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Biased Movie Thoughts

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Notes for writing a new post

1. Write your post

Write your post in a text editor with spellcheck ;)

Keep track of any images you want to use

2. Create a new Markdown (.md) file

  • Regular posts go in the directory main/_posts/
  • Trailer posts go in the directory trailers/_posts/

Use the boilerplate posts found at

  • _drafts/
  • _drafts/

Name the file with the format:

Embed YouTube or Vimeo video

Paste {% include youtubePlayer.html id=videoId %} or {% include vimeoPlayer.html id=videoId %} where videoId is the id of the video you want to include.

3. View your new post

Enter the make command in your Terminal

  • make drafts will build posts in the _drafts directory
  • make sure your terminal window is in this repo (the film_blog directory)

Navigate to localhost:4000 in your browser.

Type [control] + c in your terminal to stop your pages from being served to localhost:4000

(these make commands are shortcuts defined in the makefile)

Notes for publishing your post(s)

Git add

Add all of the files you would like to add to GitHub

git add [path to file]

git add command documentation is here

Git commit

Commit these changes with a descriptive message

git commit -m "my descriptive message"

git commit command documentation is here

Git pull & merge/rebase

This can be a little more complicated, but if there are conflicting files in the git repository, then we need to fix these conflicts before pushing our current changes.

git pull

Resolve the merge conflicts if there are any

git add .
git commit

Note, git commit will open up the vim text editor with a pre-populated commit message. You can type :wq then [enter] to write and quit this editor.

Git push

Push these changes to the GitHub repository

git push

git push command documentation is here

Summary/Overview for editing the Repo

  • commit local changes
  • pull from the repo
  • merge or rebase any discrepancies
  • make sure everything works
  • push changes to repo