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Metrics Instrumentation

Mahadevan edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 1 revision

The nRPC protoc plugin can generate code that has metrics instrumentation. Currently, only Prometheus is supported. To generate code with Prometheus metrics built-in, use:

$ protoc --go_out=. --nrpc_out=plugins=prometheus:. helloworld.proto

Here is the generated file: helloworld.nrpc.go

The metrics must be hosted via the promhttp handler so that it can be scraped by Prometheus. Here is an example server and an example client.

The following metrics are generated:


  • nrpc_server_handler_execution_time_seconds is a φ-quantile with 0.90, 0.95 and 0.99 quantiles. It is the time taken to execute the user-supplied handler code at server-side. The label service contains the name of the service and method contains the name of the service method.
  • nrpc_server_requests_count is a counter, incremented for each invocation of the handler. The label result_type contains one of the values success, handler_fail, protobuf_fail or name_fail. The counter with the appropriate label value for result_type is incremented depending on the result of the invocation. This metric also has the service and method labels. "handler_fail" is when the user-supplied handler returns an error, "protobuf_fail" is when (un)marshalling fails, and "name_fail" is when an unknown method name is received.

Here is a sample output:

# HELP nrpc_server_handler_execution_time_seconds The handler execution time for Greeter calls, measured server-side.
# TYPE nrpc_server_handler_execution_time_seconds summary
nrpc_server_handler_execution_time_seconds{method="SayHello",service="Greeter",quantile="0.9"} 0.073982319
nrpc_server_handler_execution_time_seconds{method="SayHello",service="Greeter",quantile="0.95"} 0.097965047
nrpc_server_handler_execution_time_seconds{method="SayHello",service="Greeter",quantile="0.99"} 0.097965047
nrpc_server_handler_execution_time_seconds_sum{method="SayHello",service="Greeter"} 0.38668777499999996
nrpc_server_handler_execution_time_seconds_count{method="SayHello",service="Greeter"} 13
# HELP nrpc_server_requests_count The count of requests handled by the server.
# TYPE nrpc_server_requests_count counter
nrpc_server_requests_count{method="SayHello",result_type="handler_fail",service="Greeter"} 10
nrpc_server_requests_count{method="SayHello",result_type="success",service="Greeter"} 3


  • nrpc_client_request_completion_time_seconds is a φ-quantile with 0.90, 0.95 and 0.99 quantiles. It is the time taken for the generated client code to call a remote method and unmarshal the result. The label service contains the name of the service and method contains the name of the service method.
  • nrpc_client_calls_count is a counter, incremented for each invocation of any call. The label result_type contains one of the values success, call_fail or protobuf_fail. The counter with the appropriate label value for result_type is incremented depending on the result of the invocation. This metric also has the service and method labels. "call_fail" is when NATS invocation fails and "protobuf_fail" is when (un)marshalling fails.

Here is a sample output:

# HELP nrpc_client_calls_count The count of calls made by the client.
# TYPE nrpc_client_calls_count counter
nrpc_client_calls_count{method="SayHello",result_type="success",service="Greeter"} 1
# HELP nrpc_client_request_completion_time_seconds The request completion time for Greeter calls, measured client-side.
# TYPE nrpc_client_request_completion_time_seconds summary
nrpc_client_request_completion_time_seconds{method="SayHello",service="Greeter",quantile="0.9"} 0.000455521
nrpc_client_request_completion_time_seconds{method="SayHello",service="Greeter",quantile="0.95"} 0.000455521
nrpc_client_request_completion_time_seconds{method="SayHello",service="Greeter",quantile="0.99"} 0.000455521
nrpc_client_request_completion_time_seconds_sum{method="SayHello",service="Greeter"} 0.000455521
nrpc_client_request_completion_time_seconds_count{method="SayHello",service="Greeter"} 1

(TODO: client-side protobuf marshal errors and NATS timeout errors also get classified as "call_fail". Fix this.)

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