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terraform-service-postgres 1.64.9

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @tractr/terraform-service-postgres@1.64.9
Install via package.json:
"@tractr/terraform-service-postgres": "1.64.9"

About this version


Provides a database service with a single Postgres container.

Configuration example

const postgres = new PostgresComponent(this, 'postgres', {
  containerConfig: {
    imageTag: '13-alpine',
    environments: {
      POSTGRES_DB: 'api',
      POSTGRES_USER: Secret(),
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Secret(),
  desiredCount: 1,
  cpu: '256',
  memory: '512',


This service also provide a backup system based on image tractr/postgres-backup which is based on blacklabelops/volumerize. This last one is able to store backups on many providers. By default, this service stores the backups on a persistent container Volume, i.e. on AWS EFS using the VolumeComponent. This EFS is also backup by AWS by using the Automatic backup option.

You may want to store backups on another providers. See the Volumerize documentation for more examples. This is an exemple that stores backups on AWS S3:

const postgres = new PostgresComponent(this, 'postgres', {
  containerConfig: {
    imageTag: '13-alpine',
    environments: {
      POSTGRES_DB: 'api',
      POSTGRES_USER: Secret(),
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Secret(),
  enableBackups: true,
  backupsConfig: {
    imageTag: 'v1.7',
    environments: {
      VOLUMERIZE_SOURCE: '/source',
      VOLUMERIZE_TARGET: 's3://',
      VOLUMERIZE_JOBBER_TIME: '0 0 */4 * * *',
      JOB_NAME2: 'RemoveOldBackups',
      JOB_COMMAND2: '/etc/volumerize/remove-older-than 1M --force',
      JOB_TIME2: '0 0 2 * * *',
      JOB_NAME3: 'CleanupBackups',
      JOB_COMMAND3: '/etc/volumerize/cleanup --force',
      JOB_TIME3: '0 0 3 * * *',
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: 'ewlfkwkejflkjwlkej3fjw381',
      POSTGRES_USER: Secret(),
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Secret(),
      POSTGRES_HOST: (service) => service.getServiceDomainName('postgres'),
      POSTGRES_PORT: '5432',
      POSTGRES_DB: 'api',
  desiredCount: 1,
  cpu: '256',
  memory: '512',



  • terraform-service-postgres-1.64.9.tgz

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