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Slack bot that allows you to run scripts remotely.

Installing Command bot

  • Add "bots" to your slack installation. (on search for bots and add it. Give the bot the username that you desire)
  • Copy the API Token
  • Download the bot from
  • Extract bot into working folder.
  • Update the appSettings.json. Change BotKey setting and the AllowedUser settings. (Note allow user can be multiple users, that are comma separated)
  • For testing you can run "Command.Bot.Service.exe run -v"
  • Once that is working you can add command bot as a service by running "Command.Bot.exe service install" as an administator
  • If you would like a description next to the help message add a comment string containing Description:={your description here}

Running on linux-docker

docker run -e Bot__BotKey=${Bot__BotKey} -e Bot__AllowedUser=${Bot__AllowedUser} --name command-bot rolfwessels/command-bot:latest

Using docker compose

Add the following

version: "3"

    image: rolfwessels/command-bot:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - Bot__BotKey=${Bot__BotKey}
      - Bot__AllowedUser=${Bot__AllowedUser}
      - Bot__ScriptsPath=/scripts
      - ./Command.Bot.Core.Tests/Samples:/scripts
      - slack-bot-dev-network

Using command bot

  • First type 'help' as a dm to the bot that you have just added.
  • Add files to /script folder to be able to execute them
  • type the file name of the script that you want to execute to run it.
  • note that you can also pass parameters to the scripts by appending them to the command.


Build and deploy docker

The following make commands are available.

Docker Targets (run from local machine)
  - up          : brings up the container & attach to the default container (dev)
  - down        : stops the container
  - build       : (re)builds the container

Service Targets (should only be run inside the docker container)
  - version         : Set current version number Command.Bot
  - start           : Run the Command.Bot
  - test            : Run the Command.Bot tests
  - publish         : Build the Command.Bot and publish to docker -t rolfwessels/command-bot:alpha
  - publish-nuget   : Publish the Command.Bot.Core and to nuget under version 1.1.61-alpha
  - publish-zip     : Build and compile to dist/
  - deploy          : Deploy the Command.Bot

Adding required security for cake ps build script


Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Unblock-File build.ps1