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Feature/add thermal building model #1084

Feature/add thermal building model

Feature/add thermal building model #1084

GitHub Actions / Black failed Oct 6, 2023 in 0s

22 errors

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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 copied from
 Tool to Evaluate Radiation incident on a surface of a set angle

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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 import math
 import datetime
 __authors__ = "Prageeth Jayathissa"
-__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich"
+__copyright__ = (
+    "Copyright 2016, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich"
 __credits__ = ["pysolar, Quaschning Volker,  Rolf Hanitsch, Linus Walker"]
 __license__ = "MIT"
 __version__ = "0.1"
 __maintainer__ = "Prageeth Jayathissa"
 __email__ = ""
 __status__ = "production"
 def sunPositionReader(SunPosition_path):
-    sun_labels = ['altitude', 'azimuth']  # 'HOY',
-#    result = pd.read_csv(SunPosition_path, skiprows=1, header=None, names=epw_labels).drop('datasource', axis=1)
-#    result['dayofyear'] = pd.date_range('1/1/2010', periods=8760, freq='H').dayofyear
-#    result['ratio_diffhout'] = result['difhorrad_Whm2']/result['glohorrad_Whm2']
+    sun_labels = ["altitude", "azimuth"]  # 'HOY',
+    #
+    #    result = pd.read_csv(SunPosition_path, skiprows=1, header=None, names=epw_labels).drop('datasource', axis=1)
+    #    result['dayofyear'] = pd.date_range('1/1/2010', periods=8760, freq='H').dayofyear
+    #    result['ratio_diffhout'] = result['difhorrad_Whm2']/result['glohorrad_Whm2']
     result = pd.read_csv(SunPosition_path, skiprows=1, names=sun_labels)
-class Location(object, ):
+class Location(
+    object,
     """Set the Location of the Simulation with an Energy Plus Weather File"""
-    def __init__(self, epwfile_path, mannheim :bool):
+    def __init__(self, epwfile_path, mannheim: bool):
         # Set EPW Labels and import epw file
         if mannheim:
-            epw_labels = ['hour', 'drybulb_C', 'dewpoint_C',
-                          'relhum_percent',
-                          'atmos_Pa', 'exthorrad_Whm2', 'extdirrad_Whm2', 'horirsky_Whm2', 'glohorrad_Whm2',
-                          'dirnorrad_Whm2', 'difhorrad_Whm2', 'glohorillum_lux', 'dirnorillum_lux', 'difhorillum_lux',
-                          'zenlum_lux', 'winddir_deg', 'windspd_ms', 'totskycvr_tenths', 'opaqskycvr_tenths',
-                          'visibility_km',
-                          'ceiling_hgt_m', 'presweathobs', 'presweathcodes', 'precip_wtr_mm', 'aerosol_opt_thousandths',
-                          'snowdepth_cm', 'days_last_snow', 'Albedo', 'liq_precip_depth_mm', 'liq_precip_rate_Hour']
+            epw_labels = [
+                "hour",
+                "drybulb_C",
+                "dewpoint_C",
+                "relhum_percent",
+                "atmos_Pa",
+                "exthorrad_Whm2",
+                "extdirrad_Whm2",
+                "horirsky_Whm2",
+                "glohorrad_Whm2",
+                "dirnorrad_Whm2",
+                "difhorrad_Whm2",
+                "glohorillum_lux",
+                "dirnorillum_lux",
+                "difhorillum_lux",
+                "zenlum_lux",
+                "winddir_deg",
+                "windspd_ms",
+                "totskycvr_tenths",
+                "opaqskycvr_tenths",
+                "visibility_km",
+                "ceiling_hgt_m",
+                "presweathobs",
+                "presweathcodes",
+                "precip_wtr_mm",
+                "aerosol_opt_thousandths",
+                "snowdepth_cm",
+                "days_last_snow",
+                "Albedo",
+                "liq_precip_depth_mm",
+                "liq_precip_rate_Hour",
+            ]
             self.weather_data = pd.read_csv(
-                epwfile_path, header=None, names=epw_labels)
+                epwfile_path, header=None, names=epw_labels
+            )
-            epw_labels = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'datasource', 'drybulb_C', 'dewpoint_C', 'relhum_percent',
-                          'atmos_Pa', 'exthorrad_Whm2', 'extdirrad_Whm2', 'horirsky_Whm2', 'glohorrad_Whm2',
-                          'dirnorrad_Whm2', 'difhorrad_Whm2', 'glohorillum_lux', 'dirnorillum_lux', 'difhorillum_lux',
-                          'zenlum_lux', 'winddir_deg', 'windspd_ms', 'totskycvr_tenths', 'opaqskycvr_tenths', 'visibility_km',
-                          'ceiling_hgt_m', 'presweathobs', 'presweathcodes', 'precip_wtr_mm', 'aerosol_opt_thousandths',
-                          'snowdepth_cm', 'days_last_snow', 'Albedo', 'liq_precip_depth_mm', 'liq_precip_rate_Hour']
+            epw_labels = [
+                "year",
+                "month",
+                "day",
+                "hour",
+                "minute",
+                "datasource",
+                "drybulb_C",
+                "dewpoint_C",
+                "relhum_percent",
+                "atmos_Pa",
+                "exthorrad_Whm2",
+                "extdirrad_Whm2",
+                "horirsky_Whm2",
+                "glohorrad_Whm2",
+                "dirnorrad_Whm2",
+                "difhorrad_Whm2",
+                "glohorillum_lux",
+                "dirnorillum_lux",
+                "difhorillum_lux",
+                "zenlum_lux",
+                "winddir_deg",
+                "windspd_ms",
+                "totskycvr_tenths",
+                "opaqskycvr_tenths",
+                "visibility_km",
+                "ceiling_hgt_m",
+                "presweathobs",
+                "presweathcodes",
+                "precip_wtr_mm",
+                "aerosol_opt_thousandths",
+                "snowdepth_cm",
+                "days_last_snow",
+                "Albedo",
+                "liq_precip_depth_mm",
+                "liq_precip_rate_Hour",
+            ]
             self.weather_data = pd.read_csv(
-                epwfile_path, skiprows=8, header=None, names=epw_labels).drop('datasource', axis=1)
+                epwfile_path, skiprows=8, header=None, names=epw_labels
+            ).drop("datasource", axis=1)
     def calc_sun_position(self, latitude_deg, longitude_deg, year, hoy):
         Calculates the Sun Position for a specific hour and location
         :param latitude_deg: Geographical Latitude in Degrees

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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         day_of_year = utc_datetime.timetuple().tm_yday
         # Calculate the declination angle: The variation due to the earths tilt
         declination_rad = math.radians(
-            23.45 * math.sin((2 * math.pi / 365.0) * (day_of_year - 81)))
+            23.45 * math.sin((2 * math.pi / 365.0) * (day_of_year - 81))
+        )
         # Normalise the day to 2*pi
         # There is some reason as to why it is 364 and not 365.26
         angle_of_day = (day_of_year - 81) * (2 * math.pi / 364)
         # The deviation between local standard time and true solar time
-        equation_of_time = (9.87 * math.sin(2 * angle_of_day)) - \
-            (7.53 * math.cos(angle_of_day)) - (1.5 * math.sin(angle_of_day))
+        equation_of_time = (
+            (9.87 * math.sin(2 * angle_of_day))
+            - (7.53 * math.cos(angle_of_day))
+            - (1.5 * math.sin(angle_of_day))
+        )
         # True Solar Time
-        solar_time = ((utc_datetime.hour * 60) + utc_datetime.minute +
-                      (4 * longitude_deg) + equation_of_time) / 60.0
+        solar_time = (
+            (utc_datetime.hour * 60)
+            + utc_datetime.minute
+            + (4 * longitude_deg)
+            + equation_of_time
+        ) / 60.0
         # Angle between the local longitude and longitude where the sun is at
         # higher altitude
         hour_angle_rad = math.radians(15 * (12 - solar_time))
         # Altitude Position of the Sun in Radians
-        altitude_rad = math.asin(math.cos(latitude_rad) * math.cos(declination_rad) * math.cos(hour_angle_rad) +
-                                 math.sin(latitude_rad) * math.sin(declination_rad))
+        altitude_rad = math.asin(
+            math.cos(latitude_rad)
+            * math.cos(declination_rad)
+            * math.cos(hour_angle_rad)
+            + math.sin(latitude_rad) * math.sin(declination_rad)
+        )
         # Azimuth Position fo the sun in radians
         azimuth_rad = math.asin(
-            math.cos(declination_rad) * math.sin(hour_angle_rad) / math.cos(altitude_rad))
+            math.cos(declination_rad)
+            * math.sin(hour_angle_rad)
+            / math.cos(altitude_rad)
+        )
         # I don't really know what this code does, it has been imported from
         # PySolar
-        if(math.cos(hour_angle_rad) >= (math.tan(declination_rad) / math.tan(latitude_rad))):
+        if math.cos(hour_angle_rad) >= (
+            math.tan(declination_rad) / math.tan(latitude_rad)
+        ):
             return math.degrees(altitude_rad), math.degrees(azimuth_rad)
-            return math.degrees(altitude_rad), (180 - math.degrees(azimuth_rad))
+            return math.degrees(altitude_rad), (
+                180 - math.degrees(azimuth_rad)
+            )
 class Window(object):
     """docstring for Window"""
-    def __init__(self, azimuth_tilt, alititude_tilt=90, glass_solar_transmittance=0.7,
-                 glass_light_transmittance=0.8, area=1):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        azimuth_tilt,
+        alititude_tilt=90,
+        glass_solar_transmittance=0.7,
+        glass_light_transmittance=0.8,
+        area=1,
+    ):
         self.alititude_tilt_rad = math.radians(alititude_tilt)
         self.azimuth_tilt_rad = math.radians(azimuth_tilt)
         self.glass_solar_transmittance = glass_solar_transmittance
         self.glass_light_transmittance = glass_light_transmittance
         self.area = area
-    def calc_solar_gains(self, sun_altitude, sun_azimuth, normal_direct_radiation, horizontal_diffuse_radiation):
+    def calc_solar_gains(
+        self,
+        sun_altitude,
+        sun_azimuth,
+        normal_direct_radiation,
+        horizontal_diffuse_radiation,
+    ):
         Calculates the Solar Gains in the building zone through the set Window
         :param sun_altitude: Altitude Angle of the Sun in Degrees
         :type sun_altitude: float
         :param sun_azimuth: Azimuth angle of the sun in degrees

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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         :return: self.incident_solar, Incident Solar Radiation on window
         :return: self.solar_gains - Solar gains in building after transmitting through the window
         :rtype: float
-        direct_factor = self.calc_direct_solar_factor(sun_altitude, sun_azimuth,)
+        direct_factor = self.calc_direct_solar_factor(
+            sun_altitude,
+            sun_azimuth,
+        )
         diffuse_factor = self.calc_diffuse_solar_factor()
         direct_solar = direct_factor * normal_direct_radiation
         diffuse_solar = horizontal_diffuse_radiation * diffuse_factor
         self.incident_solar = (direct_solar + diffuse_solar) * self.area
         self.solar_gains = self.incident_solar * self.glass_solar_transmittance
-    def calc_illuminance(self, sun_altitude, sun_azimuth, normal_direct_illuminance, horizontal_diffuse_illuminance):
+    def calc_illuminance(
+        self,
+        sun_altitude,
+        sun_azimuth,
+        normal_direct_illuminance,
+        horizontal_diffuse_illuminance,
+    ):
         Calculates the Illuminance in the building zone through the set Window
         :param sun_altitude: Altitude Angle of the Sun in Degrees
         :type sun_altitude: float
         :param sun_azimuth: Azimuth angle of the sun in degrees

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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         :return: self.incident_illuminance, Incident Illuminance on window [Lumens]
         :return: self.transmitted_illuminance - Illuminance in building after transmitting through the window [Lumens]
         :rtype: float
-        direct_factor = self.calc_direct_solar_factor(sun_altitude, sun_azimuth,)
+        direct_factor = self.calc_direct_solar_factor(
+            sun_altitude,
+            sun_azimuth,
+        )
         diffuse_factor = self.calc_diffuse_solar_factor()
         direct_illuminance = direct_factor * normal_direct_illuminance
         diffuse_illuminance = diffuse_factor * horizontal_diffuse_illuminance
         self.incident_illuminance = (
-            direct_illuminance + diffuse_illuminance) * self.area
-        self.transmitted_illuminance = self.incident_illuminance * \
-            self.glass_light_transmittance
+            direct_illuminance + diffuse_illuminance
+        ) * self.area
+        self.transmitted_illuminance = (
+            self.incident_illuminance * self.glass_light_transmittance
+        )
     def calc_direct_solar_factor(self, sun_altitude, sun_azimuth):
         Calculates the cosine of the angle of incidence on the window

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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         Proportion of the radiation incident on the window (cos of the incident ray)
         ref:Quaschning, Volker, and Rolf Hanitsch. "Shade calculations in photovoltaic systems."
         ISES Solar World Conference, Harare. 1995.
-        direct_factor = math.cos(sun_altitude_rad) * math.sin(self.alititude_tilt_rad) * \
-            math.cos(sun_azimuth_rad - self.azimuth_tilt_rad) + \
-            math.sin(sun_altitude_rad) * math.cos(self.alititude_tilt_rad)
+        direct_factor = math.cos(sun_altitude_rad) * math.sin(
+            self.alititude_tilt_rad
+        ) * math.cos(sun_azimuth_rad - self.azimuth_tilt_rad) + math.sin(
+            sun_altitude_rad
+        ) * math.cos(
+            self.alititude_tilt_rad
+        )
         # If the sun is in front of the window surface
-        if(math.degrees(math.acos(direct_factor)) > 90):
+        if math.degrees(math.acos(direct_factor)) > 90:
             direct_factor = 0

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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         """Calculates the proportion of diffuse radiation"""
         # Proportion of incident light on the window surface
         return (1 + math.cos(self.alititude_tilt_rad)) / 2
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":

Check failure on line 19 in /home/runner/work/oemof-solph/oemof-solph/examples/thermal_building_model/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Black


 from tabula_reader import Building
 import oemof.solph as solph
 from oemof.solph import views
 from import logger
 General description
 This examples optimizes the internal building temperature.
 It is suppose to show how to use the component GenericBuilding.

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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 __copyright__ = "oemof developer group"
 __license__ = "MIT"
 def main():
     #  create solver
     solver = "cbc"  # 'glpk', 'gurobi',....
     debug = False  # Set number_of_timesteps to 3 to get a readable lp-file.
     solver_verbose = False  # show/hide solver output
     number_of_time_steps = 8760
-    mainPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
-    #Generates 5RC Building-Model
+    mainPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
+    # Generates 5RC Building-Model
     building_status = "no_refurbishment"
     if building_status == "no_refurbishment":
-        building_example = Building (tabula_building_code ='DE.N.SFH.04.Gen.ReEx.001.001',
-                                     class_building = "average",
-                                     number_of_time_steps=number_of_time_steps)
+        building_example = Building(
+            tabula_building_code="DE.N.SFH.04.Gen.ReEx.001.001",
+            class_building="average",
+            number_of_time_steps=number_of_time_steps,
+        )
     elif building_status == "usual_refurbishment":
-        building_example = Building (tabula_building_code ='DE.N.SFH.04.Gen.ReEx.001.002',
-                                     class_building = "average",
-                                     number_of_time_steps=number_of_time_steps)
+        building_example = Building(
+            tabula_building_code="DE.N.SFH.04.Gen.ReEx.001.002",
+            class_building="average",
+            number_of_time_steps=number_of_time_steps,
+        )
     elif building_status == "advanced_refurbishment":
-        building_example = Building (tabula_building_code ='DE.N.SFH.04.Gen.ReEx.001.003',
-                                     class_building = "average",
-                                     number_of_time_steps=number_of_time_steps)
+        building_example = Building(
+            tabula_building_code="DE.N.SFH.04.Gen.ReEx.001.003",
+            class_building="average",
+            number_of_time_steps=number_of_time_steps,
+        )
     # Pre-Calculation of solar gains with weather_data and building_data
-    Mannheim = calculate_gain_by_Sun.Location(mannheim=True, epwfile_path=os.path.join(mainPath, 'thermal_building_model', 'DEU_BW_Mannheim_107290_TRY2010_12_Jahr_BBSR.csv'))
-    solar_gains = building_example.calc_solar_gaings_through_windows(object_location_of_building = Mannheim)
-    t_outside = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(mainPath, 'thermal_building_model', 'DEU_BW_Mannheim_107290_TRY2010_12_Jahr_BBSR.csv') ,header=None)[1].tolist()
+    Mannheim = calculate_gain_by_Sun.Location(
+        mannheim=True,
+        epwfile_path=os.path.join(
+            mainPath,
+            "thermal_building_model",
+            "DEU_BW_Mannheim_107290_TRY2010_12_Jahr_BBSR.csv",
+        ),
+    )
+    solar_gains = building_example.calc_solar_gaings_through_windows(
+        object_location_of_building=Mannheim
+    )
+    t_outside = pd.read_csv(
+        os.path.join(
+            mainPath,
+            "thermal_building_model",
+            "DEU_BW_Mannheim_107290_TRY2010_12_Jahr_BBSR.csv",
+        ),
+        header=None,
+    )[1].tolist()
     # Internal gains of residents, machines (f.e. fridge, computer,...) and lights have to be added manually
-    internal_gains=[]
+    internal_gains = []
     for _ in range(number_of_time_steps):
     # initiate the logger (see the API docs for more information)
     )"Initialize the energy system")
-    date_time_index = solph.create_time_index(2012,
-                                              number=number_of_time_steps)
-    es = solph.EnergySystem(timeindex=date_time_index,
-                            infer_last_interval=False)
+    date_time_index = solph.create_time_index(
+        2012, number=number_of_time_steps
+    )
+    es = solph.EnergySystem(
+        timeindex=date_time_index, infer_last_interval=False
+    )
     b_heat = solph.buses.Bus(label="b_heat")
     b_cool = solph.buses.Bus(label="b_cool")

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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     b_elect = solph.buses.Bus(label="electricity_from_grid")
     building_temp = solph.buses.Bus(label="building_temp")
-    es.add(solph.components.Source(
+    es.add(
+        solph.components.Source(
             outputs={b_elect: solph.flows.Flow(variable_costs=30)},
-    es.add(solph.components.Sink(
+    es.add(
+        solph.components.Sink(
             inputs={b_elect: solph.flows.Flow(variable_costs=10)},
             inputs={b_elect: solph.flows.Flow()},
             outputs={b_heat: solph.flows.Flow(nominal_value=65000)},
-            conversion_factors={b_elect: 1}
+            conversion_factors={b_elect: 1},
             inputs={b_cool: solph.flows.Flow()},
             outputs={b_elect: solph.flows.Flow(nominal_value=65000)},
-            conversion_factors={b_elect: 1}
+            conversion_factors={b_elect: 1},
-            inputs={b_heat: solph.flows.Flow(variable_costs=0) },
-            outputs={b_cool: solph.flows.Flow(variable_costs=0) },
+            inputs={b_heat: solph.flows.Flow(variable_costs=0)},
+            outputs={b_cool: solph.flows.Flow(variable_costs=0)},
-            t_set_cooling = 30,
+            t_set_cooling=30,

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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     es.results["meta"] = solph.processing.meta_results(model)
     results = es.results["main"]
     custom_building = views.node(results, "GenericBuilding")
     fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
-    custom_building['sequences'][(('GenericBuilding', 'None'), 't_air')].plot(
+    custom_building["sequences"][(("GenericBuilding", "None"), "t_air")].plot(
         ax=ax, kind="line", drawstyle="steps-post"
     ax.set_ylabel("t_air in Celsius")
     fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
     custom_building = views.node(results, "GenericBuilding")
-    custom_building['sequences'][(('b_heat', 'GenericBuilding'), 'flow')].plot(
+    custom_building["sequences"][(("b_heat", "GenericBuilding"), "flow")].plot(
         ax=ax, kind="line", drawstyle="steps-post"
     ax.set_ylabel("heat demand in Watt")
     fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
     custom_building = views.node(results, "GenericBuilding")
-    custom_building['sequences'][(('GenericBuilding', 'b_cool'), 'flow')].plot(
+    custom_building["sequences"][(("GenericBuilding", "b_cool"), "flow")].plot(
         ax=ax, kind="line", drawstyle="steps-post"
     ax.set_ylabel("cooling demand in Watt")
     # print the solver results
     print("********* Meta results *********")
 if __name__ == "__main__":

Check failure on line 18 in /home/runner/work/oemof-solph/oemof-solph/examples/thermal_building_model/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Black


 import pandas as pd
 from calculate_gain_by_Sun import Location
 from calculate_gain_by_Sun import Window
-from  dataclasses import dataclass
+from dataclasses import dataclass
 import os
-mainPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
-tabula_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(mainPath, 'thermal_building_model', 'tabula_data_sorted.csv'),low_memory=False))
+mainPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
+tabula_df = pd.DataFrame(
+    pd.read_csv(
+        os.path.join(
+            mainPath, "thermal_building_model", "tabula_data_sorted.csv"
+        ),
+        low_memory=False,
+    )
 class BuildingConfig:
     The BuildingConfig gets generated by the function build_building_config of the building class

Check failure on line 216 in /home/runner/work/oemof-solph/oemof-solph/examples/thermal_building_model/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Black


-    total_internal_area : float
-    h_ve : float
-    h_tr_w : float
+    total_internal_area: float
+    h_ve: float
+    h_tr_w: float
     h_tr_em: float
-    h_tr_is : float
-    mass_area : float
-    h_tr_ms : float
-    c_m : float
-    floor_area : float
-    heat_transfer_coefficient_ventilation : float
-    total_air_change_rate : float
+    h_tr_is: float
+    mass_area: float
+    h_tr_ms: float
+    c_m: float
+    floor_area: float
+    heat_transfer_coefficient_ventilation: float
+    total_air_change_rate: float
 class Building:
-    def __init__(self,
-                 tabula_building_code : str,
-                 class_building : str,
-                 number_of_time_steps : float):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        tabula_building_code: str,
+        class_building: str,
+        number_of_time_steps: float,
+    ):
         self.tabula_building_code = tabula_building_code
         self.class_building = class_building
         self.number_of_time_steps = number_of_time_steps
         # DIN 13790:
-        self.list_class_buildig = {"very light": {"a_m_var": 2.5, "c_m_var": 80000},
-                                   "light": {"a_m_var": 2.5, "c_m_var": 110000},
-                                   "average": {"a_m_var": 2.5, "c_m_var": 165000},
-                                   "heavy": {"a_m_var": 3.0, "c_m_var": 260000},
-                                   "very heavy": {"a_m_var": 3.0, "c_m_var": 370000}}
+        self.list_class_buildig = {
+            "very light": {"a_m_var": 2.5, "c_m_var": 80000},
+            "light": {"a_m_var": 2.5, "c_m_var": 110000},
+            "average": {"a_m_var": 2.5, "c_m_var": 165000},
+            "heavy": {"a_m_var": 3.0, "c_m_var": 260000},
+            "very heavy": {"a_m_var": 3.0, "c_m_var": 370000},
+        }
         self.building_config = {}
     def calculate_all_parameters(self):
-        self.total_internal_area : float = self.calc_internal_area()
-        self.h_ve : float = self.calc_h_ve()
-        self.h_tr_w : float = self.calc_h_tr_w()
-        self.h_tr_em : float = self.calc_h_tr_em()
-        self.h_tr_is : float = self.calf_h_tr_is()
-        self.mass_area : float = self.calc_mass_area()
-        self.h_tr_ms : float= self.calf_h_tr_ms()
-        self.c_m : float = self.calc_c_m()
-        #self.solar_gains : list  = self.calc_solar_gaings_through_windows()
+        self.total_internal_area: float = self.calc_internal_area()
+        self.h_ve: float = self.calc_h_ve()
+        self.h_tr_w: float = self.calc_h_tr_w()
+        self.h_tr_em: float = self.calc_h_tr_em()
+        self.h_tr_is: float = self.calf_h_tr_is()
+        self.mass_area: float = self.calc_mass_area()
+        self.h_tr_ms: float = self.calf_h_tr_ms()
+        self.c_m: float = self.calc_c_m()
+        # self.solar_gains : list  = self.calc_solar_gaings_through_windows()
         self.building_config = self.build_building_config()
     def build_building_config(self):
-        building_config = BuildingConfig(total_internal_area = self.total_internal_area,
-                           h_ve = self.h_ve ,
-                           h_tr_w = self.h_tr_w ,
-                           h_tr_em = self.h_tr_em ,
-                           h_tr_is = self.h_tr_is ,
-                           mass_area = self.mass_area ,
-                           h_tr_ms = self.h_tr_ms ,
-                           c_m = self.c_m ,
-                           floor_area = self.floor_area ,
-                           heat_transfer_coefficient_ventilation = self.heat_transfer_coefficient_ventilation,
-                           #solar_gains = self.solar_gains,
-                           total_air_change_rate = self.total_air_change_rate)
+        building_config = BuildingConfig(
+            total_internal_area=self.total_internal_area,
+            h_ve=self.h_ve,
+            h_tr_w=self.h_tr_w,
+            h_tr_em=self.h_tr_em,
+            h_tr_is=self.h_tr_is,
+            mass_area=self.mass_area,
+            h_tr_ms=self.h_tr_ms,
+            c_m=self.c_m,
+            floor_area=self.floor_area,
+            heat_transfer_coefficient_ventilation=self.heat_transfer_coefficient_ventilation,
+            # solar_gains = self.solar_gains,
+            total_air_change_rate=self.total_air_change_rate,
+        )
         return building_config
     def get_building_parameters_from_csv(self):
-        row = tabula_df.loc[tabula_df["Code_BuildingVariant"] == self.tabula_building_code]
-        building_volume = row["V_C"].values[0] #room_vol
-        list_type = ["" , "Measure_" , "Actual_"]
-        t_b = list_type [1]
-        self.opaque_elements = ["wall", "roof", "floor" ]
-        self.a_roof = {"a_roof_1" : float(row["A_Roof_1"].values[0]),
-                       "a_roof_2" : float(row["A_Roof_2"].values[0])}
-        self.u_roof = {"u_roof_1" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Roof_1"].values[0]),
-                       "u_roof_2" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Roof_2"].values[0])}
-        self.b_roof = {"b_roof_1" : float(row["b_Transmission_Roof_1"].values[0]),
-                       "b_roof_2" : float(row["b_Transmission_Roof_2"].values[0])}
-        self.a_floor = {"a_floor_1" : float(row["A_Floor_1"].values[0]),
-                        "a_floor_2" : float(row["A_Floor_2"].values[0])}
-        self.u_floor = {"u_floor_1" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Floor_1"].values[0]),
-                        "u_floor_2" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Floor_2"].values[0])}
-        self.b_floor = {"b_floor_1" : float(row["b_Transmission_Floor_1"].values[0]),
-                        "b_floor_2" : float(row["b_Transmission_Floor_2"].values[0])}
-        self.a_wall = {"a_wall_1" : float(row["A_Wall_1"].values[0]),
-                       "a_wall_2" : float(row["A_Wall_2"].values[0]),
-                       "a_wall_3" : float(row["A_Wall_3"].values[0])}
-        self.u_wall = {"u_wall_1" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Wall_1"].values[0]),
-                       "u_wall_2" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Wall_2"].values[0]),
-                       "u_wall_3" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Wall_3"].values[0])}
-        self.b_wall = {"b_wall_1" : float(row["b_Transmission_Wall_1"].values[0]),
-                       "b_wall_2" : float(row["b_Transmission_Wall_2"].values[0]),
-                       "b_wall_3" : float(row["b_Transmission_Wall_3"].values[0])}
-        self.a_door = {"a_door_1" : float(row["A_Door_1"].values[0])}
-        self.u_door = {"u_door_1" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Door_1"].values[0])}
-        self.a_window = {"a_window_1" : float(row["A_Window_1"].values[0]),
-                         "a_window_2" : float(row["A_Window_2"].values[0])}
-        self.a_window_specific = {"a_window_horizontal" : float(row["A_Window_Horizontal"].values[0]),
-                                  "a_window_east" : float(row["A_Window_East"].values[0]),
-                                  "a_window_south" : float(row["A_Window_South"].values[0]),
-                                  "a_window_west" : float(row["A_Window_West"].values[0]),
-                                  "a_window_north" : float(row["A_Window_North"].values[0])}
-        self.delta_u_thermal_bridiging = {"delta_u_thermal_bridiging" : float(row["delta_U_ThermalBridging"].values[0])}
-        self.u_window = {"u_window_1" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Window_1"].values[0]),
-                         "u_window_2" : float(row["U_"+str(t_b)+"Window_2"].values[0])}
-        self.g_gl_n_window =  {"g_gl_n_window_1" : float(row["g_gl_n_"+str(t_b)+"Window_1"].values[0]),
-                               "g_gl_n_window_2" : float(row["g_gl_n_"+str(t_b)+"Window_2"].values[0])}
+        row = tabula_df.loc[
+            tabula_df["Code_BuildingVariant"] == self.tabula_building_code
+        ]
+        building_volume = row["V_C"].values[0]  # room_vol
+        list_type = ["", "Measure_", "Actual_"]
+        t_b = list_type[1]
+        self.opaque_elements = ["wall", "roof", "floor"]
+        self.a_roof = {
+            "a_roof_1": float(row["A_Roof_1"].values[0]),
+            "a_roof_2": float(row["A_Roof_2"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.u_roof = {
+            "u_roof_1": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Roof_1"].values[0]),
+            "u_roof_2": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Roof_2"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.b_roof = {
+            "b_roof_1": float(row["b_Transmission_Roof_1"].values[0]),
+            "b_roof_2": float(row["b_Transmission_Roof_2"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.a_floor = {
+            "a_floor_1": float(row["A_Floor_1"].values[0]),
+            "a_floor_2": float(row["A_Floor_2"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.u_floor = {
+            "u_floor_1": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Floor_1"].values[0]),
+            "u_floor_2": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Floor_2"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.b_floor = {
+            "b_floor_1": float(row["b_Transmission_Floor_1"].values[0]),
+            "b_floor_2": float(row["b_Transmission_Floor_2"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.a_wall = {
+            "a_wall_1": float(row["A_Wall_1"].values[0]),
+            "a_wall_2": float(row["A_Wall_2"].values[0]),
+            "a_wall_3": float(row["A_Wall_3"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.u_wall = {
+            "u_wall_1": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Wall_1"].values[0]),
+            "u_wall_2": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Wall_2"].values[0]),
+            "u_wall_3": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Wall_3"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.b_wall = {
+            "b_wall_1": float(row["b_Transmission_Wall_1"].values[0]),
+            "b_wall_2": float(row["b_Transmission_Wall_2"].values[0]),
+            "b_wall_3": float(row["b_Transmission_Wall_3"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.a_door = {"a_door_1": float(row["A_Door_1"].values[0])}
+        self.u_door = {
+            "u_door_1": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Door_1"].values[0])
+        }
+        self.a_window = {
+            "a_window_1": float(row["A_Window_1"].values[0]),
+            "a_window_2": float(row["A_Window_2"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.a_window_specific = {
+            "a_window_horizontal": float(row["A_Window_Horizontal"].values[0]),
+            "a_window_east": float(row["A_Window_East"].values[0]),
+            "a_window_south": float(row["A_Window_South"].values[0]),
+            "a_window_west": float(row["A_Window_West"].values[0]),
+            "a_window_north": float(row["A_Window_North"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.delta_u_thermal_bridiging = {
+            "delta_u_thermal_bridiging": float(
+                row["delta_U_ThermalBridging"].values[0]
+            )
+        }
+        self.u_window = {
+            "u_window_1": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Window_1"].values[0]),
+            "u_window_2": float(row["U_" + str(t_b) + "Window_2"].values[0]),
+        }
+        self.g_gl_n_window = {
+            "g_gl_n_window_1": float(
+                row["g_gl_n_" + str(t_b) + "Window_1"].values[0]
+            ),
+            "g_gl_n_window_2": float(
+                row["g_gl_n_" + str(t_b) + "Window_2"].values[0]
+            ),
+        }
         self.floor_area = float(row["A_C_Ref"].values[0])
-        self.heat_transfer_coefficient_ventilation = float(row["h_Ventilation"].values[0])
+        self.heat_transfer_coefficient_ventilation = float(
+            row["h_Ventilation"].values[0]
+        )
         # References to check results
-        self.q_transmission_losses_annual = float(row["q_ht_tr"].values[0] * self.floor_area) #[kWh/a)]
-        self.q_ventilation_losses_annual = float(row["q_ht_ve"].values[0] * self.floor_area) #[kWh/a)]
-        self.q_total_losses_annual = float(row["q_ht"].values[0]) #[kWh/(m²a)]
-        self.q_solar_gains_annual = float (row["q_sol"].values[0]) #[kWh/(m²a)]
-        self.q_internal_gains_annual = float(row["q_int"].values[0]) #[kWh/(m²a)]
-        self.q_internal_gains_annual = float(row["q_int"].values[0])  # [kWh/(m²a)]
-        self.total_air_change_rate = float(row["n_air_use"] + row["n_air_infiltration"]) # [1/h]
-        self.room_height = float(row["h_room"])   # [m]
-        self.q_total_losses = float (row["q_ht"] * self.floor_area) # [kWh/a]
-        self.q_heating_demand_annual = float(row["q_h_nd"] * self.floor_area)  # [kWh/a]
-        self.h_transmission = float(row["h_Transmission"] * self.floor_area)   # [W/K]
-        self.h_ventilation = float (row["h_Ventilation"] * self.floor_area) # [W/K]
+        self.q_transmission_losses_annual = float(
+            row["q_ht_tr"].values[0] * self.floor_area
+        )  # [kWh/a)]
+        self.q_ventilation_losses_annual = float(
+            row["q_ht_ve"].values[0] * self.floor_area
+        )  # [kWh/a)]
+        self.q_total_losses_annual = float(
+            row["q_ht"].values[0]
+        )  # [kWh/(m²a)]
+        self.q_solar_gains_annual = float(
+            row["q_sol"].values[0]
+        )  # [kWh/(m²a)]
+        self.q_internal_gains_annual = float(
+            row["q_int"].values[0]
+        )  # [kWh/(m²a)]
+        self.q_internal_gains_annual = float(
+            row["q_int"].values[0]
+        )  # [kWh/(m²a)]
+        self.total_air_change_rate = float(
+            row["n_air_use"] + row["n_air_infiltration"]
+        )  # [1/h]
+        self.room_height = float(row["h_room"])  # [m]
+        self.q_total_losses = float(row["q_ht"] * self.floor_area)  # [kWh/a]
+        self.q_heating_demand_annual = float(
+            row["q_h_nd"] * self.floor_area
+        )  # [kWh/a]
+        self.h_transmission = float(
+            row["h_Transmission"] * self.floor_area
+        )  # [W/K]
+        self.h_ventilation = float(
+            row["h_Ventilation"] * self.floor_area
+        )  # [W/K]
     def calc_internal_area(self):
         # DIN
-        var_at = 4.5 # the dimensionless ratio between the surface area of all surfaces facing into the room and the useful area.
+        var_at = 4.5  # the dimensionless ratio between the surface area of all surfaces facing into the room and the useful area.
         total_internal_area = self.floor_area * var_at
         return total_internal_area
     def calc_h_tr_em(self):
-        h_tr_em=0
-        a_external=0
-        for x in range(1,len(self.a_wall)+1):
-            h_tr_em = h_tr_em + self.a_wall["a_wall_"+str(x)] *  self.u_wall["u_wall_"+str(x)] * self.b_wall["b_wall_"+str(x)]
-            a_external = a_external + self.a_wall["a_wall_"+str(x)]
-        for x in range(1,len(self.a_roof)+1):
-            h_tr_em = h_tr_em + self.a_roof["a_roof_"+str(x)] *  self.u_roof["u_roof_"+str(x)] * self.b_roof["b_roof_"+str(x)]
-            a_external = a_external + self.a_roof["a_roof_"+str(x)]
-        for x in range(1,len(self.a_floor)+1):
-            h_tr_em = h_tr_em + self.a_floor["a_floor_"+str(x)] *  self.u_floor["u_floor_"+str(x)] * self.b_floor["b_floor_"+str(x)]
-            a_external = a_external + self.a_floor["a_floor_"+str(x)]
+        h_tr_em = 0
+        a_external = 0
+        for x in range(1, len(self.a_wall) + 1):
+            h_tr_em = (
+                h_tr_em
+                + self.a_wall["a_wall_" + str(x)]
+                * self.u_wall["u_wall_" + str(x)]
+                * self.b_wall["b_wall_" + str(x)]
+            )
+            a_external = a_external + self.a_wall["a_wall_" + str(x)]
+        for x in range(1, len(self.a_roof) + 1):
+            h_tr_em = (
+                h_tr_em
+                + self.a_roof["a_roof_" + str(x)]
+                * self.u_roof["u_roof_" + str(x)]
+                * self.b_roof["b_roof_" + str(x)]
+            )
+            a_external = a_external + self.a_roof["a_roof_" + str(x)]
+        for x in range(1, len(self.a_floor) + 1):
+            h_tr_em = (
+                h_tr_em
+                + self.a_floor["a_floor_" + str(x)]
+                * self.u_floor["u_floor_" + str(x)]
+                * self.b_floor["b_floor_" + str(x)]
+            )
+            a_external = a_external + self.a_floor["a_floor_" + str(x)]
         for x in range(1, len(self.a_door) + 1):
-            h_tr_em = h_tr_em + self.a_door["a_door_" + str(x)] * self.u_door["u_door_" + str(x)]
+            h_tr_em = (
+                h_tr_em
+                + self.a_door["a_door_" + str(x)]
+                * self.u_door["u_door_" + str(x)]
+            )
             a_external = a_external + self.a_door["a_door_" + str(x)]
-        h_tr_em = h_tr_em + self.delta_u_thermal_bridiging["delta_u_thermal_bridiging"] * a_external
-        return h_tr_em #[W/K]
+        h_tr_em = (
+            h_tr_em
+            + self.delta_u_thermal_bridiging["delta_u_thermal_bridiging"]
+            * a_external
+        )
+        return h_tr_em  # [W/K]
     def calc_h_tr_w(self):
-        h_tr_w= 0
-        a_window= 0
-        for x in range(1,len(self.a_window)+1):
-            h_tr_w = h_tr_w + self.a_window["a_window_"+str(x)] *  self.u_window["u_window_"+str(x)]
-            a_window = a_window * self.a_window["a_window_"+str(x)]
-        h_tr_w = h_tr_w + self.delta_u_thermal_bridiging["delta_u_thermal_bridiging"] * a_window
-        return h_tr_w #[W/K]
+        h_tr_w = 0
+        a_window = 0
+        for x in range(1, len(self.a_window) + 1):
+            h_tr_w = (
+                h_tr_w
+                + self.a_window["a_window_" + str(x)]
+                * self.u_window["u_window_" + str(x)]
+            )
+            a_window = a_window * self.a_window["a_window_" + str(x)]
+        h_tr_w = (
+            h_tr_w
+            + self.delta_u_thermal_bridiging["delta_u_thermal_bridiging"]
+            * a_window
+        )
+        return h_tr_w  # [W/K]
     def calc_h_ve(self):
         # Determine the ventilation conductance, based on DIN13790 9.3.1
-        air_cap_vol_heat= 1200 #volume-related heat storage capacity of the air in [J/(m^3 * K)]
-        total_air_change_per_hour = self.total_air_change_rate * self.room_height * self.floor_area#[m^3 / h]
-        h_ve = (air_cap_vol_heat / 3600) *total_air_change_per_hour #[W/K]
+        air_cap_vol_heat = 1200  # volume-related heat storage capacity of the air in [J/(m^3 * K)]
+        total_air_change_per_hour = (
+            self.total_air_change_rate * self.room_height * self.floor_area
+        )  # [m^3 / h]
+        h_ve = (air_cap_vol_heat / 3600) * total_air_change_per_hour  # [W/K]
         return h_ve
-        '''
+        """
         # Determine the ventilation conductance, based on RC-Repository
         ach_vent = 1.5
         ach_infl = 0.5
         ventilation_efficiency = 0.6
         ach_tot = ach_infl + ach_vent  # Total Air Changes Per Hour

Check failure on line 228 in /home/runner/work/oemof-solph/oemof-solph/examples/thermal_building_model/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Black


         # [ISO: E -27]
         b_ek = (1 - (ach_vent / (ach_tot)) * ventilation_efficiency)
         self.h_ve_adj = 1200 * b_ek * self.room_vol * \
             (ach_tot / 3600)  # Conductance through ventilation [W/M]
-        '''
+        """
         return h_ve
     def calf_h_tr_ms(self):
         h_tr_ms = 9.1 * self.mass_area
         return h_tr_ms

Check failure on line 277 in /home/runner/work/oemof-solph/oemof-solph/examples/thermal_building_model/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Black


         h_tr_is = 3.45 * self.total_internal_area
         return h_tr_is
     def calc_mass_area(self):
         # Based on ISO standard
-        mass_area = self.floor_area * self.list_class_buildig[self.class_building]["a_m_var"]
+        mass_area = (
+            self.floor_area
+            * self.list_class_buildig[self.class_building]["a_m_var"]
+        )
         return mass_area
     def calc_c_m(self):
         # [kWh/K] Room Capacitance. Based on ISO standard
-        c_m = self.floor_area * self.list_class_buildig[self.class_building]["c_m_var"]
+        c_m = (
+            self.floor_area
+            * self.list_class_buildig[self.class_building]["c_m_var"]
+        )
         return c_m
     def calc_solar_gaings_through_windows(self, object_location_of_building):
         a_window_total = 0
         g_gl_n_window_avg = 0
-        for x in range(1,len(self.u_window)+1):
-            a_window_total = a_window_total + self.a_window["a_window_"+str(x)]
-        for x in range(1,len(self.g_gl_n_window)+1):
-            g_gl_n_window_avg =g_gl_n_window_avg + (self.g_gl_n_window["g_gl_n_window_" + str(x)] * self.a_window["a_window_"+str(x)]) / a_window_total
-        compass_directions = {"north" : { "azimuth_tilt": 270 , "alititude_tilt":90},
-                              "east" : { "azimuth_tilt": 90 , "alititude_tilt":90},
-                              "south" : { "azimuth_tilt": 180 , "alititude_tilt":90},
-                              "west" : { "azimuth_tilt": 0 , "alititude_tilt":90},
-                              "horizontal" : { "azimuth_tilt": 0 , "alititude_tilt":0}}
-        list_solar_gains=[]
+        for x in range(1, len(self.u_window) + 1):
+            a_window_total = (
+                a_window_total + self.a_window["a_window_" + str(x)]
+            )
+        for x in range(1, len(self.g_gl_n_window) + 1):
+            g_gl_n_window_avg = (
+                g_gl_n_window_avg
+                + (
+                    self.g_gl_n_window["g_gl_n_window_" + str(x)]
+                    * self.a_window["a_window_" + str(x)]
+                )
+                / a_window_total
+            )
+        compass_directions = {
+            "north": {"azimuth_tilt": 270, "alititude_tilt": 90},
+            "east": {"azimuth_tilt": 90, "alititude_tilt": 90},
+            "south": {"azimuth_tilt": 180, "alititude_tilt": 90},
+            "west": {"azimuth_tilt": 0, "alititude_tilt": 90},
+            "horizontal": {"azimuth_tilt": 0, "alititude_tilt": 0},
+        }
+        list_solar_gains = []
         for hour in range(self.number_of_time_steps):
-            sum_solar_gains=0
+            sum_solar_gains = 0
             for x in compass_directions:
-                altitude, azimuth = object_location_of_building.calc_sun_position(
-                    latitude_deg=48.16, longitude_deg=46.38, year=2015, hoy=hour)
+                (
+                    altitude,
+                    azimuth,
+                ) = object_location_of_building.calc_sun_position(
+                    latitude_deg=48.16,
+                    longitude_deg=46.38,
+                    year=2015,
+                    hoy=hour,
+                )
                 azimuth_tilt = compass_directions[x]["azimuth_tilt"]
                 alititude_tilt = compass_directions[x]["alititude_tilt"]
-                window_var = Window (azimuth_tilt=azimuth_tilt, alititude_tilt=alititude_tilt,
-                                     glass_solar_transmittance=g_gl_n_window_avg,
-                                     glass_light_transmittance=0.8, area=self.a_window_specific["a_window_" + str(x)])
-                window_var.calc_solar_gains(sun_altitude=altitude, sun_azimuth=azimuth,
-                                                 normal_direct_radiation=object_location_of_building.weather_data[
-                                                     'dirnorrad_Whm2'][hour],
-                                                 horizontal_diffuse_radiation=object_location_of_building.weather_data['difhorrad_Whm2'][hour])
+                window_var = Window(
+                    azimuth_tilt=azimuth_tilt,
+                    alititude_tilt=alititude_tilt,
+                    glass_solar_transmittance=g_gl_n_window_avg,
+                    glass_light_transmittance=0.8,
+                    area=self.a_window_specific["a_window_" + str(x)],
+                )
+                window_var.calc_solar_gains(
+                    sun_altitude=altitude,
+                    sun_azimuth=azimuth,
+                    normal_direct_radiation=object_location_of_building.weather_data[
+                        "dirnorrad_Whm2"
+                    ][
+                        hour
+                    ],
+                    horizontal_diffuse_radiation=object_location_of_building.weather_data[
+                        "difhorrad_Whm2"
+                    ][
+                        hour
+                    ],
+                )
                 sum_solar_gains = window_var.solar_gains + sum_solar_gains
         return list_solar_gains

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 from ._generic_caes import GenericCAES
 from ._piecewise_linear_converter import PiecewiseLinearConverter
 from ._sink_dsm import SinkDSM
 from ._generic_building import GenericBuilding
 __all__ = [
-    "GenericBuilding"
+    "GenericBuilding",

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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         solar_gains: List,
         internal_gains: List,
         phi_m_tot: float = 0,
-        t_set_heating : float = 20,
+        t_set_heating: float = 20,
         t_set_cooling: float = 40,
         t_inital: float = 20,
         t_m: float = 20,
-        t_m_ts: float = 20
+        t_m_ts: float = 20,
         if inputs is None:
             inputs = {}
         if outputs is None:
             outputs = {}
-        super().__init__(
-            label=label,
-            inputs=inputs,
-            outputs=outputs)
+        super().__init__(label=label, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
         self.building_config = building_config
         self.t_e = t_outside
         self.internal_gains = internal_gains
         self.phi_m_tot = phi_m_tot

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         self.t_inital = t_inital
         self.t_m = t_m
         self.t_m_ts = t_m_ts
         self.floor_area = self.building_config.floor_area  # [m2] Floor Area
-        self.mass_area = self.building_config.mass_area  # [m2] Effective Mass Area DIN
-        self.A_t = self.building_config.total_internal_area  # [m2] the area of all surfaces facing the room DIN
+        self.mass_area = (
+            self.building_config.mass_area
+        )  # [m2] Effective Mass Area DIN
+        self.A_t = (
+            self.building_config.total_internal_area
+        )  # [m2] the area of all surfaces facing the room DIN
         self.c_m = self.building_config.c_m  # [kWh/K] Room Capacitance
-        self.ach_tot = self.building_config.total_air_change_rate  # [m3/s]Total Air Changes Per Hour
-        self.h_tr_em = self.building_config.h_tr_em  # [W/K] Conductance of opaque surfaces to exterior
-        self.h_tr_w = self.building_config.h_tr_w  # [W/K] Conductance to exterior through glazed surfaces
-        self.h_ve = self.building_config.h_ve  # [W/K] Conductance to ventilation
-        self.h_tr_ms = self.building_config.h_tr_ms  # [W/K] transmittance from the internal air to the thermal mass
-        self.h_tr_is = self.building_config.h_tr_is  # [W/K] Conductance from the conditioned air to interior zone surface
-        self.phi_st = []  # [W] Combination of internal and solar gains directly to the internal surfa
-        self.phi_m = []  # [W] Combination of internal and solar gains directly to the medium
-        self.phi_ia = []  # [W] Combination of internal and solar gains to the air
+        self.ach_tot = (
+            self.building_config.total_air_change_rate
+        )  # [m3/s]Total Air Changes Per Hour
+        self.h_tr_em = (
+            self.building_config.h_tr_em
+        )  # [W/K] Conductance of opaque surfaces to exterior
+        self.h_tr_w = (
+            self.building_config.h_tr_w
+        )  # [W/K] Conductance to exterior through glazed surfaces
+        self.h_ve = (
+            self.building_config.h_ve
+        )  # [W/K] Conductance to ventilation
+        self.h_tr_ms = (
+            self.building_config.h_tr_ms
+        )  # [W/K] transmittance from the internal air to the thermal mass
+        self.h_tr_is = (
+            self.building_config.h_tr_is
+        )  # [W/K] Conductance from the conditioned air to interior zone surface
+        self.phi_st = (
+            []
+        )  # [W] Combination of internal and solar gains directly to the internal surfa
+        self.phi_m = (
+            []
+        )  # [W] Combination of internal and solar gains directly to the medium
+        self.phi_ia = (
+            []
+        )  # [W] Combination of internal and solar gains to the air
         for i in range(len(self.solar_gains)):
-            self.h_tr_1 = self.calc_h_tr_1()  # [W/K] combined heat conductance, see function for definition
-            self.h_tr_2 = self.calc_h_tr_2()  # [W/K] combined heat conductance, see function for definition
-            self.h_tr_3 = self.calc_h_tr_3()  # [W/K] combined heat conductance, see function for definition
+            self.h_tr_1 = (
+                self.calc_h_tr_1()
+            )  # [W/K] combined heat conductance, see function for definition
+            self.h_tr_2 = (
+                self.calc_h_tr_2()
+            )  # [W/K] combined heat conductance, see function for definition
+            self.h_tr_3 = (
+                self.calc_h_tr_3()
+            )  # [W/K] combined heat conductance, see function for definition
     def calc_h_tr_1(self):

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     def calc_phi_st(self, i: float):
         Heat flow in [W] to the surface node
         (based on the breakdown in section C.2) formulas C.1-C.3 in [ISO 13790]
-        return (1 - (self.mass_area / self.A_t) -
-                (self.h_tr_w / (9.1 * self.A_t))) * (0.5 * self.internal_gains[i] + self.solar_gains[i])
+        return (
+            1 - (self.mass_area / self.A_t) - (self.h_tr_w / (9.1 * self.A_t))
+        ) * (0.5 * self.internal_gains[i] + self.solar_gains[i])
     def calc_phi_m(self, i: float):
         Heatflow in [W] to the thermal mass node
         (based on the breakdown in section C.2) formulas C.1-C.3 in [ISO 13790]
-        return (self.mass_area / self.A_t) * \
-               (0.5 * self.internal_gains[i] + self.solar_gains[i])
+        return (self.mass_area / self.A_t) * (
+            0.5 * self.internal_gains[i] + self.solar_gains[i]
+        )
     def _check_number_of_flows(self):
         """Ensure that there is only one inflow and outflow to the building"""
         msg = "Only one {0} flow allowed in the GenericBuilding {1}."
         check_node_object_for_missing_attribute(self, "inputs")

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See this annotation in the file changed.

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     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     def _create(self, group=None):
         m = self.parent_block()
         if group is None:
             return None
         i = {n: [i for i in n.inputs][0] for n in group}

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@github-actions github-actions / Black


             return bounds
         self.t_air = Var(
-            self.BUILDING, m.TIMEPOINTS, bounds=_internal_temperature_bound_rule
-        )
-        self.t_m_ts = Var(
-            self.BUILDING, m.TIMEPOINTS
-        )
-        self.phi_m_tot = Var(
-            self.BUILDING, m.TIMEPOINTS
-        )
+            self.BUILDING,
+            m.TIMEPOINTS,
+            bounds=_internal_temperature_bound_rule,
+        )
+        self.t_m_ts = Var(self.BUILDING, m.TIMEPOINTS)
+        self.phi_m_tot = Var(self.BUILDING, m.TIMEPOINTS)
         # set the initial building temperature
         # ToDo: More elegant code possible?
         for n in group:
             if n.t_inital is not None:
-                self.t_air[n, 0] = (
-                    n.t_inital
-                )
+                self.t_air[n, 0] = n.t_inital
                 self.t_air[n, 0].fix()
             if n.t_m_ts is not None:
-                self.t_m_ts[n, 0] = (
-                    n.t_inital
-                )
+                self.t_m_ts[n, 0] = n.t_inital
                 self.t_m_ts[n, 0].fix()
             if n.phi_m_tot is not None:
-                self.phi_m_tot[n, 0] = (
-                    0
-                )
+                self.phi_m_tot[n, 0] = 0
                 self.phi_m_tot[n, 0].fix()
         def _storage_balance_rule_ts(block, n, p, t):
             t_m_last_ts = block.t_m_ts[n, t]
             phi_m_tot = block.phi_m_tot[n, t + 1]
-            t_m_current_ts = (t_m_last_ts * ((n.c_m / 3600) - 0.5 * (n.h_tr_3 + n.h_tr_em)) + phi_m_tot) / (
-                    (n.c_m / 3600) + 0.5 * (n.h_tr_3 + n.h_tr_em))
+            t_m_current_ts = (
+                t_m_last_ts * ((n.c_m / 3600) - 0.5 * (n.h_tr_3 + n.h_tr_em))
+                + phi_m_tot
+            ) / ((n.c_m / 3600) + 0.5 * (n.h_tr_3 + n.h_tr_em))
             return block.t_m_ts[n, t + 1] == t_m_current_ts
-        self.balance_t_m_current_t_s = Constraint(self.BUILDING, m.TIMEINDEX, rule=_storage_balance_rule_ts)
+        self.balance_t_m_current_t_s = Constraint(
+            self.BUILDING, m.TIMEINDEX, rule=_storage_balance_rule_ts
+        )
         def _storage_balance_rule_phi_m_tot(block, n, p, t):
             phi_hc_heat = m.flow[i[n], n, p, t]
             phi_hc_cool = m.flow[n, o[n], p, t]
             phi_hc_nd = phi_hc_heat - phi_hc_cool
-            phi_m_tot = n.phi_m[t] + n.h_tr_em * n.t_e[t] + (n.h_tr_3 / n.h_tr_2) * (
-                n.phi_st[t] + n.h_tr_w * n.t_e[t] + n.h_tr_1 * (((n.phi_ia[t] + phi_hc_nd) / n.h_ve) + n.t_e[t]))
+            phi_m_tot = (
+                n.phi_m[t]
+                + n.h_tr_em * n.t_e[t]
+                + (n.h_tr_3 / n.h_tr_2)
+                * (
+                    n.phi_st[t]
+                    + n.h_tr_w * n.t_e[t]
+                    + n.h_tr_1
+                    * (((n.phi_ia[t] + phi_hc_nd) / n.h_ve) + n.t_e[t])
+                )
+            )
             return block.phi_m_tot[n, t + 1] == phi_m_tot
-        self.balance_phi_m_tot = Constraint(self.BUILDING, m.TIMEINDEX, rule=_storage_balance_rule_phi_m_tot)
+        self.balance_phi_m_tot = Constraint(
+            self.BUILDING, m.TIMEINDEX, rule=_storage_balance_rule_phi_m_tot
+        )
         def _storage_balance_rule_t_air(block, n, p, t):
             phi_hc_heat = m.flow[i[n], n, p, t]
             phi_hc_cool = m.flow[n, o[n], p, t]
             phi_hc_nd = phi_hc_heat - phi_hc_cool
             t_m_last_ts = block.t_m_ts[n, t]
             t_m_current_ts = block.t_m_ts[n, t + 1]
             t_m = (t_m_last_ts + t_m_current_ts) / 2
-            t_s = (n.h_tr_ms * t_m + n.phi_st[t] + n.h_tr_w * n.t_e[t] + n.h_tr_1 * (
-                    n.t_e[t] + (n.phi_ia[t] + phi_hc_nd) / n.h_ve)) / \
-                  (n.h_tr_ms + n.h_tr_w + n.h_tr_1)
-            t_air = (n.h_tr_is * t_s + n.h_ve * n.t_e[t] + n.phi_ia[t] + phi_hc_nd) / (n.h_tr_is + n.h_ve)
+            t_s = (
+                n.h_tr_ms * t_m
+                + n.phi_st[t]
+                + n.h_tr_w * n.t_e[t]
+                + n.h_tr_1 * (n.t_e[t] + (n.phi_ia[t] + phi_hc_nd) / n.h_ve)
+            ) / (n.h_tr_ms + n.h_tr_w + n.h_tr_1)
+            t_air = (
+                n.h_tr_is * t_s + n.h_ve * n.t_e[t] + n.phi_ia[t] + phi_hc_nd
+            ) / (n.h_tr_is + n.h_ve)
             return block.t_air[n, t + 1] == t_air
-        self.balance_t_air = Constraint(self.BUILDING, m.TIMEINDEX, rule=_storage_balance_rule_t_air)
+        self.balance_t_air = Constraint(
+            self.BUILDING, m.TIMEINDEX, rule=_storage_balance_rule_t_air
+        )
     def _objective_expression(self):
         Objective expression for BUILDING with no investment.
         Note: This adds nothing as variable costs are already

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         if not hasattr(self, "BUILDING"):
             return 0
         return 0