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This is the website for the r3ply commenting system. For more information about r3ply, please visit the website.


Here's how you do stuff:

# installs everything
# that you need
npm install

# build builds once,
# output in `./public`
npm run build

# starts a local server (on :1111)
# that watches/rebuilds
# for zola and tailwind only
npm run serve

# starts a local server (on :8788)
# that proxies the server from `npm run serve`
# but also enables cloudflare pages stuff
# (this is what you want for local development)
npm run dev


The site is currently written in English and Italian.

Translations are set in config.toml. The keys are used via the trans(key=, lang=) filter included with Zola. There is also a combination of rewrite and redirect rules upstream on the cloudflare side of things that enables setting the default language based on peoples accepted-languages headers, as well as if they explicitly change the language in the nav. How this is precisely done will have to be documented another day, but always /, e.g. /it/ will work and override everything else.


There's a Cloudflare D1 database that stores the information for the waitlist. There are two tables:

  1. waitlist which holds the waitlist information
  2. waitlist_error which holds an errors that occurred in the process

Production dev

There are two databases r3ply (for production) and r3ply_staging (for staging). Their tables should be already be provisioned, but you can re-create them by running the following command (from the project root):

# in production:
npx wrangler d1 execute r3ply --file functions/waitlist/create.sql

# in staging
npx wrangler d1 execute r3ply_staging --file functions/waitlist/create.sql

Additionally, you can query them by running the following command (and adjust as needed)

# in production
npx wrangler d1 execute r3ply --command "select email from waitlist"

# in staging
npx wrangler d1 execute r3ply_staging --command "select email from waitlist"

Local dev

Cloudflare Docs

There's a wrangler.toml file at the project root for local development with Cloudflare Pages.

Here are some helpful SQL commands.

# drops the sql tables
npm run tables-drop

# creates the sql tables
npm run tables-create

# drops and creates the sql tables
npm run tables-reset

# runs an arbitrary sql command
npm run sql -- "SELECT * from waitlist"