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laravel-8-trello-clone-open-source پروژه ی ترلوی فارسی تقویم شمسی دار مثل تسکولو و اوپن سورس

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A full-featured personal project management tool with task boards.

create new board then create new card


You can install using the following way:

  • Clone the project git clone
  • Run composer install inside the directory composer install
  • Create env file by : cp .env.example .env
  • Create database and run migrations php artisan migrate
  • Change app.php in config folder locale to en or fa and also fallback_locale
  • Change the admin.php config file in config folder default language to en
  • Run the server php artisan serve
  • Run php artisan admin:create-user
  • Login into localhost:8000/admin
  • Add 1- board 2- department 3- user into menu in admin panel
  • See details about log viewer in log file section in this page
  • Add link in admin panel http://localhost:8000/admin/logs

Create new card and set color to cards and tags


  • Register user

  • Login user

  • Create Board

  • Change Language ( and you can add your language file)

  • Admin panel ( )

  • Voyager admin panel ( second level admin panel )

  • Statistics in admin panel as charts

  • Create cards

  • Add tags and comments and description and checklist to the cards

  • Support Jalali calendar and gerigorian calendar and Hijri Calendar

  • New features here: branches

  • Add menu into admin panel :

      - departments
      - logs
      - users
      - boards
      - board-cards


  1. Installation

  2. Admin login

  3. Admin need to define departments

  4. Then need to register new user as department admin. Note: new users cant create board. This is dashboard page. all new users cant see the button to create new board. just dep admin can. -First you to need approve any user -Second need to set this user as department admin

  5. Next admin need to grant access to dep.admin ( login to admin panel for example http://localhost:8000/admin/users/1 open this first user and change status to 1)

  6. Next is (dep.admin) create his boards This is dashboard for admin when he can create new board

  7. Another new user need to register as for example You should enable this new user by admin panel before he want to login. All unapprover users cant login

  8. Dep admin can set all approved user as board manager

  9. System admin can set any approved user as board admin

  10. After create boards, dep admin can set manager later from board setting

  11. Board manager see his boards Green color If this user set as admin for two or more departments he can see his dep name in separate section

  12. Board managers can create list for card

  13. Board managers can create card in every list.

  14. Board manager can assign card manager to every card

  15. Create a new user like and approve it from admin panel then set as card manager

  16. Card manager can assign memeber for any task via (check list tab) in card

  17. System admin can change card's managers via admin panel : http://localhost:8000/admin/board-cards

Set card details and subtasks

Add comments to it and interact with other teammates

Install on cpanel

Just need to run install.bat

Log file

 $ composer require laravel-admin-ext/log-viewer -vvv

 $ php artisan admin:import log-viewer

 Open http://localhost/admin/logs.

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