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Rename Operations

Edward Rowe edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 16 revisions

Replace Operations

Replace String (Standard Mode)


Searches the names for a specified string and replaces it with another specified string (or removes it if no replacement string is specified)

Example: Replace “Hero” with “Maria”

Original Name: Char_Hero_Idle
Search String: Hero
Replacement String: Maria
Result: Char_Maria_Idle

Replace String (Regex Mode)

Searches for a specified regular expression pattern and replaces it with another regular expression pattern

Note: Regular Expressions are an advanced feature that provide a ton of power if you know how to use them. You can implement just about every rename operation that Mulligan Renamer provides as a regular expression. For more information on Regular Expressions, check out RegExr.

Example: Replace all character names with only their first character

Original Names: Char_Hero_Idle, Char_Goblin_Idle
Search Regex: ([a-zA-Z])[a-zA-Z]*
Replacement Regex: $1
Result: Char_H_Idle, Char_G_Idle



Deletes the name entirely and replaces it with a new one

Example: Change all names to "Wall"

Original Name: GameObject (124)
New Name: Wall
Result: Wall

Add Operations

Prefix or Suffix


Adds a prefix and / or suffix to each name

Example: Add “Char_” prefix

Original Name: Hero_Idle
Prefix: Char_
Result: Char_Hero_Idle

Count (labeled as Enumerate before v1.5.0)


Adds incrementing numbers to the end or beginning of each name

Example: Add _00 to the end of a series of Game Objects with the same name (Blocker).

Original Names: Blocker, Blocker, Blocker
Enumerate Style: _00, _01, etc
Result: Blocker_00, Blocker_01, Blocker_02

Count by Letter

Count by Letter

Adds incrementing letters to the end or beginning of each name.

Example: Add A, B, C, etc to the end of a series of Game Objects with the same name (Blocker_)

Original Names: Blocker_, Blocker_, Blocker_
Format: Uppercase Alphabet Result: Blocker_A, Blocker_B, Blocker_C

String Sequence

Add String Sequence

Adds a repeating sequence of strings to the end of each name. The sequence should be comma separated. If all strings are assigned, it will loop back through the sequence.

Example: Add Up, Down, Left, Right to the end of four animations named Hero_Idle_.

Original Names: HeroIdle_, HeroIdle_, HeroIdle_
String Sequence: "Up,Down,Left,Right" Result: HeroIdle_Up, HeroIdle_Down, HeroIdle_Left, HeroIdle_Right

Delete Operations

Trim Characters


Removes characters from the front and / or back of each name

Example: Trim off the last 3 characters of Blocker (1)

Original Name: Blocker (1)
Delete from Back: 3
Result: Blocker

Remove Characters


Removes specific characters, such as numbers or symbols, from each name

Example: Remove parentheses from Blocker (1)

Original Name: Blocker (1)
Preset: Symbols
Result: Blocker 1

Modification Operations

To Upper or Lowercase


Changes the case of all characters in each name. Flag "Only First Character" to only change the first character in the string.

Example: Lowercase the characters in Char_Hero_Idle

Original Name: Char_Hero_Idle
To Upper: Unchecked
Only First Character: Unchecked Result: char_hero_idle

To Camel Case


Capitalizes the first character of every word, as designated by the specified delimiter characters.

Example: CamelCase folder names that were named in all lowercase with underscores

Original Name: swamp_character_prefabs Use Pascal Casing: Unchecked
Delimiters: " -_"
Result: swamp_Character_Prefabs