were not being passed to RuboCop
  • Add SpaceInsideHashAttributes linter which enforces spaces/no spaces inside tag attributes
  • Fix bug where the source code of tag hash attributes would be incorrectly extracted for hashes spanning multiple lines
  • Include name of cop in lints reported by RuboCop
  • Fix LeadingCommentSpace to not report lints on comments with multiple leading spaces


  • Fix bug in LeadingCommentSpace where empty comment lines would incorrectly report lints.
  • Fix bug where any haml version 4.0.6 or later would not remove the special end-of-document marker from parse trees
  • Fix bug where RuboCop's Style/OneLineConditional cop would incorrectly be reported for HAML code with if/else statements
  • Fix bug where RuboCop's Style/SymbolProc cop would incorrectly be reported


  • Fix bug in ConsecutiveSilentScripts where control statements with nested HAML would incorrectly be reported as silent scripts
  • Fix bug in ImplicitDiv where incorrect lint would be reported for div tags with dynamic ids or classes
  • Fix bug in ClassAttributeWithStaticValue where syntax errors in attributes would result in a crash
  • Add TrailingWhitespace linter which checks for whitespace at the end of a line
  • Fix bug where last statement of HAML document would be removed when using haml 4.1.0.beta.1
  • Fix bug where ObjectReferenceAttributes would incorrectly report a bug for all tags when using haml 4.1.0.beta.1


  • New lint UnnecessaryInterpolation checks for interpolation in inline tag content that can be written more concisely as just the expression
  • New lint 'UnnecessaryStringOutput` checks for script output of literal strings that could be converted to regular text content
  • New lint ClassesBeforeIds checks that classes are listed before IDs in tags
  • Linter name is now included in output when error/warning reported
  • New lint RubyComments checks for comments that can be converted to HAML comments
  • New lint EmptyScript checks for empty scripts (e.g. - followed by nothing)
  • New lint LeadingCommentSpace checks for a space after the # in comments
  • Fix bug where including and excluding the same linter would result in a crash
  • New lint ConsecutiveComments checks for consecutive comments that could be condensed into a single multiline comment
  • New lint ConsecutiveSilentScripts checks for consecutive lines of Ruby code that could be condensed into a single :ruby filter block
  • Fix bug in Linter::UnnecessaryStringOutput when tag is empty
  • Add skip_frontmatter option to configuration which customizes whether frontmatter included at the beginning of HAML files in frameworks like Jekyll/Middleman are ignored
  • Change parse tree hierarchy to use HamlLint::Tree::Node subclasses instead of the Haml::Parser::ParseNode struct to make working with it easier
  • New lint ObjectReferenceAttributes checks for the use of the object reference syntax to set the class/id of an element
  • New lint HtmlAttributes checks for the use of the HTML-style attributes syntax when defining attributes for an element
  • New lint ClassAttributeWithStaticValue checks for assigning static values for class attributes in dynamic hashes


  • Add rake task integration
  • Fix broken --help switch
  • Silence LineLength RuboCop check
  • Upgrade Rubocop dependency to >= 0.25.0


  • Fix crash when reporting a lint from Rubocop that did not include a line number
  • Allow haml-lint to be configured via YAML file, either by automatically loading .haml-lint.yml if it exists, or via a configuration file explicitly passed in via the --config flag
  • Update RuboCop dependency to >= 0.24.1
  • Rename RubyScript linter to RuboCop
  • Add customizable LineLength linter to check that the number of columns on each line in a file is no greater than some maximum amount (80 by default)
  • Gracefully handle invalid file paths and return semantic error code


  • Use >= 0.23.0 for RuboCop dependency


  • Ignore the Next Rubocop cop
  • Fix crash when reporting a lint inside string interpolation in a filter


  • Ignore the FileName Rubocop cop
  • Fix loading correct .rubocop.yml config


  • Relax HAML dependency from 4.0.3 to 4.0+


  • Upgrade rubocop dependency from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0
  • Fix broken --show-linters flag
  • Ignore BlockAlignment, EndAlignment, and IndentationWidth Rubocop lints
  • Fix bug where SpaceBeforeScript linter would incorrectly report lints when the same substring appeared on a line underneath a tag with inline script


  • Fix bug in ScriptExtractor where incorrect indentation would be generated for :ruby filters containing code with block keywords
  • Differentiate between syntax errors and lint warnings by outputting severity level for lint (E and W, respectively).
  • Upgrade rubocop dependency to 0.15.0


  • New lint ImplicitDiv %divs which are unnecessary due to a class or ID specified on the tag
  • New lint TagName ensures tag names are lowercase
  • Minimum version of Rubocop bumped to 0.13.0
  • New lint MultilinePipe ensures the pipe | character is never used for wrapping lines


  • New lint SpaceBeforeScript ensures that Ruby code in HAML indicated with the - and = characters always has one space separating them from code
  • New lint RubyScript integrates with Rubocop to report lints supported by that tool (respecting any existing .rubocop.yml configuration)