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Demo roadmap


  • Publish comment over pubsub
    • Captcha
    • Signature
    • Encryption
    • HTTP gateway fallback if IPFS client undefined
    • Pubsub provider fallback if IPFS client undefined
    • Add signature to PubsubMessage and validate PubsubMessage.signature
    • Encrypt ChallengeMessage.challenges and ChallengeAnswerMessage.answers
    • Include Plebbit and plebbit-js version in every pubsub message
  • Get comment over IPFS/IPNS
    • Verify author signature
    • Verify subplebbit owner signature
    • HTTP gateway fallback if IPFS client undefined
    • Validate is valid with new URL( === 'https:' (all posts, comments and replies, and in pages)
  • Get subplebbit over IPNS
    • Verify Subplebbit.signature (sub owner must sign subplebbit updates otherwise IPNS provider can lie)
    • HTTP gateway fallback if IPFS client undefined
  • Get subplebbit pages over IPNS
    • Verify author signature
    • HTTP gateway fallback if IPFS client undefined
  • Tests
    • Tests run under 1 minute
    • Concurrent mocha tests
    • Concurrent karma tests
    • Add CI
    • Add CI including plebbit-react-hooks CI
    • Add way to run only 1 file in mocha tests with CLI
  • Bind Plebbit, Comment. Subplebbit, Pages classses public methods


  • Post page
  • Feed page
    • Infinite scroll
    • Loading skeleton
  • Submit post page
  • Publish vote and captcha modal
  • Publish comment and captcha modal
  • Auto login with default account
  • Deploy demo to demo.plebbit.eth
  • Electron client
    • Add windows icon
    • Add mac icon
    • Add linux .desktop file info and icon
    • Set up Plebbit app to open Plebbit links. Any link that starts with demo.plebbit.eth
    • Builds and runs on Linux
    • Builds and runs on Windows
    • Builds and runs on Mac


  • Accounts actions
    • createAccount
    • setAccount
    • setActiveAccount
    • setAccountsOrder
    • publishComment
    • publishCommentEdit
    • publishVote
  • Accounts hooks
    • useAccount
    • useAccountComments
    • useAccountVotes
    • useAccountVote
    • useAccounts
    • useAccountsActions
  • Comments hooks
    • useComment
    • useComments
  • Subplebbits hooks
    • useSubplebbit
    • useSubplebbits
    • Make Cloudflare not cache IPNS requests
  • Feeds hooks
    • useFeed
    • useBufferedFeeds
  • Tests
    • Add CI
    • Clean up tests to be smaller and give better errors
    • Add CI integration tests with plebbit-js (after the plebbit-js test are optimized)
    • Add way to run only 1 file in mocha tests with CLI

MVP roadmap


  • Publish comment over pubsub
    • Encrypt challenges and challengeAnswers
    • Queue pubsub publishing when more than 5 keepalive connections in the browser
  • Get comment over IPFS/IPNS
    • Resolve author.address ENS name
    • Subplebbit owner adds comment.thumbnailUrl (optionally because it can leak IP)
    • Electron and Android client can fetch comment.thumbnailUrl when not already available (optionally because it can leak IP)
  • Get subplebbit over IPNS
    • Resolve subplebbit.address ENS name
  • Get subplebbit pages over IPNS
    • Resolve author.address ENS name
  • Multisubs
    • Implement Plebbit.createMultisub(createMultisubOptions): Multisub
    • Implement Plebbit.getMultisub(multisubAddress): Multisub
  • Subplebbits
    • Implement Plebbit.createSubplebbitEdit(createSubplebbitEditOptions): SubplebbitEdit
  • IPNS over pubsub
  • Peers block spam IP addresses
  • Challenges
    • Text captcha challenge
  • Implement Plebbit.listSubplebbits(): address[]
  • Change dataPath to dataPath/subplebbits and dataPath/cache
  • Implement Plebbit.getDefaults()
  • Add Plebbit.createSubplebbitEdit(createSubplebbitEditOptions) and CreateSubplebbitEditOptions documentation to readme
  • Round robin multiple pubsub providers and IPFS gateways, change provider/gateway configs to arrays
  • Make BlockchainProvider.rpcUrls an array, either to round robin or double validate responses
  • Figure out how to block IPFS files larger than the max publication size


  • Challenges
    • Text captcha challenge
    • Challenge success/fail notification
    • Information about the publication on the challenge modal
    • Multiple challenges with progress indicator (e.g. 1/4)
  • Moderator/about pages
    • Subplebbit settings
      • Instructions to export/backup subplebbit (backup the file ${plebbit.dataPath}/subplebbits/${subplebbit.address})
      • Instructions to import subplebbit (copy the database file in ${plebbit.dataPath}/subplebbits/${subplebbit.address}) and refresh
    • Subplebbit appearance
    • Subplebbit rules
    • Subplebbit moderators
  • Settings pages
    • Account
      • Language
      • Location
      • Export
      • Import
    • Profile
      • NFT avatar
      • Display name
      • Crypto wallet addresses (to receive tips and awards)
    • Safety & Privacy
      • Blocked addresses
  • Own profile page
    • Edit NFT avatar
    • Edit display name
    • Edit crypto wallet addresses (to receive tips and awards)
  • Feed page
    • Author address (ENS or 14 characters public key)
    • Author avatar image
    • Author flair
    • Post flair
    • Date
    • Full embed images
    • Small thumbnails
    • Share button
    • Block button
    • Sidebar links
    • Sidebar popular communities
    • Nicely display broken images and thumbnails
    • Switch sort types
  • Comment page
    • Display markdown
    • Verify markdown tags links don't allow remote execution in electron
    • Cross posts
  • Top menu
    • Create more than 1 account
    • Switch account
  • Translations
    • Arabic
    • Chinese
    • Hindi
    • Spanish
    • Russian
    • Japanese
    • Portuguese
    • German
    • Korean
    • French
    • Italian
    • Turkish
  • Improve logo and 'plebbit' text light and dark mode
  • Improve captcha modal design
  • Search default subs
  • Pubsub HTTP client can open unlimited keepalive connections without timeout in electron
  • Tests
    • Playright browser tests
    • Add CI playright browser tests
    • Add CI/CD on master merge using plebbit-js, plebbit-react-hooks and plebbit-react tests
  • Add config for progressive web app
  • Add config for react-native build to Android APK
  • Add Android APK to automatic releases
  • Embeds
    • Twitter
    • Instagram
    • Twitch
    • Tiktok
    • Youtube
    • Odysee
    • Bitchute
    • Reddit
    • Streamable
    • Spotify
    • Imgur (not needed, they give direct links to .png)
    • Giphy (not needed, they give direct links to .gif)
    • Rumble (doesn't seem possible without API)
    • Soundcloud (doesn't seem possible without API)
    • Bandcamp (doesn't seem possible without API)
    • Google Drive (need to research, low priority)


  • Accounts actions
    • publishSubplebbitEdit
    • deleteAccount
    • importAccount
    • exportAccount
    • deleteComment
    • blockAddress
  • Accounts hooks
    • useAccountNotifications
  • Feeds hooks
    • useRepliesFeed
  • Authors hooks
    • useAuthorComments or useAuthorFeed
    • hook to get total karma and other profile info (possibly just include it in useAuthorFeed)
  • Multisubs hooks
    • useFeed should resolve multisubs
    • useMultisub
    • createMultisub
  • Tipping
  • Gold and Silver NFT awards
  • Filter feed by language
  • Filter feed by location
  • Add account.warnings for ENS not resolving properly
  • useResolvedSubplebbitAddress for debugging setting up ENS in a subplebbit
  • Filter blocked addresses from accounts notifications
  • Migrate feeds React context to Zustand

Low priority


  • Challenges
    • ERC20 staking challenge
    • ERC721 staking challenge
    • ERC20 tipping challenge
    • ERC20 balance challenge
    • ERC721 balance challenge
    • Video captcha challenge
    • Audio captcha challenge
    • More difficult image captcha challenge
    • Settings for less or no captcha for users with karma in the sub
    • Settings for less or no captcha for users with karma in other subs
  • Migrate to typescript
  • Mod subplebbit posts pages
    • Mod queue
    • Reports
    • Spam
    • Edited
    • Unmoderated
  • Report publication type (possibly just use CommentEdit, need to think of design)
  • Comment edit log
  • Comment vote log
  • Remove all typescript any and @ts-ignore
  • Security
    • Context isolated desktop only functions to use in the electron client
  • Algo for most anonymous padding size for publication encryption
  • Make createSigner a native function with a sign() method to protect privateKey against XSS
  • Sort by active
  • Pass acceptedChallengeTypes in Plebbit constructor
  • Make updateInterval and publishInterval public APIs
  • API for postTitleMinLength
  • Comment.archived and subplebbit.settings.archiveTimestampOlderThan, archiveLastReplyTimestampOlderThan
  • Spec for public gateway providers and public pubsub providers challenges
  • Retry infinity getComment, getSubplebbit, getPage with a global timeout in plebbitOptions
  • Comment.linkRemoved to remove only the link, like on 4chan
  • image galleries
  • video/audio playlists
  • frames like farcaster
  • "sage" option like 4chan to reply to a post without bumping it in the active sort. Unclear what this API should be called at the moment


  • Moderator/about pages
    • Queues
      • Mod queue
      • Reports
      • Spam
      • Edited
      • Unmoderated
  • Create multisub page
  • Manage multisub page
  • Migrate to typescript
  • Comment edit log
  • Comment vote log
  • Integrated crypto wallet for desktop client
  • Encrypt private key PEM with password at rest (similar to MetaMask)
  • Interface to choose and sign NFT avatars so users don't have to go to Etherscan
  • Securely embed Twitter/Youtube/etc. (if possible to do securely)
  • Lazy resolve author addresses
  • Add markdown XSS examples in content mock
  • Make list of warnings and display them randomly in feeds, e.g. warn that subplebbits can be hacked and display scams. Maybe have a removable sticky with a list of common scams
  • Embed IPFS webui inside the electron app in the settings or profile page
  • Notification count in ( ) and post.title in meta title
  • Web of trust recommendations from authors, i.e. look at the authors I upvote and find the subs they post in and recommend them
  • Playlist with autoplay for video/audio


  • Accounts actions
    • publishReport
    • saveComment
    • followComment
    • hideComment
    • followAuthor
    • limitAddress
  • Multisubs
    • usePlebbitDefaults()
    • useMultisub
    • useMultisubs
    • incorporate multisubs with useFeed()
    • createMultisub()
  • Define all types
  • Remove all typescript any and @ts-ignore
  • Progressive scrolling of replies in a post for posts with 100+ replies
  • Include accountComments and accountVotes when importing/exporting
  • Don't subscribe to all accountComments at once, queue new ones with higher priority, and old ones with lower priority
  • Add statuses to all hooks, like success, error, ready, progress, etc
  • Sort by active
  • Indicator to what HTML tag to use by analyzing (e.g. useCommentLinkTagName(commentLink?: string): 'a' | 'img' | 'video' | 'audio')
  • Implement useThumbnailUrl() on desktop and android
  • Hook for plebbit and IPFS stats
  • Block communities / comments / authors based on keyword / tag / language / etc


  • PLEB reward interface for best posts by plebbit team
  • ERC20 reward interface for best posts by subplebbit owners
  • PLEB DAO vote for curated NFT collection
  • PLEB DAO vote for curated multisubs
  • Moderator log (a Page of CommentEdit publications available both on Subplebbit.posts and Comment.replies)
  • Vote log (a Page of CommentEdit publications available both on Subplebbit.posts and Comment.replies)
  • Event/Meetup post type (to compete with Facebook and events)
  • Marketplace post type (to compete with Facebook marketplace, Shopify, Amazon)
  • Fundraiser post type (to compete with Gofundme and Kickstarter)
  • Sync accounts between multiple devices
  • Encrypt private key with password at rest (similar to MetaMask)
  • Publish Android APK on F-Droid
  • Make pubsub-provider and ipfs gateway more spam resistant using provider catchas on top of subplebbit captchas (as part of the protocol)
  • Share provider (a server that caches a plebbit page and hosts it on a random domain for 24h to easily share on other social medias)
  • 4chan interface
  • Discourse interface
  • Validate IPFS CIDs and content gotten from public IPFS gateways (because they can lie)
  • Update desktop version over IPFS
  • CLI client
  • JSON-RPC client
  • Build open source plebbit archiver
  • Integrate P2P DMs from another project
  • Integrate P2P live threads (chat) from another project
  • Integrate for livestreaming (with live thread)
  • Develop a tool to scrape a subreddit and copy its posts to Plebbit
  • Fallback to IPFS provider on desktop app when P2P not supported, like on cellular
  • Subplebbit uptime monitor and alerter
  • Video/audio player android/android tv client, similar to youtube, to play youtube, soundcloud, rumble, etc links directly, without ads and without visiting the original video site
  • ENS over IPFS, create a trie of all ENS domains, and resolve the new trie daily using IPNS, to resolve ENS over IPFS, without needing an ETH provider
  • Configurable search and recommendation RPC, several centralized providers could provide their API and the user can choose which API to use
  • Substack / patreon / medium like interface, to publish long text and paywalled content
  • Stackexchange like interface with LaTeX support
  • Centralized service to index/search plebbit, like
  • Centralized service to run subs for others for free
  • vBulletin v3 client


No description, website, or topics provided.







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