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PartaidetzaOn (e-participation open-source platform)


  • Python 2.7 or 3.3,
  • MySQL


  • Create project's files:

      $ python
      $ bin/buildout
      $ bin/django create_search_indexes
              - (creates file in partaidetza_app folder. Configuration needed!)
  • Create project's MYSQL database:

      $ mysql -u YOUR_MYSQL_USER -p -e "create database YOUR_DATABASE"
      $ bin/django syncdb
  • Install Solr and create indexes:

      - Download solr from
      - Decompress in /src/partaidetza/
      - Create a collection
      - Add Elhuyar's APIs to Solr libraries:
              $ cp solr_apis/* solr_VERSION_NUMBER/examples/YOUR_COLLECTION 
      - Launch Solr server
      - Create YOUR_COLLECTION's conf file 
              -- (See Configuration section for more detail)
      - Use this conf file to configure solr collection:
              $ bin/django build_solr_schema > conf.xml
              -- (solr_VERSION_NUMBER/examples/YOUR_COLLECTION/conf). Configuration needed!
      - Edit configuration depending on your needs.     
      - Use this to rebuild the index
              $ bin/django rebuild_index -v2


    - LANGUAGES: Set the languages that will be present on the project.
            Example: LANGUAGES=(('eu','Basque'),('es','Spanish'),('en','English'),('fr','French'),)
    - DATABASES: Database configs.
            Example: DATABASES={'default':{'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.mysql','NAME':'partaidetza_db','USER': 'root''PASSWORD': 'manterola','HOST': '','PORT': '',}}
    - ACCEPTED_IMAGE_FORMATS: Defines the allowed image formats.
            Example: ACCEPTED_IMAGE_FORMATS=['jpg','png','jpeg']
    - MAX_VOTES_PER_USER: Set the maximum votes per user:
            Example: MAX_VOTES_PER_USER=3
    - MAX_FONDS_PER_USER: Set the maximum fonds per user:
            Example: MAX_FONDS_PER_USER=3
    - AT_LANGUAGE_PRIORITY: Configures the automatic translation's language priority (source language priority)
            Example: ['es','eu','en','fr']
    - OPENTRAD_CODE = Sets the Opentrad key
            Example: OPENTRAD_CODE='XXXX'
    - AT_ICON: Sets the icon to be shown when automaticly translated texts are shown
            Example: AT_ICON="YOUR_ICON_PATH"
    - HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS: Configures Haystack connection (Solr)
            Example: HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS={'default':{'ENGINE':'haystack.backends.solr_backend.SolrEngine','URL': 'http://YOUR_HOST/solr/YOUR_COLLECTION'},}
    - HAYSTACK_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR: Configures Haystack signal processor
            Example: HAYSTACK_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR='haystack.signals.RealtimeSignalProcessor'
    - MORE_LIKE_THIS_RESULTS_NUMBER: Set the number of "more like this" results
            Example: MORE_LIKE_THIS_RESULTS_NUMBER=10
    - TEXT_CAT_PATH: Sets Text_cat executable path
            Example: TEXT_CAT_PATH="YOUR_TEXTCAT_PATH"
    - TEXT_CAT_MODELS_PATH: Sets Text_cat model's path
    - TEXT_CAT_LANGUAGE_CONVERTOR: Configures the convertions of the language names that Text_cat uses
            Example: TEXT_CAT_LANGUAGE_CONVERTOR: {"basque":"eu","spanish":"es","english":"en","french":"fr"}
    - LEAFLET_CONFIG: Configures Leaflet (Maps)
            Example: LEAFLET_CONFIG = {'DEFAULT_CENTER': (43.2714582916227,-2.0481375743),'DEFAULT_ZOOM': 18,'MIN_ZOOM': 3,'MAX_ZOOM': 18,'ATTRIBUTION_PREFIX': ''}
    - PROPOSAL_HELP_CRITERIONS: Set proposal help criterions (shown when adding new proposals)
            Example: [_('Urte betean egitekoa izatea'),_('Udalaren eskumena izatea'),_('Interes orokorrekoa izatea'),_('Aurrekontuaren baitan sartzea')]
            NOTE: Translations must be included in PO files
    - REJECT_INFO: Set proposal rejection reasons (that are referenced when a proposal is rejected). 5 reasons must be set.
            Example: {'1':_('Publikatzeko irizpideak betetzen ez dituelako baztertua'),'2':_('Ez da erakundearen konpetentziakoa'),'3':_('Saioa presentzialean baztertua edo ez hautatua'),'4':_('Bideragarritasun teknikoa/ekonomikoa ez betetzegatik baztertua'),'5':_('Bozketa-fasean baztertua edo ez hautatua')}
            NOTE: Translations must be included in PO files
    - CKEDITOR_UPLOAD_PATH: Set the upload path to CkEditor (for more information visit
            Example: ""
    - CKEDITOR_IMAGE_BACKEND: Set Ckeditor backend (for more information visit
            Example: "pillow"
    - CKEDITOR_CONFIGS: Set Ckeditor global configuration (for more information visit
            Example: {'default': {'toolbar': 'Standard',}}
    - CKEDITOR_JQUERY_URL: Set Ckeditor jquery URL path
            Example: '//'


    - Launch Solr:
            $ java -jar /solr_VERSION_NUMBER/examples/start.jar
    - Launch Django project:
            $ bin/django runserver YOUR_URL:YOUR_POST
    NOTE: Alternativelly you can configure the project via Apache.