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Python class for remote control of ET54xx electronic loads (ET5410, ET5411, ET5420, ET5410A+, etc)


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Python class for remote controlling EastTester ET54 series electronic loads.

Should work with ET5410, ET5411, ET5420, ET5410A+, ET5411A+, ET5420A+, ET5406A+, ET5407A+


works on my machine badge (ET5410A+, LINUX).

Needs a lot more real world testing:

  • in actual circuits (does the load realy do what I think?)
  • with all the different models of the series
  • on Windows and MacOS

Most modes of operation and all measurements have been implemented:

Feature Status
Input on/off
Voltage and current ranges
Trigger support
V/A/P/R readout
CC mode
CV mode
CP mode
CR mode
CC+CV mode
CC+CR mode
Short mode
LED mode
Battery mode
Transient mode
List mode
SCAN mode (✓)
Qualification test mode
Load effect testing
File commands
System setup

In a Nutshell

Here is a little example script that illustrates how things work:

#!/bin/env python3
import time, datetime
from ET54 import ET54

# connect to the load
el = ET54("ASRL/dev/ttyUSB1::INSTR")

# set ranges
el.ch1.Vrange = "high"
el.ch1.Crange = "high"

# set protections
el.ch1.OVP = 24.5
el.ch1.OCP = 4
el.ch1.OPP = 85

# start in constant current mode (3.1A)

# switch to CCCV mode
el.ch1.CCCV_mode(2.5, 13.5)
# and change the current on the way
el.ch1.CCCV_current = 1.25

# monitor voltage, current, power and resistance for a minute
print("timestamp, V, I, P, R")
for i in range(60):
    print(", ".join([str(x) for x in ["%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),

# turn off the load channel

Known issues

  • SCAN mode is implemented but I don't understand, how to retrieve the result of the comparison.
  • Sometimes, the instrument takes a long time to respond which makes some tests fail randomly (typically LIST_mode).
  • During BATT_mode tests, the device display looks weird at times.
  • Display shows weird numbers when setting TRANSIENT_width values.

Some of these may be firmware quirks, others are probably my fault.


  1. Download the latest release package (et54-XXX.tar.gz) from github.
  2. If you want to install in a virtual environment, first, create and activate it:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the package (replace XXX with the correct number)
python -m pip install et54-XXX.tar.gz


The following sections give a tour of available functionality. Detailed api-documentation is given in the doc-strings of the classes. Use pydoc to access it:

python -m pydoc ET54
python -m pydoc ET54.instrument
python -m pydoc

For questions about valid values for all commands and general use of the device, please refer to the manufacturers user manual and/or scpi manual.


This is how you connect to the load:

from ET54 import ET54
el = ET54("ASRL/dev/ttyUSB1::INSTR")

Or, on windows:

from ET54 import ET54
el = ET54("ASRL2::INSTR")

Of course, you need to adapt it to the right device for your case. See here for details on pyvisa resource names.


The instrument instance provides the following methods.

# sound a beep

# reset to default

# unlock the keypad
# usually not advisable!
# the next command will automatically lock again

# send trigger event

# turn all inputs on/off

# query fan state

# Write SCPI command to connection and check status
# e.g. set channel 1 CV mode voltage setting to 12.5V
el.write("VOLT1:CV 12.5")

# Write SCPI command to connection and return answer value
# e.g. query channel 1 CV mode voltage setting

# print device and status information


The instrument object has one or two channels, depending on your model. Channel objects can be accessed directly (el.ch1, el.ch2) or from the channel list (el.Channels[0]).

Each channel provides lots of attributes and methods for configuring different modes of operation, measuring etc. All parameters that are part of the configuration object are implemented as attributes and can be read and set just like any other Python variable:

my_OCP_value = el.ch1.OCP
el.ch1.ocp = 12.8

There are a few exceptions that are read-only.

Measurements, on the other hand, are represented as functions (methods) that return a measurement value when called. E.g.


Obviously, these cannot be set.

Basic operation

# Turn input on/off

# or
el.ch1.input = "ON"
el.ch1.input = "OFF"

# query input state

Trigger setup

# set manual trigger (*Trg* button on keypad)
el.ch1.trigger_mode = "MAN"

# set external trigger (connector at back of the instrument)
el.ch1.trigger_mode = "EXT"

# set software trigger (`el.trigger()`)
el.ch1.trigger_mode = "TRG"


The load provides configurable protection against over-current, over-voltage and over-power. They can be set like this:

el.ch1.OVP = 12.5
el.ch1.OCP = 3.2
el.ch1.OPP = 35

The values can also be queried:

>>> el.ch1.OVP
>>> el.ch1.OCP

Query the state of all protections (including no-configurable over-temperature and reverse-polarity protection):



The device has two ranges (HIGH, LOW) for both voltage and current.

el.ch1.Vrange = "high"
el.ch1.Crange = "low"

>>> el.ch1.Vrange

Configuring modes of operation

There are two different ways to configure a mode:

  1. Use the mode method and set all parameters separately
  2. Use Individual XXX_mode configuration methods that take all parameters as arguments.

Example: configure CC mode

el.ch1.CC_current = 2.5
el.ch1.mode = "CC"



Both will have the same effect. Both allow changing any parameter after setup.

Short mode

Short circuit mode takes no parameters.



These modes take a single parameter that defines the desired current, voltage, resistance or power.

# 3 A constant current

# 12.5V constant voltage

# 100 Ohm constant resistance

# 50W constant power

Or set them up sequentially:

# 3 A constant current
el.ch1.CC_current = 3
el.ch1.mode = "CC"

# 12.5V constant voltage
el.ch1.CV_voltage = 12.5
el.ch1.mode = "CV"

# 100 Ohm constant resistance
el.ch1.CR_resistance = 100
el.ch1.mode = "CR"

# 50W constant power
el.ch1.CP_power = 50
el.ch1.mode = "CP"


As the name suggests, these modes combine two of the basic modes and require two parameters:

el.ch1.CCCV_mode(current, voltage):
el.ch1.CRCV_mode(resistance, voltage):

So here is how to call them:

# 2.0A, 12.5V in CC+CV mode
# all of these are equivalent:
el.ch1.CCCV(2, 12.5)
el.ch1.CCCV(current=2, voltage=12.5)
el.ch1.CCCV(voltage=12.5, current=2)

# CRCV 100 Ohm, 13.5V
# all of these are equivalent:
el.ch1.CRCV(100, 13.5)
el.ch1.CRCV(resistance=100, voltage=13.5)

As you can see, you can eihter give all arguments in the correct order, or explicitly use their names, in which case the order is not important.

LED simulation mode

LED simulation mode is defined by three parameters: Current, Voltage and Coefficient. See user mnaual for how these play together.

el.ch1.LED_mode(V, I, coef)


el.ch1.LED_mode(V=8.1, I=0.8, coef=0.2)


el.ch1.LED_voltage = 8.1
el.ch1.LED_current = 0.8
el.ch1.LED_coeff = 0.2
el.ch1.mode = "LED"

Battery test mode

Battery test mode accepts several parameters:

el.ch1.BATT_mode(mode, value, cutoff, cutoff_value)

Battery mode supports two different operation (sub)modes (CC and CR) and four cutoff conditions that govern when the load will turn off:

mode:       {CC|CR}

value:      current value [A] (CC mode)
            resistance value [Ω] (CR mode)

            If `cutoff == 'V'` AND `mode == 'CC'`:
                list of up to 3 current values that
                are set once the respective cutoff_value
                has been reached.

cutoff:     type of cutoff condition. One of

            V: voltage
            T: time
            E: energy
            C: capacity

            Value(s) at which the load is turned off or switches to a
            different current.

            Most of the time, a single float defining the cutoff-value:

                Voltage [V]
                Time [s]
                Energy [Wh]
                Capacity [Ah]

            If  `cutoff == 'V'` AND `mode == 'CC'`:
                A list of up to three voltage cutoffs that
                trigger switching to the next current value once reached

                value=[2.0, 1.5, 1.0]
                cutoff_value=[15, 12, 10]

                Level  Current     Voltage     Description
                3      2.0         15.0,       2.0A if V > 15.0V
                2      1.5         12.0,       1.5A if V > 12.0V
                1      1.0         10.0,       1.0A if V > 10.0V then off


el.ch1.BATT_mode(mode="CC", value=5.5, cutoff="Time", cutoff_value=5)
el.ch1.BATT_mode(mode="CR", value=500, cutoff="Energy", cutoff_value=0.5)
el.ch1.BATT_mode(mode="CC", value=(2.0, 1.5, 1.1), cutoff="Time", cutoff_value=(2.0, 1.5, 1.0))

Transient mode

Transient mode needs four parameters:

el.ch1.TRANSIENT_mode(mode, trigmode, value, width)

The load will switch between two states A and B depending on mode and trigmode.

mode:       sub-mode {CC|CV}
trigmode:   trigger setting {CONT|COUT|TRIG|PULS}
            CONT is the smae as COUT. 
value:      list/tuple of two values for transient states  
            in V or A, depending on *mode*
width:      list/tupple of two pulse width values for the two states [s]


el.ch1.TRANSIENT_mode("CC", "CONT", (1, 3.8), (50,100))
el.ch1.TRANSIENT_mode("CV", "PULS", [2.2, 8.1], [100, 200])
el.ch1.TRANSIENT_mode("CC", "Trig", [3, 9.5], [500, 250])

List mode

In list mode, the evice will stepp through a list of parameter sets. The actual list is handed over in argument params:

el.ch1.LIST_mode(stepmode, params)

Argument explanation:

stepmode: mode for advancing in list {AUTO|TRIGGER}

params: list/tuple of lists/tuples/dicts representing a row in the list:

    num     row number (1-10)
    mode    {CC|CV|CP|CR|OPEN|SHORT}
    value   value of current|voltage|poewr|resistance for respecive mode
    delay   time to spend in this row [s]
    comp    {OFF|CURRent|VOLTage|POWer|RESistance}
    maxval  upper limit for value
    minval  lower limit for value


# list parameters as list or tupple 
param = [
            (1, "CC", 4.5, 30, "VOLTAGE", 15.0, 8.5),
            (2, "CV", 13.5, 60, "CURRENT", 1, 0.1),
            (3, "CV", 18.5, 45, "voltage", 2, 0.2),
            (4, "SHORT", 18.5, 45, "voltage", 1, 0.0),
el.ch1-LIST_mode("Trigger", param)

# list parameters as dict
param = [
            "num": 1,
            "mode": "CV",
            "value": 11.0,
            "delay": 20,
            "comp": "RESISTANCE",
            "maxval": 13.0,
            "minval": 9.2,
            "num": 2,
            "mode": "CC",
            "value": 3.3,
            "delay": 690,
            "comp": "VOLTAGE",
            "maxval": 3.5,
            "minval": 3.0,
el.ch1-LIST_mode("AUTO", param)

Scan mode

XXX: write me

el.ch1.SCAN_mode(mode, threshold, threshold_value, compare, limits, start_end, step, step_time)

Qualification testing

XXX: write me

el.ch1.QUALI_mode(Vrange, Crange, Prange)

Load effect testing

XXX – not implemented, yet

Reading data

Once the load is set up, you can start reading measurement data from it. In contrast to parameters, measurements are implemented as read_ methods. There are four quantities you can measure:

V = el.ch1.read_voltage()
I = el.ch1.read_current()
P = el.ch1.read_power()
R = el.ch1.read_resistance()

Trouble shooting

The SCPI implementation in the instrument is a bit wonky. I spent a lot of time figuring out some peculiarities and have managed to fully crash the controller many times. Many of these problems had to do with timing (some commands are fast, others require some time before you may send a new command). The SCPI documentation by the manufacturer is a bit obscure and incomplete in some places.

It is quite possible that different models and/or firmware or hardware revisions behave slightly different than my instrument. If you encounter problems, you can try tweaking a few parameters:

parameter Description
baudrate must match baudrate set in device (default: 9600)
eol_r line terminator for reading from device (default: "\r\n")
eol_w line terminator for writing to device (default: "\n")
delay delay after read/write operation [s] (default: 0.2)
timeout timeout [ms] before giving up on read requests (default: 1000)
model model ID [ET5410/ET5420/ET541A+/...]
only required if *IDN? does not return a valid ID e.g. for Mustool branded ET5410A+

The most likely candidate to fix weird problems is delay. The device manual does not specify what command frequency or processing time the instrument has so I used the smallest value that allowed all my test cases to pass. I also asked ET support about it and the answer was "The time interval should be above 200ms" which matches my own observations, but your mileage may vary.


el = ET54("ASRL/dev/ttyUSB0", delay=0.5, baudrate=14400)

Talking to the device directly

If you want to play with the device on raw metal and try some SCPI commands yourself, you can connect to it like so

tio -e -b 9600 -m INLCRNL,OCRNL /dev/ttyUSB0

You can use other programs like minicom etc. Just make sure to get the weirdly inconsistent line terminators right.

Caution: The device uses an internal usb2serial device (QinHeng Electronics CH340 serial converter) which is detected by the operation system even if the load is turned off. There is nothing I can do about that. Obviously, you cannot talk to the device in that state.

Mustool branded devices

There are Mustool branded versions of the ET5410A+ and possibly also of the other models. These devices run a modified firmware and return an unhelpful model ID (xxxxxx) in response to the *IDN? SCPI command. To make these devices work, you need to explicitly provide the model ID when initializing the device:

from ET54 import ET54
el = ET54("ASRL/dev/ttyUSB0", model="ET5410A+")


If you think you found a bug or you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue here on GitHub. Please do not submit pull-requests before discussing the issue you want to address.

If you want to report a bug, please make sure to replicate the erroneous behavior at least once before opening an issue and provide all information necessary to replicate the problem (what commands did you use, what was connected to the load, what did you observe, what did you expect?).

I would very much appreciate help from people who own any of the various models listed above: It would be great if they could run the automated tests on their devices and let me know if that went fine or produced errors. Please get in touch if you would like to do that. Also any feedback and bug reports are welcome.


Python class for remote control of ET54xx electronic loads (ET5410, ET5411, ET5420, ET5410A+, etc)








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