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Ansible Role: Proxmox VM Deployer from VM Template

This Ansible role facilitates the automated deployment and configuration of virtual machines (VMs) on a Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE) cluster. It is designed to streamline and standardize the process of VM creation, allowing for both detailed customization and quick setup with sensible defaults. The primary purpose of this role is to deply VMS to be used in Kubernetes deployments on Proxmox, where storage and additional disk are usually not needed.


  • Dynamic VM Placement: Automatically selects the Proxmox node with the most available resources (memory and CPU) for new VMs.
  • Template-Based Deployment: Allows for VM creation based on specified templates, facilitating standardization and rapid deployment.
  • Flexible Networking: Supports custom network configurations, including the choice of bridge interfaces and VLAN tagging.
  • Customizable VM Parameters: Configure VM settings such as memory size, number of CPU cores, and disk size, with the ability to set defaults or specify per VM.
  • Optional VMID Specification: Automatically uses the next available VMID or allows for manual specification.
  • Cloud-Init Integration: Supports cloud-init for additional VM configuration upon boot, such as setting user credentials and running custom scripts.


  • Ansible 2.9 or higher.
  • Access to a Proxmox VE cluster with necessary privileges.
  • Proxmox API tokens for authentication with appropriate permissions.
  • Proxmox VM template with tags assigned to it.
  • Python3 proxmoxer, Python3 request and Python3 paramiko installed on the Ansible execution server.

Role Variables

Variables can be defined in the defaults/main.yml for global defaults or overridden for specific VMs in the playbook:

pvmt_default_memory_size: 2048                                 # Default VM memory size in MB
pvmt_default_disk_size: "30G"                                  # Default VM disk size use +30G to add or 30G to set absolute size
pvmt_default_cpu_cores: 2                                      # Default number of CPU cores per VM If ommited will be from tempalte
pvmt_default_cpu_sockets: 1                                    # Number of CPU sockets If ommited will be from tempalte.
pvmt_default_boot_on_start: yes                                # Boot VM on start of Proxmox
pvmt_default_template_tag: "bookworm"                          # Default VM template tag to find for template clone
pvmt_default_proxmox_pool: "vm_pools"                          # Default pool for VMs. Set to an empty string or omit for no default pool.
pvmt_default_domain_name: ""                        # Default domain name for VMs, this is appended to vm name
pvmt_default_proxmox_bridge: "vmbr0"                           # Default network bridge
pvmt_default_vm_disk: "scsi0"                                  # Default disk from template
pvmt_default_validate_certs: "yes"                             # Default verify proxmox ssl cert yes or no default is false
pvmt_default_vm_start_now: "no"                                # Whether to start VM once template is cloned and configured
pvmt_default_vm_agent: "no"                                    # Enable agent on vm
pvmt_preferred_storage_type: 'zfs'                             # Preferred storage type, e.g., 'zfs', 'lvm', 'iscsi'
pvmt_default_vm_network_vlan: 10                               # Default VLAN tag empty if not provided
pvmt_default_proxmox_api_timeout: 360                          # Set how long to wait for Proxmox to timeout during api calls
pvmt_debug_mode_enable: false
include_custom_cloud_init: no                                  # Whether to include custom cloud init
local_cloud_init_path: "/path/to/local/cloud_init_files/"      # Path on shared storage that is available to proxmox cluster # must have ssh root
cloud_init_storage_path: "local:snippets/"                     # Proxmox storage name that has snippets defined and is accessable to the cloud-init image
custom_cloud_init_behavior: "append"                           # Options: "append", "replace" Append will use vendor object
pvmt_skip_package_check: yes                                   # whether to skip local package install on run or not
proxmox_api_url: "" # Proxmox API URL
proxmox_api_host: ""                  # do not include https or http

More detailed configurations and examples can be found in the defaults/main.yml file.


Include the role in your playbook and define the necessary variables:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    - pshempel.proxmox-vm-from-template
      # You must have the following in your secrets file, use ansible-vault to encyrpt
      # proxmox_api_token_id "username@pve!token_id   # format is  user@realm!tokenid
      # proxmox_api_token_secret                      # token secret provided by proxmox
    - vars/proxmox_secrets.yml                        # Contains encrypted API credentials
      # Fill in the above from defaults/main.yml to overide defaults
    - vars/defaults.yml                                # Over Ride defaults in role
      - name: "webserver"
        node: "auto"                                  # Use 'auto' for dynamic node selection
        memory: 4096
        disk_size: "50G"
        template_tag: "Ubuntu2004"                    # Tag to search for on the tamplate
        ipv4: ""                          # For cloud init
        vm_network_vlan: 100
        vm_start_now: true                            # whether to start vm after creation, overides default
        vm_tags: "tag-with-comma-delimmited,other-tag"   # Tags cannot have spaces or underscores "_" or periods "."


Deploying a single VM using defaults but with specific memory size and a custom template:

- hosts: localhost
    - pshempel.proxmox-vm-from-template
      - name: "dbserver"
        template_tag: "Debian10"
        memory: 8192

Deploying multiple VMs with different configurations:

- hosts: localhost
    - pshempel.proxmox-vm-from-template
      - name: "appserver"
        template_tag: "Ubuntu2004"                # what is the tag on the tempate to clone
        memory: 4096
        cores: 4
        vm_network_vlan: 200
      - name: "testserver"
        template_tag: "CentOS8"
        memory: 2048
        proxmox_pool: "developers_pool"
        vm_tags: "debian12,webserver,cloud-init"  # Tag to apply to the vm after cloneing
        vmid: 150                                 # Specify VMID directly if you don't want proxmox to use the next vmid, will be skipped if exists


  • Support for additional Cloud-init support will be added; this will require ssh configuration.
  • Verify all required configurations are correct types.
  • Offer an option to provide a regular expression name for "name" and use it to configure vms, the below would create 81 VMs
      name: "basename"-[0:3][1][0:9]
      name: "basename"-[0:3][2][0:9]
      name: "basename"-[0:3][3][0:9]


License GPL-2.0-or-later

Author Information

This role was created by Chat GPT and Philip S. Hempel.