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How to contribute to the CascadiaRConf website

This repository holds content for the Cascadia R Conference website. The most recent conference organizers can be found here and our contact info is available at CascadiaRConf

Code of conduct

Interactions associated with this repository fall under the same Code of Conduct used for the conference.

Ways to contribute

Make suggestions

Please feel free to submit an issue with any recommendations for our website.

Make changes

If you have specific changes to website content or code you would like to suggest, please follow these steps.

  1. Fork this repository to create a copy under your GitHub account.
  2. Create a development dev branch in your fork.
  3. Working on this dev branch, make any changes to the website.
  4. Optional. Render the website locally to check your changes. See instructions below for rendering locally.
  5. Once you've completed your changes, make sure the newsite (default) branch in your fork is up-to-date with the parent repo in pdxrconf. If you need to update, you will see a page like this on GitHub. Sync your fork before continuing.
  6. Merge your dev branch with your newsite branch. Correct any merge conflicts as needed. This ensures that when you merge with the live website, there are no issues.
  7. Once no conflicts exist, make a pull request to merge your newsite fork to the pdxrconf newsite branch.
  8. Confirm that your edits look good by previewing the website in the pull request. Click "Details" for the deploy/netlify check.
  9. A website moderator will review your your pull request and comment if any further changes are needed.
  10. Once confirmed by a moderator, your edits are merged with the main branch and go live on the website!

Rendering locally

The website is made with Hugo and the Bootstrapious theme.

There may be cases in which you'd like to check how the website renders locally (on your own computer) before submitting a PR. The following instructions walk you through this process. You'll also need Hugo installed on your machine.

  1. Clone the website repository:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. If you did not run --recurse-submodules when you cloned this repository, or have an old version of the site, you'll need to run the following code to incorporate submodules (see below for more information on using themes as submodules):

    cd themes/hugo-universal-theme
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  3. To start the hugo server to run the website locally, start from the top directory ( and run: hugo server -w. After running this command, you should see a URL to your local computer appear in your shell. Paste this address into your web browser to view the site. The -w in the code above means watch for changes; if you alter website content while your hugo server is running, you should be able to refresh the webpage to see your changes implemented.

About the theme

The theme for this website is tracked as a git submodule, which means that this repo only tracks the info for how to clone the theme files from github, but not the files themselves. By cloning this repo with --recurse-submodules, the theme files should be cloned from their respective repository.

The Hugo Boostrapious theme is hosted on github. This repo (for our website) tracks the commit hash from the theme repo. To reset theme files to the commit specified in this repo:

cd themes/hugo-universal-theme
git submodule update

To update the theme to its most recent commit:

cd themes/hugo-universal-theme
git pull origin master