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Orbit Sample App (The Carnival)

This is a sample app to help illustrate the concepts of an Orbit Client application. It simulates a carnival games, players, and prizes!

Getting Started

This sample app will install Orbit Server, its depenedencies, and a client application called Carnival.


Set up Kubernetes environment


After installing Minikube, start up a new Minikube instance.

> minikube start

To verify your Minikube VM is working, you can use the minikube status command.

> minikube status
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured

Docker for Desktop

With Docker for Desktop running, open settings and enable Kubernetes.

Kubectl Context and Namespace

We want to assure all the further commands are happening in the right Kubernetes cluster and isolate the project using a namespace. Tp use Docker For Desktop, replace minikube with docker-desktop.

> kubectl config use-context minikube
Switched to context "minikube".
> kubectl create namespace orbit-carnival
namespace/orbit-carnival created
> kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=orbit-carnival
Context "minikube" modified.

Verify the orbit-carnival namespace is selected in the right context.

> kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                        CLUSTER                     AUTHINFO                    NAMESPACE
          docker-desktop              docker-desktop              docker-desktop              
          docker-for-desktop          docker-desktop              docker-desktop              
*         minikube                    minikube                    minikube                    orbit-carnival

Clone the repository

> git clone

Run Skaffold

> skaffold dev --port-forward

To assure the proper pods are running, you can run kubectl get pod. You should see the pods for the Carnival, Orbit Server, and the Node and Addressable directories.

> kubectl get pod
NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
orbit-addressable-directory-8666f4fbc6-j6lmz   1/1     Running   0          59s
orbit-carnival-5c6f59bb-kw2zr                  1/1     Running   0          59s
orbit-node-directory-bdb45ff8d-g9fjt           1/1     Running   0          59s
orbit-server-78fb97dd58-lx466                  1/1     Running   0          59s

Fun tip: Use the watch command to keep a live view of running containers.

> watch kubectl get pod


The Carnival test app exposes a REST endpoint for playing the game. By default, the carnival is exposed at http://localhost:8001

Method Url Payload
GET /games
GET /game/{gameId}
GET /player/{playerId}
POST /player/{playerId}/play ex. { "game": "BalloonDarts" }

One more endpoint exists for load testing by continuously playing games:

Method Url Payload
POST /load/play ex. { "games": 5, "players": 4, "count": 800 }

To help more easily test the endpoints, you can drive it through a REST request application like Insomnia or Postman. These are some collections to get you started.


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