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Vladimir Stepanenko edited this page Jun 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

Cluster config generator (ccg)

CCG is a utility for generating vdisks field of cluster configuration.

CLI interface

new subcommand

    -e, --exact      Create config with exactly provided vdisks count
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i <input>                [default: cluster.yaml]
    -o <output>              output file, if not set, use stdout instead
    -r <replicas>             [default: 1]
    -d <vdisks_count>        min - equal to number of pairs node-disk

-i accepts path to input cluster config without vdisks field.

-o accepts path to output cluster config.

expand subcommand

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -H <hardware>        new hardware configuration
    -i <input>            [default: cluster.yaml]
    -o <output>          output file, if not set, use stdout instead

-i accepts path to input cluster config.

-H accepts path to hardware config without vdisks field.

-o accepts path to output cluster config.

Bob benchmark tool (bobp)

Bobp is a utility to benchmark bob by sending large amount of requests.

CLI interface

    -d, --direct     direct command to node
        --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
        --verify     verify results of put requests

        --amount <amount>        amount of bytes to write
    -b, --behavior <behavior>    put / get / test [default: test]
    -c, --count <count>          count of records to proceed [default: 1000000]
    -f, --first <first>          first index of records to proceed [default: 0]
    -h, --host <host>            ip or hostname of bob [default:]
    -l, --payload <payload>      payload size in bytes [default: 1024]
    -p, --port <port>            port of bob [default: 20000]
    -t, --threads <threads>      worker thread count [default: 1]
        --time <time>            max time for benchmark


Additional tools for bob can be found here.

DiskStatusAnalyzer (Alien recovery tool)

copy-aliens subcommand

Copy aliens from known nodes


  -c, --config    (Default: config.yaml) Configuration file

copy-vdisk subcommand

Copy vdisk content from one node to another


  -v, --vdisk-id    Required. VDisk id
  -s, --src         Required. Source node name
  -d, --dst         Required. Destination node name
  -c, --config      (Default: config.yaml) Configuration file


monitor subcommand

Monitor disks unplugging


  --log-level    (Default: Information) Logging level
  --port         (Default: 8000) Local bob http api port


Perform only config generation


  --log-level    (Default: Information) Logging level
  --port         (Default: 8000) Local bob http api port


You can specify addresses and threshold in filename.json and run

OldPartitionsRemover filename.json

Or you can specify addresses and threshold in command line:

OldPartitionsRemover [-a address](can be added multiple times) \
    -t threshold

Additional flags -noinfo and -noerror can be used.


RecordsCalculator accepts same arguments as OldPartitionsRemover.