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CDK Express Pipeline Demo TS

This is a demo project for the CDK Express Pipeline showcasing how to use the library in a TypeScript project. This pipeline has the following structure:

🌊 Waves  - Deployed sequentially
🔲 Stages - Deployed in parallel, all stages within a wave are deployed at the same time
📄 Stack  - Dependency driven, will be deployed after all its dependent stacks, denoted by ↳ below it, is deployed

🌊 Wave1
  🔲 Stage1
    📄 StackA (Wave1_Stage1_StackA)
    📄 StackB (Wave1_Stage1_StackB)
        ↳ StackA
🌊 Wave2
  🔲 Stage1
    📄 StackC (Wave2_Stage1_StackC)

It is a standard CDK TypeScript project that has GitHub workflows and some extra NPM scripts to diff and deploy locally.

GitHub Workflows

The project has the following GitHub workflows, below are screenshots of the Action logs (as they expire over time):


Does a build and CDK Diff on PR open and push, the cdk diff output can be viewed in the action run logs.



Does a build, CDK Diff and Deploy when a push happens on the main branch.



The synth job builds the CDK app and saves the cloud assembly to the ./cloud_assembly_output directory. The whole repo with installed NPM packages and the cloud assembly is then cached. This job of the pipeline does not have access to any AWS Secrets, the installing of packages and building is decoupled from the deployment improving security.

The wave1 and wave2 jobs fetch the cloud assembly from the cache and then do a CDK Diff and Deploy on only their stacks. The wave1 job targets all the stacks that start with Wave1_ and the wave2 job targets all the stacks that start with Wave2_. It is important to add the --exclusively flag to only focus on the specified stacks and not their dependencies.

