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add roofline estimation of float8 gemm + overhead (#668)
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This PR adds a script to help estimate when it is expected
to be faster to convert a `torch.nn.Linear` to float8, versus
leaving it in bfloat16, for compute bound training use cases.

How we do this:
1. for bf16 and fp8 gemm time, use either benchmarks or roofline based
   on a percentage of peak compute bandwidth
2. for float8 overhead, enumerate the worst case of reads and writes performed
   by torch.compile, and convert to time by assuming we can achieve a
   percentae of peak memory bandwidth
3. compare (a) bf16_gemm_time and (b) fp8_gemm_time + fp8_overhead_time,
   and calculate the expected speedup.

Note that currently the gemm benchmarks require running a separate
script, as documented in the argument descriptions.  We can make this
nicer at a future time.

Test Plan:

python benchmarks/float8/ \
    --outfile ~/local/tmp/20240813_del_del_dyn_bench_roofline.csv \
    --gemm_benchmarks_file ~/local/tmp/20240813_gemm_gpu_time_sweep_9_16.csv \
    --gemm_time_strategy benchmarks --model_torch_compile_limitations True \
    --scaling_type_input delayed --scaling_type_weight delayed \
    --scaling_type_grad_output dynamic | with-proxy gh gist create
- Creating gist...
✓ Created secret gist




  • Loading branch information
vkuzo committed Aug 15, 2024
1 parent ffa88a4 commit 027bf39
Showing 1 changed file with 391 additions and 0 deletions.
391 changes: 391 additions & 0 deletions benchmarks/float8/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
This is a script to estimate the benefit from converting a `torch.nn.Linear`
layer to float8, by estimating the difference in e2e GPU kernel time between:
1. bf16 gemms in fwd and bwd, and
2. float8 gemms in fwd and bwd, and float8 overhead
The gemm times are estimated either from direct measurements via benchmarks,
or with a roofline estimation based on TOPS and peak compute bandwidth of an
The float8 overhead times are estimated by counting memory reads and writes
based on the specified float8 scaling, and estimating that we can achieve
a certain % of machine peak memory bandwidth when performing these reads and writes.
Additional context:
1. the formulas for fwd/bwd gemms in a linear layer, with corresponding input
and output sizes:
input @ weight_t = output
MxK @ KxN => MxN
grad_output @ weight = grad_input
MxN @ NxK => MxK
input_t @ grad_output = grad_weight
KxM @ MxN => KxN
2. we properly model the worst-case of the current torch.compile limitations regarding
float8 scaling
3. assume for float8 activations/gradients that torch.compile will fuse to the
preceding op. Note that this is not always true in practice.
4. assume no AC (TODO model it)
5. assume no float8 all-gather (TODO model it)

import csv
import copy
import time
from typing import Optional

import fire
import pandas as pd
import sympy

import torch
import torch.utils.benchmark as benchmark


#, divide by 2 because no sparsity
H100_BF16_PEAK_TOPS = 989e12
H100_FP8_PEAK_TOPS = 1979e12

# 2.4 TB per second, custom to Meta's H100 variant

# based on quick experimental observation with sample large inputs

# based on previous experience looking at pointwise triton kernels with large inputs,
# which would hit about 2.2k GBPS on Meta's H100 variant

# Source: run a triton kernel with a single element read/write on an H100 and
# measure GPU time from the trace

def benchmark_fn_in_sec(f, *args, **kwargs):
# Manual warmup
for _ in range(4):
f(*args, **kwargs)
t0 = benchmark.Timer(
stmt="f(*args, **kwargs)", globals={"args": args, "kwargs": kwargs, "f": f}
measurement = t0.blocked_autorange()
return measurement.mean

def get_tensor_memory_traffic_bytes(
scaling_type: str,
# assumes input bf16, output f8
numel = dim0 * dim1

if scaling_type == "dynamic":
# x_bf16 = ...
# kernel 1: x_bf16 -> max_abs_stage_1 -> tmp
# kernel 2 (not modeled): tmp -> max_abs_stage_2 -> max_abs
# kernel 3: x_bf16, max_abs -> to_float8 -> x_fp8

if fuse_with_prev:
kernel_1_rw = 0
# kernel 1: read numel, write 0 (assume size(tmp) ~ 0)
kernel_1_rw = BYTES_PER_EL_BF16 * numel

# kernel 3: read in bf16, write twice in float8 (row-major and col-major)
kernel_3_rw = BYTES_PER_EL_BF16 * numel + 2 * BYTES_PER_EL_FLOAT8 * numel

if model_torch_compile_limitations:
# today, the kernel to do cast_to_fp8_row_major_and_col_major(input_bf16, ...)
# has an extra memory read of the input in fp8
# context:
tc_adjustment = numel * BYTES_PER_EL_FLOAT8
tc_adjustment = 0

return kernel_1_rw + kernel_3_rw + tc_adjustment

assert scaling_type == "delayed", "unsupported"
# x_bf16 = ...
# kernel 1: x_bf16 -> max_abs_stage_1_and_to_float8 -> x_float8, tmp
# kernel 2 (not modeled): tmp -> max_abs_stage_2 -> max_abs
# kernel 3 (not modeled): scale -> reciprocal -> inv_scale

if fuse_with_prev:
kernel_1_r = 0
kernel_1_r = numel * BYTES_PER_EL_BF16
# write twice: once in row major, once in col-major
kernel_1_w = numel * BYTES_PER_EL_FLOAT8 * 2

if model_torch_compile_limitations:
# today, the kernel to do cast_to_fp8_row_major_and_col_major(input_bf16, ...)
# has an extra memory read of the input in fp8
# context:
tc_adjustment = numel * BYTES_PER_EL_FLOAT8

# instead of
# kernel 1: x_bf16 -> max(abs(x)), x_fp8
# kernel 2: not modeled
# kernel 3: not modeled
# we get
# kernel 1: x_bf16 -> max(abs(x))
# reads: same as before
# writes: 0
# ...
# kernel 4: x_bf16, scale -> x_fp8
# reads: numel * BYTES_PER_EL_BF16
# writes: 2 * numel * BYTES_PER_EL_FLOAT8
# Note that assuming worst case, this issue brings the memory
# traffic for delayed scaling to be equal to that of dynamic scaling.
tc_adjustment += (
# subtract writes from kernel 1
-1 * 2 * numel * BYTES_PER_EL_FLOAT8
# add reads for kernel 4
+ numel * BYTES_PER_EL_BF16
# add writes for kernel 4
+ 2 * numel * BYTES_PER_EL_FLOAT8
tc_adjustment = 0

return kernel_1_r + kernel_1_w + tc_adjustment

def get_gemm_times_cache(gemm_benchmarks_file: str):
cache = {}
with open(gemm_benchmarks_file, 'r') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for idx, row in enumerate(reader):
if idx == 0:
# skip headers
idx1, fast_accum, name, M, K, N, bf16_time, fp8_time, speedup = row
fast_accum = fast_accum == 'True'
cache[(int(M), int(K), int(N), fast_accum)] = (float(bf16_time), float(fp8_time))
return cache

def get_gemm_time_sympy(M, K, N, dtype):
gemm_ops = 2 * M * K * N + 2 * M * N * K + 2 * K * M * N
if dtype is torch.bfloat16:
peak_tops = H100_BF16_PEAK_TOPS
elif dtype in (torch.float8_e4m3fn, torch.float8_e5m2):
peak_tops = H100_FP8_PEAK_TOPS
gemm_time_s = gemm_ops / peak_tops / H100_PCT_ACHIEVABLE_GEMM_TOPS
return gemm_time_s

def get_float8_mem_sympy(
model_torch_compile_limitations: bool = False,
scaling_type_input: str = "dynamic",
scaling_type_weight: str = "dynamic",
scaling_type_grad_output: str = "dynamic",

assert scaling_type_input in ("dynamic", "delayed"), "unsupported"
assert scaling_type_weight in ("dynamic", "delayed"), "unsupported"
assert scaling_type_grad_output in ("dynamic", "delayed"), "unsupported"

# there are three gemms in the fwd/bwd of a linear:
# input @ weight_t = output
# MxK @ KxN => MxN
# grad_output @ weight = grad_input
# MxN @ NxK => MxK
# input_t @ grad_output = grad_weight
# KxM @ MxN => KxN

# forward - output
fwd_fp8_input_mem = get_tensor_memory_traffic_bytes(
M, K, scaling_type_input, fuse_with_prev=True,
fwd_fp8_weight_mem = get_tensor_memory_traffic_bytes(
K, N, scaling_type_weight, fuse_with_prev=False,
fwd_fp8_total_mem = fwd_fp8_input_mem + fwd_fp8_weight_mem

# backward - grad_input
gi_fp8_grad_output_mem = get_tensor_memory_traffic_bytes(
M, N, scaling_type_grad_output, fuse_with_prev=True,
# already casted, assuming that we save weight from fw to bw
# TODO: model this if FSDP float8 all-gather is on
# TODO: model this if we don't save weight from fw to bw, and recompute instead
gi_fp8_weight_mem = 0

# backward - grad_weight
# TODO: model this if we don't save fp8 input from fw to bw
gw_fp8_input_t_mem = 0 # already casted
# this should be always 0
gw_fp8_grad_output_mem = 0 # already casted

bwd_fp8_total_mem = \
gi_fp8_grad_output_mem + gi_fp8_weight_mem + \
gw_fp8_input_t_mem + gw_fp8_grad_output_mem
fp8_total_mem = fwd_fp8_total_mem + bwd_fp8_total_mem
fp8_mem_time_s = (

# Adjust final estimate for small kernel launches
# note that we do this adjustment here because we are assuming a minimal
# kernel overhead in the units of seconds, and the per-gemm-input memory
# estimations are in the units of bytes.
num_extra_kernels = 0
if scaling_type_input == "dynamic":
# second stage of max-abs reduction
num_extra_kernels += 1
elif scaling_type_input == "delayed":
# second stage of max-abs reduction
num_extra_kernels += 1
# reciprocal of scale
num_extra_kernels += 1
if scaling_type_weight == "dynamic":
# second stage of max-abs reduction
num_extra_kernels += 1
elif scaling_type_weight == "delayed":
# second stage of max-abs reduction
num_extra_kernels += 1
# reciprocal of scale
num_extra_kernels += 1
if scaling_type_grad_output == "dynamic":
# second stage of max-abs reduction
num_extra_kernels += 1
elif scaling_type_grad_output == "delayed":
# second stage of max-abs reduction
num_extra_kernels += 1
# reciprocal of scale
num_extra_kernels += 1

extra_kernel_overhead_s = num_extra_kernels * TRITON_KERNEL_1_ELEMENT_TIME_SEC

return fp8_mem_time_s + extra_kernel_overhead_s

def run(
outfile: str,
gemm_time_strategy: str = "benchmarks",
gemm_benchmarks_file: Optional[str] = None,
model_torch_compile_limitations: bool = False,
scaling_type_input: str = "dynamic",
scaling_type_weight: str = "dynamic",
scaling_type_grad_output: str = "dynamic",
* `gemm_time_strategy`:
- `benchmarks`: use benchmarks for gemm times (more accurate for all shapes)
- `roofline`: use roofline model for gemm times (only accurate for large shapes)
* `gemm_benchmarks_file`: filepath of precalculated gemm benchmarks, generated by
`python benchmarks/float8/ --shape_gen_name sweep --use_gpu_kernel_time True`
* `model_torch_compile_limitations`: if True, adjust memory traffic estimates based
on current limitations of torch.compile for float8 scaling/casting kernels.
* `scaling_type_input`: `dynamic` or `delayed`
* `scaling_type_weight`: `dynamic` or `delayed`
* `scaling_type_grad_output`: `dynamic` or `delayed`

assert gemm_time_strategy in ("benchmarks", "roofline"), \
"`gemm_time_strategy` must be 'benchmarks' or 'roofline'"
if gemm_time_strategy == "benchmarks":
assert gemm_benchmarks_file is not None, \
f'gemm_benchmarks_file was not provided, this is not supported yet'
gemm_times_cache = get_gemm_times_cache(gemm_benchmarks_file)
gemm_times_cache = None

M, K, N = sympy.symbols('M K N')

fp8_mem_time_sympy = get_float8_mem_sympy(
print('fp8_mem_time_sympy', fp8_mem_time_sympy)

if gemm_time_strategy == "roofline":
bf16_gemm_time_sympy = get_gemm_time_sympy(M, K, N, torch.bfloat16)
print('bf16_gemm_time_sympy', bf16_gemm_time_sympy)
fp8_gemm_time_sympy = get_gemm_time_sympy(M, K, N, torch.float8_e4m3fn)
print('fp8_gemm_time_sympy', fp8_gemm_time_sympy)

# quick sweep of runtime estimated by this model for powers of 2 of M, N, K
Ms = [2 ** x for x in range(9, 16)] # 256 to 65536
Ks = Ms
Ns = Ms

headers = [
'M', 'K', 'N',
'fp8_gemm_time_s', 'fp8_mem_time_s', 'fp8_time_s',
results = []

for M_val in Ms:
for K_val in Ks:
for N_val in Ns:
if gemm_time_strategy == "benchmarks":
bf16_time_val = (
gemm_times_cache[(M_val, K_val, N_val, True)][0]
+ gemm_times_cache[(M_val, N_val, K_val, False)][0]
+ gemm_times_cache[(K_val, M_val, N_val, False)][0]
fp8_gemm_time_s = (
gemm_times_cache[(M_val, K_val, N_val, True)][1]
+ gemm_times_cache[(M_val, N_val, K_val, False)][1]
+ gemm_times_cache[(K_val, M_val, N_val, False)][1]
fp8_mem_time_s = fp8_mem_time_sympy.subs(M, M_val).subs(K, K_val).subs(N, N_val)
fp8_time_val = fp8_gemm_time_s + fp8_mem_time_s
assert gemm_time_strategy == "roofline", "unsupported"
bf16_time_val = bf16_gemm_time_sympy.subs(M, M_val).subs(K, K_val).subs(N, N_val)
fp8_gemm_time_s = fp8_gemm_time_sympy.subs(M, M_val).subs(K, K_val).subs(N, N_val)
fp8_mem_time_s = fp8_mem_time_sympy.subs(M, M_val).subs(K, K_val).subs(N, N_val)
fp8_time_val = fp8_gemm_time_s + fp8_mem_time_s

M_val, K_val, N_val,
fp8_gemm_time_s, fp8_mem_time_s, fp8_time_val,
bf16_time_val / fp8_time_val,

df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=headers)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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