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Fast radiosity in Python


Set up a virtual environment and clone the repository

Make a new directory and clone this repository to it. Then, inside the directory that you've just created, run python -m venv .. This will create a "virtual environment", which is a useful tool that Python provides for managing dependencies for projects. The new directory "contains" the virtual environment.

Activate the virtual environment

To activate the virtual environment, run source bin/activate from the directory containing it. Make sure to do this before doing anything else below.

Getting the dependencies

First, install python-embree in this virtual environment:

git clone
cd python-embree
python install
cd -

Next, install the rest of the dependencies:

git clone
cd python-flux
pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing this package

Finally, from the cloned repository, run:

python install

Running the unit tests

To run python-flux's unit tests, just run:


from the root of this repository. All this script does is execute python -m unittest discover ./tests; i.e., it discovers and runs all Python unit tests found in the directory ./tests.

Running the examples

The examples directory contains simple Python scripts illustrating how to use this package. Each example directory contains a README with more information about that particulra example.

For instance, try running:

cd examples/lunar_south_pole

after following the installation instructions above.