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Log InGame Chat And Send It To Log Text Or Discord WebHook

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[CS2] Chat-Logger-GoldKingZ (1.1.0)

Log InGame Chat And Send It To Log Text Or Discord WebHook





.:[ Dependencies ]:.

Metamod:Source (2.x)



.:[ Configuration ]:.


Config Located In ..\addons\counterstrikesharp\plugins\Chat-Logger-GoldKingZ\config\config.json

  //---------------------------------vvv [ Text Local Save In (Chat-Logger-GoldKingZ/logs/)  ] vvv---------------------------------
  //Enable Logging Text Located In Chat-Logger-GoldKingZ/logs/ ?
  "Text_EnableLoggingMessages": true,

  //Log Only Team Chat Messages?
  "Text_PrivateTeamMessagesOnly": false,

  //Include These Group From Logging Only "" Means Everyone
  "Text_IncludeFlagsMessagesOnly": "",

  //Exclude These Group From Logging Only "" Means Everyone
  "Text_ExcludeFlagsMessages": "@css/exclude,#css/exclude",

  //Exclude Message if begin "!" or "." or "/"
  "Text_ExcludeMessageContains": "!./",

  //Exclude Message If Contains Less Than X Letters
  "Text_ExcludeMessageContainsLessThanXLetters": 0,

  //Exclude Dublicated Messages
  "Text_ExcludeMessageDuplicate": false,

  //Log Message Format
  //{TIME} == Time
  //{DATE} == Date
  //{MESSAGE} == Player Message
  //{PLAYERNAME} == Player Name Who Type In Chat
  //{TEAM} == Check If Player Wrote In Chat Team Or Public Chat [TEAM] [ALL]
  //{STEAMID} = STEAM_0:1:122910632
  //{STEAMID3} = U:1:245821265
  //{STEAMID32} = 245821265
  //{STEAMID64} = 76561198206086993
  //{IP} =
  "Text_MessageFormat": "[{TIME}] [{STEAMID}] {TEAM} ({PLAYERNAME}) {MESSAGE}",

  //Date and Time Formate
  "Text_DateFormat": "MM-dd-yyyy",
  "Text_TimeFormat": "HH:mm:ss",

  //Auto Delete Logs If More Than X (Days) Old
  "Text_AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld": 0,

//------------------------------------------------------vvv [ Discord ] vvv------------------------------------------------------

  //Send Log To Discord Via WebHookURL
  // (0) = Disable
  // (1) = Text Only (Result Image :
  // (2) = Text With + Name + Hyperlink To Steam Profile (Result Image :
  // (3) = Text With + Name + Hyperlink To Steam Profile + Profile Picture (Result Image :
  // (4) = Text With + Name + Hyperlink To Steam Profile + Profile Picture + Saparate Date And Time From Message (Result Image :
  // (5) = Text With + Name + Hyperlink To Steam Profile + Profile Picture + Saparate Date And Time From Message + Server Ip In Footer (Result Image :
  "Discord_EnableLoggingMessagesOnMode": 0,

  //Send Only Team Chat Messages?
  "Discord_PrivateTeamMessagesOnly": false,

  //Include These Group From Logging Only "" Means Everyone
  "Discord_IncludeFlagsMessagesOnly": "",

  //Exclude These Group From Logging Only "" Means Everyone
  "Discord_ExcludeFlagsMessages": "@css/exclude,#css/exclude",

  //Exclude Message if begin "!" or "." or "/"
  "Discord_ExcludeMessageContains": "!./",

  //Exclude Message If Contains Less Than X Letters
  "Discord_ExcludeMessageContainsLessThanXLetters": 0,

  //Exclude Dublicated Messages
  "Discord_ExcludeMessageDuplicate": false,

  //Discord Message Format
  "Discord_MessageFormat": "[{TIME}] [{STEAMID}] {TEAM} ({PLAYERNAME}) {MESSAGE}",

  //Date and Time Formate
  "Discord_DateFormat": "MM-dd-yyyy",
  "Discord_TimeFormat": "HH:mm:ss",

  //If Discord_EnableLoggingMessagesOnMode (2) or (3) or  (4) or (5) How Would You Side Color Message To Be Check ( For Colors
  "Discord_SideColor": "00FFFF",

  //Discord WebHookURL
  "Discord_WebHookURL": "",

  ////If Discord_EnableLoggingMessagesOnMode (3) or  (4) or (5) And Player Doesn't Have Profile Picture Which Picture Do You Like To Be Replaced
  "Discord_UsersWithNoAvatarImage": "",

  //If Discord_EnableLoggingMessagesOnMode (5) Image Url Footer
  "Discord_FooterImage": "",


.:[ Change Log ]:.

-Fix Some Bugs
-Fixed Bind Not Logging

-Fix Some Bugs
-Fixed Text_ExcludeMessageContains
-Fixed Discord_ExcludeMessageContains

-Fix Some Bugs
-Fixed Text_IncludeFlagsMessagesOnly
-Fixed Text_ExcludeFlagsMessages
-Fixed Discord_IncludeFlagsMessagesOnly
-Fixed Discord_ExcludeFlagsMessages

-Upgrade Net.7 To Net.8
-Fix Some Bugs
-Rework Chat Logger
-Added Modes To SendLogToWebHook 4 and 5
-Added Discord_FooterImage
-Saparate Discord Log From Text Log 

-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld
-Fix SendLogToWebHook (3) For No Avatar Users
-Added IncludeMessageGroups
-Added UsersWithNoAvatarImage

-Fix Some Bugs
-Remove "SteamApi"

-Added "ExcludeMessageGroups" 
-Added "ExcludeMessageContainsLessThanXLetters"
-Added "ExcludeMessageDuplicate"
-Added "AutoDeleteLogsMoreThanXdaysOld"
-Added "SendLogToWebHook" Mode 1/2/3
-Added "SideColorMessage"
-Added "SteamApi"
-Fix Some Bugs

-Added "ExcludeMessage" 
-Added "ExcludeMessageContains"
-Fix "LogChatFormat" and "LogDiscordChatFormat" not log if other plugin touch "say" and "say_team" 

-Fix "LogDiscordChatFormat"

-Added {STEAMID3} {STEAMID32} To
-Fix Some Bugs
-Fix Discord message now better style with link to steam

-Initial Release

.:[ Donation ]:.

If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
