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Cleaning MyAnimeList data for Google Data Analytics Capstone

In the previous script I had downloaded all of the data that I wanted to use for my capstone project. Now I need to explore and clean all of it.

First things first - setting some variables

Set your working directory to wherever you’d like in the WORKINDIRECTORY section.


Install and load any libraries

The tidyverse will be used to manipulate/transform data and the janitor library will be used to check duplicates and consistency of data.

install.packages(c("tidyverse", "janitor"))

Next, we want to load the two libraries:


Load in the data

Previously, we had downloaded and made transformations to data from the MyAnimeList API. Now we’re going to load that data into R for further analysis and cleaning.

anime_demo_table <- read.delim("temp_anime_demo_table.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
anime_genres_table <- read.delim("temp_anime_genres_table.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
anime_ranking_table <- read.delim("temp_anime_ranking_table.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
anime_studios_table <- read.delim("temp_anime_studios_table.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
anime_syn_table <- read.delim("temp_anime_syn_table.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
anime_table <- read.delim("temp_anime_table.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
demo_l <- read.delim("temp_demo_l.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
genres_l <- read.delim("temp_genres_l.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rank_table <- read.delim("temp_rank_table.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
studios_l <- read.delim("temp_studios_l.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tm_ky <- read.delim("temp_tm_ky.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Clean the data

I break cleaning and data integrity into the following steps:

  1. Adjust any field types (e.g. character columns that need to be numeric)
  2. Cleaning up column names
  3. Adjusting strings to eliminate trailing, leading, and unnecessary spaces as well as replacing any double quotes with single quotes
  4. Check for nulls
  5. Check for duplicates
  6. Check for inconsistencies in naming conventions (within reason).

Adjust field types

## Rows: 240
## Columns: 3
## $ tm_ky   <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,~
## $ id      <int> 10030, 10049, 10162, 10165, 10271, 10379, 1065, 10800, 11061, ~
## $ demo_id <int> 27, 27, 43, 27, 42, 25, 27, 43, 27, 42, 43, 25, 27, 27, 42, 27~
## Rows: 1,517
## Columns: 3
## $ tm_ky     <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ~
## $ id        <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10030, 10030, 10030, 10049, 10049, 10049, ~
## $ genres_id <int> 1, 2, 24, 29, 4, 8, 22, 4, 8, 1, 37, 6, 1, 10, 37, 36, 23, 3~
## Rows: 393
## Columns: 12
## $ tm_ky                        <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,~
## $ id                           <int> 5114, 48583, 38524, 9253, 28977, 42938, 9~
## $ mean                         <dbl> 9.15, 9.15, 9.09, 9.09, 9.09, 9.06, 9.06,~
## $ rank                         <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 1~
## $ popularity                   <int> 3, 229, 32, 13, 336, 623, 381, 9, 684, 73~
## $ num_scoring_users            <int> 1690301, 144781, 1182762, 1152310, 178769~
## $ statistics.watching          <int> 212433, 381690, 66687, 139749, 56757, 318~
## $ statistics.completed         <int> 2017696, 138, 1519325, 1359955, 210439, 1~
## $ statistics.on_hold           <int> 94782, 3199, 7346, 75881, 20221, 4150, 12~
## $ statistics.dropped           <int> 42850, 1303, 4657, 44659, 14120, 2613, 84~
## $ statistics.plan_to_watch     <int> 413589, 266683, 119020, 541799, 207021, 1~
## $ statistics.num_scoring_users <int> 2781350, 653013, 1717035, 2162043, 508558~
## Rows: 412
## Columns: 3
## $ tm_ky     <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ~
## $ id        <int> 1, 10030, 10049, 10087, 10162, 10165, 10271, 10379, 1065, 10~
## $ studio_id <int> 14, 7, 37, 43, 10, 2, 11, 112, 280, 36, 86, 112, 11, 103, 11~
## Rows: 555
## Columns: 3
## $ tm_ky    <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2~
## $ id       <int> 5114, 5114, 5114, 5114, 48583, 48583, 28977, 42938, 42938, 42~
## $ synonyms <chr> "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Fullmetal Alchemist", "Fullmetal A~
## Rows: 393
## Columns: 22
## $ tm_ky                 <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ~
## $ id                    <int> 5114, 48583, 38524, 9253, 28977, 42938, 9969, 11~
## $ title                 <chr> "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood", "Shingeki no~
## $ main_picture.medium   <chr> "
## $ main_picture.large    <chr> "
## $ alternative_titles.en <chr> "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood", "Attack on T~
## $ alternative_titles.ja <chr> "<U+92FC><U+306E><U+932C><U+91D1><U+8853><U+5E2B~
## $ start_date            <chr> "2009-04-05", "2022-01-10", "2019-04-29", "2011-~
## $ end_date              <chr> "2010-07-04", NA, "2019-07-01", "2011-09-14", "2~
## $ synopsis              <chr> "After a horrific alchemy experiment goes wrong ~
## $ media_type            <chr> "tv", "tv", "tv", "tv", "tv", "tv", "tv", "tv", ~
## $ status                <chr> "finished_airing", "currently_airing", "finished~
## $ num_episodes          <int> 64, 0, 10, 24, 51, 13, 51, 148, 13, 12, 22, 24, ~
## $ start_season.year     <int> 2009, 2022, 2019, 2011, 2015, 2021, 2011, 2011, ~
## $ start_season.season   <chr> "spring", "winter", "spring", "spring", "spring"~
## $ rating                <chr> "r", "r", "r", "pg_13", "pg_13", "pg_13", "pg_13~
## $ nsfw                  <chr> "white", "white", "white", "white", "white", "wh~
## $ demo_de               <chr> "Shounen", "Shounen", "Shounen", NA, "Shounen", ~
## $ genres_de             <chr> "Action,Fantasy,Adventure,Military,Comedy,Drama"~
## $ studios_de            <chr> "Bones", "MAPPA", "Wit Studio", "White Fox", "Ba~
## $ synonyms              <chr> "Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Fullmetal Alchemist,F~
## $ alternative_title     <chr> "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood", "Attack on T~
## Rows: 5
## Columns: 3
## $ tm_ky   <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
## $ demo_id <int> 15, 25, 27, 42, 43
## $ demo_de <chr> "Kids", "Shoujo", "Shounen", "Seinen", "Josei"
## Rows: 35
## Columns: 3
## $ tm_ky     <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ~
## $ genres_id <int> 1, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28~
## $ genres_de <chr> "Action", "Fantasy", "Game", "Historical", "Horror", "Martia~
## Rows: 78,336
## Columns: 5
## $ tm_ky         <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,~
## $ id            <int> 5114, 48583, 38524, 9253, 28977, 42938, 9969, 39486, 110~
## $ title         <chr> "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood", "Shingeki no Kyojin:~
## $ rank          <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1~
## $ rank_category <chr> "all", "all", "all", "all", "all", "all", "all", "all", ~
## Rows: 82
## Columns: 3
## $ tm_ky     <int> 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ~
## $ studio_id <int> 1, 10, 101, 103, 1075, 11, 110, 1103, 1109, 1119, 112, 1129,~
## $ studio_de <chr> "Studio Pierrot", "Production I.G", "Studio Hibari", "Tatsun~
## Rows: 1
## Columns: 2
## $ tm_ky    <int> 2
## $ tm_ky_de <chr> "2/11/22"

Even though the data downloaded had been primarily character based, when the files are read into R, the correct field types are used.

It looks like no changes will be needed at this point.

Cleaning up column names

I want to change all of the id fields to mal_id.

names(anime_demo_table)[names(anime_demo_table) == "id"] = "mal_id"
names(anime_genres_table)[names(anime_genres_table) == "id"] = "mal_id"
names(anime_ranking_table)[names(anime_ranking_table) == "id"] = "mal_id"
names(anime_studios_table)[names(anime_studios_table) == "id"] = "mal_id"
names(anime_syn_table)[names(anime_syn_table) == "id"] = "mal_id"
names(anime_table)[names(anime_table) == "id"] = "mal_id"
names(rank_table)[names(rank_table) == "id"] = "mal_id"

These are the column names that I’m expecting in each table:

  1. anime_demo_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
demo_id int
  1. anime_genres_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
genres_id int PK
  1. anime_ranking_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
mean dbl
rank int
popularity int
num_scoring_users int
statistics.watching int
statistics.completed int
statistics.on_hold int
statistics.dropped int
statistics.plan_to_watch int
statistics.num_scoring_users int
  1. anime_studios_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
studio_id int PK
  1. anime_syn_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
synonyms chr
  1. anime_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
title chr
main_picture.medium chr
main_picture.large chr
alternative_titles.en chr
alternative_titles.ja chr
start_date chr
end_date chr
synopsis chr
media_type chr
status chr
num_episodes int
start_season.year int
start_season.season chr
rating chr
nsfw chr
demo_de chr
genres_de chr
studios_de chr
synonyms chr
alternative_title chr
  1. rank_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
title chr
rank int
rank_category chr PK
  1. demo_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
demo_id int PK
demo_de chr
  1. genres_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
genres_id int PK
genres_de chr
  1. studios_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
studio_id int PK
studio_de chr
  1. tm_ky
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
tm_ky_de chr
anime_demo_table_Col <- c('tm_ky','mal_id','demo_id')
anime_genres_table_Col <- c('tm_ky','mal_id','genres_id')
anime_ranking_table_Col <- c('tm_ky','mal_id','mean','rank','popularity','num_scoring_users','statistics.watching','statistics.completed','statistics.on_hold','statistics.dropped','statistics.plan_to_watch','statistics.num_scoring_users')
anime_studios_table_Col <- c('tm_ky','mal_id','studio_id')
anime_syn_table_Col <- c('tm_ky','mal_id','synonyms')
anime_table_Col <- c('tm_ky','mal_id','title','main_picture.medium','main_picture.large','alternative_titles.en','alternative_titles.ja','start_date','end_date','synopsis','media_type','status','num_episodes','start_season.year','start_season.season','rating','nsfw','demo_de','genres_de','studios_de','synonyms','alternative_title')
rank_table_Col <- c('tm_ky','mal_id','title','rank','rank_category') 
demo_l_Col <- c('tm_ky','demo_id','demo_de')
genres_l_col <- c('tm_ky','genres_id','genres_de')
studios_l_Col <- c('tm_ky','studio_id','studio_de')
tm_ky_Col <- c('tm_ky','tm_ky_de')

identical(colnames(anime_demo_table), anime_demo_table_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(anime_genres_table), anime_genres_table_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(anime_ranking_table), anime_ranking_table_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(anime_studios_table), anime_studios_table_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(anime_syn_table), anime_syn_table_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(anime_table), anime_table_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(rank_table), rank_table_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(demo_l), demo_l_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(genres_l), genres_l_col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(studios_l), studios_l_Col)
## [1] TRUE
identical(colnames(tm_ky), tm_ky_Col)
## [1] TRUE

All of the column names match expectations, so we are good!

Cleaning up strings

There is one situation that will cause issues when uploading onto tableau. If the field includes characters for new line (\n) or carriage returns (\r) the table loading process will fail.

I need to search through all tables that contain character fields and confirm that they don’t have those characters.

tables1 <- list(anime_demo_table=anime_demo_table, anime_genres_table=anime_genres_table, anime_ranking_table=anime_ranking_table, anime_studios_table=anime_studios_table, anime_syn_table=anime_syn_table, anime_table=anime_table, rank_table=rank_table, demo_l=demo_l, genres_l=genres_l, studios_l=studios_l)

find_character <- function(df, dfName){
  for (i in 1:ncol(df)){
    if (is.character(df[,i])){
      if (TRUE %in% grep("\n",df[, i]) | TRUE %in% grep("\r",df[, i])){
        if (TRUE %in% grep("\n",df[, i])){
          print(paste(dfName, "-", names(df)[i], "column has the new line character"))
        if (TRUE %in% grep("\r",df[, i])){
          print(paste(dfName, "-", names(df)[i], "column has the carriage return character"))

for (i in 1:length(tables1)){
  find_character(tables1[[i]], names(tables1)[i])
## [1] "anime_table - synopsis column has the new line character"
tables1 <- NULL

It appears that only the synopsis column contains the new line character, so lets get rid of those.

anime_table$synopsis <- sapply(anime_table$synopsis, 
                             function(x) {gsub("[\n]","", x) })

Next, there are four character strings that I need to adjust for:

  1. Eliminate leading spaces
  2. Eliminate trailing spaces
  3. Eliminate unnecessary spaces
  4. Eliminate any double quotes and replace with single quotes

The following tables have character columns:

  • anime_syn_table
  • anime_table
  • rank_table
  • demo_l
  • genres_l
  • studios_l
strFunctions <- function(df){
  df <- df %>%
    mutate(across(where(is.character), str_trim)) %>%
    mutate(across(where(is.character), str_squish)) %>%
    mutate(across(where(is.character), gsub, pattern='"', replacement="'"))

anime_syn_table <- strFunctions(anime_syn_table)
anime_table <- strFunctions(anime_table)
rank_table <- strFunctions(rank_table)
demo_l <- strFunctions(demo_l)
genres_l <- strFunctions(genres_l)
studios_l <- strFunctions(studios_l)

Check for nulls

I will check for nulls in each table and assess whether or not I need to address.

lapply(anime_demo_table,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $mal_id
## [1] 0
## $demo_id
## [1] 0
lapply(anime_genres_table,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $mal_id
## [1] 0
## $genres_id
## [1] 0
lapply(anime_ranking_table,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $mal_id
## [1] 0
## $mean
## [1] 0
## $rank
## [1] 0
## $popularity
## [1] 0
## $num_scoring_users
## [1] 0
## $statistics.watching
## [1] 0
## $statistics.completed
## [1] 0
## $statistics.on_hold
## [1] 0
## $statistics.dropped
## [1] 0
## $statistics.plan_to_watch
## [1] 0
## $statistics.num_scoring_users
## [1] 0
lapply(anime_studios_table,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $mal_id
## [1] 0
## $studio_id
## [1] 0
lapply(anime_syn_table,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $mal_id
## [1] 0
## $synonyms
## [1] 0
lapply(anime_table,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $mal_id
## [1] 0
## $title
## [1] 0
## $main_picture.medium
## [1] 0
## $main_picture.large
## [1] 0
## $alternative_titles.en
## [1] 0
## $alternative_titles.ja
## [1] 0
## $start_date
## [1] 0
## $end_date
## [1] 8
## $synopsis
## [1] 0
## $media_type
## [1] 0
## $status
## [1] 0
## $num_episodes
## [1] 0
## $start_season.year
## [1] 0
## $start_season.season
## [1] 0
## $rating
## [1] 0
## $nsfw
## [1] 0
## $demo_de
## [1] 153
## $genres_de
## [1] 0
## $studios_de
## [1] 0
## $synonyms
## [1] 92
## $alternative_title
## [1] 0

Ok, so the following fields contain nulls in the anime_table:

  • end_date
  • demo_de
  • synonyms

I plan on incorporating the demographic into my analysis, because of this, I will replace the null values in this field with missing.

anime_table$demo_de <- anime_table$demo_de %>%

# if I need to replace multiple columns, use the below code
# anime_table <- anime_table %>%
#   replace_na(list(x='missing', y = 'none'))

# When I run this for the first full time I will also encounter missing values in start_season_year which will require a substitution of the first four characters from the start_date

# anime_table <- anime_table %>%
#   mutate(start_season.year = case_when(
# ~ as.integer(substr(start_date, 1, 4)),
#     ! ~ start_season.year))
# lapply(anime_table,function(x) { length(which(})
lapply(rank_table,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $mal_id
## [1] 0
## $title
## [1] 0
## $rank
## [1] 0
## $rank_category
## [1] 0
lapply(demo_l,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $demo_id
## [1] 0
## $demo_de
## [1] 0
lapply(genres_l,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $genres_id
## [1] 0
## $genres_de
## [1] 0
lapply(studios_l,function(x) { length(which(})
## $tm_ky
## [1] 0
## $studio_id
## [1] 0
## $studio_de
## [1] 0

All other tables look ok, so we’re good to move onto the next step.

Check for duplicates

I’ll check for duplicates for all fields first, then check individual fields where I wouldn’t expect duplicates (primary keys and potentially other fields).

  1. anime_demo_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
demo_id int
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, mal_id, genres_id

## [1] tm_ky      mal_id     genres_id  dupe_count
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(anime_genres_table, mal_id, genres_id)
## No duplicate combinations found of: mal_id, genres_id

## [1] mal_id     genres_id  dupe_count tm_ky     
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
  1. anime_genres_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
genres_id int PK
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, mal_id, genres_id

## [1] tm_ky      mal_id     genres_id  dupe_count
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(anime_genres_table, mal_id, genres_id)
## No duplicate combinations found of: mal_id, genres_id

## [1] mal_id     genres_id  dupe_count tm_ky     
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
  1. anime_ranking_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
mean dbl
rank int
popularity int
num_scoring_users int
statistics.watching int
statistics.completed int
statistics.on_hold int
statistics.dropped int
statistics.plan_to_watch int
statistics.num_scoring_users int
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, mal_id, mean, rank, popularity, num_scoring_users, statistics.watching, statistics.completed, statistics.on_hold, ... and 3 other variables

##  [1] tm_ky                        mal_id                      
##  [3] mean                         rank                        
##  [5] popularity                   num_scoring_users           
##  [7] statistics.watching          statistics.completed        
##  [9] statistics.on_hold           statistics.dropped          
## [11] statistics.plan_to_watch     statistics.num_scoring_users
## [13] dupe_count                  
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(anime_ranking_table, mal_id)
## No duplicate combinations found of: mal_id

##  [1] mal_id                       dupe_count                  
##  [3] tm_ky                        mean                        
##  [5] rank                         popularity                  
##  [7] num_scoring_users            statistics.watching         
##  [9] statistics.completed         statistics.on_hold          
## [11] statistics.dropped           statistics.plan_to_watch    
## [13] statistics.num_scoring_users
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(anime_ranking_table, rank)
## No duplicate combinations found of: rank

##  [1] rank                         dupe_count                  
##  [3] tm_ky                        mal_id                      
##  [5] mean                         popularity                  
##  [7] num_scoring_users            statistics.watching         
##  [9] statistics.completed         statistics.on_hold          
## [11] statistics.dropped           statistics.plan_to_watch    
## [13] statistics.num_scoring_users
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(anime_ranking_table, popularity)
## No duplicate combinations found of: popularity

##  [1] popularity                   dupe_count                  
##  [3] tm_ky                        mal_id                      
##  [5] mean                         rank                        
##  [7] num_scoring_users            statistics.watching         
##  [9] statistics.completed         statistics.on_hold          
## [11] statistics.dropped           statistics.plan_to_watch    
## [13] statistics.num_scoring_users
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

There can be duplicates for both rank and popularity (even though they should be unique. The data download occurs over the space of ~1 hour. Because of this, rankings may change slightly while the download is occuring resulting in duplicates or gaps.

Since I am not including the popularity or rank as items in my download, this is ok, however, if anyone is using these fields it should be a caveat.

  1. anime_studios_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
studio_id int PK
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, mal_id, studio_id

## [1] tm_ky      mal_id     studio_id  dupe_count
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(anime_studios_table, mal_id, studio_id)
## No duplicate combinations found of: mal_id, studio_id

## [1] mal_id     studio_id  dupe_count tm_ky     
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
  1. anime_syn_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
synonyms chr
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, mal_id, synonyms

## [1] tm_ky      mal_id     synonyms   dupe_count
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(anime_syn_table, mal_id, synonyms)
## No duplicate combinations found of: mal_id, synonyms

## [1] mal_id     synonyms   dupe_count tm_ky     
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Interestingly, in some cases, there can be duplicates of the synonyms. These are present on the website, however, I can exclude them here

anime_syn_table <- anime_syn_table %>%
  distinct(tm_ky, mal_id, synonyms)
  1. anime_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
title chr
main_picture.medium chr
main_picture.large chr
alternative_titles.en chr
alternative_titles.ja chr
start_date chr
end_date chr
synopsis chr
media_type chr
status chr
num_episodes int
start_season.year int
start_season.season chr
rating chr
nsfw chr
demo_de chr
genres_de chr
studios_de chr
synonyms chr
alternative_title chr
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, mal_id, title, main_picture.medium, main_picture.large, alternative_titles.en, alternative_titles.ja, start_date, end_date, ... and 13 other variables

##  [1] tm_ky                 mal_id                title                
##  [4] main_picture.medium   main_picture.large    alternative_titles.en
##  [7] alternative_titles.ja start_date            end_date             
## [10] synopsis              media_type            status               
## [13] num_episodes          start_season.year     start_season.season  
## [16] rating                nsfw                  demo_de              
## [19] genres_de             studios_de            synonyms             
## [22] alternative_title     dupe_count           
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(anime_table, mal_id)
## No duplicate combinations found of: mal_id

##  [1] mal_id                dupe_count            tm_ky                
##  [4] title                 main_picture.medium   main_picture.large   
##  [7] alternative_titles.en alternative_titles.ja start_date           
## [10] end_date              synopsis              media_type           
## [13] status                num_episodes          start_season.year    
## [16] start_season.season   rating                nsfw                 
## [19] demo_de               genres_de             studios_de           
## [22] synonyms              alternative_title    
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
  1. rank_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
title chr
rank int
rank_category chr PK
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, mal_id, title, rank, rank_category

## [1] tm_ky         mal_id        title         rank          rank_category
## [6] dupe_count   
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(rank_table, mal_id, rank_category)
##   mal_id rank_category dupe_count tm_ky        title rank
## 1  11079      favorite          2     2 Kill Me Baby 1500
## 2  11079      favorite          2     2 Kill Me Baby 1501
get_dupes(rank_table, mal_id, rank_category)
##   mal_id rank_category dupe_count tm_ky        title rank
## 1  11079      favorite          2     2 Kill Me Baby 1500
## 2  11079      favorite          2     2 Kill Me Baby 1501
get_dupes(rank_table, rank_category, rank)
## No duplicate combinations found of: rank_category, rank

## [1] rank_category rank          dupe_count    tm_ky         mal_id       
## [6] title        
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Interestingly, there are no duplicates for rank. I assume that because this download is pretty fast, there isn’t time for dynamic changes in rank as time passes.

  1. demo_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
demo_id int PK
demo_de chr
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, demo_id, demo_de

## [1] tm_ky      demo_id    demo_de    dupe_count
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(demo_l, demo_id)
## No duplicate combinations found of: demo_id

## [1] demo_id    dupe_count tm_ky      demo_de   
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
  1. genres_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
genres_id int PK
genres_de chr
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, genres_id, genres_de

## [1] tm_ky      genres_id  genres_de  dupe_count
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(genres_l, genres_id)
## No duplicate combinations found of: genres_id

## [1] genres_id  dupe_count tm_ky      genres_de 
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
  1. studios_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
studio_id int PK
studio_de chr
## No variable names specified - using all columns.

## No duplicate combinations found of: tm_ky, studio_id, studio_de

## [1] tm_ky      studio_id  studio_de  dupe_count
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
get_dupes(studios_l, studio_id)
## No duplicate combinations found of: studio_id

## [1] studio_id  dupe_count tm_ky      studio_de 
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Check for inconsistencies in names

There are only a few fields that I can review for consistency. While I might want to ensure that every title doesn’t have a slightly different name, it just isn’t feasible at this point. As a result, I will take a focused approach to each table

  1. anime_demo_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
demo_id int
tabyl(anime_demo_table, demo_id)
##  demo_id   n     percent
##       15   2 0.008333333
##       25  29 0.120833333
##       27 138 0.575000000
##       42  58 0.241666667
##       43  13 0.054166667
  1. anime_genres_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
genres_id int PK
tabyl(anime_genres_table, genres_id)
  1. anime_ranking_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
mean dbl
rank int
popularity int
num_scoring_users int
statistics.watching int
statistics.completed int
statistics.on_hold int
statistics.dropped int
statistics.plan_to_watch int
statistics.num_scoring_users int
  1. anime_studios_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
studio_id int PK
tabyl(anime_studios_table, studio_id)
  1. anime_syn_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
synonyms chr
  1. anime_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
title chr
main_picture.medium chr
main_picture.large chr
alternative_titles.en chr
alternative_titles.ja chr
start_date chr
end_date chr
synopsis chr
media_type chr
status chr
num_episodes int
start_season.year int
start_season.season chr
rating chr
nsfw chr
demo_de chr
genres_de chr
studios_de chr
synonyms chr
alternative_title chr
tabyl(anime_table, media_type)
##  media_type   n percent
##          tv 393       1
tabyl(anime_table, status)
##            status   n    percent
##  currently_airing   9 0.02290076
##   finished_airing 384 0.97709924
tabyl(anime_table, start_season.year)
##  start_season.year  n     percent
##               1970  1 0.002544529
##               1978  2 0.005089059
##               1979  1 0.002544529
##               1980  1 0.002544529
##               1982  1 0.002544529
##               1984  1 0.002544529
##               1985  1 0.002544529
##               1986  2 0.005089059
##               1987  1 0.002544529
##               1988  1 0.002544529
##               1989  1 0.002544529
##               1990  1 0.002544529
##               1992  1 0.002544529
##               1993  1 0.002544529
##               1995  2 0.005089059
##               1996  6 0.015267176
##               1997  2 0.005089059
##               1998  5 0.012722646
##               1999  4 0.010178117
##               2000  1 0.002544529
##               2001  1 0.002544529
##               2002  8 0.020356234
##               2003  5 0.012722646
##               2004  7 0.017811705
##               2005  8 0.020356234
##               2006 18 0.045801527
##               2007 17 0.043256997
##               2008 13 0.033078880
##               2009 14 0.035623410
##               2010 13 0.033078880
##               2011 19 0.048346056
##               2012 22 0.055979644
##               2013 18 0.045801527
##               2014 21 0.053435115
##               2015 27 0.068702290
##               2016 20 0.050890585
##               2017 20 0.050890585
##               2018 22 0.055979644
##               2019 23 0.058524173
##               2020 21 0.053435115
##               2021 34 0.086513995
##               2022  6 0.015267176

Surprisingly, the number of anime decreased after 2018 and 2019, but increased a bit in 2021.

tabyl(anime_table, start_season.season)
##  start_season.season   n   percent
##                 fall 131 0.3333333
##               spring 123 0.3129771
##               summer  57 0.1450382
##               winter  82 0.2086514
tabyl(anime_table, rating)
##  rating   n     percent
##       g   7 0.017811705
##      pg   1 0.002544529
##   pg_13 269 0.684478372
##       r 116 0.295165394
tabyl(anime_table, nsfw)
##   nsfw   n     percent
##   gray   1 0.002544529
##  white 392 0.997455471
  1. rank_table
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
mal_id int PK
title chr
rank int
rank_category chr PK
tabyl(rank_table, rank_category)
##  rank_category     n     percent
##         airing   298 0.003804126
##            all 19380 0.247395833
##   bypopularity 19380 0.247395833
##       favorite 23515 0.300181270
##          movie  3501 0.044692096
##            ova  3944 0.050347222
##        special  2313 0.029526654
##             tv  5583 0.071269914
##       upcoming   422 0.005387051
  1. demo_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
demo_id int PK
demo_de chr
tabyl(demo_l, demo_de)
##  demo_de n percent
##    Josei 1     0.2
##     Kids 1     0.2
##   Seinen 1     0.2
##   Shoujo 1     0.2
##  Shounen 1     0.2
  1. genres_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
genres_id int PK
genres_de chr
tabyl(genres_l, genres_de)
##      genres_de n    percent
##         Action 1 0.02857143
##      Adventure 1 0.02857143
##    Avant Garde 1 0.02857143
##      Boys Love 1 0.02857143
##           Cars 1 0.02857143
##         Comedy 1 0.02857143
##         Demons 1 0.02857143
##          Drama 1 0.02857143
##          Ecchi 1 0.02857143
##        Fantasy 1 0.02857143
##           Game 1 0.02857143
##     Girls Love 1 0.02857143
##        Gourmet 1 0.02857143
##          Harem 1 0.02857143
##     Historical 1 0.02857143
##         Horror 1 0.02857143
##   Martial Arts 1 0.02857143
##          Mecha 1 0.02857143
##       Military 1 0.02857143
##          Music 1 0.02857143
##        Mystery 1 0.02857143
##         Parody 1 0.02857143
##         Police 1 0.02857143
##  Psychological 1 0.02857143
##        Romance 1 0.02857143
##        Samurai 1 0.02857143
##         School 1 0.02857143
##         Sci-Fi 1 0.02857143
##  Slice of Life 1 0.02857143
##          Space 1 0.02857143
##         Sports 1 0.02857143
##    Super Power 1 0.02857143
##   Supernatural 1 0.02857143
##       Suspense 1 0.02857143
##        Vampire 1 0.02857143
  1. studios_l
Field Type Primary Key
tm_ky int PK
studio_id int PK
studio_de chr
tabyl(studios_l, studio_de)
##                 studio_de n    percent
##                      8bit 1 0.01219512
##              A-1 Pictures 1 0.01219512
##                  A.C.G.T. 1 0.01219512
##                   Ajia-Do 1 0.01219512
##                   Artland 1 0.01219512
##     Bandai Namco Pictures 1 0.01219512
##                 Bee Train 1 0.01219512
##  Bibury Animation Studios 1 0.01219512
##                     Bones 1 0.01219512
##              Brain's Base 1 0.01219512
##                 C-Station 1 0.01219512
##               CloverWorks 1 0.01219512
##          David Production 1 0.01219512
##                 Doga Kobo 1 0.01219512
##                 E&G Films 1 0.01219512
##                  Egg Firm 1 0.01219512
##           Encourage Films 1 0.01219512
##                     feel. 1 0.01219512
##                    Gainax 1 0.01219512
##                    Gallop 1 0.01219512
##               Geno Studio 1 0.01219512
##                     Gonzo 1 0.01219512
##                 Group TAC 1 0.01219512
##            Hal Film Maker 1 0.01219512
##     Hoods Drifters Studio 1 0.01219512
##                    Imagin 1 0.01219512
##                 J.C.Staff 1 0.01219512
##             Kinema Citrus 1 0.01219512
##           Kyoto Animation 1 0.01219512
##                    Lerche 1 0.01219512
##                LIDENFILMS 1 0.01219512
##                  Madhouse 1 0.01219512
##                  Manglobe 1 0.01219512
##                     MAPPA 1 0.01219512
##                Marvy Jack 1 0.01219512
##          Mushi Production 1 0.01219512
##          Nippon Animation 1 0.01219512
##                     Nomad 1 0.01219512
##                       Nut 1 0.01219512
##                       OLM 1 0.01219512
##                    Orange 1 0.01219512
##                P.A. Works 1 0.01219512
##                  P.I.C.S. 1 0.01219512
##                    Pastel 1 0.01219512
##              Pierrot Plus 1 0.01219512
##           Platinum Vision 1 0.01219512
##            Production I.G 1 0.01219512
##                     Radix 1 0.01219512
##                  SANZIGEN 1 0.01219512
##                 Satelight 1 0.01219512
##              Science SARU 1 0.01219512
##                Seven Arcs 1 0.01219512
##                     Shaft 1 0.01219512
##         Shin-Ei Animation 1 0.01219512
##                     Shuka 1 0.01219512
##              SILVER LINK. 1 0.01219512
##               Studio Bind 1 0.01219512
##              Studio Comet 1 0.01219512
##               Studio Deen 1 0.01219512
##             Studio Hibari 1 0.01219512
##              Studio Junio 1 0.01219512
##                Studio Kai 1 0.01219512
##            Studio Pierrot 1 0.01219512
##           Studio Signpost 1 0.01219512
##                   Sunrise 1 0.01219512
##                 SynergySP 1 0.01219512
##      Tatsunoko Production 1 0.01219512
##    Telecom Animation Film 1 0.01219512
##                Telescreen 1 0.01219512
##        Tezuka Productions 1 0.01219512
##         TMS Entertainment 1 0.01219512
##            Toei Animation 1 0.01219512
##       Tokyo Movie Shinsha 1 0.01219512
##                Trans Arts 1 0.01219512
##            Triangle Staff 1 0.01219512
##                   Trigger 1 0.01219512
##                    TROYCA 1 0.01219512
##            TYO Animations 1 0.01219512
##                  ufotable 1 0.01219512
##                 White Fox 1 0.01219512
##                Wit Studio 1 0.01219512
##                    Zero-G 1 0.01219512

Exporting the final files

  1. anime_demo_table
  2. anime_genres_table
  3. anime_ranking_table
  4. anime_studios_table
  5. anime_syn_table
  6. anime_table
  7. rank_table
  8. demo_l
  9. genres_l
  10. studios_l
  11. tm_ky
exportFile <- function(file_name, df){
  if (file_test("-f", file_name)) {
    write.table(df, file = file_name, sep = ",", append = TRUE, quote = TRUE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
  } else {
    write.csv(df, file_name, row.names = FALSE)  



At this point, all of the files have been written/appended to the tables. Now they must be uploaded to the Tableau Public server and here


Clean Data from MyAnimeList API







No releases published


No packages published