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Azure UNDP Weed Detection


Data being used in this project is V2: Nonsegmented single plants (1.7GB) from PAPER: A Public Image Database for Benchmark of Plant Seedling Classification Algorithms.

It contains about 960 unique plants of 12 classes:

└── NonsegmentedV2
    ├── Black-grass
    ├── Charlock
    ├── Cleavers
    ├── Common Chickweed
    ├── Common wheat
    ├── Fat Hen
    ├── Loose Silky-bent
    ├── Maize
    ├── Scentless Mayweed
    ├── Shepherd’s Purse
    ├── Small-flowered Cranesbill
    └── Sugar beet

More information can be found from Plant Seedlings Dataset.

Training Weed Detection Model

The details can be found in notebooks/UNDP.ipynb and can be run with Colab.

Open In Colab

Azure Architectures

Azure Functions

Azure Notification Hubs


Azure Notification Hub Setup

  1. Configure Azure Notification Hub and connect app to the notification hub. (See Tutorial: Send push notifications to Android devices using Firebase SDK version 0.6).
  2. Replace <ConnectionString> and <HubName> in undp/classify/ with DefaultFullSharedAccessSignature and name of the hub you have configured.

Docker Setup

cr. fastai

  1. Open your terminal and change directory to undp
  2. Build Docker image

    docker build --tag <DOCKER_HUB_ID>/<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME>: .

  3. Test Docker image

    docker run -p 8080:80 -it <DOCKER_HUB_ID>/<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME>:

  4. Open browser:


  5. Push the image to Docker Hub

    docker login

    docker push <DOCKER_HUB_ID>/<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME>:

Azure Functions Setup

cr. fastai

  1. Login to Microsoft Azure with Azure CLI

    az login

  2. Run following command to see list of available location for <LOCATION_ID>, e.g. centralus.
  3. Create resource group

    az group create \
    --name <RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --location <LOCATION_ID>

  4. Create storage account

    az storage account create \
    --name <STORAGE_ACCOUNT> \
    --location <LOCATION_ID> \
    --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --sku Standard_LRS

  5. Create a Linux App Service Plan

    az appservice plan create \
    --name <APP_PLAN_NAME> \
    --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --sku B1 \

  6. Create the App & Deploy the Docker image from Docker Hub

    az functionapp create \
    --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --name <FUNCTION_APP> \
    --storage-account <STORAGE_ACCOUNT> \
    --plan <APP_PLAN_NAME> \
    --deployment-container-image-name <DOCKER_HUB_ID>/<DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME>:

  7. Configure the function app

    storageConnectionString=$(az storage account show-connection-string \
    --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --name <STORAGE_ACCOUNT> \
    --query connectionString --output tsv) az functionapp config appsettings set --name <FUNCTION_APP> \
    --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> \
    --settings AzureWebJobsDashboard=$storageConnectionString \

  8. Run your Azure Function


Delete Resource Group

When you are done, delete the resource group

az group delete \


The demo can be tested by replacing <IMAGE_URL> with your image url.<IMAGE_URL>

For example:


  • More samples of images are avilable in assets/
  • The demo will be available until the end of June 2020.