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robbesol edited this page Nov 2, 2011 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the xprintf wiki

Table of Contents

Project summary

Project xprintf is an ISO C99 fprintf() formatting implementation aimed at embedded SW.

  • Full ISO C99 fprintf() formatting.
  • Small code and stack footprint.
  • No global data, no malloc().
  • Floating point support can be disabled for smaller code size.
  • Your output stream easily connected.

External links

Current status

October 2011

BerliOS will shut down at the end of the year: moving to github.

September 2011

Technologies88 kindly agreed to put xprintf code in the public domain.

First commit to repository: all tests pass.

Next step: example code to integrate xprintf with your application.

August 2011

Start of BerliOS project.

The code is mature (used for several years in developments under FreeRTOS) and must be converted to open source and/or free software. This involves changing copyright statements and making it build stand-alone.

Requesting official statement from company to make the code public domain.

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