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Tibco Data Virtualization CLI client with SQL-like syntax. (Not maintained ATM.)


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Tibco Data Virtualization CLI Client

A command-line interface client to Tibco Data Virtualization server since Tibco (say they) do not have anything similar.

Run tdvcli --help to get the overview on available command line parameters.

Project is frozen FTTB. If you need any further functionality, feel free to contact me or fork it and modify it for yourself.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

"Pierre's Tibco SQL" Script -- Server-side commands


introspect <multi-datasource clause> [<handling of introspectables>] ;

<multi-datasource clause> = comma-delimited list of 1 or more of <data source clause>

<data source clause> = data source <data source path> [<multi-catalog subclause>]

<handling of introspectables>
    = ( drop | keep ) unmatched and ( skip | update ) existing resources
    | ( skip | update ) existing resources
    | ( drop | keep ) unmatched existing resources

<multi-catalog subclause> = ( comma-delimited list of 1 or more of <catalog specifier> )

<catalog specifier> = catalog <liberal resource identifier> [<multi-schema subclause>]

<multi-schema subclause> = ( comma-delimited list of 1 or more of <schema clause> )

<schema clause> = schema <liberal resource identifier> [<multi-object subclause>]

<multi-object subclause> = ( comma-delimited list of 1 or more of <object specifier> )

<object specifier> = <object operation> <liberal resource identifier>

<object operation> = include | exclude

<liberal resource identifier> = <regexp identifier matching> | <exact identifier matching>

<exact identifier matching> = [equal to ] <any valid resource identifier>

<regexp identifier matching> = ( matching | rlike | rxlike | regexlike | regexplike ) / <regular expression in .NET 6 syntax> /

Run introspection on listed data sources. Each data source listed must exist. At least one data source must be specified.

Optionally, for each data source you may restrict catalogs to be introspected. The catalogs listed are matched against real introspectables as retrieved from the remote data source. Any unmatched catalogs are silently ignored.

Optionally, for each catalog you may restrict schemas to be introspected. The schemas listed are matched against real introspectables as retrieved from the remote data source and matched catalog. Any unmatched schemas are silently ignored.

Optionally, for each schema you may restrict objects(tables) to be introspected. The objects listed are matched against real introspectables as retrieved from the remote data source and matched catalog and schema. Restriction of objects(tables) is done via inclusions and exclusions in an ordered manner from first to last, i.e. if a table matches an exclusion specifier, but matches a later inclusion specifier, the table gets introspected.

If an object restriction list starts with exclude, then all introspectables retrieved from remote data sources are implicitly considered included for introspection at the start, i.e., as if the object restriction list started with (an invisible) include matching /^/.

Vice versa, if an object restriction list starts with include, then all introspectables retrieved from remote data sources are implicitly considered excluded for introspection at the start, i.e., as if the object restriction list started with (an invisible) exclude matching /^/.

Handling of introspectables (optional clause)

drop unmatched resources causes the introspection to remove all existing objects(tables), schemas and catalogs under each listed data source that are not present on the remote data source anymore.

Vice versa, keep unmatched resources causes the introspection to keep all existing objects(tables), schemas and catalogs under each listed data source, even if they are not present on the remote data source.

update existing resources causes the introspection to re-introspect all existing objects(tables) under each listed data source.

Vice versa, skip existing resources causes the introspection to ignore/skip re-introspecting existing objects(tables) under each listed data source.

Create folder

create [if not exists]folder<resource path>;

The if not exists option instructs the server to not return error when such a folder/container already exists on the sever.

Create schema

create [if not exists]schema<resource path>;

The if not exists option instructs the server to not return error when such a schema already exists on the sever.

Create data view

create [if not exists]view<resource path>as<query>;

The if not exists option instructs the server to not return error when such a view already exists on the sever.

Drop object(s)

drop [if exists] <comma-delimited list of resource specifiers>;

The if exists option instructs the server to not return error when any of the objects listed do not exist on the server.

Drop objects' contents

purge [if exists] <comma-delimited list of resource specifiers>;

The if exists option instructs the server to not return error when any of the objects listed do not exist on the server.

This almost has the same effect as drop..., except for keeping the listed resource in place, not deleted.

Grant privileges

grant <modus operandi> [recursive] <comma-delimited list of privileges>on<comma-delimited list of resource specifiers>to<comma-delimited list of liberal principals> [propagate <propagation directions>];

The command grants privileges <comma-delimited list of privileges> to resources <comma-delimited list of resource specifiers> to grantees/principals <comma-delimited list of principals>.

<modus operandi> of set causes the server to replace all privileges already assigned to the specified resources with the specified privileges, whereas append causes the server to append the specfied privileges to the privileges already assigned to the specified resources.

recursive option is valid for data sources, catalogs, schemas and folders only and makes the grant statement operate on the whole resource tree. The option is ignored for other resource types.

Available privileges are

  • read,
  • write,
  • execute,
  • select,
  • insert,
  • update,
  • delete,
  • grant.

Resource specifiers are described in their own section.

Liberal/strict principal specifiers are described in their own section.

Specify propagation directions

  • downstream/to consumers to propagate the privileges to objects that depend on the granted objects,
  • upstream/to producers to propagate the privileges to objects the granted objects depend on,
  • up and down/down and up/to consumers and to producers/to producers and to consumers/both directions/... to propagate the privileges in both directions described above.

Warning: Recursive privilege assignment does not work with privilege propagation options. This is due to the design limitation (read: flaw) of Tibco's DV server as of version 8.4. Propagation only works when granting privileges on individual TDV resources.

RBS/RLS policy assignment and removal

<assign|unassign> <rbs|rls> pol[icy] <policy function resource path>to<comma-delimited list of resource specifiers>;

The command assigns (statement assign) or unassigns/removes (statement unassign) row-level security policy identified by the policy function/procedure <policy function resource path> to the specified resources and all their children resources recursively.

Resource specifiers are described in their own section.

CBS/CLS policy assignment and removal

<assign|unassign> <cbs|cls> pol[icy] <func[tion]|proc[edure]> <policy function resource path>to<comma-delimited list of resource specifiers>;

The command assigns (statement assign) or unassigns/removes (statement unassign) column-level security policy identified by the policy function/procedure <policy function resource path> to the specified resources and all their children resources recursively.

Resource specifiers are described in their own section.

Note: CLS assignment implementation pending!


publish [if not exists] <source resource path>to<target resource path> [flatten hierarchy with <string literal>];

If the source resource specified is a table/view or a stored procedure, then it gets published under the target path under the same name. The flatten hierarchy option is invalid/forbidden in this case.

If the source resource specified is a folder, then all of its contents (recursively) get published under the target path, with all relative subpaths flattened to a single level (schema) by the hierarchy flattening string. All individual objects (tables, views, stored procedures) are left their names intact.

Example: Consider the hierarchy of views as follows

  • /shared/L1_Physical/source/customers1,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/source/items1,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/source/customers_items_j1,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/Oracle/customers2,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/Oracle/items2,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/Oracle/customers_items_j2,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/PgSQL/customers3,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/PgSQL/items3,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/PgSQL/customers_items_j3,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/BigData/Impala/customers4,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/BigData/Impala/items4,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/BigData/Impala/customers_items_j4,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/BigData/Hive/customers5,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/BigData/Hive/items5,
  • /shared/L1_Physical/DWH/BigData/Hive/customers_items_j5.

Executing publish /shared/L1_Physical to /services/databases/PublishTest flatten hierarchy with "___"; will result in the PublishTest published data source with schemas

  • source,
  • DWH___Oracle,
  • DWH___PgSQL,
  • DWH___BigData___Impala,
  • DWH___BigData___Hive,

containing published views as follows

  • source/customers1,
  • source/items1,
  • source/customers_items_j1,
  • DWH___Oracle/customers2,
  • DWH___Oracle/items2,
  • DWH___Oracle/customers_items_j2,
  • DWH___PgSQL/customers3,
  • DWH___PgSQL/items3,
  • DWH___PgSQL/customers_items_j3,
  • DWH___BigData___Impala/customers4,
  • DWH___BigData___Impala/items4,
  • DWH___BigData___Impala/customers_items_j4,
  • DWH___BigData___Hive/customers5,
  • DWH___BigData___Hive/items5,
  • DWH___BigData___Hive/customers_items_j5.

Object/resource description

desc[ribe] <list of resource paths>;

The command displays info on the resources specified by the supplied resource paths. Here, full resource specifiers are not necessary, since the describe statement is intended for retrieving the actual resource type information of unknown TDV resources.

"Pierre's Tibco SQL" Script -- Common clauses

Resource specifier

<resource specifier> = <resource type> <resource path>

<resource type> is one of the Tibco DV resource types:

  • container,
  • table,
  • trigger,
  • datasource, data_source, data source,
  • procedure,
  • link,
  • definitionset, definition_set, definition set,
  • adapter,
  • extension,
  • model,
  • policy,
  • relationship,
  • tree.

<resource path> is a path to a resource starting with /, with levels of hierarchy delimited by /.

Example of a list of resource specifiers

container /shared/L1_Physical,
    container /shared/L3_Application,
    data source /services/databases/MyPublishedDB,
    policy /shared/MyRBSPolicyFunction

Principal specifier -- Compact

<principal specifier> = <principal type> <_principal_name>@<principal domain>

<principal type> is one of

  • user, or
  • group.

<principal name> and <principal domain> is a valid user/group name and domain name, resp.


user jose@composite, user maria@composite, group administrators@composite, group all@dynamic

Principal specifier -- Verbose/strict

<principal specifier> = <principal domain> <principal type>equal[to] <principal name>

<principal type> is one of

  • user, or
  • group.

<principal name> and <principal domain> is a valid user/group name and domain name, resp.


composite user jose, composite user equal to maria, composite group administrators, dynamic group equal to all

Principal specifier -- Verbose/liberal

<principal specifier> = <principal domain> <principal type> [rlike|rxlike|regexlike|regexplike|matching] <regular expression in .NET 6 syntax>;

<principal type> is one of

  • user, or
  • group.

<principal domain> is a valid domain name.

<regular expression> is a regular expression against which all available <principal domain> users/groups will be matched (case-insensitively). The regular expression must be enclosed between / and / characters.


  • composite user rlike /^jose_/ will match all user names starting with jose_ from domain composite,
  • composite user rxlike /_the_mighty$/ will match all user names ending with _the_mighty from domain composite,
  • composite group matching /^ro_.*_\d+$/ will match all group names starting with ro_ and ending with a nonnegative integer number from domain composite.

"Pierre's Tibco SQL" Script -- Client-side directives and commands


#prompt <character string literal>;

Displays the <character string literal> to the TDV CLI's output.

The <character string literal> is either "-enclosed or '-enclosed sequence of characters. Please note that there's no "/' escaping implemented.