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Richard Carson edited this page Mar 31, 2022 · 11 revisions

How it works

Highlight an expression, and press control space; Lavendeux will replace it with the answer.

Expressions can be composed of integers, floats, strings, as well as numbers of various bases:

// Integer, floating point or scientific notation numbers
5 + 5.56 + .2e+3

// Currency values
// Note that no exchange rate is being applied automatically
$1,000.00 == ¥1,000.00

// Scientific numbers can be represented a number of ways
5.6e+7 - .6E7 + .2e-3

// Booleans
in_range = 5 > 3 && 5 < 10
true || false

// Integers can also be represented in base 2, 8 or 16
0xFFA & 0b110 & 0777

// Strings are also supported
concat("foo", "bar")

Beyond the simpler operators, the following operations are supported:

5 ** 2 // Exponentiation
6 % 2 // Modulo
3! // Factorial

// Bitwise operators AND, OR, and XOR:
0xF & 0xA | 0x2 ^ 0xF

// Bitwise SHIFT, and NOT
0xF << 1
0x1 >> 2

// Boolean operators
true || false && true
1 < 2 > 5 // true

You can also assign values to variables to be used later: They are case sensitive, and can be composed of underscores or alphanumeric characters

// You can also assign values to variables to be used later
x = 0xFFA & 0xFF0
x - 55 // The result will be 200

// A few constants are also pre-defined
value = pi * e * tau

// You can also define functions
f(x) = 2*x**2 + 3*x + 5

// Recursive functions work too!
factorial(x) = x==0 ? 1 : (x * factorial(x - 1) )

Decorators can be put at the end of a line to change the output format. Valid decorators include: @bin, @oct, @hex, @int, @float, or @sci

255 @hex // The result will be 0xFF
8 @oct // The result will be 0o10
5 @float // The result will be 5.0
5 @usd // Also works with @dollars @cad, @aud, @yen, @pounds, or @euros

The following functions are supported by default:

// String functions
concat("s1", "s2", ...) | strlen("string") | substr("string", start, [length])
uppercase("s1") | lowercase("S1") | trim("    s1    ")

// Rounding functions
ceil(n) | floor(n) | round(n, precision)

// Trigonometric functions
tan(r), cos(r), sin(r), atan(r), acos(r), asin(r), tanh(r), cosh(r), sinh(r)

// Rounding functions
ln(n) | log10(n) | log(n, base)
sqrt(n) | root(n, base)

// RNG functions
choose("argument 1", 2, 3.0, ...) | rand() | rand(min, max)

// Networking functions
get(url, ["header-name=value", ...]) | post(url, ["header-name=value", ...]) | resolve(hostname)

// Misc. functions
to_radians(degree_value) | to_degrees(radian_value) | abs(n) | tail(filename, [lines]) | time()
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