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A tool for estimating the iCubHeadCenter to RealSense transformation matrix when using the iCub RealSense holder.


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A tool for estimating the iCubHeadCenter to RealSense transformation matrix when using the iCub RealSense holder.


  • YARP
  • iCub
  • icub-contrib-common
  • ViSP

    Note: if built from scratch, the CMake option USE_YARP can be safely disabled as it is not required for the software of this repository.

Run-time dependencies

If you need to stream the transform between the robot root frame and the camera frame as a TF transform in ROS 2, the devices from the above repositories should be part of your YARP installation. If streaming to ROS 2 is not required, it is not required to install them.

How to build

git clone
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
make install

Note: this repository use CMake ICUBcontribHelpers helpers and will automatically detect where to install the package. If the robotology-superbuild is used, the package will be installed in the superbuild install path.

How to configure

Module realsense-holder-calibration

  1. Copy the template yarpmanager application from <package_install_dir>/share/ICUBcontrib/templates/realsense-holder-calibration.xml to e.g. .local/share/yarp/applications
  2. Import the context of this package using yarp-config context --import realsense-holder-calibration
  3. Open the local configuration file .local/share/yarp/context/realsense-holder-calibration/config.ini and make sure that:
    • the camera intrinsics in [CAMERA_INTRINSICS] match those of the adopted RGB input
    • the robot_name is the correct one
    • the eye_version matches that of the used robot
    • suitable calibration poses are provided (the order is torso_yaw, torso_roll, torso_pitch, neck_pitch, neck_roll, neck_yaw)
    • the number of poses number_of_poses matches the actual number of poses

How to obtain the intrinsic parameters of the RealSense

If a RealSense camera is used and it is accessed via the associated yarpdev, it is possible to obtain the intrinsic parameters of the RGB sensor using

yarp rpc /depthCamera/rpc:i
> visr get intp

iCubGenova01 configuration files

If the robot of interest is iCubGenova01 the configuration files config_iCubGenova01_holder_tilt.ini and config_iCubGenova01_holder_no_tilt.ini are available in the context realsense-holder-calibration after a succesfull installation of the package. They can be loaded by running the application using the parameter

--from config_iCubGenova01_holder[_no]_tilt.ini
no_tilt variant tilt variant

Please check the intrinsic parameters of your camera, and eventually change them, before using these configuration files.

Module realsense-holder-publisher

  1. Copy the template yarpmanager application from <package_install_dir>/share/ICUBcontrib/templates/realsense-holder-publisher.xml to e.g. .local/share/yarp/applications

  2. Import the context of this package using yarp-config context --import realsense-holder-publisher

  3. The local configuration file .local/share/yarp/context/realsense-holder-publisher/config.ini will contain:

    • the robot name
    • the desired update period of the module
    • the eye version of the robot
    • (optional) the absolute path to the calibration matrix file (produced by the module realsense-holder-calibration)

    Additionally, the following parameters are also available:

    • the use_ros2 parameter which enable/disables streaming to ROS 2 as a TF transform
    • the ros_src_frame_id that decides the parent id of the TF transform
    • the ros_dest_frame_id that decides the child id of the TF transform

If the path of the calibration matrix file is not provided, the module will search for it in .local/share/yarp/context/realsense-holder-publisher/eMc.txt.

How to prepare

Print the chessboard provided by VISP. If possible print it on a A3 paper.

How to collect data

  1. Make sure that iCub is up and running (the torso and the head are required)
  2. Move in a folder where the data will be saved, e.g. cd <data_folder>
  3. Open the yarpmanager from <data_folder>
  4. Open the Eye-hand_calibration application
  5. Run all the applications and connect the ports

This will also run the yarpdev for the RealSense camera. If a different camera is used, please do not run the yarpdev and change the input port names in the yarpmanager window accordingly.

  1. Open an RPC client via yarp rpc /realsense-holder-calibration/rpc:i
  2. Type start to start the data acquisition

Warning: the robot will execute the poses as provided in the configuration file and will wait for wait_time before moving to the next pose. Robot motion can be stopped at any time by typing stop in the RPC client. The parameter wait_time can be specified in the configuration file.

Note: Make sure that the chessboard is completely visibile in all calibration poses, e.g. by checking on the yarpview. If not, move the chessboard or change the torso and head joints configuration in the local configuration file, close the module by typing quit, re-open it and start the procedure again.

  1. The robot will go back in home position (torso and neck set to zero) after the data acquisition is complete.

How to obtain the calibration matrix

Open a terminal and run realsense-holder-calibration-process having the following synopsis:

Synopsis: realsense-holder-calibration-process <path_to_visp_build> <path_to_images> <number_poses> <width> <height> <square_size (meters)>


  • <path_to_visp_build> is the ViSP build folder
  • <path_to_images> is <data_folder> (as indicated in the section how to collect data)
  • <number_poses is the same as the parameter number_of_poses in the configuration file
  • <width> is the width of chessboard
  • <height> is the height of the chessboard
  • <square_size> is the length of the side of the square in the chessboard (in meters)

If the provided chessboard is used, then <width> = 9, <height> = 6 and <square_size (meters)> = 0.036 (assuming that it has been printed on a A3 paper). Please verify the length using a ruler given that the options of your printer might alter it.

After running the script, the list of collected images will be shown. Click using the left button of the mouse to move to the next pose. It is important that the chessboard is detected in all the images.

After all images have been considered, the script will provide the calibration matrix (from the iCubHeadCenter frame to the RealSense RGB frame) as output, e.g.

Transformation from iCubHeadCenter to RealSense RGB frame:

 0.9986644239   0.03441962741 -0.03853125538 -0.05194061188
-0.03017476666  0.9939304797   0.1057907607  -0.1212326766
 0.0419386677  -0.1044867974   0.9936416141   0.02958705726
 0              0              0              1

The output can also be found in txt and yaml format in <data_folder>/eMc.txt and <data_folder>/eMc.yaml. The latter provides the transformation as a 6-dimensional vector in the form (x, y, z, u_x, u_y, u_z) where (u_x, u_y, u_z) is the product between the axis and the angle of the axis/angle parametrization of the rotation matrix.

Calibration matrices of pre-existing holders

Variant no-tilt

 0.9987039757   0.02941588291 -0.04153401947 -0.05439578875
-0.02502241057  0.9944078874   0.102600353   -0.1173573506
 0.04431983652 -0.1014280992   0.9938551669   0.02902883402
 0              0              0              1
Variant tilt

 0.9986796783   0.03750826048 -0.0351002926 -0.05794521346
-0.001885871738 0.7095898996   0.7046123884 -0.05406200527
 0.0513355981  -0.7036158787   0.7087237484  0.06424080642
 0              0              0             1

How to get the camera pose in the iCub root frame

  1. Make sure that iCub is up and running (the torso and the head are required)
  2. Open the yarpmanager
  3. Open the Eye-hand_calibration publisher application
  4. Specify the desired configuration file in the parameters using --from <nome_of_config_file> if any
  5. Run realsense-holder-publisher

The pose of the camera will be available from /realsense-holder-publisher/pose:o as a list of <x> <y> <z> <axis_x> <axis_y> <axis_z> <angle> numbers where <x>, <y> and <z> are the 3D coordinates of the camera in the robot root frame, while the <axis_?> and <angle> are the axis/angle representation of the rotation matrix from the robot root frame to the camera reference frame.

If ROS is enabled, the pose will be streamed as a TF transform between the frames ros_src_frame_id and ros_dst_frame_id.


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A tool for estimating the iCubHeadCenter to RealSense transformation matrix when using the iCub RealSense holder.





