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XRM Tokens

Jonas Rapp edited this page Nov 12, 2023 · 6 revisions

Renamed from XrmSubstitutes to XRM Tokens on the 2022-11-10.

This is an extension to the Entity🔗 class used to replace XRM Tokens in a text with dynamic data from a Dataverse record, also may be mixed with Power Fx.


The Method


public static string Tokens(this Entity entity, IOrganizationService service, string text)


var theText = myEntity.Tokens(service, 
   "Name is {name} from {address1_city} born in <PowerFx|Year(DateValue("{birthdate}"))>, owned by {ownerid.firstname} with id {ownerid|<value>}.");


Name is Rapp Solutions AB from Täby born in 1971, owned by Jonas with id b0178a3c-553e-ec11-8c63-000d3a4a08d0.


How to install it

Use the repo as submodules, read here.

Note: this shared project Rappen.XRM.Tokens requires shared project Rappen.XRB.Helpers.

These NuGet packages are needed in the projects that are using these shared projects, currently (2023-11-12) with these versions:

Package Version NuGet
Microsoft.PowerFx.Core.dll 1.1.0 🔗
Microsoft.PowerFx.Interpreter.dll 1.1.0 🔗
Microsoft.PowerFx.Transport.Attributes.dll 1.1.0 🔗
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll 4.6.28619.1 4.5.3 🔗
System.Collections.Immutable.dll 6.0.0 🔗

Use it in XrmToolBox

XrmToolBox does not include Power Fx assemblies (not yet at least, currently at version 1.2022.11.59) so the versions of assemblies below should be added to a subfolder in the Plugins folder, with the name of your tool's assembly name (minus .dll):

  • Microsoft.PowerFx.Core.dll
  • Microsoft.PowerFx.Interpreter.dll
  • Microsoft.PowerFx.Transport.Attributes.dll
  • en-US\Microsoft.PowerFx.Core.resources.dll
  • System.Collections.Immutable.dll

Could be added to the NuGet Specification file:

  <file src="MyTool\bin\Release\My.Tool.dll" target="lib\net472\Plugins" />
  <file src="MyTool\bin\Release\Microsoft.PowerFx.*.dll" target="lib\net472\Plugins\My.Tool" />
  <file src="MyTool\bin\Release\en-US\*.dll" target="lib\net472\Plugins\My.Tool\en-US" />
  <file src="MyTool\bin\Release\System.Collections.Immutable.dll" target="lib\net472\Plugins\My.Tool" />

One file has to be merged with the tool assembly, as the XrmToolBox uses another version:

  • System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll



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