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1. nRF24l01 Stream driver

This enables a pair of nRF24l01 radios to provide a link that implements the MicroPython uasyncio I/O interface. The object is to enable a pair of radios to have the same asynchronous interface as a pair of UARTs or sockets.

Users may choose a serialisation library to exchange Python objects. Alternatively an application may simply exchange fixed or variable length bytes instances. Demo scripts illustrate both approaches including the use of ujson for Python object interchange.

1.1. Overview

Radio links are inherently unreliable, not least since receiver and transmitter may move out of range. The link may also be disrupted by radio frequency interference. This driver mitigates this by ensuring that, in the event of a link outage, data transfer will resume without loss when connectivity is restored.

The use of stream I/O means that the interface matches that of objects such as sockets and UARTs. The objects exchanged are bytes instances.

Where an application uses a serialisation library like pickle or ujson, the resultant bytes objects will be of variable length. This raises the issue of how the recipient determines the end of a message. The simplest approach is for the application to terminate the bytes with a newline character b'\n'. This allows the recipient to use the StreamReader.readline method.

In this doc an application-level bytes object is termed a message as distinct from a packet which is the fixed length bytes object exchanged by the radios.

The underlying protocol's API hides the following details:

  • The fact that the radio hardware is half-duplex.
  • The hardware limit on message length.
  • The asymmetrical master/slave design of the underlying protocol.

It provides a symmetrical full-duplex interface: either node can send a message at any time. The cost is some loss in throughput and increase in latency relative to the radio-fast module.

2. Dependencies

The library requires the official nRF24l01 driver which should be copied to both targets' filesystems. It requires uasyncio version 3 which is built in to the firmware.

3. Files and installation

  1. The library.
  2. User-definable hardware configuration for the radios.
  3. Minimal demo of exchanging bytes objects.
  4. Demo of exchanging Python objects and detecting outages.
  5. Test script. This transmits and reports statistics showing link characteristics.

To install, adapt to match your hardware. Copy it and as_nrf_stream to both targets. Ensure dependencies are satisfied. Copy any of the above test scripts to both targets. Test scripts print running instructions on import.

4. Usage examples

4.1 Exchanging bytes objects

Taken from This is run by issuing


on the master, and the same with arg False on the slave. Note must be adapted for your hardware and deployed to both nodes.

import uasyncio as asyncio
from as_nrf_stream import Master, Slave
from asconfig import config_master, config_slave  # Hardware configuration

async def sender(device):
    swriter = asyncio.StreamWriter(device, {})
    while True:
        swriter.write(b'Hello receiver\n')  # Must be bytes, newline terminated
        await swriter.drain()
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def receiver(device):
    sreader = asyncio.StreamReader(device)
    while True:
        res = await sreader.readline()
        if res:  # Can return b''
            print('Received:', res)

async def main(master):
    device = Master(config_master) if master else Slave(config_slave)
    await sender(device)

def test(master):
    finally:  # Reset uasyncio case of KeyboardInterrupt

Note that the radios could be replaced by a UART by changing initialisation only. The sender and receiver coroutines would be identical.

4.2 Exchanging Python objects

In this example a list is passed. Any object supported by ujson may be used.

import uasyncio as asyncio
import ujson
from as_nrf_stream import Master, Slave
from asconfig import config_master, config_slave  # Hardware configuration

async def sender(device):
    ds = [0, 0]  # Data object for transmission
    swriter = asyncio.StreamWriter(device, {})
    while True:
        s = ''.join((ujson.dumps(ds), '\n'))
        swriter.write(s.encode())  # convert to bytes
        await swriter.drain()
        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        ds[0] += 1  # Record number

async def receiver(device):
    sreader = asyncio.StreamReader(device)
    while True:
        res = await sreader.readline()  # Can return b''
        if res:
                dat = ujson.loads(res)
            except ValueError:  # Extremely rare. See section 10.1

async def main(master):
    device = Master(config_master) if master else Slave(config_slave)
    await sender(device)

def test(master):
    finally:  # Reset uasyncio case of KeyboardInterrupt

5. Configuration:

This file is intended for user adaptation and contains configuration details for the two radios. It is intended that a common is deployed to both nodes.

Node hardware may or may not be identical: the two nodes may use different pin numbers or SPI bus numbers. The RadioSetup class uses instance variables for values which may differ between nodes and class variables for those which must be common to both.

5.1 Class RadioSetup

This is intended to facilitate sharing a configuration between master and slave devices to reduce the risk of misconfiguration. A RadioSetup object may be instantiated and configured in a module common to master and slave. An example may be found in

Class variables (shared by both nodes)

  • tx_ms = 200 Defines the maximum time a transmitter will wait for a successful data transfer.
  • channel Defines the radios' carrier frequency. See section 7.

Constructor (args may differ between nodes)

This takes the following arguments being objects instantiated by the machine module:

  • spi An SPI bus instance.
  • csn Pin instance connected to CSN.
  • ce Pin instance linked to CE.
  • stats=False If True the driver gathers statistics including a count of transmit and receive timeouts. These can be used to glean a rough measure of link quality. See for an example of displaying these. If False a (tiny) amount of RAM is saved. See section 8.

6. API: as_nrf_stream

The library provides two classes, Master and Slave. The device at one end of the link must be instantiated as Master, the other as Slave. Their user interfaces are identical. At application level it does not matter which is chosen for a given purpose as the API is provided by a common base class. The following applies to both classes.


This takes a single argument, being an instance of the RadioSetup class as described above.


  • t_last_ms No args. Return value: the time in ms since the last packet was received. May be used to detect outages. See for an example.
  • stats If specified in the config file, performance counters are maintained in a list of integers. This method returns that list, or None if the config has disabled statistics. See section 8.

Typical sender coroutine

This instantiates a StreamWriter from a Master or Slave instance and writes bytes objects to it as required. If the reader is to use .readline these should be newline terminated. The drain method queues the bytes for transmission. If transmission of the previous call to drain has completed, return will be "immediate"; otherwise the coroutine will pause until transmission is complete and reception has been acknowledged. In the event of an outage, the pause duration will be that of the outage.

async def sender(device):
    swriter = asyncio.StreamWriter(device, {})
    while True:
        swriter.write(b'Hello receiver\n')  # Must be bytes. Newline terminated
        await swriter.drain()  # May pause until received.
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

Typical receiver coroutine

This instantiates a StreamReader from a Master or Slave instance and waits until a complete line is received.

async def receiver(device):
    sreader = asyncio.StreamReader(device)
    while True:
        res = await sreader.readline()
        if res:   # Can return b''
            print('Received:', res)

In order to keep data interchange running fast and efficiently, applications should run a coroutine which spends most of its time in .readline. Where slow operations are needed to process incoming data, these should be delegated to other concurrent tasks.

The .readline method has two possible return values: a single complete line or an empty bytes instance. Applications should check for and ignore the latter.

7. Radio channels

The RF frequency is determined by the RadioSetup instance as described above. The channel value maps onto frequency by means of the following formula:
freq = 2400 + channel [MHz]
The maximum channel no. is 125. The ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) band covers 2400-2500MHz and is licensed for use in most jurisdictions. It is, however, shared with many other devices including WiFi, Bluetooth and microwave ovens. WiFi and Bluetooth generally cut off at 2.4835GHz so channels 85-99 should avoid the risk mutual interference. Note that frquencies of 2.5GHz and above are not generally licensed for use: check local regulations before using these devices.

8. Statistics

These monitor the internal behaviour of the driver and may be used as a crude measure of link quality. If enabled in the config the device's stats method returns a list of four integers. These are counters initialised to zero and incrementing when a given event occurs. Their meaning (by offset) is:
0. Receive timeouts. Relevant only to Master: increments when the slave does not respond in 1.5* tx_ms section 5.1. These will repeatedly occur during an outage.

  1. Transmit timeouts. Counts instances where transmit fails to complete in tx_ms. In my testing this rarely occurs, and only during an outage.
  2. Received data packets. Counts all packets received with a data payload.
  3. Received non-duplicate data packets.

The driver handles a stream and has no knowledge of application-level record structure. Received data statistics refer to packets. In general the mapping of records onto packets is one-to-many. Further, if a node has nothing to send, it sends a packet with no payload.

Ways of using these statistics to gauge link quality are to measure the rate at which receive timeouts occur on the Master or to measure the rate at which duplicate packets are received - along lines of
(stats[2] - stats[3)/seconds.

Receive timeouts occur on Master only if Master detects no response from Slave in a period of just over 1.5*tx_ms. These may occur because the slave did not receive the packet from Master, or because Master did not receive the response from Slave.

Duplicate packets occur when one node fails to receive a transmission from the other. In this event it keeps trying to send the same packet until a response is detected (the driver detects and discards dupes).

9. Protocol

The underlying communications channel is unreliable inasmuch as transmitted packets may not be received. However, if a packet is received, the radio hardware aims to guarantee that its contents are correct. In practice this "guarantee" is not perfect: see section 10.

The protocol has two aspects: management of send/receive and management of packets. There is no point in a node transmitting if its peer is not listening. Any packet sent may be lost: this needs to be detected and rectified.

9.1 Packets

Packets comprise 32 bytes. Byte 0 is a command, byte 1 is the payload length. The remaining bytes are the payload padded with 0. The payload may be empty, the length byte then being 0. Packets carrying a payload are known as payload packets (PP).

There are two commands: MSG and ACK. Only Master sends the ACK command. MSG denotes a normal packet, ACK signifies acknowledgement of a PP from Slave. Both packet types may or may not be PPs.

The command byte includes a 1-bit packet ID. This toggles each time a new PP is constructed. It is used by the recipient for duplicate detection. The protocol forbids either node from sending a new payload until the prior one is acknowledged. Consequently a single bit suffices as a packet ID.

9.2 Direction management

A difference between Master and Slave is that Master issues unsolicited packets. Slave listens constantly and transmits exactly one packet each time it receives a packet from Master. Master listens for a period after each transmission: if nothing is received in that time it repeats the last packet sent. After sending a packet in response to one received, Slave listens with an infinite timeout. The concept here is that Slave will eventually receive a packet from Master: if Slave timed out, there would be nothing it could do. Sending is disallowed because Master might not be listening.

9.3 Packet management

Master controls the process by periodically sending packets. If it has data to send they will carry a payload; otherwise they will be empty packets serving to poll Slave which might have data to send. Likewise packets from Slave may or may not carry a payload.

Any packet received by Master is an acknowledgement that the last packet it sent was correctly received. If no packet is received in the timeout period then either the transmitted packet or Slave's response was lost. Master continues transmitting the same packet until it receives a response.

In the case where Slave correctly received a PP, but its response was lost, Slave will subsequently receive one or more duplicates: these are recognised by virtue of the unchanged packet ID and discarded.

Responses from Slave may or may not be PPs (depending on whether the application has queued a line for transmission). Master ignores non-PP packets aside from recognising the implied acknowledgement of transmission. Any payload is checked to see if it is a duplicate and, if not, appended to the receive queue. Duplicates will occur if Master's ACK is lost. Master acknowledges all PPs so this sequence will end when connectivity is re- established.

When Slave sends a PP it waits for an ACK packet from Master (if its PP was lost, the received packet will be MSG). Slave continues to respond with the same packet until ACK is received.

10. Performance

10.1 Message integrity

The script transmits messages with incrementing ID's. Reception checks for non-consecutive received ID's. Under normal conditions the radio hardware ensures that received packets are correct, and the protocol ensures that no packets are lost.

Testing was also done at the very limit of wireless range, outages occurring about once per minute over 10 hours. After 612 outages one instance of data corruption occurred. A packet had two bytes with single bit errors. It should be noted that this was an extreme test. With better (but still imperfect) connectivity no errors were observed in long periods of testing.

10.2 Latency and throughput

The interval between queueing a message for transmission and its complete transmission depends on a number of factors, principally link quality and message length. Each packet holds a maximum payload of 30 bytes; long messages require successful transmission of each packet. Packet transmission takes a minimum of 10ms but potentially much longer if retransmissions occur. In the event of an outage latency can be as long as the outage duration.

Throughput will also depend on the number and nature of competing user tasks. If a node sends a message, the peer checks for its arrival once per iteration of the scheduler. The worst-case latency is the sum of the worst-case latency imposed by each competing task.

11. Design notes

Both nodes delegate reception to the iostream mechanism. When an application issues

    res = await sreader.readline()

the ioctl method causes the coroutine to pause until data is available. In the case of Slave data availability causes the _process_packet to update the receive queue, trigger transmission of a response packet, and terminate.

In the case of Master a similar mechanism is used for incoming packets but in this case an Event is triggered which is picked up by the continuously running task ._run.

The protocol works as follows. Master sends a packet, then waits on the Event. This wait is subject to a timeout. If the Event is set, Master can be sure that Slave received the packet: it updates the data to be transmitted to the next packet (if any). If the timeout occurred, either Slave failed to receive the packet or its response was lost. In either case, Master retransmits the packet.

Retransmission implies that sometimes duplicate packets will be received. The Packet class enables the recipient to detect and discard dupes by virtue of a single bit packet ID.

Slave always responds to packet reception by immediately sending a single response packet. Consequently any packet received by Master is an acknowledgement of reception of Master's last transmission.

This does not apply in the other direction. A response packet from Slave containing data may be lost. In this case the next packet from Master would result from the timeout. Consequently Master sends a specific ACK command to acknowledge successful reception of a packet. Slave retransmits a packet until it receives an ACK.

The protocol provides limited handling of power outages. If one node has an outage while the other does not, the running node may receive an incomplete message. The protocol detects this and discards the incomplete data. This ensures that message instances should always have the expected structure, but does imply message loss.

12. Notes for protocol designers

The nRF24l01 and its driver have the following "gotchas" calling for workrounds.

  1. The response from .send_done cannot be relied upon. A result code of 2 indicates transmission failure. On occasion 2 is returned when successful reception has occurred.
  2. The .send_done response if the peer is down is to return None until connectivity resumes. This is reasonable but a protocol may need a timeout here.
  3. If a message is sent and you then wait for a response there is a risk that the reponder sends a reply before the sender's radio is receiving. This can be averted by ensuring that a minimum delay occurs between receiving a packet and transmitting a response.
  4. Under very rare conditions at the limit of range a corrupt packet may be received. I suspect this lay behind my failure to achieve 100% reliability with the old protocols. Here is the smoking gun.

Data sent:

b'[13398, 2, [62541, 0, 45113, 38714], "abcdefgh"]\n'

Data received:

JSON error b'\xdb13398, 2, [62541< 0, 45113, 38714], "abcdefgh"]\n'

Note ord('[') == 0x5b, ord(',') == 0x2c, and ord('<') == 0x3c. In each case a 0 is received as a 1.

This occurred with the official driver on default settings apart from RF channel.