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Llvm pass large structs by reference #4107

Llvm pass large structs by reference

Llvm pass large structs by reference #4107

on: [pull_request]
name: Nix apple silicon cargo test
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: nix-apple-silicon
runs-on: [self-hosted, macOS, ARM64]
timeout-minutes: 90
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
clean: "true"
- name: check formatting with rustfmt
run: nix develop -c cargo fmt --all -- --check
- name: check code style with clippy
run: nix develop -c cargo clippy --workspace --tests -- --deny warnings
- name: check code style with clippy --release
run: cargo clippy --workspace --tests --release -- --deny warnings
- name: execute tests with --release
run: nix develop -c cargo test --locked --release
- name: make a for the next step
run: nix develop -c cargo run -- gen-stub-lib examples/platform-switching/rocLovesRust.roc
- name: check that the platform`s produced dylib is loadable
run: cd examples/platform-switching/rust-platform && nix develop -c cargo test --release --locked
- name: test launching the editor
run: cargo test --release --locked editor_launch_test::launch -- --ignored # `--ignored` to run this test that is ignored for "normal" runs
# we run the llvm wasm tests only on this machine because it is fast and wasm should be cross-target
- name: execute llvm wasm tests with --release
run: nix develop -c cargo test-gen-llvm-wasm --locked --release
- name: test website build script
run: REPL_DEBUG=1 bash www/