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Classify samples as being either SARS-CoV-2 positive or negative, identify the strain of virus, and produce statistics about the mapping.

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Classify samples as being either SARS-CoV-2 positive or negative, identify the strain of virus, and produce statistics about the mapping.


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java -jar cromwell.jar run sarsCoV2Analysis.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
fastq1 File Read 1 fastq file, gzipped. Can be either targeted or whole transcriptome
fastq2 File Read 2 fastq file, gzipped. Can be either targeted or whole transcriptome.
samplePrefix String Prefix for output files

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
primerBed String? None bed file used to trim the primers off of the bam sequences
panelBed String? None bed file for an optional Panel of Intervals
readCount Int? None Optionally pass the number of reads in the input fastq files
doAssembly Boolean false Flag to control building an assembly with SPADES

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
bbMap.modules String "bbmap/38.75" Modules to load for the task
bbMap.reference String "$BBMAP_ROOT/share/bbmap/resources/adapters.fa" Reference FSATA, adapter sequences
bbMap.trimq Int 25 Trim quality
bbMap.mem Int 8 Memory allocated to the task
bbMap.timeout Int 72 Timeout, in hours
bowtie2HumanDepletion.modules String "bowtie2/ samtools/1.9 hg38-bowtie-index/" Modules to load for the task
bowtie2HumanDepletion.reference String "$HG38_BOWTIE_INDEX_ROOT/hg38_random_index" Reference FSATA, adapter sequences
bowtie2HumanDepletion.mem Int 12 Memory allocated to the task
bowtie2HumanDepletion.timeout Int 72 Timeout, in hours
bowtie2HumanDepletion.threads Int 8 Threads to use for this task
kraken2.modules String "kraken2/2.0.8 kraken2-database/1" Modules to load for the task
kraken2.kraken2DB String "$KRAKEN2_DATABASE_ROOT/" Root of the directory with KRAKEN database
kraken2.mem Int 8 Memory allocated to the task
kraken2.timeout Int 72 Timeout, in hours
bowtie2Sensitive.modules String "bowtie2/ sars-covid-2-polymasked-bowtie-index/ samtools/1.9" Modules to load for the task
bowtie2Sensitive.sarsCovidIndex String "$SARS_COVID_2_POLYMASKED_BOWTIE_INDEX_ROOT/MN908947.3.mask" Polymasked Bowtie2 index file
bowtie2Sensitive.mem Int 8 Memory allocated to the task
bowtie2Sensitive.timeout Int 72 Timeout, in hours
bowtie2Sensitive.threads Int 4 Threads to use for the task
articTrimming.modules String "ivar/1.0 bedtools" Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution.
articTrimming.allowNoprimer Boolean? None Allow reads that don't have primer sequence? Ligation prep = false, nextera = true.
articTrimming.mem Int 8 Memory (in GB) to allocate to the job.
articTrimming.timeout Int 72 Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for.
variantCalling.modules String "bcftools/1.9 samtools/1.9 vcftools/0.1.16 seqtk/1.3 sars-covid-2-polymasked/mn908947.3" Modules to load for the task
variantCalling.sarsCovidRef String "$SARS_COVID_2_POLYMASKED_ROOT/MN908947.3.mask.fasta" Path to sarsCovidRef reference file
variantCalling.mem Int 8 Memory allocated to the task
variantCalling.timeout Int 72 Timeout, in hours
qcStats.modules String "bedtools samtools/1.9" Modules to load for the task
qcStats.mem Int 8 Memory allocated to the task
qcStats.timeout Int 72 Timeout, in hours
blast2ReferenceSequence.modules String "blast sars-covid-2-polymasked/mn908947.3" Modules to load for the task
blast2ReferenceSequence.reference String "$SARS_COVID_2_POLYMASKED_ROOT/MN908947.3.mask.fasta" Reference FASTA file
blast2ReferenceSequence.mem Int 8 Memory allocated to the task
blast2ReferenceSequence.timeout Int 72 Timeout, in hours
generateReadCount.modules String "" Modules to load for the task
generateReadCount.mem Int 4 Memory allocated to the task
generateReadCount.timeout Int 4 Timeout, in hours
spadesGenomicAssembly.modules String "spades/3.14.0" Modules to load for the task
spadesGenomicAssembly.minReads Int 100 threshold for minimum reads
spadesGenomicAssembly.mem Int 8 Memory allocated to the task
spadesGenomicAssembly.timeout Int 72 Timeout, in hours


Output Type Description Labels
hostRemovedR1Fastq File Fastq file R1 with host reads removed. vidarr_label: hostRemovedR1Fastq
hostRemovedR2Fastq File Fastq file R2 with host reads removed. vidarr_label: hostRemovedR2Fastq
hostMappedBam File Reads mapped to host, bam format. vidarr_label: hostMappedBam
hostMappedBai File Index for bam with host-mapped reads. vidarr_label: hostMappedBai
taxonomicClassification File Kraken2 taxonomic classification report. vidarr_label: taxonomicClassification
bam File Bowtie2-aligned reads, sensisitve mode. vidarr_label: bam
bai File Index of bam with bowtie2-aligned reads, sensisitve mode. vidarr_label: bai
primertrimSortedBam File? Trimmed reads aligned with bowtie2. vidarr_label: primertrimSortedBam
primertrimSortedBai File? Index for trimmed reads aligned with bowtie2. vidarr_label: primertrimSortedBai
vcf File Variants produced with bcftools (using cleaned reads). vidarr_label: vcf
consensusFasta File Consensus fasta file produced along the variants. vidarr_label: consensusFasta
variantOnlyVcf File Variants produced with bcftools, only variant calls. vidarr_label: variantOnlyVcf
bl2seqReport File BLAST results. vidarr_label: bl2seqReport
cvgHist File? Coverage histogram, output from qcstats. vidarr_label: cvgHist
genomecvgHist File Genome coverage histogram. vidarr_label: genomecvgHist
genomecvgPerBase File Genome coverage per base. vidarr_label: genomecvgPerBase
hostMappedAlignmentStats File Stats for host-aligned reads. vidarr_label: hostMappedAlignmentStats
hostDepletedAlignmentStats File Stats for alignments of reads depleted of host. vidarr_label: hostDepletedAlignmentStats
spades File? Spades output. vidarr_label: spades


This section lists command(s) run by sarsCoV2Analysis workflow

  • Running sarsCoV2Analysis

Adapter trimming

    set -euo pipefail

    #Remove adapters and quality trim

    bbmap bbduk in1=~{fastq1} in2=~{fastq2} \
    out1=~{sample}_qad_r1.fastq.gz out2=~{sample}_qad_r2.fastq.gz \
    ref=~{reference} \
    ktrim=r k=23 mink=11 hdist=1 tpe tbo qtrim=rl trimq=~{trimq}


    set -euo pipefail

    #Align fastq files to hg38 & only keep unmapped

    bowtie2 -p ~{threads} -x ~{reference} \
    -1 ~{fastq1} -2 ~{fastq2} \
    --un-conc-gz ~{sample}_host_removed_r%.fastq.gz | \
    samtools view -b | \
    samtools sort - -o ~{hostMappedBam_}

    samtools index ~{hostMappedBam_}

KRAKEN2 annotations

    set -euo pipefail

    kraken2 --paired ~{fastq1} ~{fastq2} \
    --db ~{kraken2DB} \
    --report ~{sample}.kreport2.txt

Bowtie2 sensitive alignment

    set -euo pipefail

    #Align reads to reference

    bowtie2 --sensitive-local -p ~{threads} -x ~{sarsCovidIndex} \
    -1 ~{fastq1} -2 ~{fastq2} | samtools view -b | samtools sort - -o ~{bamFile_}

    samtools index ~{bamFile_}

Trimming Primers

    set -euo pipefail

    ivar trim -i ~{bam} -b ~{primerBed} -p ~{primertrim} ~{true="-e" false="" allowNoprimer}

    samtools sort ~{primertrimBam} -o ~{sortedBam_}

    samtools index ~{sortedBam_}

Variant calling with bcftools

    set -euo pipefail

    #Call consensus sequence
    samtools mpileup -aa -uf ~{sarsCovidRef} ~{bam} | \
    bcftools call --ploidy 1 -Mc | tee -a ~{vcfName} | \ vcf2fq -d 10 | \
    seqtk seq -A - | sed '2~2s/[actg]/N/g' > ~{fastaName}

    bcftools mpileup -a "INFO/AD,FORMAT/DP,FORMAT/AD" \
    -d 8000 -f ~{sarsCovidRef} ~{bam} | \
    tee ~{sample}.m.vcf | bcftools call --ploidy 1 -m -v > ~{variantOnlyVcf_}

Coverage stats

    set -euo pipefail

    if [ -f "~{panelBed}" ]; then
      bedtools coverage -hist -a ~{panelBed} -b ~{bam} > ~{sample}.cvghist.txt

    bedtools genomecov -ibam ~{bam} > ~{sample}.genomecvghist.txt

    bedtools genomecov -d -ibam ~{bam} > ~{sample}.genome.cvgperbase.txt

    samtools stats ~{hostMappedBam} > ~{sample}.host.mapped.samstats.txt

    samtools stats ~{bam} > ~{sample}.samstats.txt


    set -euo pipefail

    # Suppress error for negative controls or samples with very little reads
    if blastn -query ~{consensusFasta} -subject ~{reference} \
    -word_size 28 -reward 1 -penalty -2 -dust no > ~{sample}_bl2seq_report.txt 2>error.log; then
        echo 'blastn completed successfully' 1>&2
    elif grep -q -F 'BLAST engine error: Warning: Sequence contains no data' error.log; then
        # Copy the message to STDERR, and exit without an error status
        cat error.log 1>&2
        echo 'Unexpected error' 1>&2
        cat error.log 1>&2
        exit 1

Counting Reads in fastq files

    zcat ~{fastq} | sed -n '1~4p' | wc -l

Assembly generation with SPADES

    set -euo pipefail

    mkdir ~{sample}.SPAdes

    if [ "~{readCount}" -gt "~{minReads}" ]; then --pe1-1 ~{fastq1} --pe1-2 ~{fastq2} -o ~{sample}.SPAdes
      echo 'Not enough reads to run SPAdes genomic assembly.' 1>&2

    tar cf - ~{sample}.SPAdes | gzip --no-name > ~{sample}.SPAdes.tar.gz


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Classify samples as being either SARS-CoV-2 positive or negative, identify the strain of virus, and produce statistics about the mapping.







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