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Official Implementation of CARTO: Category and Joint Agnostic Reconstruction of ARTiculated Objects

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CARTO: Category and Joint Agnostic Reconstruction of ARTiculated Objects

Nick Heppert, Muhammad Zubair Irshad, Sergey Zakharov, Katherine Liu, Rares Andrei Ambrus, Jeannette Bohg, Abhinav Valada, Thomas Kollar

arXiv | website | Presented at CVPR 2023, Vancouver B.C., Canada


📔 Abstract

We present CARTO, a novel approach for reconstructing multiple articulated objects from a single stereo RGB observation. We use implicit object-centric representations and learn a single geometry and articulation decoder for multiple object categories. Despite training on multiple categories, our decoder achieves a comparable reconstruction accuracy to methods that train bespoke decoders separately for each category. Combined with our stereo image encoder we infer the 3D shape, 6D pose, size, joint type, and the joint state of multiple unknown objects in a single forward pass. Our method achieves a 20.4% absolute improvement in mAP 3D IOU50 for novel instances when compared to a two-stage pipeline. Inference time is fast and can run on a NVIDIA TITAN XP GPU at 1 HZ for eight or less objects present. While only trained on simulated data, CARTO transfers to real-world object instances.

👨‍💻 Code Release

This repository is the official implementation


The code was developed and tested under Ubuntu 20.04 and python version 3.8.

Using conda setup a new python environment

conda create --name CARTO python=3.8 -y
conda activate CARTO

and install all dependencies through (keep the order!)

conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge -c anaconda fvcore iopath pyqt pyyaml -y
conda install -c pytorch -c nvidia pytorch=1.9.1 torchvision pytorch-cuda=11.6 -y
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

We observed that for newer versions of OpenCV PyOpenGL-accelerate is automatically installed. PyOpenGL-accelerate could cause problems and we recommend uninstalling it again.

It can happen that building Pytorch3D fails, in that case we kindly refer to their installation guide.

Last, install all external libraries needed

mkdir -p $external_libs_dir


cd $external_libs_dir
git clone
cd manifold_python
git submodule update --init
make install
cd $current_dir


cd $external_libs_dir
git clone -b CARTO
cd $current_dir

Feel free to replace this with a submodule


Data Generation

To Generate your own data for training the decoder first, you first need to preprocess PartNetMobility. Place the downloaded dataset the following way


Then run the preprocessing script

python scripts/

which should create the tarballs-folder and the index.json.zst-file


To then generate SDF start the following python script

python scripts/

For further information use --help. The generated data is saved into datasets/decoder/generated_data/<NAME>.

To generate SDF data for all categories present in our real world evaluation data you can use our pre-extracted id-list.

python scripts/ --id-file datasets/decoder/id_lists/All_Real_Categories.txt 

Please note the following

  • For CARTO we manually updated some of PartNetMobility's models (mainly StorageFurniture), this includes removing dangling coords, adding tops etc. We highly recommend doing the same to ensure realistic reconstructions and reproducibility. See the variable instance_exclusion_list in
  • In the main paper evaluation we did not include the categories Knife, Stapler and StorageFurniture but they are included in All_Real_Categories.txt and our real image set.
  • You can later adapt for which object instances you want to train the decoder seperately, there is no need to generate seperate datasets for all different category combinations.
  • Count unique ids in a generated dataset ls data/arti_recon/shape_pretraining_datasets/<NAME>/ | cut -d "_" -f 1 | sort | uniq -c


To start a decoder training use

python scripts/

Again, append --help to get more information about the usage.

This will save the decoder model under datasets/decoder/runs/<ID> and create a wandb run automatically. The local experiment id is either randomly generated or could be changed by passing --local-experiment-id to the training script.

During training we cache the SDF values to allow faster loading. To clear the SDF cache use

find datasets/decoder/generated_data/*/sdf_cache/ -depth -delete;

Pre-Trained Decoder

Download our pre-trained decoder from here and place it under datasets/decoder/runs/<ID>. The id is 506fd5f4-ff54-4413-8e13-6f066f182dfb. E.g. unpack with

tar -xvf 506fd5f4-ff54-4413-8e13-6f066f182dfb.tar.gz --directory=datasets/decoder/runs/

To get an understanding how to use the decoder model see notebook scripts/decoder.ipynb. Here we plot the embedding spaces as well as show how to reconstruct objects for arbitrary latent codes.


To run a reconstruction evaluation use

python scripts/ --experiment-id 506fd5f4-ff54-4413-8e13-6f066f182dfb --lod-start 4 --lod 8

which places the results in datasets/decoder/runs/<ID>/eval/reconstruction/<reconstruction_id>/.

To investigate the results open the jupyter notebook scripts/decoder_eval_vis.ipynb in which you can print the statistics for the evaluation run as well as generate reconstructions of the inferred codes.


Download our pre-trained stereo encoder from here and place it under datasets/encoder/runs/<ID>, e.g. unpack with

tar -xvf 14i8yfym.tar.gz --directory=datasets/encoder/runs/

We provide an RGB-D version here. Unpack as above.


We provide ~20k synthetic test images and 263 annotated real images. You can download them using the provided script through [real|synthetic]

Place them respectively under datasets/[real|synthetic]/.

Please note the following things regarding the real data

  • For a visualizaiton of the real data see the notebook under scripts/real_dataset_vis.ipynb.
  • We include nine additional, unlabeled datapoints
  • The labeling was done using labelCloud. If you find any labels wrong feel free to notify us and we try our best to fix it.


We provide an inference-script to visualize CARTOs output. Simply run

python scripts/

which will place visualizaiton images datasets/decoder/runs/<ID>/vis

For evaluating the full CARTO model, first run

python scripts/

which will place evaluation files under datasets/decoder/runs/<ID>/eval/.

If you want to evaluate A-SDF, please first download our pre-trained models through A-SDF and place them under external_libs/A-SDF/examples/CARTO.

To visulize the results go through the notebook full_eval_vis.ipynb under scripts/.


Feel free to raise any issues or a PR if anything in this repository is broken, we will give our best to provide you with a solution. Thank you.

👩‍⚖️ License

For academic usage, the code and data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. For any commercial purpose, please contact the authors.

🤝 Acknowledgements

This work was partially funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation with the ReScaLe project.

If you find our work useful, please consider citing our paper:

 title={CARTO: Category and Joint Agnostic Reconstruction of ARTiculated Objects},
 author={Heppert, Nick and Irshad, Muhammad Zubair and Zakharov, Sergey and Liu, Katherine and Ambrus, Rares Andrei and Bohg, Jeannette and Valada, Abhinav and Kollar, Thomas},
 booktitle={Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recog.},


Official Implementation of CARTO: Category and Joint Agnostic Reconstruction of ARTiculated Objects






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