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An EPD (electronic paper display) class abstraction to simplify communications across multiple display types.


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Python Version from PEP 621 TOML build-status standard-readme compliant

An EPD (electronic paper display) class abstraction to simplify communications across multiple display types.

There are several great EPD projects all over the internet, many in written in Python. The problem with a lot of these is that the code is often for one specific type of display, or perhaps a family of displays. This project abstracts the EPD communications into a common interface so a variety of displays can be interchangeably used in the same project. It also adds a lot of helpful conveniences such as the ability to automatically rotate, add contrast, or dither images on their way to the display. This gives more control to end users without having to add extra features in your upstream project.

For EPD project builders this expands the number of displays you can use for your project without having to code around each one. To utilize this in your project read the usage instructions. For a list of (known) projects that use this abstraction see the list below.

Table Of Contents


Installing this module installs any required Python library files. Refer to instructions for your specific display for any additional requirements that may need to be satisfied. A common requirement is enabling SPI support on a Raspberry Pi. Install any required libraries or setup files and then run:

pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip3 install git+

This will install the abstraction library. The test utility can be used to test your display and ensure everything is working properly. You can also clone this repo and install from source with:

git clone
cd omni-epd
pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip3 install --prefer-binary .

Python Virtual Environments

It is best practice to install inside a virtual environment. For implementing projects you may experience errors installing outside of a virtual environment.

The numpy package, required by Pillow, needs access to the system installed version of numpy in order to work properly. When setting up your virtual environment be sure to pass in the --system-site-packages argument to enable using system packages if they're available. An example would be:

# create the environment
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages .venv

# activate the environment
source .venv/bin/activate

# deactivate the environment


Usage in this case refers to EPD project implementers that wish to abstract their code with this library. In general, this is pretty simple. This library is meant to be very close to a 1:1 replacement for existing EPD code you may have in your project. Function names may vary slightly but most calls are very similar. Refer to the examples folder for some working code examples you can run. In general, once the VirtualEPD object is loaded it can interact with your display using the methods described below. For testing, the device omni_epd.mock can be used to write output to a PNG file instead of to a display.

VirtualEPD Object

Objects returned by the displayfactory class all inherit methods from the VirtualEPD class. The following methods are available to be implemented once the object is loaded. Be aware that not all displays may implement all methods but display is required.

  • width and height - these are convenience attributes to get the width and height of the display in your code.
  • prepare() - does any initializing information on the display. This is waking up from sleep or doing anything else prior to a new image being drawn.
  • display(image) - draws an image on the display. The image must be a Pillow Image object.
  • sleep() - puts the display into sleep mode, if available for that device. Generally this is lower power consumption and maintains longer life of the display.
  • clear() - clears the display
  • close() - performs any cleanup operations and closes access to the display. Use at the end of a program or when the object is no longer needed.

If the display you're using supports any advanced features, like multiple colors, these can be handled by setting some additional variables. See advanced display control for a better idea of how to additional options.

  • modes_available - a tuple containing the names of valid modes, BW available by default
  • max_colors - The maximum number of colors supported (up to 256 RGB)
  • palette_filter - a tuple of RGB values for valid colors an Image can send to the display

Display Testing

There is a utility, omni-epd-test to verify the display. This is useful to provide users with a way to test that their hardware is working properly. Many displays have specific library requirements that need to be installed with OS level package utilities and may throw errors until they are resolved. The test utility helps confirm all requirements are met before doing more advanced work with the display. This can be run from the command line, specifying the device from the table below.

# this will draw a series of rectangles
user@server:~ $ omni-epd-test -e omni_epd.mock

# this will draw the specified image
user@server:~ $ omni-epd-test -e omni_epd.mock -i /path/to/image.jpg

# print a list of all valid EPD options
user@server:~ $ omni-epd-test --list

Advanced EPD Control

There are scenarios where additional post-processing needs to be done for a particular project, or a particular display. An example of this might be to rotate the display 180 degrees to account for how the physical hardware is mounted. Another might be always adjusting the image with brightness or contrast settings. These are modifications that are specific to display requirements or user preferences and can be applied by use of a .ini file instead of having to modify code or allow for options via implementing scripts.

Two types of ini files can be used in these situations. A global file, named omni-epd.ini, or a device specific file; which is the device name from the table below with a .ini suffix. These must exist in the root directory where the calling script is run. This is the directory given by the os.getcwd() method call. Valid options for this file are listed below. These will be applied on top of any processing done to the passed in image object. For example, if the implementing script is already modifying the image object to rotate 90 degrees, adding a rotate command will rotate an additional X degrees. For precedence device specific configurations trump any global configurations. Some displays also have options specific to them only. Consult with that list if these additional options are needed in your situation.

# file shown with default values
type=none  # only valid in the global configuration file, will load this display if none given to displayfactor.load_display_driver()
mode=bw  # the mode of the display, typically b+w by default. See list of supported modes for each display below

rotate=0  # rotate final image written to display by X degrees [0-360]
flip_horizontal=False  # flip image horizontally
flip_vertical=False  # flip image vertically
dither=FloydSteinberg  # apply a dithering algorithm to the image

[Image Enhancements]
palette_filter=[[R,G,B], [R,G,B]]  # for multi color displays the palette filter used to determine colors passed to the display, must be less than or equal to max colors the display supports
contrast=1  # adjust image contrast, 1 = no adjustment
brightness=1  # adjust image brightness, 1 = no adjustment
sharpness=1  # adjust image sharpness, 1 = no adjustment

Palette Filtering

The palette_filter option controls what colors are passed to multi color displays by filtering the image so only the listed colors remain. The total number of colors must be less than or equal to the max number of colors the display supports. Colors can be specified as an array of RGB values ([[R,G,B], [R,G,B]]), hexidecimal values (#ff0000, #00ff00), or color names (blue, maroon). Combinations of these can also be given as long as each color specified is separated by a comma.


When using the dither option many algorithms are available. Please read the full instructions for dithering and how it can be used.

Displays Implemented

Below is a list of displays currently implemented in the library. The Omni Device Name is what you'd pass to displaymanager.load_display_driver(deviceName) to load the correct device driver. Generally this is the packagename.devicename Devices in bold have been tested on actual hardware while others have been implemented but not verified. This often happens when multiple displays use the same libraries but no physical verification has happened for all models. The color modes are available modes that can be set on the device.

Device Library Device Name Omni Device Name Color Modes
Inky Inky AutoDetect (try this first) bw, yellow, red, color
Inky Impression 7 Color inky.impression bw, color
Inky pHAT Red/Black/White - 212x104 inky.phat_red bw, red
Inky pHAT Yellow/Black/White - 212x104 inky.phat_yellow bw, yellow
Inky pHAT Black/White - 212x104 inky.phat_black bw
Inky pHAT Red/Black/White - 250x122 inky.phat1608_red bw, red
Inky pHAT Yellow/Black/White - 250x122 inky.phat1608_yellow bw, yellow
Inky pHAT Black/White - 250x122 inky.phat1608_black bw
Inky wHAT Red/Black/White inky.what_red bw, red
Inky wHAT Yellow/Black/White inky.what_yellow bw, yellow
Inky wHAT Black/White inky.what_black bw
Omni-EPD Mock Display (emulates EPD with no hardware) omni_epd.mock bw, color, palette
Waveshare 1.02inch E-Ink display module waveshare_epd.epd1in02 bw
1.54inch E-Ink display module waveshare_epd.epd1in54
1.54inch e-Paper Module B waveshare_epd.epd1in54b
bw, red
1.54inch e-Paper Module C waveshare_epd.epd1in54c bw, yellow
1.64inch e-Paper Module G waveshare_epd.epd1in64g bw, red, yellow, 4color
2.13inch e-Paper HAT waveshare_epd.epd2in13
2.13inch e-Paper HAT B waveshare_epd.epd2in13b
bw, red
2.13inch e-Paper HAT C waveshare_epd.epd2in13c bw, yellow
2.13inch e-Paper HAT D waveshare_epd.epd2in13d bw
2.36inch e-Paper Module G waveshare_epd.epd2in36g bw, red, yellow, 4color
2.66inch e-Paper Module waveshare_epd.epd2in66 bw
2.66inch e-Paper Module B waveshare_epd.epd2in66b bw, red
2.7inch e-Paper HAT waveshare_epd.epd2in7 bw
2.7inch e-Paper HAT B waveshare_epd.epd2in7b
bw, red
2.9inch e-Paper Module waveshare_epd.epd2in9
2.9inch e-Paper Module B waveshare_epd.epd2in9b
bw, red
2.9inch e-Paper Module C waveshare_epd.epd2in9c bw, yellow
2.9inch e-Paper HAT D waveshare_epd.epd2in9d bw
3inch e-Paper Module G waveshare_epd.epd3in0g bw, red, yellow, 4color
3.7inch e-Paper HAT waveshare_epd.epd3in7 gray4
4.01inch 7 color e-Paper HAT waveshare_epd.epd4in01f bw, color
4.2inch e-Paper Module waveshare_epd.epd4in2 bw
4.2inch e-Paper Module B waveshare_epd.epd4in2b
bw, red
4.2inch e-Paper Module C waveshare_epd.epd4in2c bw, yellow
4.37inch e-Paper Module G waveshare_epd.epd4in37g bw, red, yellow, 4color
5.65inch e-Paper Module F waveshare_epd.epd5in65f bw, color
5.83inch e-Paper HAT waveshare_epd.epd5in83
5.83inch e-Paper HAT B waveshare_epd.epd5in83b
bw, red
5.83inch e-Paper HAT C waveshare_epd.epd5in83c bw, yellow
6inch e-Ink Display waveshare_epd.it8951 bw, gray16
7.3inch e-Paper HAT G waveshare_epd.epd7in3g bw, red, yellow, 4color
7.3inch e-Paper HAT F waveshare_epd.epd7in3f bw, color
7.5inch e-Paper HAT waveshare_epd.epd7in5 bw
7.5inch e-Paper HAT V2 waveshare_epd.epd7in5_V2 bw
7.5inch HD e-Paper HAT waveshare_epd.epd7in5_HD bw
7.5inch HD e-Paper HAT B waveshare_epd.epd7in5b_HD bw, red
7.5inch e-Paper HAT B waveshare_epd.epd7in5b bw, red
7.5inch e-Paper HAT B V2 waveshare_epd.epd7in5b_V2 bw, red
7.5inch e-Paper HAT C waveshare_epd.epd7in5c bw, yellow
7.8inch e-Ink Display waveshare_epd.it8951 bw, gray16
9.7inch e-Ink Display waveshare_epd.it8951 bw, gray16
10.3inch e-Ink Display waveshare_epd.it8951 bw, gray16

Display Driver Installation

Each display type has different install requirements depending on the platform. While loading this module will install any required Python libraries for supported displays; specific OS level configuration may need to be done. Basic instructions are below for each library type. Refer to instructions for your specific display to make sure you've satisfied these requirements. The omni-epd-test utility can be used to verify things are working properly.


Inky makes things pretty easy with a one-line installer. This makes the necessary OS level changes and pulls in the Inky library. Using the device type uses Inky library's auto detect method and is the most surefire way of loading the proper driver.

curl | bash

If installing Inky manually be sure that SPI and I2C are enabled via sudo raspi-config.


The Waveshare device library requires that SPI support be enabled on your system prior to use. The waveshare-epd module is automatically downloaded and installed as a dependency of this module.

Please note: The version of the Waveshare repo used by this library is a fork of the official repository. This is due to the official repo not having correct detection support for Raspberry Pi OS 12 (Bookworm). Once the official repo is updated the source for the Waveshare drivers will be moved back to the official repo.


IT8951 devices, such as the Waveshare 6in EPD, are supported via a separately maintained Python module from Greg Kahanamoku-Meyer. This module and it's requirements are downloaded as part of omni-epd setup.

Implementing Projects

Below is a list of known projects currently utilizing omni-epd. If you're interested in building a very small media player, check them out.

  • SlowMovie - A very popular VSMP player with lots of options for playing files and an easy install process.
  • VSMP+ - My own VSMP project with a built in web server for easy administration.
  • pycasso - System to send AI generated art to an E-Paper display through a Raspberry PI unit.
  • PiArtFrame - EPD project that displays randomly generated fractal art.


Dithering support provided by the didder Tool -


PRs accepted! If there a fix for any of the documentation or something is not quite clear, please point it out. If you test one of the listed displays, please mark it as verified by bolding it in the Displays Implemented section. If you want to extend this framework by adding a new display type; a good place to start is one of the existing display classes for an example. Installing the library in development mode will also make live testing easier. This will allow you test your changes quickly without re-installation.

pip3 install -e .[dev] --prefer-binary

