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Made with TypeScript GitHub last commit GitHub last commit (release) License Built with Love

This bot is a work in progress project


  • Music: Play and manage music in your Discord server using Erela.js with Spotify integration.
  • Moderation: Tools for server moderation.
  • Information Commands: Access various information commands, including FFXIV Lodestone character data.
  • Logging: Centralized logging system using Consola for better debugging and monitoring.
  • Error Handling: Robust error handling using Effect.
  • Hot Reloading: Automatic reloading of commands and events during development.


Terra is a Discord bot written in TypeScript using the Eris library for Discord bot functionality. It features a modular command system, event handling, and integration with external APIs like FFXIV Lodestone.

Tech Stack

  • Server: Node.js, Bun, Eris
  • Music: Erela.js with Spotify integration
  • Logging: Consola
  • Error Handling: Effect
  • File Scanning: Globby
  • Hot Reloading: Chokidar, perfect-debounce


  1. Install Bun:

    For macOS and Linux:

    curl -fsSL | bash

    For Windows:

    powershell -c "irm|iex"

    Note: Bun requires a minimum of Windows 10 version 1809.

  2. Verify the installation:

    bun --version
  3. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd terra
  4. Install dependencies:

    bun install
  5. Set up your environment variables in a .env file:

  6. Create a config.json file in the root directory with the following structure:

   "prefix": "!",
   "dirs": {
      "commands": "./commands",
      "events": "./events"
   "debug": true,
   "clientSecret": "YOUR_SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET",
   "host": "localhost",
   "port": 2333,
   "password": "youshallnotpass",
   "ownerId": "YOUR_DISCORD_USER_ID"


We recommend using bun package manager to launch this TypeScript project. To start the bot, run:

bun run core.ts

Command examples:

  • !lodestone Cerberus Zenos yae Galvus: This command fetches FFXIV character information from Lodestone..
  • !ban [user]: Bans a user from the server.

Code Structure

The core file initializes the bot and sets up command and event handling:

async function main() {
  const harmonix = await initHarmonix();
  await loadCommands(harmonix);
  await loadEvents(harmonix);
  // ... (event listeners and error handling)

Terra uses a flexible command structure defined in src/code-utils/definingcommand.ts. Here's how to create a command:

import { defineCommand } from '../code-utils/definingcommand';

export default class extends defineCommand({
  name: "commandname",
  description: "Command description",
  usage: "commandname <arg>",
  category: "Category",
  aliases: [],
  slashCommand: true,
  options: [], // For slash command options
  permissions: ['SEND_MESSAGES'],
  ownerOnly: false,
}) {
  static async execute(harmonix, message, args) {
    // Command logic here

This structure allows for easy creation of both regular and slash commands, with built-in permission checks and owner-only restrictions.


We welcome contributions! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
  3. Submit a pull request describing your changes.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

token - Your Discord bot token


If you have any feedback, please reach out in the discord server