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A command-line tool to convert between (Cartesian) multipole moments and spherical multipole moments


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multipole-conv: A Multipole Moment Converter


In electrodynamics (or gravitational theory) the electric field $\mathbf{E}$ (or the gravitational field $\mathbf{g}$) is described with the help of a scalar function, called potential and commonly denoted with $\phi$: $\mathbf{E} = -\nabla \phi(\mathbf{r})$. The potential is the solution to Poisson's equation and it is given by the following expression:

$$ 4\pi \epsilon_0 \phi(\mathbf{r}) = \int \frac{\rho(\mathbf{r}')}{|\mathbf{r} -\mathbf{r}'|} \mathrm{d}r'^3 . $$

Where $\rho(\mathbf{r})$ is a charge density.

The potential $\phi$ is very often approximated using the multipole expansion. There are two forms of the multipole expansion:

  1. The Cartesian multipole expansion

$$ 4\pi \epsilon_0 \phi(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{l!} \frac{1}{r^{2l + 1}} Q_{i_{1} \cdots i_{l}}^{(l)} x^{i_{1}} \cdots x^{i_{l}} $$

  1. The spherical (harmonic) multipole expansion

$$ 4\pi \epsilon_0 \phi(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \sum_{m=-l}^{l} \frac{4\pi}{2l + 1} \frac{1}{r^{l + 1}} q_{l}^{m} Y_{l}^{m}(\theta, \varphi) $$

The symmetric and traceless tensors $Q_{i_{1} \cdots i_{l}}^{(l)}$ are called (Cartesian) multipole moments. The coefficients $q_{m}^{l}$ are called spherical multipole moments.

The purpose of this command-line tool is to convert between these two kind of multipole moments. For example, if you have computed the Cartesian multipole moments for your application, but now you need the spherical multipole moments, then this command-line tool computes formulae in which you can plug in your Cartesian multipole moments to get the $q_{l}^{m}$ you are looking for.


The multipole-conv tool needs an additional library to be compiled, namely the boost library. This library is contained in the repositories of most Linux distributions. In case, you have not installed it yet, you can install it with the following commands:


sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Arch Linux/Manjaro

sudo pacman -Syu boost

In a next step, clone the repository and call CMake and make, i.e.

git clone
cd multipole-conv
cmake -S . -B build
cd build

Now there should be a build directory, which contains the multipole-conv binary.


multipole-conv is a command-line tool. The call ./multipole-conv -h provides you with an overview of all possible options, i.e.

  -h [ --help ]              Help screen
  -v [ --version ]           Displays the version number.
  -d [ --degree ] arg        Degree of spherical or Cartesian multipole
  -c [ --convention ] arg    Conventions are predefined set of options.
                             Possible values are solid_harmonics, jackson,
                             johnston, real_solid_harmonics.
  --complex arg              Use complex solid harmonics.
  --complex-conjugate arg    Use the complex conjugate of the solid harmonics.
  --normalisation arg        Normalise the (real or complex) solid harmonics.
  --remove-csp arg           Remove the Condon-Shortley phase.
  --include-addition-thm arg Include the addition theorem factor in the
                             definition of the spherical multipole moments.
  --split-addition-thm arg   Include the square root of the addition theorem
                             factor in the definition of the spherical
                             multipole moments. (Requires that the option
                             "inlcude-addition-thm" is set.)
  --cartesian arg            Compute the Cartesian multipole moments.
  --dependent-components arg Compute the dependent components of the Cartesian
                             multipole moments.
  --include-l-factorial arg  Include l! from the Taylor expansion in the
                             definition of the Cartesian multipole moment

To get started, the most important options are --degree, -d, --convention,c and --cartesian.

The -d option expects an integer as argument and corresponds to the order of the two multipole expansions. For example, if multipole-conv is called with the option -d 2, then it will provide you with the formulae which relate the quadrupole moment $Q_{ij}^{(2)}$ with the corresponding spherical multipole moments of degree two, namely $q_{2}^{m}$ where $m \in \{-2,-1,0,1,2\}$.

The -c option expects a string as argument. All possible values are listed in the help text. This option is meant to ease the handling of the available options. Every "convention" represents a predefined collection of options. For example, the convention jackson represents a combination of options such that the definition of the (Cartesian) multipole moments and of the spherical multipole moments are in agreement with the definitions in Jackson's textbook "Classical Electrodynamics".

The --cartesian option expects either 0 or 1. If it is one, then the (Cartesian) multipole moments are given as a sum over the spherical multipole moments. And if it is 0 (which is the default), the multipole-conv tool provides the user with expressions of the spherical multipole moments in terms of the (Cartesian) multipole moments.

The other options are explained in detail in the section Options.

An example call of multipole-conv would be

./multipole-conv -d 2 -c jackson

Interpreting the Output

The output of the above command is

Spherical multipole moments

q^+2 _2 = -0.257516-0i Q_0,2,0 -0.128758-0i Q_0,0,2 +0-0.257516i Q_1,1,0
q^+1 _2 = +0+0.257516i Q_0,1,1 -0.257516-0i Q_1,0,1
q^+0 _2 = +0.315392-0i Q_0,0,2
q^-1 _2 = +0+0.257516i Q_0,1,1 +0.257516-0i Q_1,0,1
q^-2 _2 = -0.257516-0i Q_0,2,0 -0.128758-0i Q_0,0,2 +0+0.257516i Q_1,1,0

On the left-hand side the spherical multipole moments $q_{l}^{m}$ show up and on the right-hand side the (Cartesian) multipole moments. If you computed the quadrupole moment, namely $Q_{ij}^{(2)}$, you could plug in your results into the above formulae to convert the (Cartesian) multipole moments to the spherical multipole moments.

Note that the $Q$'s on the right-hand side have three indices (instead of the two indices, which you would expect the quadrupole moment to have). These three indices have the following background: The tensors $Q_{i_{1} \cdots i_{l}}^{(l)}$ are symmetric. This means that you can interchange two arbitrary indices and you get the same component. For example,

$$ Q_{3\mathbf{1}21\mathbf{3}}^{(5)} = Q_{3\mathbf{3}21\mathbf{1}}^{(5)} $$

Hence, it is always possible to sort the indices such that the component becomes $Q_{1 \cdots 2 \cdots 3 \cdots}^{(l)}$. This implies that only components with different numbers of indices whose value is 1, 2 or 3 are different and we can represent all the components with $p$ indices whose value is 1, $q$ indices whose value is 2 and $r$ indices whose value is 3 with the symbol $Q_{pqr}^{(l)}$. Note that $p + q + r = l$, since there are $l$ indices in total. We take a look at some examples from the first line of the above output, namely

$$ \begin{align} Q_{020}^{(2)} &= Q_{22}^{(2)} \\ Q_{002}^{(2)} &= Q_{33}^{(2)} \\ Q_{110}^{(2)} &= Q_{12}^{(2)} \end{align} $$

Another important point to note is that on the right-hand side of the output there are no components of the (Cartesian) multipole moment with $p > 1$. This means that it is not necessary to compute all the components of the (Cartesian) multipole moments. It is enough to compute the ones with $p = 0$ or $p=1$. The reason for this is that the tensors $Q_{i_{1} \cdots i_{l}}$ are traceless, i.e. you can contract any two of their indices and you will get zero. This statement is equivalent to

$$ \sum_{k=1}^{3} Q_{i_{1} \cdots k \cdots k \cdots i_{l}}^{(l)} = 0 $$

and it results in a set of equations which allows to express all the components of the tensors $Q^{(l)}$ with $p > 1$ in terms of the components with $p=0$ or $p=1$.

This becomes clear when an example is considered: In Jackson's textbook "Classical Mechanics" you find the following equation for $q_{2}^{2}$ (corresponding to the first line of the above output)

$$ q_{2}^{2} = \frac{1}{12} \sqrt{\frac{15}{2\pi}} \left(Q_{11}^{(2)} - 2i Q_{12}^{(2)} - Q_{22}^{(2)}\right) . $$

Note that the component $Q_{11}^{(2)}$ is $Q_{200}^{(2)}$ in the $p,q,r$ notation and hence a component where $p > 1$. The fact that tensors $Q^{(l)}$ are traceless implies that

$$ Q_{11}^{(2)} = -Q_{22}^{(2)} -Q_{33}^{(2)} $$

and plugging this into Jackson's expression for $q_{2}^{2}$, we recover the first line of the output of the multipole-conv tool.

Up to now, we looked at the output of the multipole-conv tool for the spherical multipole moments. Its output for the (Cartesian) multipole moments is obtained with the call

./multipole-conv -d 2 -c jackson --cartesian 1

and it is

Cartesian multipole moments (independent components = multipole basis functions)

Q_0,2,0 = -1.94163-0i q^+2_2 -1.58533-0i q^+0_2 -1.94163-0i q^-2_2
Q_0,1,1 = +0-1.94163i q^+1_2 +0-1.94163i q^-1_2
Q_0,0,2 = +3.17066-0i q^+0_2
Q_1,0,1 = -1.94163-0i q^+1_2 +1.94163-0i q^-1_2
Q_1,1,0 = +0+1.94163i q^+2_2 +0-1.94163i q^-2_2

Cartesian multipole moments (dependent components)

Q_2,0,0 = +1.94163+0i q^+2_2 -1.58533+0i q^+0_2 +1.94163+0i q^-2_2

We see the components of the quadrupole moment expressed in terms of the spherical multipole moments of degree two. For the components of the quadrupole moment the $p,q,r$ notation is used. The components with $p \leq 1$ are called independent components and the ones with $p > 1$ are called dependent components.

Note: Currently, the multipole-conv command-line tool works without problems up to degree 15. Afterwards numerical problems appear and its results must be looked upon with care. In case, you need more precision, just file an issue and we will try to make it work.


The multipole-conv command-line tool provides options to deal with the different forms of the multipole expansions used in different areas of physics. The available options can be split into two parts: options changing the spherical multipole expansion and options changing the (Cartesian) multipole expansion.

Spherical multipole expansion

The options for the spherical multipole expansion concern the spherical harmonic functions, which are part of the definition of the spherical multipole moments.

--complex and --complex-conjugate

If complex spherical harmonics are used the spherical multipole expansion is

$$ 4\pi \epsilon_0 \phi(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \sum_{m=-l}^{l} \frac{4\pi}{2l + 1} \frac{1}{r^{l + 1}} q_{l}^{m} Y_{l}^{m}(\theta, \varphi) $$

and the spherical multipole moments are defined as

$$ q_{l}^{m} \equiv \int \rho(\mathbf{r}') r'^{l} Y_{l}^{m*}(\theta', \varphi') \mathrm{d}r'^3 $$

Instead of using complex spherical harmonics $Y_{l}^{m}$ it is possible to use real spherical harmonics $Y_{lms}$. Then the expansion looks like

$$ 4\pi \epsilon_0 \phi(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \sum_{m=0}^{l} \sum_{s=0}^{l} \frac{4\pi}{2l + 1} \frac{1}{r^{l + 1}} q_{lms} Y_{lms}(\theta, \varphi) $$

and the definition of the real spherical multipole moments is

$$ q_{lms} \equiv \int \rho(\mathbf{r}') r'^{l} Y_{lms}(\theta', \varphi') \mathrm{d}r'^3 $$

If complex spherical harmonics are used in the multipole expansion, then the spherical multipole moment's definition contains complex-conjugate spherical harmonics and it is necessary to add the option --complex 1 and --complex-conjugate 1 . If these options are not set, real spherical harmonics are used, because they are contained in definition of the real spherical multipole moments $q_{lms}$.


Real and complex spherical harmonics can be normalised or not. It they are normalised, as in the case of the definitions of $q_{l}^{m}$ and $q_{lms}$, then the option --normalisation 1 must be included in the call of the multipole-conv tool.

We denote the complex spherical harmonics without normalisation with $\tilde{Y}_{l}^{m}$. If these are used in the multipole expansion, we get

$$ 4\pi \epsilon_0 \phi(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \sum_{m=-l}^{l} \frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!} \frac{1}{r^{l + 1}} \tilde{q}_{l}^{m} \tilde{Y}_{l}^{m}(\theta, \varphi) $$

and, accordingly,

$$ \tilde{q}_{l}^{m} \equiv \int \rho(\mathbf{r}') r'^{l} \tilde{Y}_{l}^{m*}(\theta', \varphi') \mathrm{d}r'^3 $$

The real spherical harmonics without normalisation are denoted with $\tilde{Y}_{lms}$ and are part of the following multipole expansion

$$ 4\pi \epsilon_0 \phi(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \sum_{m=0}^{l} \sum_{s=0}^{l} \frac{2}{1 + \delta_0m} \frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!} \frac{1}{r^{l + 1}} \tilde{q}_{lms} \tilde{Y}_{lms}(\theta, \varphi) $$

$$ \tilde{q}_{lms} \equiv \int \rho(\mathbf{r}') r'^{l} \tilde{Y}_{lms}(\theta', \varphi') \mathrm{d}r'^3 $$

The default value of the option --normalisation is 0. Moreover, when ./multipole-conv is called with only --degree (or, alternatively -d), then the above multipole expansion with its definition of $\tilde{q}_{lms}$ is used.


In all four versions of the spherical multipole expansion there is an additional numerical factor (e.g. $4\pi/(2l + 1)$) right after the summation symbols. This factor is a consequence of the addition theorem for spherical harmonics. Some authors include it in their definition of the spherical multipole moments. If this is the case, then multipole-conv should be called with --include-addition-theorem 1. Its default value is 0.


This addition theorem factor is sometimes split, namely

$$ \frac{4\pi}{2l + 1} = \sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{2l + 1}} \sqrt{\frac{4\pi}{2l + 1}} $$

and its square root is then included in the definition of the spherical multipole moment. If this is the case, multipole-conv should be called with --include-addition-theorem 1 --split-addition-theorem 1. Its default value is 0.


Very often the definition of the associated Legendre Polynomials contains a factor $(-1)^{m}$, which is called the Condon-Shortley phase. Sometimes this factor is not included in the definition of the Legendre Polynomials, but in the definition of the (real) spherical harmonics.

If this factor is not included in the associated Legendre Polynomials nor in the spherical harmonics, it is not included in the definition of the spherical multipole moments and needs to be removed. In this case multipole-conv should be called with --remove_condon_shortley_phase 1.

Cartesian multipole moments


If set to 1, multipole-conv computes the (Cartesian) multipole moments in terms of the spherical multipole moments as described at the end of the Usage section. Its default value is 0.


As explained in the section Interpreting the Output, we distinguish between independent components and dependent components of the (Cartesian) multipole moments. If multipole-conv is called with --dependent_componets 1, then it also outputs formulae for the dependent components. Its default value is 0.


The (Cartesian) multipole expansion is

$$ 4\pi \epsilon_0 \phi(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{l!} \frac{1}{r^{2l + 1}} Q_{i_{1} \cdots i_{l}}^{(l)} x^{i_{1}} \cdots x^{i_{l}} $$

The factor $1/l!$ can be included in the definition of the (Cartesian) multipole moment $Q^{(l)}$. If this is the case, multipole-conv should be called with --include_l_factorial 1. Its default value is 0.

Further applications

Plasma physics

The dynamics of a plasma are modelled with the Boltzmann equation. In some cases it can be useful to expand the distribution function $f$ using (real) spherical harmonics or in terms of Cartesian "tensors", namely

$$ \begin{align} f(\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{p}, t) &= \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} \sum_{m=0}^{l} \sum_{s=0}^{1} (-1)^m \frac{2}{1 + \delta_0m} \frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!} \tilde{f}_{lms}(\mathbf{r},p,t) \tilde{Y}_{lms}(\theta,\varphi) \\ f(\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{p}, t) &= \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} F_{i_{1} \cdots i_{l}}^{(l)}(\mathbf{r},p,t) \frac{p^{i_{1}} \cdots p^{i_{l}}}{p^{l}} \end{align} $$

as done by Johnston in his 1960 paper "Cartesian Tensor Scalar Product and Spherical Harmonic Expansions in Boltzmann's Equation". Note that Johnston does not include the Condon-Shortley phase in the definition of the associated Legendre Polynomials nor in the definition of the real spherical harmonics (without normalisation) and, hence, we included it in the first equation to be consistent with our notation. In his paper he uses

$$ f_{lms} \equiv (-1)^m \frac{2}{1 + \delta_0m} \frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!} \tilde{f}_{lms} $$

To express the components of the Cartesian tensors $F^{(l)}$ in terms of the $f_{lms}$ you can use the convention johnston. For example, the call ./multipole-conv -d 2 -c johnston produces

Cartesian multipole moments (independent components = multipole basis functions)

Q_0,2,0 = -3 q_2,2,0 -0.5 q_2,0,0
Q_0,1,1 = 1.5 q_2,1,1
Q_0,0,2 = 1 q_2,0,0
Q_1,0,1 = 1.5 q_2,1,0
Q_1,1,0 = 3 q_2,2,1

Cartesian multipole moments (dependent components)

Q_2,0,0 = 3 q_2,2,0 -0.5 q_2,0,0

It is, of course, possible to work with complex and normalised spherical harmonics instead of using $\tilde{Y}_{lms}$. If you have troubles finding the right set options, contact us.

Basis transformation in the space of homogeneous and harmonic polynomials

The space of homogeneous and harmonic polynomials of degree $l$ is denoted with $\mathcal{H}^{l}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$. A basis of this space are the solid harmonics of degree $l$, i.e.

$$ \mathcal{H}^l(\mathbb{R}^{3}) = \text{span}\{r^l Y_{l}^{m} \mid -l \leq m \leq l\} $$

Another basis of this space are the multipole basis functions $M_{pqr}^{(l)}$ as defined in our paper (see section Cite our paper), i.e.

$$ \mathcal{H}^l(\mathbb{R}^{3}) = \text{span}\{ M_{pqr}^(l) \mid p \leq 1 \text{ and } p+q+r=l\} $$

The multipole-conv tool can compute the basis transformation between these two bases. If you call it with the convention solid_harmonics ( or real_solid_harmonics) it outputs expressions for the solid harmonics (real solid harmonics) in terms of the multipole basis functions.

Usage as a library

Maybe, you need to convert very often between spherical multipole moments and (Cartesian) multipole moments (or vice versa) and you want do this in your program. In this case, you can use the multipole-conv as a library; just include the necessary headers in your code. If you have difficulties setting this up, contact us.

multipole-conv in Python

In case, your are programming in Python, but you still want to use the multipole-conv in your program, then you can use the Python code in the file in the python folder of this repository. This file is completely independent of the C++ code. It contains almost all the options, which are provided in the C++ code (currently it cannot compute dependent components of the Cartesian multipole moments). The functions which it contains are explained in our paper (see section Cite our paper).

Cite our paper

If you are using multipole-conv in your work, please include a reference to our paper

author = {Schween, Nils W. and Reville, Brian},
doi = {10.1017/S002237782200099X},
journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics},
month = {10},
number = {5},
pages = {905880510},
title = {{Converting between the Cartesian tensor and spherical harmonic expansion of solutions to the Boltzmann equation}},
volume = {88},
year = {2022}


A command-line tool to convert between (Cartesian) multipole moments and spherical multipole moments







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