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Michael Schnuerle edited this page Sep 6, 2024 · 227 revisions

Curb Working Group

CDS Logo - Curb Data Specification

Table of Contents


Build tools to help cities better manage and operate their curb space, and support curb management policy experimentation, innovation, and scaling. Read the About CDS Page and the Scope of Work for full details.

Work Products

CDS Releases

The OMF and community contributors regularly update CDS with new features and additions. Releases are tracked here on the CDS Releases page and more information can be found here:

Meeting Info

Meetings available for anyone to attend and participate in. Events are listed on the OMF Public Calendar. If you are on the Curb mailing list you will automatically be added to the Curb events.

OMF Public Calendar

Subscribe to the OMF Public Calendar to keep up with the latest meeting invites and events.

CDS Users

During the creation of CDS the OMF has had active public participation from 160+ individuals from 70+ public agencies, curb users, and technology companies, many of which are planning to deploy the specification in curb pilots around the globe. Here is a list of organizations we know using CDS, developing for CDS, or planning to use CDS in the near term:

Public Sector:

  1. Seattle, WA, USA (SDOT)
  2. Omaha, NE, USA (Parking and Mobility)
  3. San Francisco, CA, USA (SFMTA)
  4. Philadelphia, PA, USA
  5. San Diego, USA (SANDAG)
  6. San Jose, CA, USA
  7. Minneapolis, MN, USA
  8. Miami, FL, USA (Parking Authority)
  9. Washington DC, USA (DDOT)
  10. Los Angeles, CA, USA (LADOT)
  11. Pittsburgh, PA, USA (DOMI)
  12. Chicago, IL, USA
  13. London, England
  14. Miami-Dade County, FL, USA
  15. Portland, OR, USA
  16. Boston, MA, USA

Private Sector:

  1. Populus - San Francisco, CA, USA
  2. Vianova - Paris, France
  3. Automotus - Los Angeles, CA, USA
  4. Blue Systems - Paris, France
  5. CurbIQ - Toronto, ON, Canada
  6. Passport - Charlotte, NC, USA
  7. Umojo - Chicago, IL, USA
  8. Cleverciti - Munich, Germany
  9. Flowbird Group - Paris, France
  10. Univrses - Stockholm, Sweden
  11. Urban Radar- Reims, France
  12. Tranzito - Alameda, CA, USA
  13. Google Maps - New York, NY, USA
  14. Smarking - San Francisco, CA, USA
  15. DataGovs - Miami, FL, USA
  16. Numina - Brooklyn, NY, USA
  17. YCurb - San Francisco, CA, USA
  18. INRIX - Kirkland, WA, USA
  19. AppyWay - London, England
  20. Modii - Denver, CO, USA
  21. Eleven-X - Waterloo, ON, Canada

If you'd like to add your name to the list, please let us know.

To be an official user of CDS globally you will need to create a recognized Data Source Operator ID and be listed here.

Meeting Agendas

  • 2021-05-18 - Introduction to Curb Data Specification - History, Scope of Work, Timeline, Getting Involved, Survey
  • 2021-06-01 - Regulations API in CDS - w/ Coord
  • 2021-06-15 - Events API in CDS - w/ SFMTA and Automotus
  • 2021-06-30 - Metrics API in CDS - w/ Seattle DOT
  • 2021-07-13 - Pilot Project Discussion and Setup - how to sell, run, fund, approve w/ San Jose
  • 2021-07-27 - CDS Curb API - Draft spec review and discussion
  • 2021-08-10 - Discuss open questions about CDS Curbs API w/ LADOT
  • 2021-08-24 - CDS Events API - Draft review and discussion
  • 2021-09-07 - CDS Metrics API - w/ Populus
  • 2021-09-22 - CDS: Putting It All Together w/ Columbus Ohio
  • 2021-10-05 - CDS Events API Discuss open questions w/ ITE presentation
  • 2021-10-19 - CDS Metrics w/ Pittsburgh
  • 2021-11-02 - CDS spec tech review
  • 2021-11-16 - CDS Resolve Open Discussions w/ SCAG
  • 2021-11-30 - Open Questions w/ new WGSC members
  • 2021-12-01 - Info Session for City Consultants and Vendors
  • 2021-12-14 - CDS v1.0 Review w/ OMF launch plan
  • 2021-12-28 - Cancelled for Holidays
  • 2022-01-11 - Major CDS topic recap and discussions
  • 2022-01-25 - CDS Version 1.0 RC Launch event
  • 2022-02-08 - CDS Help and OMF Approval
  • 2022-02-22 - Open House
  • 2022-03-08 - Who is Using CDS Part 1 - USDOT WZDx
  • 2022-03-22 - Who is Using CDS Part 2 - Populus, Automotus, and Pittsburgh DOMI
  • 2022-04-05 - Who is Using CDS Part 3 - Omaha (w/ Coord, Populus, Automotus, Vade), LADOT (w/ IBI Group's CurbIQ)
  • 2022-04-19 - Resources, Fleets, Process, Next Release
  • 2021-05-03 - Cancelled for Planning and OMF Board meeting
  • 2022-05-17 - Developer Tools and OpenAPI
  • 2022-05-31 - Privacy Guide w/ Privacy Committee and San Jose
  • 2022-06-14 - Open House w/ MDS, Carshare, WZDx topics
  • 2022-06-28 - Cancelled for OMF member Board Meeting
  • 2022-07-12 - OpenAPI Work w/ Philadelphia
  • 2022-07-26 - CDS Spec Brainstorming, future releases
  • 2022-08-09 - Cancelled for Steering Committee planning and speaker outreach
  • 2022-08-23 - Project Updates w/ Google in Aspen
  • 2022-09-06 - CDS Implementations w/ SANDAG, Automotus, Omaha
  • 2022-09-20 - CDS Outcomes and Safety w/ Populus, Seattle, WZDx, SFMTA
  • 2022-10-04 - Standardizing Parking Event Data City-wide w/ Smarking
  • 2022-10-18 - Cancelled for steering committee planning
  • 2022-11-01 - Querying spatially, validating your implementations, technical learnings, USDOT SMART grant w/ DC DDOT
  • 2022-11-15 - Cancelled for Board Meeting for OMF members and CoMotion
  • 2022-11-29 - Cancelled for holidays and prep for year end meeting
  • 2022-12-13 - 2023 Next CDS Release w/ Vianova and Bellevue, WA
  • 2023-01-10 - Implementation Progress and Evolution of CDS w/ Omaha
  • 2023-02-07 - City Data Policy w/ Oakland and Populus
  • 2023-02-21 - CANCELLED for OMF Member Curb Demo Day, US Holiday, MDS 2.0 release candidate focus, new WGSC orientation
  • 2023-03-07 - Open house for implementation
  • 2023-03-21 - EV Charging and CDS Rates w/ Atlas EV and INRIX rates
  • 2023-04-04 - Evolving CDS, curb references
  • 2023-04-18 - Use case presentations w/ ESRI
  • 2023-05-02 - EV Charging Specs w/ Google
  • 2023-05-16 - CANCELLED
  • 2023-05-30 - Working Towards the Next CDS Release w/ INRIX
  • 2023-06-27 - CDS 1.0.1 Patch Release and Roadmap
  • 2023-07-25 - EV Charging Survey
  • 2023-08-08 - USDOT SMART Grant upcoming NOFO w/ LADOT, SDOT
  • 2023-08-22 - EV Charging Survey Results and Roundtable Discussion
  • 2023-09-19 - Curb Objects w/ Smart Dublin and CurbIQ
  • 2023-10-17 - Curb Objects Discussion w/ NYC DOT and GoLocker
  • 2023-11-21 - Curb Objects Draft w/ Belltown Seattle and Urban Freight Lab
  • 2023-12-12 - CDS 1.0.1 Patch Release and year end party
  • 2024-01-09 - Curb Asset Management w/ Curb IQ
  • 2024-02-06 - Curb Objects Review
  • 2024-03-05 - Zero Emission Delivery and RFPs w/ LACI, C40, and Cityfi
  • 2024-04-02 - USDOT SMART Grant Successes and Challenges w/ Appyway
  • 2024-04-30 - CDS Technical Implementations and RFPs and Contract Renewals w/ Joint Office of Energy and Transportation
  • 2024-05-28 - Prioritizing New CDS Features w/ Stoovo
  • 2024-06-25 - Parking Data Standards - APDS and CDS w/ Omaha and APDS
  • 2024-07-23 - Computer Vision for Curbside Management w/ Umojo, Turnstone, SFMTA
  • 2024-08-20 - SMART: Scaling to Permanent Curb Programs w/ SFMTA, INRIX, San Jose
  • 2024-09-24 - SMART: CDS First Learnings w/ Seattle, Minneapolis, San Jose

Steering Committee

Elected April 22, 2024

Public Sector

  1. Brian Hamlin , Curbside Management Strategic Advisor, Seattle DOT
  2. Tobias Marx, Parking Services Division Manager, City of Bend
  3. Jacob Larson (co-chair), Applications Analyst, City of Omaha Parking and Mobility
  4. Elias Khoury, On-Street Parking Manager, City of San Jose
  5. David Harrison, Curbside Management & Shared Mobility Section Manager, City of Charlotte (Department of Transportation)
  6. Laurent Gauthier, Conseiller principal, méthode et recherche, Agence de mobilité durable, Montréal
  7. Matt Warfield, New Mobility Director, City of Boston Streets
  8. Zackary Campos, Transportation Planning Associate II, LADOT
  9. Kenya Wheeler (co-chair), Principal Transportation Planner, SFMTA

Private Sector

  1. Rick Neubauer, CEO, Umojo
  2. James Barr, COO, Turnstone
  3. Jacob Malleau, Product Manager, CurbIQ
  4. Vishay Nihalani, Director of Product Management, Waymo
  5. Michael Schwartz, General Manager, Ride Report, INRIX
  6. Hayley Coleman Halphen, Head of Deployment, Urban Radar


The Curb Management Working Group (WG) is responsible for delivering data and API specifications that facilitate the inventory, exchange, and analysis of information describing curb assets and regulations. This include dynamic information such as occupancy/utilization, pricing, and regulations that are set or adjusted using use cases, policy, and metrics.

The WG conducted its work in two phases whose timeline was determined by the Working Group Steering Committee (WGSC): a Discovery phase and an Implementation phase. These phases are now complete as we have started publishing official CDS Releases.


Urban curb is a valuable, limited, and often under-managed part of the public right of way. Curb demand comes from passenger pickup/drop off, traditional and on-demand delivery services, transit priority, active mobility (e.g walking, biking and micromobility), and parking for personal vehicles and micromobility devices. While cities have made some progress in digitizing their curb and other physical assets, technology and data offer new tools to proactively manage curbs and sidewalks, and in doing so deliver more public value from this scarce resource. Cities often lack a digital index or map of curb regulations, relying instead on signs and paint in the right of way. Curb data standards could provide a mechanism for expressing static and dynamic regulations for curb use. New approaches to curb usage fees could enable more goal-driven management strategies. OMF is well positioned to help cities use dynamic digital curb regulations, which could allow cities to manage the curb and adjacent infrastructure on sidewalks within the public right of way in real time and communicate the evolving restrictions, permissions, and pricing via a data feed or API.

OMF could support this type of policy innovation by specifying APIs within MDS to support policy approaches such as:

  • Dynamic ridehail pick-up/drop off spaces during special events
  • Conversion of on-street vehicle parking spaces into designated micromobilty parking
  • Time restricted freight/delivery zoned to increase efficiency of urban logistics
  • Pricing of curb access or parking on a static or demand-responsive basis
  • Dynamic or flexible curb use regulations that respond to changing use patterns


See our CDS Releases page for release dates.

  1. Discovery Phase (OMF members + invited guests): Explore existing efforts in curb data and management practices (Nov 2020 - Apr 2021)
  2. Implementation Phase (public): Start work towards an technical release (May 2021 - Dec 2021)
    • May to Sep 2021 - Spec work and pilot alignment feedback
      • End of July for Curb spec, still in flux (alpha, first draft)
      • End of August for Events spec
      • End of Sept for Metrics spec
    • Oct and Nov 2021 - Release finalization
    • Dec 2021 - CDS work finished
    • Apr - Aug 2022 - Work on next release and feedback on 1.0 and pilot projects
  3. CDS 1.0 Release Candidate Launch - Jan 25 2022
  4. CDS 1.0 Released - Apr 29 2022

Discovery Phase Meetings

Completed. For OMF member organizations and invited guests to the Curb WG.

  • 2020-11-18 - Curb Kickoff Call
  • 2020-12-02 - SharedStreets: CurbLR deep dive
  • 2020-12-16 - Coord deep dive
  • 2021-01-06 - T4A (Beth Osborne) and three member cities (Seattle, DC, Minneapolis) curb projects
  • 2021-01-20 - APDS (Michael Drow) and three member cities (SANDAG, SFMTA, LADOT) curb projects
  • 2021-02-03 - Curb ecosystem, Automotus monitoring API
  • 2021-03-03 - WGSC only - planning
  • 2021-02-17 - Linear referencing deep dive w/ DC (James Graham)
  • 2021-03-17 - Implementation Phase - scope feedback
  • 2021-03-31 - WGSC only - scope and rollout
  • 2021-04-16 - Implementation Phase - final scope review and work rollout

Media Coverage

Samples of media coverage of CDS

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