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Repository files navigation


This app fetches movies from API and provides an API to search for them locally.

After fetching the movies from the API, they are stored in an ElasticSearch DB.

The API docs can be accessed via /docs/ (example: http://localhost:8000/docs/).

Running instructions

Since this app was implemented using Docker, the best way to run it is with docker-compose:

$ docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build $ docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

There are a few environment variables that can be set using an .env.local file, but I recommend keeping them with default values (unless you want to deploy this in a different environment):

# The URI to connect to ES cluster

# The number of documents to insert per chunk to ES

# The number of documents to return per search

An additional env file that is useful for development / debugging is DEBUG, when set, you'll see additional logs in stdout:

docker-core-1   | DEBUG:    2024-02-15 12:18:03 Request: http://localhost:8000/movies/?title=the%20sin | Method: GET | Path: /movies/ | Query: title=the+sin | Body: b''
docker-core-1   | DEBUG:    2024-02-15 12:18:03 Search: {'query': {'match': {'title': 'the sin'}}, 'size': 1000} | Results: {'took': 2, 'timed_out': False, '_shards': {'total': 1, 'successful': 1, 'skipped': 0, 'failed': 0}, 'hits': {'total': {'value': 3, 'relation': 'eq'}, 'max_score': 1.0235652, 'hits': [{'_index': 'movies', '_id': 'larlqo0Bp0m0TdTxmcUP', '_score': 1.0235652, '_source': {'title': "The Making of 'Waterworld'", 'year': 1995, 'imdbid': 'tt2670548'}}, {'_index': 'movies', '_id': 'lqrlqo0Bp0m0TdTxmcUP', '_score': 0.82818687, '_source': {'title': 'Waterworld 4: History of the Islands', 'year': 1997, 'imdbid': 'tt0161077'}}, {'_index': 'movies', '_id': 'm6rlqo0Bp0m0TdTxmcUP', '_score': 0.64384186, '_source': {'title': 'Fighting, Flying and Driving: The Stunts of Spiderman 3', 'year': 2007, 'imdbid': 'tt1132238'}}]}}

If you want to instead run the app locally, keep in mind you must use Python3.11+, and then install the dependencies with poetry:

$ pip install poetry $ poetry install --no-root


In order to run the tests inside the container, go into it:

  1. $ docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml run -p8000:8000 core /bin/bash
  2. # pytest -sv tests/


The app is designed using DDD + DI + Repository Pattern. In that way, the business logic (domain) is kept splited away from implementation details (DB chosen). Using DI (via dependency-injector package) we can inject objects into the dependants, and make the higher level modules (application, or domain) independents of lower level modules (infrastructure) by depending only from abstractions.

Having said that, the module structure looks like:

└── src
    ├── application
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── config
    ├── domain
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── infra
    │   ├──
    │   └── repositories
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       └──
  • application: contains higher level modules, like controllers methods, which provides the higher level definitions for the API endpoints.
  • domain: contains business logic modules, mostly in where the services fetching and formating data resides. It could be an additional service owner of storing data into the ES DB, but since this procedure is quite simple, it was omited in favor of keeping things simple here. contains the abstractions of the repositories implementation.
  • infra: contains the lower level modules coupled to infrastructure. Here we have the specific implementation of the repository pattern tied to the specific DB used. Note that if we would like to change the DB (implementation decision), we just need to change the repository implementation here without changing the code in domain.
  • additionally to, the code here provides the factories for the different providers that are the dependencies injected.

The FastAPI app provides two endpoints:

  1. POST /movies/fetcher/:

Body params: title, year

Calls the using async requests, passing the above query params if provided. If the requested API returns more than 1 page results, the calls are incremented until no pages left.

Note: because of this requirement:

Every time the endpoint is called, the index is overwritten with the JSON data returned by it.

All the documents in the index are removed with every call (if the above request returns at least one document).

  1. GET /movies/:

Query params: title, year

Searches the local ES DB for the movies wanted. If no params are provided, all results are returned.

Technical debt & next steps

  • More tests: right now the coverage is pretty low, add more unit tests.
  • Move some logic from ESMovieRepo to the actual ESRepo in order to uncouple even more the specific repo implementation from ES code.
  • Have some ES/data model to map the existing data models to ES mappings, and convert automatically from python code to ES documents and viceversa (elasticsearch_dsl.Document is a good choice, or enhance the dataclasses with conversion and mapping methods).
  • If the repo start having more logic needed: create different services accessing it and doing all the necessary logic to interact with the repo.


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