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MonoBERT models for Baidu-ULTR

This repository contains code to train flax-based MonoBERT ranking models from scratch for the large-scale Baidu-ULTR search dataset. The repository is part of a larger reproducibility study of unbiased learning-to-rank methods on the Baidu-ULTR datasets.


  1. We recommend installing dependencies using either
  2. Next, download the Baidu ULTR dataset for training. We upload the first 125 partitions here. Afterwards, update the project config with your dataset path under config/user_const.yaml.
  3. You can train our BERTs on a SLURM cluster using, e.g.: sbatch scripts/ <model-name>, where <model-name> is the ranking objective, e.g.: [naive-pointwise, naive-listwise, pbm, dla, ips-pointwise, ips-listwise]
  4. You can evaluate all pre-trained models by running: sbatch scripts/ <model-name>

Pre-trained models on HuggingFace Hub

You can download all pre-trained models from hugging face hub by clicking the model names below. We also list the evaluation results on the Baidu-ULTR test set. Ranking performance is measured in DCG, nDCG, and MRR on expert annotations (6,985 queries). Click prediction performance is measured in log-likelihood on one test partition of user clicks (≈297k queries).

Model Log-likelihood DCG@1 DCG@3 DCG@5 DCG@10 nDCG@10 MRR@10
Pointwise Naive 0.227 1.641 3.462 4.752 7.251 0.357 0.609
Pointwise Two-Tower 0.218 1.629 3.471 4.822 7.456 0.367 0.607
Pointwise IPS 0.222 1.295 2.811 3.977 6.296 0.307 0.534
Listwise Naive - 1.947 4.108 5.614 8.478 0.405 0.639
Listwise IPS - 1.671 3.530 4.873 7.450 0.361 0.603
Listwise DLA - 1.796 3.730 5.125 7.802 0.377 0.615

Using pretrained models

from datasets import load_dataset
from import DataLoader
from import collate_click_fn
from src.model import CrossEncoder

# As an example, we use a smaller click dataset based on Baidu ULTR:
dataset = load_dataset(

click_loader = DataLoader(

# Download the naive-pointwise model from HuggingFace hub.
# Note that you have to change the model class for instantiating different models:
model = CrossEncoder.from_pretrained(

# Use model for click / relevance prediction
batch = next(iter(click_loader))

# Use model only for relevance prediction, e.g., for evaluation:


The basis for all ranking models in this repository is a MonoBERT cross-encoder architecture. In a cross-encoder, the user query and each candidate document are concatenated as the BERT input and the CLS token is used to predict query-document relevance. We train BERT models from scratch using a masked language modeling objective by randomly masking the model input and training the model to predict missing tokens. We tune the CLS token to predict query-document relevance using ranking objectives on user clicks. We display a rough sketch of the model architecture below:

We use a pointwise binary cross-entropy loss and a listwise softmax cross-entropy loss as our main ranking losses. We implement several unbiased learning to rank methods for position bias mitigation in click data, including a Two-Tower/PBM objective, inverse propensity scoring (IPS), and the dual learning algorithm (DLA). For more details see our paper or inspect our loss functions at src/


  author = {Philipp Hager and Romain Deffayet and Jean-Michel Renders and Onno Zoeter and Maarten de Rijke},
  title = {Unbiased Learning to Rank Meets Reality: Lessons from Baidu’s Large-Scale Search Dataset},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR`24)},
  organization = {ACM},
  year = {2024},


This project uses the MIT License.


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